private IEnumerator PullMessages() { string url = this.sessionUrl + this.sessionTimeTag; uint num = this.pullRequestId; WWW wWW = new WWW(url); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (WWWManager.Remove(wWW) && num == this.pullRequestId) { if (wWW.error == null) { this.OnPollFinished(wWW.text); } else if (this.sessionState == ChatSessionState.Connected) { this.OnPollFinished(null); } else { this.ReconnectSession(); Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().Warn("Unable to pull chat messages. Reconnecting: " + wWW.error); } } wWW.Dispose(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator Publish(string url) { WWW wWW = new WWW(url); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { if (wWW.error == null) { this.wwwRetryCount = 0; } else { int num = this.wwwRetryCount + 1; this.wwwRetryCount = num; if (num < this.wwwMaxRetry) { Service.Get <Engine>().StartCoroutine(this.Publish(url)); Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().Warn("Unable to publish chat message. Retrying: " + wWW.error); } else { Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().Warn("Unable to publish chat: " + wWW.error); } } } wWW.Dispose(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator DownloadProfileImageCoroutine(string url, OnGetProfilePicture callback, object cookie) { WWW wWW = new WWW(url); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { string error = wWW.error; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { callback(wWW.texture, cookie); } else { Service.Logger.ErrorFormat("Error fetching picture at {0}", new object[] { url }); } wWW.Dispose(); } yield break; }
private IEnumerator LoadImage(string url, ThumbnailManager.ImageLoadCompleteDelegate onLoadComplete) { WWW wWW = new WWW(url); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (!WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { yield break; } string error = wWW.error; Texture2D texture = wWW.texture; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { this.Store(url, texture); onLoadComplete(texture); this.Remove(url); } else { Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().ErrorFormat("Error fetching thumbnail at {0}", new object[] { url }); onLoadComplete(null); } wWW.Dispose(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator Download(string url) { WWW wWW = new WWW(url); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wWW.error) && wWW.error.StartsWith("Could not resolve host")) { Lang lang = Service.Lang; AlertScreen.ShowModal(true, lang.Get("NO_INTERNET_TITLE", new object[0]), lang.Get("NO_INTERNET", new object[0]), null, null); } wWW.Dispose(); } yield break; }
private IEnumerator ConnectToChannel() { WWW wWW = new WWW(this.channelUrl); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (WWWManager.Remove(wWW) && this.sessionState == ChatSessionState.Connecting) { string error = wWW.error; string text = wWW.text; if (error == null) { this.wwwRetryCount = 0; this.sessionState = ChatSessionState.Connected; this.sessionUrl = ChatSessionUtils.GetSessionUrlFromChannelResponse(text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sessionUrl)) { this.Poll(); } else { Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().Error("Invalid chat channel response: " + text); } } else { int num = this.wwwRetryCount + 1; this.wwwRetryCount = num; if (num < this.wwwMaxRetry) { this.ReconnectSession(); Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().Warn("Unable to start chat session. Retrying: " + error); } else { this.sessionState = ChatSessionState.Disconnected; Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().Warn("Unable to start chat session: " + error); } } } wWW.Dispose(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator RequestManifestFile() { WWW wWW = new WWW(this.manifestUrl); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (!WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { yield break; } if (wWW.error != null) { this.logger.ErrorFormat("Unable to request manifest file [{0}] on attempt #{1} with the following error: {2}", new object[] { this.manifestUrl, this.loadAttempts, wWW.error }); this.RetryRequest(); } else if (wWW.isDone) { if (wWW.text != "") { this.PrepareManifest(wWW.text); } else { this.logger.ErrorFormat("Manifest request attempt #{0} yielded an empty manifest.", new object[] { this.loadAttempts }); this.RetryRequest(); } } wWW.Dispose(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator Query(string url, VideoDataManager.QueryCompleteDelegate onQueryComplete, object callback, object data) { WWW wWW = new WWW(url); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (!WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { yield break; } string error = wWW.error; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { onQueryComplete(null, callback, data); } else { onQueryComplete(wWW.text, callback, data); } wWW.Dispose(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator Call(WWWForm form, Batch batch) { this.qccCount = 0u; WWW wWW = new WWW(this.url,, this.headers); WWWManager.Add(wWW); yield return(wWW); if (WWWManager.Remove(wWW)) { uint serverTime = Service.ServerAPI.ServerTime; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wWW.error)) { string name = "Received batch response"; Service.AssetManager.Profiler.RecordFetchEvent(name, wWW.bytesDownloaded, true, true); object obj = new JsonParser(wWW.text).Parse(); Response response = new Response(); response.FromObject(obj); bool flag = this.responseHandler.MatchProtocolVersion(response.ProtocolVersion); Batch batch2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < batch.Commands.Count; i++) { ICommand command = batch.Commands[i]; Data data = response.DataList[i]; if (data.RequestId != command.Id) { this.logger.Error("RequestId Mismatch in Dispatcher!"); } bool success = this.SuccessStatuses.Contains(data.Status); OnCompleteAction onCompleteAction = command.OnComplete(data, success); if (data.Messages != null) { this.responseHandler.SendMessages(data.Messages); } if (this.qcc.Enabled && this.qcc.StatusWhitelist.Contains(data.Status)) { this.qcc.CorrectBatch(batch, response.DataList, i, new QuietCorrectionController.HandleBatch(this.ReCall)); wWW.Dispose(); if (batch.Sync) { this.syncDispatchLock = false; } goto IL_4DF; } if (onCompleteAction == OnCompleteAction.Desync) { this.responseHandler.Desync(DesyncType.CriticalCommandFail, data.Status); wWW.Dispose(); goto IL_4DF; } if (onCompleteAction == OnCompleteAction.Retry && flag) { command.Tries += 1u; if (command.Tries > 3u) { Service.Logger.Error("Command Desync. " + this.CreateCommandErrorString(command, serverTime)); this.responseHandler.Desync(DesyncType.CommandMaxRetry, data.Status); wWW.Dispose(); goto IL_4DF; } if (batch2 == null) { batch2 = new Batch(); batch2.Sync = batch.Sync; } Service.Logger.Warn("Command Resend. " + this.CreateCommandErrorString(command, serverTime)); command.SetTime(serverTime); batch2.Commands.Add(command); } } if (batch2 != null) { this.Exec(batch2); wWW.Dispose(); goto IL_4DF; } if (batch.Sync) { this.syncDispatchLock = false; this.lastSuccessfulSyncReqestId = this.FindMinMaxCommandId(batch, false); } } else { batch.Tries += 1u; if (batch.Tries > 3u) { Match match = Regex.Match(wWW.error, "\\d+"); uint status = (!match.Success) ? 0u : Convert.ToUInt32(match.Value); Service.Logger.Error("Batch Desync. " + this.CreateBatchErrorString(batch, wWW, serverTime)); this.responseHandler.Desync(DesyncType.BatchMaxRetry, status); wWW.Dispose(); goto IL_4DF; } Service.Logger.Warn("Batch WWW Error. " + this.CreateBatchErrorString(batch, wWW, serverTime)); this.Exec(batch); } wWW.Dispose(); } IL_4DF: yield break; }