private static void GameLoop(WordScrambleGameClient proxy, String playerName, Word gameWords)
            InformUser("Can you unscramble this word? => " + gameWords.ScrambledWord, wait: false);
            bool gameOver = false;
            while (!gameOver)
                gameWords.UnscrambledWord = Console.ReadLine();

                    gameOver = proxy.GuessWord(playerName, gameWords);
                catch (FaultException<WordMismatchFault> fault)
                    InformUser(fault.Detail.Message); // Inform user but let them try to keep playing
                catch (FaultException<PlayerNotPlayingTheGameFault> fault)
                        gameWords = proxy.Join(playerName); // Try joining and trying again
                        gameOver = proxy.GuessWord(playerName, gameWords);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                    {   // If anything else bad happends, we can return the first fault, the second exception and error out to console.
                        throw fault;

                if (!gameOver)
                    InformUser("Nope, try again...", wait: false);
            InformUser("You WON!!!");