public override void Patch(OlxPatcher patcher, Config config, Profile profile, EdxCourse edxCourse) { var videoJson = string.Format("{0}/{1}", Dir, config.Video); var video = File.Exists(videoJson) ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Video>(File.ReadAllText(videoJson)) : new Video { Records = new Record[0] }; VideoHistory.UpdateHistory(Dir, video); var guids = Guids == null ? null : Guids.Split(',').Select(Utils.GetNormalizedGuid).ToList(); if (config.Video != null && File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}", Dir, config.Video))) { var videoComponents = video .Records .Where(x => guids == null || guids.Contains(Utils.GetNormalizedGuid(x.Guid))) .Select(x => new VideoComponent(Utils.GetNormalizedGuid(x.Guid), x.Data.Name, x.Data.Id)); patcher.PatchComponents( edxCourse, videoComponents, guids != null || !SkipExistingGuids ); } }
public async Task AddVideoToHistoryAsync(string videoId, string userId) { var videoHistory = this.videoHistoryRepository.AllWithDeleted() .FirstOrDefault(h => h.VideoId == videoId && h.UserId == userId); if (videoHistory != null) { if (videoHistory.IsDeleted == true) { videoHistory.IsDeleted = false; videoHistory.DeletedOn = null; } videoHistory.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { videoHistory = new VideoHistory { UserId = userId, VideoId = videoId, }; await this.videoHistoryRepository.AddAsync(videoHistory); } await this.videoHistoryRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); }
private void ClearHistoryBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (top != null) { top = null; PrintHistory(); } }
public override void DoExecute() { var profile = Config.GetProfile(Profile); Console.WriteLine("Please, download course from Edx (tar.gz from Tools - Export menu) and save it in working directory"); var tarGzPath = Dir.GetSingleFile(CourseTarGz ?? "*.tar.gz"); EdxInteraction.ExtractEdxCourseArchive(Dir, tarGzPath); Console.WriteLine("Loading edx course..."); var edxCourse = EdxCourse.Load(Dir + "/olx"); if (edxCourse.CourseWithChapters.Chapters.Length != 0) { Console.WriteLine("List of chapters to be removed or replaced:"); foreach (var chapterName in edxCourse.CourseWithChapters.Chapters.Select(x => x.DisplayName)) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + chapterName); } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to proceed? (y/n)"); var key = Console.ReadKey(); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { break; } if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } } } var video = LoadVideoInfo(); VideoHistory.UpdateHistory(Dir, video); Console.WriteLine($"Loading ulearn course from {Config.ULearnCourseId}"); var course = new CourseLoader().LoadCourse(new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Dir, Config.ULearnCourseId))); Console.WriteLine($"Converting ulearn course \"{course.Id}\" to edx course"); Converter.ToEdxCourse( course, Config, profile.UlearnUrl + SlideUrlFormat, profile.UlearnUrl + SolutionsUrlFormat, video.Records.ToDictionary(x => x.Data.Id, x => x.Guid.GetNormalizedGuid()) ).Save(Dir + "/olx"); EdxInteraction.CreateEdxCourseArchive(Dir, course.Id); Console.WriteLine($"Now you can upload {course.Id}.tar.gz to edx via Tools - Import menu"); }
public void PrintHistory() { VideoHistory cur = top; string currentHistory = ""; int videoNumber = 1; while (cur != null) { currentHistory += videoNumber + ": " + + Environment.NewLine; videoNumber++; cur =; } browserHistoryBox.Text = currentHistory; }
public void AddToHistory(string videoToAdd) { if (top == null) { VideoHistory newVideo = new VideoHistory(videoToAdd); top = newVideo; } else { VideoHistory newVideo = new VideoHistory(videoToAdd); = top; top = newVideo; } }
public override void DoExecute() { var profile = Config.GetProfile(Profile); var credentials = Credentials.GetCredentials(Dir, Profile); EdxInteraction.Download(Dir, Config, profile.EdxStudioUrl, credentials); var edxCourse = EdxCourse.Load(Dir + "/olx"); if (edxCourse.CourseWithChapters.Chapters.Length != 0) { Console.WriteLine("List of chapters to be removed or replaced:"); foreach (var chapterName in edxCourse.CourseWithChapters.Chapters.Select(x => x.DisplayName)) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + chapterName); } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to proceed? (y/n)"); var key = Console.ReadKey(); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { break; } if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } } } var video = LoadVideoInfo(); VideoHistory.UpdateHistory(Dir, video); Console.WriteLine("Loading uLearn course from {0}", Config.ULearnCourseId); var course = new CourseLoader().LoadCourse(new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Dir, Config.ULearnCourseId))); Console.WriteLine("Converting uLearn course \"{0}\" to Edx course", course.Id); Converter.ToEdxCourse( course, Config, profile.UlearnUrl + SlideUrlFormat, profile.UlearnUrl + SolutionsUrlFormat, video.Records.ToDictionary(x => x.Data.Id, x => Utils.GetNormalizedGuid(x.Guid)) ).Save(Dir + "/olx"); EdxInteraction.Upload(Dir, course.Id, Config, profile.EdxStudioUrl, credentials); }
public HistoriesServiceTests() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); this.historyRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <VideoHistory>(new ApplicationDbContext(options.Options)); this.service = new HistoriesService(this.historyRepository); this.videoHistory = new VideoHistory { Id = 1, UserId = "user1", VideoId = "video1", }; }
public async Task PostShouldAddAnalysisAsync() { //arrange var mockRepo = new Mock <IRepository>(); var inputVideoHistory = new VideoHistory() { Email = "*****@*****.**", VideoUrl = "ABC", AverageSentimentScore = 0.5, ChannelName = "Mathemars" }; var controller = new UserSentimentHistoryController(mockRepo.Object); //act var result = await controller.PostAsync(inputVideoHistory); //assert Assert.IsAssignableFrom <CreatedAtActionResult>(result); }
public async Task PostShouldHandleRequestsAsync() { //arrange var mockRepo = new Mock <IRepository>(); mockRepo.Setup(x => x.AddAnalysisAsync(It.IsAny <AverageSentiment>(), It.IsAny <Creator>())).Throws(new Persistence.CreatorDoesNotExistException()); var inputVideoHistory = new VideoHistory() { Email = "*****@*****.**", VideoUrl = "ABC", AverageSentimentScore = 0.5, ChannelName = "Mathemars" }; var controller = new UserSentimentHistoryController(mockRepo.Object); //act var result = await controller.PostAsync(inputVideoHistory); //assert Assert.IsAssignableFrom <BadRequestResult>(result); }
public override void Patch(OlxPatcher patcher, Config config, Profile profile, EdxCourse edxCourse) { var ulearnDir = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("{0}/{1}", Dir, config.ULearnCourseId)); Console.WriteLine("Loading Ulearn course from {0}", ulearnDir.Name); var ulearnCourse = new CourseLoader().Load(ulearnDir); Console.WriteLine("Patching"); var videoJson = string.Format("{0}/{1}", Dir, config.Video); var video = File.Exists(videoJson) ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Video>(File.ReadAllText(videoJson)) : new Video { Records = new Record[0] }; var videoHistory = VideoHistory.UpdateHistory(Dir, video); var videoGuids = videoHistory.Records .SelectMany(x => x.Data.Select(y => Tuple.Create(y.Id, x.Guid.GetNormalizedGuid()))) .ToDictionary(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2); var guids = Guids?.Split(',').Select(Utils.GetNormalizedGuid).ToList(); patcher.PatchVerticals( edxCourse, ulearnCourse.Slides .Where(s => !config.IgnoredUlearnSlides.Select(Guid.Parse).Contains(s.Id)) .Where(s => guids == null || guids.Contains(s.NormalizedGuid)) .Select(s => s.ToVerticals( ulearnCourse.Id, profile.UlearnUrl, videoGuids, config.LtiId, CoursePackageRoot ).ToArray()), guids != null || !SkipExistingGuids ); if (Config.EmitSequentialsForInstructorNotes) { PatchInstructorsNotes(edxCourse, ulearnCourse, patcher.OlxPath); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody] VideoHistory inputVideo) { try { AverageSentiment inputAnalysis = new AverageSentiment() { VideoURL = inputVideo.VideoUrl, AverageSentimentScore = inputVideo.AverageSentimentScore }; Creator inputCreator = new Creator() { Email = inputVideo.Email, ChannelName = inputVideo.ChannelName }; await _repository.AddAnalysisAsync(inputAnalysis, inputCreator); return(CreatedAtAction("Post", inputVideo)); } catch { return(BadRequest()); } }