public GamepadSys() { /* The 'Buttons' Array covers 6 total possible buttons on a generic SteamVR controller. By default, the mappings are done similarly * to an HTC Vive controller. There are 5 Primary bindings on the Vive controller. * [0] = Menu Button * [1] = System Button * [2] = Trigger Pressed * [3] = Grip Button * [4] = Touchpad Clicked (Tactile) * [5] = Touchpad Touched (Capacitive) */ n_VridgeRemote = null; LButtons[0] = false; LButtons[1] = false; LButtons[2] = false; LButtons[3] = false; LButtons[4] = false; LButtons[5] = false; RButtons[0] = false; RButtons[1] = false; RButtons[2] = false; RButtons[3] = false; RButtons[4] = false; RButtons[5] = false; Teemer = new Timer(obj => Update()); }
public MainWindow() { m_VridgeRemote = new VridgeRemote("localhost", "Vridge.NoloVR", Capabilities.HeadTracking | Capabilities.Controllers); InitializeComponent(); SetTextValue(HeadHeight, m_HeadHeight); SetToggleValue(HeadRotationEnabled, m_RotationEnabled); SetToggleValue(NoloVREnabled, m_RudderEnabled); Closing += Window_Closed; }
public MainWindow() { m_VridgeRemote = new VridgeRemote("localhost", "Vridge.3dRudder", Capabilities.HeadTracking); m_AxesParamDefault = new AxesParamDefault(); m_AxesValue = new AxesValue(); InitializeComponent(); SetTextValue(HeadHeight, m_HeadHeight); SetTextValue(MoveSpeed, m_MoveSpeed); SetTextValue(RotationSpeed, m_RotationSpeed); SetToggleValue(RotationEnabled, m_RotationEnabled); SetToggleValue(RudderEnabled, m_RudderEnabled); SetToggleValue(SimulateCrouch, m_SimulateCrouch); }
public MainWindow() { m_VridgeRemote = new VridgeRemote("localhost", "Vridge.Kinect", Capabilities.Controllers | Capabilities.HeadTracking); InitializeComponent(); Closing += (s, e) => Shutdown(); Closed += (s, e) => Shutdown(); KinectTypeCombo.SelectedIndex = m_Use360Driver ? 1 : 0; SetToggleValue(SendLeftPosition, m_SendLeftPosition); SetToggleValue(SendLeftRotation, m_SendLeftRotation); SetToggleValue(SendRightPosition, m_SendRightPosition); SetToggleValue(SendRightRotation, m_SendRightRotation); }
public ControlViewModel() { HeadTrackingModes = new Dictionary <TrackingType, string>() { { TrackingType.Position, "Send position only" }, { TrackingType.PositionAndRotation, "Send position and rotation" }, { TrackingType.SyncOffset, "Send synchronous offset" }, { TrackingType.AsyncOffset, "Send asynchronous offset" }, }; ControlTargets = new Dictionary <ControlTarget, string>() { { ControlTarget.Head, "Control head tracking" }, { ControlTarget.Controller1, "Control VR controller #1" }, { ControlTarget.Controller2, "Control VR controller #2" }, { ControlTarget.Controller3, "Control VR controller #3" }, { ControlTarget.Controller4, "Control VR controller #4" }, }; HeadRelations = new Dictionary <ControllerMode, string>() { { ControllerMode.Unrelated, "Unrelated to head pose" }, { ControllerMode.SticksToHead, "Attach poses to head pose" }, { ControllerMode.ThreeDof, "Remap 3->6 DOF" }, { ControllerMode.StickyThreeDof, "Remap 3->6 DOF (sticky)" }, { ControllerMode.IsInHeadSpace, "Treat poses as in head-space" }, }; //Status = new RelayCommand(CheckStatus); ResetAsync = new RelayCommand(ResetAsyncRotation); Recenter = new RelayCommand(RecenterView); Discover = new RelayCommand(DiscoverExecute); CheckStatus = new RelayCommand(CheckStatusExecute); // Kill all active listeners, otherwise process won't quit Application.Current.Exit += (sender, args) => vridge?.Dispose(); // Try connecting by default vridge = new VridgeRemote( "localhost", "Desktop-Tester", Capabilities.Controllers | Capabilities.HeadTracking); vridge.HapticPulse += OnHapticFeedbackReceived; }
public void SetControllerState(VridgeRemote vridge) { vridge.Controller.SetControllerState( ControllerId, HeadRelation, SuggestedHand, Orientation, Position, AnalogX, AnalogY, AnalogTrigger, IsMenuPressed, IsSystemPressed, IsTriggerPressed, IsGripPressed, IsTouchpadPressed, IsTouchpadTouched); }
public VridgeSocketReader(string portName, bool left) { m_ArduinoController = new ArduinoController(left); SerialportName = portName; m_VridgeRemote = new VridgeRemote("localhost", "OssCtrlR-Vridge", Capabilities.Controllers); }