public static void DrawPsycheCard(Rect rect, Pawn pawn) { if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(pawn)) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect2 = new Rect(20f, 20f, rect.width - 20f, rect.height - 20f); Rect rect3 = rect2.ContractedBy(10f); Rect rect4 = rect3; Rect rect5 = rect3; rect4.width *= 0.6f; rect5.x = rect4.xMax + 17f; rect5.xMax = rect3.xMax; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(rect4.xMax, 0f, rect.height); GUI.color = Color.white; if (Prefs.DevMode) { Rect rect6 = new Rect(0f, 5f, rect3.width, 22f); PsycheCardUtility.DrawDebugOptions(rect6, pawn); } PsycheCardUtility.DrawPersonalityNodes(rect4, pawn); PsycheCardUtility.DrawSexuality(rect5, pawn, true); GUI.EndGroup(); } }
public static void InlineDoubleMessageNC(string left, string right, Listing_Standard listing, bool capOff) { left.Insert(0, " "); right.Insert(0, " "); var grongo = Text.CalcHeight(left, listing.ColumnWidth / 2); var gronk = Text.CalcHeight(right, listing.ColumnWidth / 2 - 5f); var rect = listing.GetRect(Mathf.Max(grongo, gronk)); var leftRect = rect.LeftPart(.5f); Widgets.Label(leftRect, left); var rightRect = rect.RightPart(.5f); rightRect.x += 5; Widgets.Label(rightRect, right); var color = GUI.color; GUI.color = color * new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(, rect.y, rect.height); if (capOff) { Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height, rect.width); } GUI.color = color; }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { GameFont cache = Text.Font; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); var leftColumn = new Rect(0f, 0f, Mathf.FloorToInt((inRect.width - 10f) * 0.65f), inRect.height); var rightColumn = new Rect(leftColumn.x + leftColumn.width + 10f, 0f, inRect.width - 10f - leftColumn.width, inRect.height); GUI.BeginGroup(leftColumn); DrawLeftColumn(leftColumn.AtZero()); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(rightColumn); DrawRightColumn(rightColumn.AtZero()); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(leftColumn.x + leftColumn.width + 5f, 3f, inRect.height - 6f); GUI.EndGroup(); Text.Font = cache; }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { GameFont fontBefore = Text.Font; TextAnchor anchorBefore = Text.Anchor; DrawHeader(); DrawSettlementStats(0, 80); //set 1 = settlement, set 2 = production DrawButtons(370, 336, 145, 25, 1); if (settlement != null) { //Upgrades DrawFacilities(0, 295); DrawDescription(150, 80, 370, 220); //Divider Widgets.DrawLineVertical(530, 0, 564); //ProDuctTion DrawProductionHeader(550, 0); DrawButtons(560, 40, 100, 24, 2); DrawEconomicStats(687, 0, 139, 15); //lowerProDucTion Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(601, 80, 422); DrawProductionHeaderLower(550, 80, 5); } Text.Font = fontBefore; Text.Anchor = anchorBefore; }
public override void OTabOnGUI(Rect rect) { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect inRect = rect.ContractedBy(Margin); try { GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); SelectionRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 300f, inRect.height); DisplayRect = new Rect(SelectionRect.width + Margin, 0f, inRect.width - SelectionRect.width - Margin, inRect.height); DrawSelectionArea(SelectionRect); DrawDisplayArea(DisplayRect); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(SelectionRect.xMax + Margin / 2f, 0f, inRect.height); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Exception while drawing Help OTab: \n" + e.ToString()); } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); } }
public void DrawHorizontalHeader(Rect rect, PawnTable table, out Rect labelRect) { // get offset rect labelRect = GetLabelRect(rect); // draw label, slightly greyed out to contrast with work types GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .8f); Widgets.Label(labelRect, Label.Truncate(labelRect.width, TruncationCache)); GUI.color = Color.white; // get bottom center of label, offset left to align with boxes var start = new Vector2( - 2f, labelRect.yMax); var length = rect.yMax - start.y; // make sure we're not at a whole pixel if (start.x - (int)start.x < 1e-4) { start.x += .5f; } // draw the lines - two separate lines give a clearer edge than one 2px line... GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x), start.y, length); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.CeilToInt(start.x), start.y, length); GUI.color = Color.white; }
private void DrawModuleTab(Rect inRect, Category selectCategory) { Rect scrollVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.x, DefDatabase <MKStationModuleDef> .DefCount * 35); GUI.color = MenuSectionBGBorderColor; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(245, inRect.y, 465); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, inRect.y, inRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Rect rect2 = new Rect(inRect.x + 10, 0, 230, 30); Rect sliderRect = new Rect(inRect.x, inRect.y + 10, inRect.width, inRect.height); Widgets.BeginScrollView(sliderRect, ref slider, scrollVertRectFact, true); foreach (var module in DefDatabase <MKStationModuleDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Where(x => x.ModuleCategory == selectCategory)) { Color bColor = canUse.ContainsKey(module) ? Color.gray : Color.white; if (DrawCustomButton(rect2, module.LabelCap, bColor)) { currentModule = module; } rect2.y += 35; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Rect rect3 = new Rect(inRect.x + 240, inRect.y + 10, 470, 455); if (currentModule != null) { DrawModuleInfo(rect3, currentModule); } }
private void DrawExpandedSettings(Rect canvas, [NotNull] TableItem <EventItem> ev) { float columnWidth = Mathf.FloorToInt(canvas.width / 2f) - 26f; float columnHeight = (BaseExpandedLineSpan - 1) * RowLineHeight; var leftColumnRect = new Rect(canvas.x, canvas.y, columnWidth, columnHeight); var rightColumnRect = new Rect(canvas.x + leftColumnRect.width + 52f, canvas.y, columnWidth, columnHeight); var embedRect = new Rect(canvas.x, canvas.y + columnHeight, canvas.width, canvas.height - columnHeight); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.FloorToInt(canvas.width / 2f), 0f, columnHeight - 5f); GUI.BeginGroup(leftColumnRect); DrawLeftExpandedSettingsColumn(leftColumnRect.AtZero(), ev); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(rightColumnRect); DrawRightExpandedSettingsColumn(rightColumnRect.AtZero(), ev); GUI.EndGroup(); if (!ev.Data.HasSettingsEmbed) { return; } GUI.BeginGroup(embedRect); ev.Data.SettingsEmbed !.Draw(embedRect.AtZero(), RowLineHeight); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void Draw(ref Listing_Standard listing) { var standard = new Listing_Standard(); var rect = new Rect(0, listing.curY, listing.ColumnWidth, 99999); GUI.BeginGroup(rect); rect = rect.AtZero(); standard.Begin(rect); standard.ColumnWidth = (standard.ColumnWidth - 18) / 3; float maxHeight = DrawCategory(ref standard, PerformanceCategory.Optimizes); maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, DrawCategory(ref standard, PerformanceCategory.Overrides)); maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, DrawCategory(ref standard, PerformanceCategory.Removes)); // make sure the horizontal line looks exactly like gapline, and covers the entire table var color = GUI.color; GUI.color = color * new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(listing.curX, standard.curY + 33, (standard.ColumnWidth + 34) * 3); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(listing.curX, maxHeight, (standard.ColumnWidth + 34) * 3); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(listing.curX + (standard.ColumnWidth + 18) * 2, standard.curY, maxHeight); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(listing.curX + (standard.ColumnWidth + 18) * 1, standard.curY, maxHeight); GUI.color = color; standard.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); listing.curY += maxHeight; }
public static void DrawAltitudeMeter(AerialVehicleInFlight aerialVehicle) { try { Rect rect = new Rect(AltitudeScreenPos, MeterSize); Rect windowRect = new Rect(rect) { width = rect.width * 3 + 10, height = WindowHeight + InfoWindoHeight }; float elevation = (MeterSize.y - (aerialVehicle.Elevation / MaximumAltitude * MeterSize.y)).Clamp(MaxAltitudeScreenHeight, MeterSize.y - MinAltitudeScreenHeight); Find.WindowStack.ImmediateWindow(aerialVehicle.GetHashCode(), windowRect, WindowLayer.GameUI, delegate() { var anchor = Text.Anchor; var font = Text.Font; var color = GUI.color; Rect viewRect = rect.AtZero(); windowRect.x = rect.width + 5; windowRect.y = 5; windowRect.height = WindowHeight; GUI.BeginScrollView(windowRect, new Vector2(windowRect.x, elevation - WindowHeight / 2), viewRect, GUIStyle.none, GUIStyle.none); GUI.DrawTexture(viewRect, VehicleTex.AltitudeMeter); if (elevation <= MaximumAltitude) { Rect lineRect = new Rect(0, windowRect.y + elevation, viewRect.width, 1f); GUI.DrawTexture(lineRect, elevation >= MeterSize.y / 2 ? BaseContent.BlackTex : BaseContent.WhiteTex); } GUI.color = WindowBGBorderColor; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, windowRect.y + elevation + MeterSize.y / 2, viewRect.width); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(viewRect.width, windowRect.y, MeterSize.y); GUI.color = color; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; float textHeight = Text.CalcHeight(aerialVehicle.Elevation.ToString(), viewRect.width); Rect labelRect = new Rect(viewRect.width + 5, windowRect.y + elevation - textHeight / 2, viewRect.width - 5, textHeight); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(labelRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; int elevationRounded = Mathf.RoundToInt(aerialVehicle.Elevation); GUI.Label(labelRect, elevationRounded.ToString(), Text.CurFontStyle); GUI.EndScrollView(false); Text.Anchor = anchor; Text.Font = font; GUI.color = color; }, true, false, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { SmashLog.Error($"Exception thrown while trying to draw <type>AltitudeMeter</type> for {aerialVehicle?.Label ?? "NULL"}. Exception=\"{ex.Message}\""); } }
public static void DrawCurveMeasures(Rect rect, Rect viewRect, Rect graphRect, int xLabelsCount, int yLabelsCount, bool xIntegersOnly, bool yIntegersOnly) { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Color color = new Color(0.45f, 0.45f, 0.45f); Color color2 = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); GUI.BeginGroup(rect); CalculateMeasureStartAndInc(out float start, out float inc, out int count, viewRect.xMin, viewRect.xMax, xLabelsCount, xIntegersOnly); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; string b = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { float x = start + inc * (float)i; string text = x.ToString("F0"); if (!(text == b)) { b = text; Vector2 vector = CurveToScreenCoordsInsideScreenRect(graphRect, viewRect, new Vector2(x, 0f)); float x2 = vector.x; float num = x2 + 60f; float num2 = rect.height - 30f; GUI.color = color; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(num, num2, 5f); GUI.color = color2; Rect rect2 = new Rect(num - 31f, num2 + 2f, 60f, 30f); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.Label(rect2, text); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; } } CalculateMeasureStartAndInc(out float start2, out float inc2, out int count2, viewRect.yMin, viewRect.yMax, yLabelsCount, yIntegersOnly); string b2 = string.Empty; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; for (int j = 0; j < count2; j++) { float y = start2 + inc2 * (float)j; string text2 = y.ToString("F0"); if (!(text2 == b2)) { b2 = text2; Vector2 vector2 = CurveToScreenCoordsInsideScreenRect(graphRect, viewRect, new Vector2(0f, y)); float y2 = vector2.y; float num3 = y2 + (graphRect.y - rect.y); GUI.color = color; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(55f, num3, 5f + graphRect.width); GUI.color = color2; Rect rect3 = new Rect(0f, num3 - 10f, 55f, 20f); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.Label(rect3, text2); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; } } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect fillRect) { Rect filterRect = fillRect.LeftPart(0.60f); Rect listRect = fillRect.RightPart(0.39f); GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(listRect.x - 3, 0, listRect.height); GUI.color = Color.white; DoFilter(filterRect); DoList(listRect); }
public void OutlineRect(ref Rect rectToOutline) { Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rectToOutline.x, rectToOutline.y, rectToOutline.width); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rectToOutline.x, rectToOutline.y + rectToOutline.height, rectToOutline.width); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(rectToOutline.x, rectToOutline.y, rectToOutline.height); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(rectToOutline.x + rectToOutline.width - 1f, rectToOutline.y, rectToOutline.height); rectToOutline.x += 3; rectToOutline.y += 3; rectToOutline.width -= 6; rectToOutline.height -= 6; }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { if (QuestPawn != null && !QuestPawn.Dialogs.Contains(Dialog)) { Close(); } GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect titleRect = inRect; titleRect.y = 10; titleRect.x = 10; titleRect.width = 690; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; Widgets.Label(titleRect, Dialog.CardLabel); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Rect mainRect = new Rect(10, 40, 680, 280); Widgets.LabelScrollable(mainRect, Dialog.Description, ref scroll); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; int sliderLength = Dialog.Options.Count * 30; Rect optionsRect = new Rect(0, 0, 680, 25); Rect scrollRewVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, 700, sliderLength); Widgets.BeginScrollView(new Rect(10, 340, 690, 180), ref scroll2, scrollRewVertRectFact, false); for (int i = 0; i < Dialog.Options.Count; i++) { CommOption option = Dialog.Options[i]; if (DrawCustomButton(optionsRect, $"{option.Label}", Color.white, option)) { option.DoAction(Dialog, Speaker, Defendant); } optionsRect.y += 30; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = CommCardBGColor; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, 327, inRect.width); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(20, 37, 660); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, 530, inRect.width); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(340, 530, 170); GUI.color = Color.white; Rect pawnRect = new Rect(10, 540, 330, 150); DrawPawnCard(Speaker, pawnRect); pawnRect.x = 350; DrawPawnCard(Defendant, pawnRect); }
private void DrawArmor(Rect rect) { if (mkStation.ContainedArmor == null) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect, "StationInspectorInfo_NOARMOR".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; return; } GUI.color = MenuSectionBGBorderColor; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(280, rect.y, rect.height); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(870, rect.y, rect.height); //110 Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, 360, 280); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, rect.y, rect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; Rect leftRect = new Rect(rect.x + 10, rect.y + 10, 1100, 680); Rect head = new Rect(leftRect.x + 32, leftRect.y - 10, 192, 192); Rect body = new Rect(leftRect.x, leftRect.y + 55, 256, 256); GUI.DrawTexture(body, BodyPart); GUI.DrawTexture(head, HeadPart); Rect coreInfoRect = new Rect(leftRect.x, 370, 270, 310); DrawCore(coreInfoRect); Rect moduleRect = new Rect(300, rect.y, 130, 630); foreach (var slot in mkStation.ContainedArmor.Slots) { DrawSlot(moduleRect, slot); moduleRect.x += 140; } Rect fullInfoRect = new Rect(875, rect.y + 5, 195, rect.height - 10); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var armorSlot in mkStation.ContainedArmor.Slots) { foreach (var slot in armorSlot.Modules) { if (slot.Module != null) { builder.AppendLine(slot.Module.StatDescription()); } } } Widgets.LabelScrollable(fullInfoRect, $"{"Station_FullInfo".Translate(builder.ToString())}", ref fullInfo); }
private void DrawThresholds(Rect rect) { if (_thresholds == null) { return; } GUIPlus.SetColor(Theme.BarThresholdColor.Value); foreach (var threshold in _thresholds.Where(threshold => threshold > 0f)) { Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.Round(rect.x + (rect.width * threshold)), rect.y, rect.height); } GUIPlus.ResetColor(); }
public void NestedOutdent() { if (indentSizes.Count > 0) { float size = indentSizes.Pop(); Outdent(size); totalIndent -= size; SetWidthForIndent(); //Draw vertical line marking indention float startHeight = indentHeights.Pop(); GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(curX, startHeight, curY - startHeight - verticalSpacing); //TODO columns? GUI.color = Color.white; } }
private void DrawExpandedSettings(Rect canvas, [NotNull] TableSettingsItem <ThingItem> item) { float columnWidth = Mathf.FloorToInt(canvas.width / 2f) - 26f; var leftColumnRect = new Rect(canvas.x, canvas.y, columnWidth, canvas.height); var rightColumnRect = new Rect(canvas.x + leftColumnRect.width + 52f, canvas.y, columnWidth, canvas.height); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.FloorToInt(canvas.width / 2f), 0f, canvas.height - 5f); GUI.BeginGroup(leftColumnRect); DrawLeftExpandedSettingsColumn(leftColumnRect.AtZero(), item); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(rightColumnRect); DrawRightExpandedSettingsColumn(rightColumnRect.AtZero(), item); GUI.EndGroup(); }
private static void DrawColumnHeader(ref Rect inRect, string name, string desc, SortBy value, float width) { if (!columns[(int)value]) // If our column is currently collapsed { if (value != SortBy.Name) { width = ARBITRARY_CLOSED_OFFSET; } name = ""; } var rect = inRect.LeftPartPixels(width); Widgets.Label(rect, name); if (Analyzer.SortBy == value) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect)) { // sort by 'max' if (Event.current.button == 0) // left click, change sort by { if (Analyzer.SortBy == value) { Analyzer.SortBy = DEFAULT_SORTBY; } else { Analyzer.SortBy = value; } } else // middle / right, close the tab { columns[(int)value] = !columns[(int)value]; } } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, desc); if (value != SortBy.Name) { inRect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(width); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(inRect.x, rect.y, rect.height); } }
private void DrawQuestCard(Rect inRect) { GUI.color = MenuSectionBGBorderColor; Widgets.DrawBox(new Rect(318, 534, 646, 150)); GUI.color = Color.white; if (currentQuest != null) { if (currentQuest.Options != null) { int sliderLength = currentQuest.Options.Count * 40; Rect buttonRect = new Rect(0, 0, 622, sliderLength); Rect scrollVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.x, sliderLength); Widgets.BeginScrollView(new Rect(332, 540, 622, 115), ref commButtonsQuestsSlider, scrollVertRectFact, false); DoButtonsQuest(buttonRect); Widgets.EndScrollView(); } Widgets.LabelScrollable(new Rect(330, inRect.y, 620, 230), currentQuest.Description, ref commInfoQuestSlider, false, false); GUI.color = MenuSectionBGBorderColor; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(318, 298, 646); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(641, 298, 236); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(330, 330, 290); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(660, 330, 290); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(new Rect(330, 310, 300, 20), "QuestRewards".Translate(rewardCost)); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (currentQuest.Rewards != null) { int questSliderLength = currentQuest.Rewards.Count * 30; Rect rewardsRect = new Rect(0, 0, 323, questSliderLength); Rect scrollRewVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.x, questSliderLength); Widgets.BeginScrollView(new Rect(330, 340, 300, 180), ref questRewardSlider, scrollRewVertRectFact, false); DrawQuestRewards(rewardsRect, currentQuest); Widgets.EndScrollView(); } Rect rectAdd = new Rect(660, 340, 300, 180); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(new Rect(660, 310, 300, 20), string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentQuest.AdditionalQuestContentString) ? "AdditionalQuestContent".Translate().ToString() : currentQuest.AdditionalQuestContentString); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; currentQuest.DrawAdditionalOptions(rectAdd); } }
private void DrawBackgroundGrid() { var color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1f); for (int i = 0; i < 29; i++) { if (i < 25) { Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(GridSpacing.x, GridSpacing.y + GridSpacing.y * i, LeftWindowEdge - 1 - GridSpacing.x); Widgets.Label(new Rect(GridSpacing.x - 20f, GridSpacing.y + GridSpacing.y * i - 10f, 20f, 20f), i.ToString()); } Widgets.DrawLineVertical(GridSpacing.x + GridSpacing.x * i, GridSpacing.y, BottomWindowEdge - 1 - GridSpacing.y); Widgets.Label(new Rect(GridSpacing.x + GridSpacing.x * i - 5f, GridSpacing.y - 20f, 20f, 20f), i.ToString()); } GUI.color = color; }
public override void DoHeader(Rect rect, PawnTable table) { // make sure we're at the correct font size Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; // get offset rect var labelRect = GetLabelRect(rect); // draw label, slightly greyed out to contrast with work types GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .8f); Widgets.Label(labelRect, Label.Truncate(labelRect.width, TruncationCache)); GUI.color = Color.white; // get bottom center of label, offset left to align with boxes var start = new Vector2( - 2f, labelRect.yMax); var length = rect.yMax - start.y; // make sure we're not at a whole pixel if (start.x - (int)start.x < 1e-4) { start.x += .5f; } // draw the lines - two separate lines give a clearer edge than one 2px line... GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x), start.y, length); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(Mathf.CeilToInt(start.x), start.y, length); GUI.color = Color.white; // handle interactions (click + scroll) HeaderInteractions(labelRect, table); // mouseover stuff Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(labelRect); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(labelRect, GetHeaderTip(table)); // sort icon if (table.SortingBy == def) { Texture2D sortIcon = (!table.SortingDescending) ? SortingIcon : SortingDescendingIcon; Rect bottomRight = new Rect(rect.xMax - sortIcon.width - 1f, rect.yMax - sortIcon.height - 1f, sortIcon.width, sortIcon.height); GUI.DrawTexture(bottomRight, sortIcon); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the table according to the internal state of the worker. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// There is no <see cref="Rect"/> parameter as this class stitches /// its state together from "events" implementors must call when /// relevant. /// </remarks> public void Draw() { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.15f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(_modifierRect.x - 8f, _modifierRect.y + 10f, _modifierRect.height - 20f); GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.BeginGroup(_selectorRect); DrawSelectorMenu(_selectorRect.AtZero()); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(_modifierRect); DrawMutatorMenu(_modifierRect.AtZero()); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(_tableRect); Worker?.Draw(_tableRect.AtZero()); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public override void DoHeader(Rect rect, PawnTable table) { base.DoHeader(rect, table); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; if (this.cachedWorkLabelSize == default(Vector2)) { this.cachedWorkLabelSize = Text.CalcSize(this.def.workType.labelShort); } Rect labelRect = this.GetLabelRect(rect); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(labelRect, this.def.workType.labelShort); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(, labelRect.yMax - 3f, rect.y + 50f - labelRect.yMax + 3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical( + 1f, labelRect.yMax - 3f, rect.y + 50f - labelRect.yMax + 3f); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
public override void DoHeader(Rect rect, PawnTable table) { // todo; cache labelRect instead of size? Rect labelRect = GetHeaderLabelRect(rect); base.DoHeader(labelRect, table); // vertical line if (!MoveDown) { var lineStart = new Vector2(Mathf.FloorToInt(, labelRect.yMax); // note that two 1px lines give a much crisper line than one 2px line. Obv. GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, 20f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(lineStart.x + 1, lineStart.y, 20f); GUI.color = Color.white; } }
private void DrawFactionCard(Rect rect) { if (currentFaction != null) { Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; GUI.color = currentFaction.Faction.PlayerRelationKind.GetColor(); Widgets.Label(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y - 10, rect.width + 10, 40), currentFaction.Faction.Name); GUI.color = Color.white; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rect.x + (rect.x / 2), rect.y + 20, 280); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.y += 30; Widgets.LabelScrollable(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, 180), currentFaction.Faction.def.description, ref commInfoSlider, false, false); Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + 200, rect.width / 2, 20); Widgets.Label(rect2, "FactionInteractionDef".Translate(currentFaction.Faction.def.LabelCap)); rect2.y += 22; Widgets.Label(rect2, $"{currentFaction.Faction.def.leaderTitle.CapitalizeFirst()}: {currentFaction.Faction.leader.Name}"); rect2.y += 30; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Faction item in Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsInViewOrder) { if (item != currentFaction.Faction && (!item.IsPlayer && !item.def.hidden) && currentFaction.Faction.HostileTo(item)) { builder.Append("HostileTo".Translate(item.Name)); builder.AppendLine(); } } Widgets.LabelScrollable(new Rect(rect2.x, rect2.y, rect2.width, 285), builder.ToString(), ref commSlider); Rect rect3 = new Rect((rect.x + rect.width / 2) + 10, rect.y + 200, rect.width / 2, 285); GUI.color = CommCardBGColor; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect3.y, 285); GUI.color = Color.white; int sliderLength = currentFaction.Options.Count * 30; Rect buttonRect = new Rect(0, 0, rect3.width, sliderLength); Rect scrollVertRectFact = new Rect(0, 0, rect3.x, sliderLength); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect3, ref commButtonsQuestsSlider, scrollVertRectFact, false); DrawInteractionButtons(buttonRect); Widgets.EndScrollView(); } }
public override void DoHeader(Rect rect, PawnTable table) { base.DoHeader(rect, table); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; if (cachedWorkLabelSize == default) { cachedWorkLabelSize = Text.CalcSize(CastDef.skillDef.defName); } Rect labelRect = GetLabelRect(rect); MouseoverSounds.DoRegion(labelRect); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(labelRect, CastDef.skillDef.defName); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(, labelRect.yMax - 3f, rect.y + 50f - labelRect.yMax + 3f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical( + 1f, labelRect.yMax - 3f, rect.y + 50f - labelRect.yMax + 3f); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
public void Draw(Rect rect) { Rect leftRect = new Rect(rect) { width = rect.width / 3 }; Rect rightRect = new Rect(rect) { xMin = leftRect.xMax }; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(leftRect.xMax, leftRect.y + 24f, rect.height - 24f); leftRect.xMax -= 10f; DoLeft(leftRect); rightRect.xMin += 10f; DoRight(rightRect); }
public static void DrawPsycheMenuCard(Rect rect, Pawn pawn) { if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(pawn)) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect2 = new Rect(10f, 10f, rect.width - 10f, rect.height - 10f); Rect rect4 = rect2; Rect rect5 = rect2; rect4.width *= 0.6f; rect4.xMin -= 20f; rect5.x = rect4.xMax + 17f; rect5.xMax = rect.xMax; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(rect4.xMax, 0f, rect.height); GUI.color = Color.white; PsycheCardUtility.DrawPersonalityNodes(rect4, pawn); PsycheCardUtility.DrawSexuality(rect5, pawn, false); GUI.EndGroup(); } }
private static void DrawColumnHeader(ref Rect inRect, Column c) { Widgets.DrawOptionBackground(inRect, false); var rect = inRect.LeftPartPixels(NUMERIC_WIDTH); if ( != 0) { Widgets.Label(rect.TopHalf(), c.Name); Widgets.Label(rect.BottomHalf(), $"{}ms"); } else { Widgets.Label(rect, (c.sortBy == SortBy.Name ? " " : "") + c.Name); } if (Analyzer.SortBy == c.sortBy) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect)) { if (Event.current.button == 0) // left click, change sort by { Analyzer.SortBy = Analyzer.SortBy == c.sortBy ? DEFAULT_SORTBY : c.sortBy; } } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, c.Desc); if (c.sortBy != SortBy.Name) { inRect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(NUMERIC_WIDTH); GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(inRect.x, rect.y, rect.height); GUI.color = Color.white; } }