//[Test] //public void testGetRadiologyOrderableItemsFrom101x43() static IList <String> getRadioOrderableItemsFrom101x43(VistaConnection cxn) { IList <String> result = new List <String>(); String[] allOrderableItems = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).readRange("101.43", ".01;5", "", "IP", "#", "", "", "", "", "").Result as String[]; foreach (String item in allOrderableItems) { String[] pieces = StringUtils.split(item, StringUtils.CARET); if (pieces.Length < 3) { continue; } String ien = pieces[0]; String name = pieces[1]; String orderableItemType = pieces[2]; if (String.Equals(orderableItemType, "34")) { result.Add(ien); //System.Console.WriteLine("Just added " + name + " to radiology orderable items from file 101.43"); } } return(result); }
public override AbstractConnection getConnection(DataSource dataSource) { VistaConnection c = new VistaConnection(dataSource); c.ConnectStrategy = new VistaNatConnectStrategy(c); return(c); }
static VistaConnection login(String host, Int32 port, String accessCode, String verifyCode) { DataSource src = new DataSource() { SiteId = new SiteId() { Id = "500", Name = "Local" }, Provider = host, Modality = "HIS", Protocol = "VISTA", Port = port }; VistaConnection cxn = new VistaConnection(src); cxn.ConnectStrategy = new VistaNatConnectStrategy(cxn); cxn.connect(); AbstractCredentials credentials = new VistaCredentials(); credentials.AccountName = accessCode; credentials.AccountPassword = verifyCode; cxn.Account.AuthenticationMethod = VistaConstants.LOGIN_CREDENTIALS; // TBD - VERY IMPORTANT!!!! SHOULD THIS BE Connection or Credentials?!?!?!? AbstractPermission permission = new MenuOption("DVBA CAPRI GUI"); permission.IsPrimary = true; User authenticatedUser = cxn.Account.authenticateAndAuthorize(credentials, permission); System.Console.WriteLine("Successfully authenticated! Ready for some work..."); return(cxn); }
static void printEntries(VistaConnection cxn) { Dictionary <String, String> rec1 = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).read("3134,", "*", "101.43", "IEN").Result as Dictionary <String, String>; // String[] rec1SubAmis = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).readRange("71.0135", ".01", ",537,", "IP", "#", "", "", "", "", "").Result as String[]; // String[] rec1SubModality = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).readRange("71.0731", ".01", ",537,", "IP", "#", "", "", "", "", "").Result as String[]; Dictionary <String, String> rec2 = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).read("3133,", "*", "101.43", "IEN").Result as Dictionary <String, String>; // String[] rec2SubAmis = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).readRange("71.0135", ".01", ",542,", "IP", "#", "", "", "", "", "").Result as String[]; // String[] rec2SubModality = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).readRange("71.0731", ".01", ",542,", "IP", "#", "", "", "", "", "").Result as String[]; IList <String> uniqueKeys = new List <String>(); foreach (String key in rec1.Keys) { uniqueKeys.Add(key); } foreach (String key in rec2.Keys) { if (!uniqueKeys.Contains(key)) { uniqueKeys.Add(key); } } System.Console.WriteLine("\tRec 1 \t\t Rec 2"); foreach (String key in uniqueKeys) { String rec1val = rec1.ContainsKey(key) ? rec1[key] : "<empty>"; String rec2val = rec2.ContainsKey(key) ? rec2[key] : "<empty>"; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} : \t {1} \t\t {2}", key, rec1val, rec2val)); } }
static void testEnableOrderableItemsForRadiology(VistaConnection cxn, String cptIenToUse) { Dictionary <String, IList <String> > proceduresByType = getRadiologyOrderableItemsByType(cxn); foreach (String key in proceduresByType.Keys) { foreach (String procId in proceduresByType[key]) { setCpt(cxn, procId, key, cptIenToUse); //break; } // break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Int32 port = 9200; String host = ""; if (args != null && args.Length > 1) { host = args[0]; port = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } String accessCode = "01vehu"; String verifyCode = "vehu01"; if (args.Length > 3) { accessCode = args[2]; verifyCode = args[3]; } System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Connecting to {0}:{1} using credentials {2}/{3}...", host, port.ToString(), accessCode, verifyCode)); VistaConnection cxn = login(host, port, accessCode, verifyCode); System.Console.WriteLine("Searching for a specific CPT code..."); String cptIen = getCpt70551Ien(cxn); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cptIen)) { System.Console.WriteLine("Preparing to create a new CPT record to use..."); cptIen = sendCachedBuildDdrFilerCreateCptRecordString(cxn); System.Console.WriteLine("Created a new CPT record!! New record IEN: " + cptIen); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Found CPT!! IEN: " + cptIen); } System.Console.WriteLine("Preparing to set CPT codes for radiology orderable items in file 71..."); testEnableOrderableItemsForRadiology(cxn, cptIen); System.Console.WriteLine("Finished setting CPT codes!!"); System.Console.WriteLine("Preparing to null CPT codes in file 101.43..."); testUpdate101x43Item(cxn); System.Console.WriteLine("Finished nulling CPT codes!!"); System.Console.WriteLine("Finishing up... Disconnecting from VistA..."); cxn.disconnect(); System.Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit..."); System.Console.Read(); }
// RUN THIS TEST!! static void testUpdate101x43Item(VistaConnection cxn) { // old value for 101.43 record #3133, field 3 --> 72143 Dictionary <String, String> fieldsAndValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(); fieldsAndValues.Add("3", ""); IList <String> itemsToUpdate = getRadioOrderableItemsFrom101x43(cxn); foreach (String ien in itemsToUpdate) { new VistaCrudDao(cxn).update(fieldsAndValues, (ien + ","), "101.43"); //System.Console.WriteLine("Just nulled CPT for record " + ien); // break; } }
static void setCpt(VistaConnection cxn, string procId, string procedureCode, String cptIenToUse) { Dictionary <String, String> cptsByCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); cptsByCode.Add("MR", "70551"); cptsByCode.Add("CT", "74150"); cptsByCode.Add("NM", "74150"); cptsByCode.Add("US", "74150"); cptsByCode.Add("MA", "70551"); cptsByCode.Add("AG", "74150"); cptsByCode.Add("OT", "74150"); Dictionary <String, String> fieldsToUpdate = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // fieldsToUpdate.Add("100", "3491231"); fieldsToUpdate.Add("9", cptIenToUse); VistaCrudDao dao = new VistaCrudDao(cxn); CrudOperation updateResult = dao.update(fieldsToUpdate, (procId + ","), "71"); // Dictionary<String, String> fieldsForModality = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // fieldsForModality.Add(".01", "3"); // dao.create(fieldsForModality, "71.0731", String.Concat(procId, ",")); }
public FhieClinicalDao(AbstractConnection cxn) { this.cxn = (VistaConnection)cxn; vistaDao = new VistaClinicalDao(cxn); }
public override AbstractConnection getConnection(DataSource dataSource) { VistaConnection c = new VistaConnection(dataSource); c.ConnectStrategy = new VistaNatConnectStrategy(c); return c; }
static String getCpt70551Ien(VistaConnection cxn) { String ienForRecord = new VistaToolsDao(cxn).getVariableValue("$O(^ICPT(\"B\",70551,\"\"))"); return(ienForRecord); }
static Dictionary <String, IList <String> > getRadiologyOrderableItemsByType(VistaConnection cxn) { Dictionary <String, IList <String> > result = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >(); result.Add("MR", new List <String>()); // Magnetic Imaging result.Add("CT", new List <String>()); // Computed Tomagraphy result.Add("NM", new List <String>()); // Nuc Med result.Add("US", new List <String>()); // Ultrasound result.Add("MA", new List <String>()); // Mammography result.Add("AG", new List <String>()); // Angio result.Add("OT", new List <String>()); // Using for general radiology CrudOperation range = new VistaCrudDao(cxn).readRange("71", ".01;9;12", "", "IP", "#", "", "", "", "", ""); String[] records = range.Result as String[]; foreach (String record in records) { String[] pieces = StringUtils.split(record, StringUtils.CARET); if (pieces.Length < 4) { continue; } String id = pieces[0]; String cpt = pieces[2]; String imagingType = pieces[3]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(imagingType)) { continue; } switch (imagingType) { case "1": result["OT"].Add(id); break; case "2": result["NM"].Add(id); break; case "3": result["US"].Add(id); break; case "4": result["MR"].Add(id); break; case "5": result["CT"].Add(id); break; case "6": result["AG"].Add(id); break; case "9": result["MA"].Add(id); break; default: break; } } return(result); }