private void DrowLimitLine(Rect rect, float percent) { float num = Mathf.Round((rect.width - 8f) * percent); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect { x = rect.x + 3f + num, y = rect.y, width = 2f, height = rect.height }, Resources.Texture2Ds.PsyfocusTargetTex); float num2 = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.x + 2f + num); float xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(num2 + 4f); Rect rect2 = new Rect { y = rect.y - 3f, height = 5f, xMin = num2, xMax = xMax }; GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, Resources.Texture2Ds.PsyfocusTargetTex); Rect position = rect2; position.y = rect.yMax - 2f; GUI.DrawTexture(position, Resources.Texture2Ds.PsyfocusTargetTex); }
private void DrawPsyfocusTarget(Rect rect, float percent) { float num = Mathf.Round((rect.width - 8f) * percent); Rect position = default(Rect); position.x = rect.x + 3f + num; position.y = rect.y; position.width = 2f; position.height = rect.height; GUI.DrawTexture(position, PsyfocusTargetTex); float num2 = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.x + 2f + num); float xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(num2 + 4f); position = default(Rect); position.y = rect.y - 3f; position.height = 5f; position.xMin = num2; position.xMax = xMax; Rect rect2 = position; GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, PsyfocusTargetTex); Rect position2 = rect2; position2.y = rect.yMax - 2f; GUI.DrawTexture(position2, PsyfocusTargetTex); }
//Adaption of "Verse.Widgets.Label(Rect rect, string label)" To expose GUIStyle //This enabel the control over the Text Style public static void Label(Rect rect, string label, GUIStyle gUIStyle) { Rect val = rect; float num = Prefs.UIScale / 2f; if (Prefs.UIScale > 1f && Math.Abs(num - Mathf.Floor(num)) > float.Epsilon) { val.xMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.xMin); val.xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.xMax); val.yMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.yMin); val.yMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.yMax); } GUI.Label(val, label, gUIStyle); }
public static void LabelFree(Rect rect, string label, GUIStyle style) { var position = rect; var f = Prefs.UIScale / 2f; if (Prefs.UIScale > 1.0 && Math.Abs(f - Mathf.Floor(f)) > 1.40129846432482E-45) { position.xMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.xMin); position.yMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.yMin); position.xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(rect.xMax + 1E-05f); position.yMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(rect.yMax + 1E-05f); } GUI.Label(position, label, style); }
public void Draw(Rect rect) { Rect drawRect = new Rect(rect); drawRect.width = 30f; drawRect.xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(drawRect.xMax); Rect drawRect2 = new Rect(rect); drawRect2.width = 30f; drawRect2.x = rect.x + rect.width - 30f; Rect uvRect = new Rect(17f / 32f, 0f, 15f / 32f, 1f); Rect drawRect3 = new Rect(rect); drawRect3.x += drawRect.width; drawRect3.width -= 60f; drawRect3.xMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(drawRect3.xMin); drawRect3.xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(drawRect3.xMax); Rect uvRect2 = new Rect(30f, 0f, 4f, TabAtlas.height).ToUVRect(new Vector2(TabAtlas.width, TabAtlas.height)); Widgets.DrawTexturePart(drawRect, new Rect(0f, 0f, 15f / 32f, 1f), TabAtlas); Widgets.DrawTexturePart(drawRect3, uvRect2, TabAtlas); Widgets.DrawTexturePart(drawRect2, uvRect, TabAtlas); Rect rect2 = rect; rect2.width -= 10f; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect2)) { GUI.color = Color.yellow; rect2.x += 2f; rect2.y -= 2f; } Text.WordWrap = false; Widgets.Label(rect2, label); Text.WordWrap = true; GUI.color = Color.white; if (!Selected) { Rect drawRect4 = new Rect(rect); drawRect4.y += rect.height; drawRect4.y -= 1f; drawRect4.height = 1f; Widgets.DrawTexturePart(uvRect: new Rect(0.5f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f), drawRect: drawRect4, tex: TabAtlas); } }
public static bool Widgets_Label_prefix(Rect rect, string label) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) { return(false); } float scale = Prefs.UIScale; if (scale > 1f) { float num = scale / 2f; if (Math.Abs(num - Mathf.Floor(num)) > Single.Epsilon) { rect.xMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.xMin); rect.yMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect.yMin); rect.xMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(rect.xMax + 1E-05f); // + 0.00001f rect.yMax = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil(rect.yMax + 1E-05f); } } int font_index = (int)Text.Font; GUIStyle style = Text.CurFontStyle; int line_count; { CacheData cache = s_cache.getData(label, font_index); if (style.wordWrap) { if (cache.wrap_line_count == 0 || cache.wrap_width != (int)rect.width) { WordWrap_Unity.setupFont(style, font_index); cache.wrap_str = WordWrap.wrap(style.richText, label, (int)rect.width, out cache.wrap_line_count); cache.wrap_width = (int)rect.width; } label = cache.wrap_str; line_count = cache.wrap_line_count; } else { if (cache.line_count == 0) { cache.line_count = lineCount(label); cache.str = label; } label = cache.str; line_count = cache.line_count; } } int text_height = calcHeight(style, font_index, line_count); TextAnchor alignment = style.alignment; float offset_y; switch (alignment) { case TextAnchor.MiddleLeft: offset_y = rect.height / 2 - text_height / 2; style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; break; case TextAnchor.MiddleCenter: offset_y = rect.height / 2 - text_height / 2; style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; break; case TextAnchor.MiddleRight: offset_y = rect.height / 2 - text_height / 2; style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight; break; case TextAnchor.LowerLeft: offset_y = rect.height - text_height; style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; break; case TextAnchor.LowerCenter: offset_y = rect.height - text_height; style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; break; case TextAnchor.LowerRight: offset_y = rect.height - text_height; style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight; break; default: offset_y = 0; break; } rect.y += offset_y; bool ww = style.wordWrap; style.wordWrap = false; GUI.Label(rect, label, style); style.wordWrap = ww; style.alignment = alignment; return(false); }
public override GizmoResult GizmoOnGUI(Vector2 topLeft, float maxWidth) { Rect rect = new Rect(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, GetWidth(maxWidth), 75f); Rect rect2 = rect.ContractedBy(6f); Command_Psycast command_Psycast = ((MainTabWindow_Inspect)MainButtonDefOf.Inspect.TabWindow)?.LastMouseoverGizmo as Command_Psycast; float num = Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, 0.85f); float num2 = 1f; if (num < 0.1f) { num2 = num / 0.1f; } else if (num >= 0.25f) { num2 = 1f - (num - 0.25f) / 0.6f; } Widgets.DrawWindowBackground(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = rect2; rect3.y += 6f; rect3.height = Text.LineHeight; Widgets.Label(rect3, "PsychicEntropyShort".Translate()); Rect rect4 = rect2; rect4.y += 38f; rect4.height = Text.LineHeight; Widgets.Label(rect4, "PsyfocusLabelGizmo".Translate()); Rect rect5 = rect2; rect5.x += 63f; rect5.y += 6f; rect5.width = 100f; rect5.height = 22f; float entropyRelativeValue = tracker.EntropyRelativeValue; Widgets.FillableBar(rect5, Mathf.Min(entropyRelativeValue, 1f), EntropyBarTex, EmptyBarTex, doBorder: true); if (tracker.EntropyValue > tracker.MaxEntropy) { Widgets.FillableBar(rect5, Mathf.Min(entropyRelativeValue - 1f, 1f), OverLimitBarTex, EntropyBarTex, doBorder: true); } if (command_Psycast != null) { Ability ability = command_Psycast.Ability; if (ability.def.EntropyGain > float.Epsilon) { Rect rect6 = rect5.ContractedBy(3f); float width = rect6.width; float num3 = tracker.EntropyToRelativeValue(tracker.EntropyValue + ability.def.EntropyGain); float num4 = entropyRelativeValue; if (num4 > 1f) { num4 -= 1f; num3 -= 1f; } rect6.xMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect6.xMin + num4 * width); rect6.width = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(num3, 1f) - num4, 0f) * width); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, num2 * 0.7f); GenUI.DrawTextureWithMaterial(rect6, EntropyBarTexAdd, null); GUI.color = Color.white; } } if (tracker.EntropyValue > tracker.MaxEntropy) { foreach (KeyValuePair <PsychicEntropySeverity, float> entropyThreshold in Pawn_PsychicEntropyTracker.EntropyThresholds) { if (entropyThreshold.Value > 1f && entropyThreshold.Value < 2f) { DrawThreshold(rect5, entropyThreshold.Value - 1f, entropyRelativeValue); } } } string label = tracker.EntropyValue.ToString("F0") + " / " + tracker.MaxEntropy.ToString("F0"); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect5, label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; GUI.color = Color.white; Rect rect7 = rect2; rect7.width = 175f; rect7.height = 38f; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect7, delegate { float f = tracker.EntropyValue / tracker.RecoveryRate; return(string.Format("PawnTooltipPsychicEntropyStats".Translate(), Mathf.Round(tracker.EntropyValue), Mathf.Round(tracker.MaxEntropy), tracker.RecoveryRate.ToString("0.#"), Mathf.Round(f)) + "\n\n" + "PawnTooltipPsychicEntropyDesc".Translate()); }, Gen.HashCombineInt(tracker.GetHashCode(), 133858)); Rect rect8 = rect2; rect8.x += 63f; rect8.y += 38f; rect8.width = 100f; rect8.height = 22f; bool flag = Mouse.IsOver(rect8); Widgets.FillableBar(rect8, Mathf.Min(tracker.CurrentPsyfocus, 1f), flag ? PsyfocusBarHighlightTex : PsyfocusBarTex, EmptyBarTex, doBorder: true); if (command_Psycast != null) { float min = command_Psycast.Ability.def.PsyfocusCostRange.min; if (min > float.Epsilon) { Rect rect9 = rect8.ContractedBy(3f); float num5 = Mathf.Max(tracker.CurrentPsyfocus - min, 0f); float width2 = rect9.width; rect9.xMin = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingFloor(rect9.xMin + num5 * width2); rect9.width = Widgets.AdjustCoordToUIScalingCeil((tracker.CurrentPsyfocus - num5) * width2); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, num2); GenUI.DrawTextureWithMaterial(rect9, PsyfocusBarTexReduce, null); GUI.color = Color.white; } } for (int i = 1; i < Pawn_PsychicEntropyTracker.PsyfocusBandPercentages.Count - 1; i++) { DrawThreshold(rect8, Pawn_PsychicEntropyTracker.PsyfocusBandPercentages[i], tracker.CurrentPsyfocus); } float num6 = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Round((Event.current.mousePosition.x - (rect8.x + 3f)) / (rect8.width - 8f) * 16f) / 16f, 0f, 1f); Event current2 = Event.current; if (current2.type == EventType.MouseDown && current2.button == 0 && flag) { selectedPsyfocusTarget = num6; draggingPsyfocusBar = true; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.MeditationDesiredPsyfocus, KnowledgeAmount.Total); SoundDefOf.DragSlider.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); current2.Use(); } if (current2.type == EventType.MouseDrag && current2.button == 0 && draggingPsyfocusBar && flag) { if (Math.Abs(num6 - selectedPsyfocusTarget) > float.Epsilon) { SoundDefOf.DragSlider.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } selectedPsyfocusTarget = num6; current2.Use(); } if (current2.type == EventType.MouseUp && current2.button == 0 && draggingPsyfocusBar) { if (selectedPsyfocusTarget >= 0f) { tracker.SetPsyfocusTarget(selectedPsyfocusTarget); } selectedPsyfocusTarget = -1f; draggingPsyfocusBar = false; current2.Use(); } UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect8, "PsyfocusBar"); DrawPsyfocusTarget(rect8, draggingPsyfocusBar ? selectedPsyfocusTarget : tracker.TargetPsyfocus); GUI.color = Color.white; Rect rect10 = rect2; rect10.y += 38f; rect10.width = 175f; rect10.height = 38f; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect10, () => tracker.PsyfocusTipString_NewTemp(selectedPsyfocusTarget), Gen.HashCombineInt(tracker.GetHashCode(), 133873)); if (tracker.Pawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled) { float num7 = 32f; float num8 = 4f; float num9 = rect2.height / 2f - num7 + num8; float num10 = rect2.width - num7; Rect rect11 = new Rect(rect2.x + num10, rect2.y + num9, num7, num7); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect11, tracker.limitEntropyAmount ? LimitedTex : UnlimitedTex)) { tracker.limitEntropyAmount = !tracker.limitEntropyAmount; if (tracker.limitEntropyAmount) { SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } } TooltipHandler.TipRegionByKey(rect11, "PawnTooltipPsychicEntropyLimit"); } if (tracker.PainMultiplier > 1f) { Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; string recoveryBonus = (tracker.PainMultiplier - 1f).ToStringPercent("F0"); string text = recoveryBonus; float widthCached = text.GetWidthCached(); Rect rect12 = rect2; rect12.x += rect2.width - widthCached / 2f - 16f; rect12.y += 38f; rect12.width = widthCached; rect12.height = Text.LineHeight; GUI.color = PainBoostColor; Widgets.Label(rect12, text); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect12.ContractedBy(-1f), () => "PawnTooltipPsychicEntropyPainFocus".Translate("F0"), recoveryBonus), Gen.HashCombineInt(tracker.GetHashCode(), 133878)); } return(new GizmoResult(GizmoState.Clear)); }