예제 #1
        public void MiddleTier_GetTableDataTypes()
            DataTable     table     = WebServiceTests.GetTableDataTypes();
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (table == null || table.Rows == null || table.Columns == null || table.Rows.Count < 1 || table.Rows[0] == null)
                strErrors.Add(table == null?"The DataTable is null.":table.Rows == null?"The DataRowCollection is null.":
                              table.Columns == null?"The DataColumnCollection is null.":table.Rows.Count < 1?"The DataRowCollection is empty.":"The DataRow is null.");
                if (table.Columns.Count < 1 || table.Rows[0][0] == null || table.Rows[0][0].GetType() != typeof(string))
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The cell DataType should be {0} but returned {1}.", typeof(string),
                                                table.Columns.Count < 1?"an insufficient column count":table.Rows[0][0] == null?"a null cell":table.Rows[0][0].GetType().ToString()));
                if (table.Columns.Count < 2 || table.Rows[0][1] == null || table.Rows[0][1].GetType() != typeof(decimal))
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The cell DataType should be {0} but returned {1}.", typeof(decimal),
                                                table.Columns.Count < 2?"an insufficient column count":table.Rows[0][1] == null?"a null cell":table.Rows[0][1].GetType().ToString()));
                if (table.Columns.Count < 3 || table.Rows[0][2] == null || table.Rows[0][2].GetType() != typeof(DateTime))
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The cell DataType should be {0} but returned {1}.", typeof(DateTime),
                                                table.Columns.Count < 3?"an insufficient column count":table.Rows[0][2] == null?"a null cell":table.Rows[0][2].GetType().ToString()));
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #2
        public void MiddleTier_GetListPats()
            List <Patient> listPats  = WebServiceTests.GetListPats();
            List <string>  strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (listPats == null)
                strErrors.Add("The list of patients returned is null.");
                if (listPats[0].FName != null)
                    strErrors.Add("The first patient in the list of patients FName should be null but returned '" + listPats[0].FName + "'.");
                if (listPats[0].LName != "Smith")
                    strErrors.Add("The first patient in the list of patients LName should be 'Smith' but returned " + (listPats[0].LName == null ? "null" : ("'" + listPats[0].LName + "'")) + "'.");
                if (listPats[0].AddrNote != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The first patient in the list of patients AddrNote should be '{0}' but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString,
                                                listPats[0].AddrNote == null ? "null" : ("'" + listPats[0].AddrNote + "'")));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, strErrors.Count);
예제 #3
        public void MiddleTier_GetObjectPat()
            Patient       pat       = WebServiceTests.GetObjectPat();
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (pat == null)
                strErrors.Add("The patient returned is null.");
                if (pat.FName != null)
                    strErrors.Add("The patient.FName should be null but returned '" + pat.FName + "'.");
                if (pat.LName != "Smith")
                    strErrors.Add("The patient.LName should be 'Smith' but returned " + (pat.LName == null?"null":("'" + pat.LName + "'")) + "'.");
                if (pat.AddrNote != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The patient.AddrNote should be '{0}' but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString,
                                                pat.AddrNote == null?"null":("'" + pat.AddrNote + "'")));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, strErrors.Count);
예제 #4
        public void MiddleTier_GetArrayPatient()
            Patient[]     arrayPat  = WebServiceTests.GetArrayPatient();
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (arrayPat == null || arrayPat.Length < 2)
                strErrors.Add(arrayPat == null?"The patient array is null.":"The patient array contains an insufficient number of patients.");
                if (arrayPat[0] == null || arrayPat[0].LName != "Jones")
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient in the array should have the LName {0} but returned {1}.", "Jones",
                                                arrayPat[0] == null?"a null patient":arrayPat[0].LName ?? "a null LName"));
                if (arrayPat[0] == null || arrayPat[0].AddrNote != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The patient in the array should have the AddrNote {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString,
                                                arrayPat[0] == null?"a null patient":arrayPat[0].AddrNote ?? "a null AddrNote"));
                if (arrayPat[1] != null)
                    strErrors.Add("The patient array should contain a null patient but returned a non-null patient.");
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #5
        public void MiddleTier_GetStringLong()
            int    intStrLen      = 1000000;
            string strAlphNumLong = CoreTypesT.CreateRandomAlphaNumericString(intStrLen);

            Assert.AreEqual(WebServiceTests.GetString(strAlphNumLong), "Processed: " + strAlphNumLong);
예제 #6
        public void MiddleTier_GetInterface()
            LogWriter log         = new LogWriter(LogLevel.Error, "LogWeb\\WebSchedRecall");
            LogWriter logReturned = (LogWriter)WebServiceTests.GetInterface(log);

            Assert.AreEqual(logReturned.LogLevel, LogLevel.Error);
            Assert.AreEqual(logReturned.BaseDirectory, "LogWeb\\WebSchedRecall");
예제 #7
 public void MiddleTier_SendEnumParams()
     InvalidType[] arrayITypesReturned = WebServiceTests.SendEnumParams(InvalidType.Prefs, InvalidType.AccountingAutoPays, InvalidType.AlertSubs);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(arrayITypesReturned, null);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned.Length, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned[0], InvalidType.Prefs);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned[1], InvalidType.AccountingAutoPays);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned[2], InvalidType.AlertSubs);
예제 #8
 public void MiddleTier_SendStringParams()
     string[] arrayStringsReturned = WebServiceTests.SendStringParams("Str", null, WebServiceTests.DirtyString);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(arrayStringsReturned, null);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayStringsReturned.Length, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayStringsReturned[0], "Str");
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayStringsReturned[1], null);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayStringsReturned[2], WebServiceTests.DirtyString);
예제 #9
        public void MiddleTier_GetTable()
            DataTable table = WebServiceTests.GetTable();

            Assert.IsTrue(table != null && table.Rows != null &&
                          table.Rows.Count > 0 &&
                          table.Rows[0]["Col1"] != null &&
                          table.Rows[0]["Col1"].ToString() == "cell00");
예제 #10
        public void WebServicesDeserializeServiceWithValidXmlExpectedReturnsWebService()
            var xml = XmlResource.Fetch("WebService");

            var services = new WebServicesMock();
            var result   = services.DeserializeService(xml, "WebService");

            WebServiceTests.VerifyEmbeddedWebService(result as WebService);
예제 #11
 public void MiddleTier_SendIntParams()
     int[] arrayITypesReturned = WebServiceTests.SendIntParams(6, 2, 9);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(arrayITypesReturned, null);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned.Length, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned[0], 6);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned[1], 2);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayITypesReturned[2], 9);
예제 #12
        public void MiddleTier_SendProviderColor()
            Provider prov = new Provider();

            prov.ProvColor = Color.Fuchsia;
            Color colorResult = WebServiceTests.SendProviderColor(prov);

            Assert.IsTrue(colorResult != null && colorResult.ToArgb() == Color.Fuchsia.ToArgb());
예제 #13
        public void MiddleTier_GetListTasksSpecialChars()
            //Tests special chars, new lines, Date, DateTime, and enum values in a list of objects as the parameter and the return value
            List <OpenDentBusiness.Task> listTasks = new List <OpenDentBusiness.Task> {
                new OpenDentBusiness.Task {
                    Descript      = WebServiceTests.DirtyString,
                    ParentDesc    = WebServiceTests.NewLineString,
                    DateTask      = WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest,
                    DateTimeEntry = WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest,
                    TaskStatus    = TaskStatusEnum.Done
            List <OpenDentBusiness.Task> listTasksReturned = WebServiceTests.GetListTasksSpecialChars(listTasks);
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (listTasksReturned == null || listTasksReturned.Count < 1)
                strErrors.Add(listTasksReturned == null?"The list of tasks is null.":"The list of tasks contains an insufficient number of tasks.");
            int idx = 0;

            foreach (OpenDentBusiness.Task task in listTasksReturned)
                if (task == null)
                    strErrors.Add("The tasklist contains a null task.");
                if (idx == 0 && task.Descript != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The task.Descript should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString, task.Descript ?? "null"));
                if (task.ParentDesc != WebServiceTests.NewLineString)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The task.ParentDesc should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.NewLineString, task.ParentDesc ?? "null"));
                if (task.DateTask == null || task.DateTask.Date != WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest.Date)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The task.DateTask should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest.ToShortDateString(),
                                                task.DateTask == null?"null":task.DateTask.ToShortDateString()));
                if (task.DateTimeEntry != WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The task.DateTimeEntry should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest.ToString(),
                                                task.DateTimeEntry == null?"null":task.DateTimeEntry.ToString()));
                if (task.TaskStatus != TaskStatusEnum.Done)
                    strErrors.Add(string.Format("The task.TaskStatus should be {0} but returned {1}.", TaskStatusEnum.Done, task.TaskStatus));
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #14
        public void MiddleTier_GetTableCarriageReturn()
            DataTable table = WebServiceTests.GetTableCarriageReturn();

            Assert.IsTrue(table != null && table.Rows != null &&
                          table.Rows.Count > 0 &&
                          table.Columns.Count > 0 &&
                          table.Rows[0] != null &&
                          table.Rows[0][0] != null &&
                          table.Rows[0][0].ToString() == WebServiceTests.NewLineString);
예제 #15
        public void MiddleTier_GetFamily()
            Family        result    = WebServiceTests.GetFamily();
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (result == null || result.ListPats == null || result.ListPats.Length < 2)
                strErrors.Add("The Family" + result == null?" object is null.":result.ListPats == null?".ListPats is null.":
                              ".ListPats contains an insufficient number of patients.");
                for (int i = 0; i < result.ListPats.Length; i++)
                    Patient p = result.ListPats[i];
                    if (p.FName != (i == 0?"John":"Jennifer"))
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient.FName should be {0} but returned {1}.", i == 0?"John":"Jennifer", p.FName ?? "null"));
                    if (p.LName != null)
                        strErrors.Add("The patient.LName should be null but returned " + p.LName + ".");
                    if (i == 0 && p.AddrNote != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The patient.AddrNote should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString, WebServiceTests.GetObjectPat().AddrNote ?? "null"));
                    if (p.ApptModNote != WebServiceTests.NewLineString)
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The patient.ApptModNote should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.NewLineString, p.ApptModNote ?? "null"));
                    if (p.Email != "*****@*****.**")
                        strErrors.Add("The patient.Email should be [email protected] but returned " + (p.Email ?? "null") + ".");
                    if (p.PatStatus != PatientStatus.NonPatient)
                        strErrors.Add("The patient.PatStatus should be " + PatientStatus.NonPatient + " but returned " + p.PatStatus + ".");
                    if (p.AdmitDate == null || p.AdmitDate.Date != WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest.Date)
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient.AdmitDate should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest.ToShortDateString(),
                                                    p.AdmitDate == null?"null":p.AdmitDate.ToShortDateString()));
                    if (p.DateTStamp != WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest)
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient.DateTStamp should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest.ToString(),
                                                    p.DateTStamp == null?"null":p.DateTStamp.ToString()));
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #16
        public void MiddleTier_SendInterface_WithArgs()
            List <long> listLongs = WebServiceTests.SendInterfaceParamWithArgs(true, listArgLongs: new List <long>()
                6, 2, 9

            Assert.AreEqual(listLongs.Count, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(listLongs[0], 6);
            Assert.AreEqual(listLongs[1], 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(listLongs[2], 9);
예제 #17
        public void MiddleTier_SendSheetDefWithFieldDefs()
            SheetDef sheetdef = new SheetDef();

            sheetdef.SheetFieldDefs = new List <SheetFieldDef>();
            sheetdef.Parameters     = new List <SheetParameter>();
            SheetFieldDef fielddef = new SheetFieldDef();

            fielddef.FieldName = "FieldName";
            Assert.AreEqual("FieldName", WebServiceTests.SendSheetDefWithFieldDefs(sheetdef));
예제 #18
        public void MiddleTier_SendSheetWithFields()
            Sheet sheet = new Sheet();

            sheet.SheetFields = new List <SheetField>();
            sheet.Parameters  = new List <SheetParameter>();
            SheetField field = new SheetField();

            field.FieldName = "FieldName";
            Assert.AreEqual("FieldName", WebServiceTests.SendSheetWithFields(sheet));
예제 #19
        public void MiddleTier_InvalidWebMethod_TooMany()
            bool hasFailed = false;

            try {
            catch (Exception ex) {
                hasFailed = true;
예제 #20
        public void MiddleTier_GetProcCodeWithDirtyProperty()
            Def d;

            if (Defs.GetDefsForCategory(DefCat.ProcCodeCats, true).Count == 0)
                d = new Def()
                    Category = DefCat.ProcCodeCats, ItemName = WebServiceTests.DirtyString
                d.DefNum = Defs.Insert(d);
                d          = Defs.GetFirstForCategory(DefCat.ProcCodeCats, true);
                d.ItemName = WebServiceTests.DirtyString;
            d = Defs.GetDef(DefCat.ProcCodeCats, d.DefNum);
            ProcedureCode pc = new ProcedureCode {
                IsNew = true, ProcCat = d.DefNum
            ProcedureCode pc2 = new ProcedureCode {
                IsNew = true
            List <ProcedureCode> listPcs   = new List <ProcedureCode>();
            List <string>        strErrors = new List <string>();

            try {
                listPcs = WebServiceTests.GetProcCodeWithDirtyProperty(pc, pc2);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                strErrors.Add("Cannot serialize a property with a getter that does not retrieve the same value the setter is manipulating.");
            if (listPcs.Count > 0 && (listPcs[0].IsNew || listPcs[1].IsNew))
                strErrors.Add(string.Format("One or more of the returned ProcedureCode objects IsNew flag should be {0} but returned {1}.", "false", "true"));
            if (listPcs.Count > 0 && (listPcs[0].ProcCat != d.DefNum || listPcs[1].ProcCat != d.DefNum))
                strErrors.Add("One or more of the ProcedureCode objects returned did not have the correct ProcCat.");
            if (listPcs.Count > 0 && (listPcs[0].ProcCatDescript != d.ItemName || listPcs[1].ProcCatDescript != d.ItemName))
                strErrors.Add("One or more of the ProcedureCode objects returned did not have the correct dirty string.");
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #21
        public void MiddleTier_SendObjectParams()
            List <Schedule> listRetVals = WebServiceTests.SendObjectParams(new Schedule()
                ScheduleNum = 5
            }, new Schedule()
                ScheduleNum = 23

            Assert.AreEqual(listRetVals.Count, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(listRetVals[0].ScheduleNum, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(listRetVals[1].ScheduleNum, 23);
예제 #22
        public void MiddleTier_GetTable2by3()
            DataTable     table     = WebServiceTests.GetTable2by3();
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++)
                    if (table.Rows[i][j].ToString() != "cell" + i + j)
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The table cell should be '{0}' but returned '{1}'.", "cell" + i + j, table.Rows[i][j]));
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #23
 public void MiddleTier_SendArrayPatient()
     Patient[] arrayPatients = new Patient[3];
     arrayPatients[0] = new Patient {
         LName = "Jones", AddrNote = WebServiceTests.DirtyString
     arrayPatients[1] = null;
     arrayPatients[2] = new Patient {
         SchedAfterTime = new TimeSpan(5, 30, 22)
     Patient[] arrayPatientsReturned = WebServiceTests.SendArrayPatient(arrayPatients);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(arrayPatientsReturned, null);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned.Length, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned[0].LName, "Jones");
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned[0].AddrNote, WebServiceTests.DirtyString);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned[1], null);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned[2].SchedAfterTime.Hours, 5);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned[2].SchedAfterTime.Minutes, 30);
     Assert.AreEqual(arrayPatientsReturned[2].SchedAfterTime.Seconds, 22);
예제 #24
        public void MiddleTier_SimulatedProcUpdate()
            ProcedureCode pc = new ProcedureCode {
                Descript = "periodic oral evaluation - established patient & stuff", ProcCatDescript = "Exams & Xrays", DefaultNote = WebServiceTests.DirtyString
            ProcedureCode pc2 = pc.Copy();

            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (pc.Descript != pc2.Descript || pc.ProcCatDescript != pc2.ProcCatDescript)
                strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The Descript before is ""{0}"" and after is ""{1}"".  The ProcCatDescript before is ""{2}"" and after is ""{3}"".", pc2.Descript, pc.Descript, pc2.ProcCatDescript, pc.ProcCatDescript));
            if (pc.DefaultNote != pc2.DefaultNote)
                strErrors.Add("The dirty string was altered from the simulated update call.");
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #25
        public void MiddleTier_GetDataSet()
            DataSet       ds        = WebServiceTests.GetDataSet();
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (ds == null || ds.Tables == null || ds.Tables.Count < 1 || ds.Tables[0] == null || ds.Tables[0].TableName != "table0")
                strErrors.Add(string.Format("The DataTable's name in the DataSet should be {0} but returned {1}.", "table0",
                                            ds == null?"a null DataSet":ds.Tables == null?"a null DataTableCollection":ds.Tables.Count < 1?"an empty DataTableCollection":
                                            ds.Tables[0] == null?"a null DataTable":ds.Tables[0].TableName ?? "a null TableName"));
            if (ds == null || ds.Tables == null || ds.Tables.Count < 1 || ds.Tables[0] == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1 ||
                ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DirtyString"].ToString() != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The cell value in the DataSet should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString,
                                            ds == null?"a null DataSet":ds.Tables == null?"a null DataTableCollection":ds.Tables.Count < 1?"an empty DataTableCollection":
                                            ds.Tables[0] == null?"a null DataTable":ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1?"an empty DataRowCollection":
                                            ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DirtyString"] ?? "a null cell"));
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #26
        public void MiddleTier_ObjectParamType()
            Vitalsign vs = new Vitalsign {
                IsIneligible = true

            vs = WebServiceTests.GetVitalsignFromObjectParam(vs);
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            if (vs.GetType() != typeof(Vitalsign))
                strErrors.Add(string.Format("The object returned is not a {0} it is a {1}.", typeof(Vitalsign), vs.GetType()));
            if (vs.IsIneligible)
                strErrors.Add(string.Format("The vitalsign object IsIneligible flag should be {0} but returned {1}.", "true", vs.IsIneligible.ToString()));
            if (vs.Documentation != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                strErrors.Add("The vitalsign object returned did not have the correct dirty string.");
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #27
        public void MiddleTier_GetTableSpecialChars()
            DataTable table = WebServiceTests.GetTableSpecialChars();

            char[]        chars     = { '|', '<', '>', '&', '\'', '"', '\\', '/' };
            List <string> strErrors = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count - 1; j++)         //last column is for DirtyString
                    if (table.Rows[i][j].ToString() != "cell" + i + j + chars[i * 2 + j])
                        strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The table cell should be '{0}' but returned '{1}'.", "cell" + i + j + chars[i * 2 + j], table.Rows[i][j]));
            if (table.Rows[0]["DirtyString"].ToString() != WebServiceTests.DirtyString)
                strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The table cell should be '{0}' but returned '{1}'.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString, table.Rows[0]["DirtyString"]));
            Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0);
예제 #28
 public void MiddleTier_GetBool()
     Assert.AreEqual(true, WebServiceTests.GetBool());
예제 #29
 public void MiddleTier_GetVoid()
예제 #30
 public void MiddleTier_GetLong()
     Assert.AreEqual(WebServiceTests.GetLong(1), 2);