/// <summary> /// 添加或更新券后价展示配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpSertVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(VendorProductCouponPriceConfigModel model, string user) { var result = false; try { var oldValue = dbScopeManagerConfigurationRead.Execute(conn => _dal.GetVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(conn, model.ProductType, model.Pid)); if (oldValue == null) { var pkid = dbScopeManagerConfiguration.Execute (conn => _dal.AddVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(conn, model)); result = pkid > 0; if (result) { model.PKID = pkid; model.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; model.LastUpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now; var log = new OprVendorProductModel() { LogType = "VendorProductCouponPriceConfig", IdentityId = $"{model.ProductType}_{model.Pid}", OldValue = null, NewValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model), Remarks = $"添加{model.ProductType}:{model.Pid}的券后价展示配置", OperateUser = user, }; LoggerManager.InsertLog("OprVendorProduct", log); } } else { model.CreateDateTime = oldValue.CreateDateTime; model.LastUpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now; result = dbScopeManagerConfiguration.Execute(conn => _dal.UpdateVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(conn, model)); if (result) { var log = new OprVendorProductModel() { LogType = "VendorProductCouponPriceConfig", IdentityId = $"{model.ProductType}_{model.Pid}", OldValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oldValue), NewValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model), Remarks = $"更新{model.ProductType}:{model.Pid}的券后价展示配置", OperateUser = user, }; LoggerManager.InsertLog("OprVendorProduct", log); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("UpSertVendorProductCouponPriceConfig", ex); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 券后价展示配置是否重复 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsExistVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(VendorProductCouponPriceConfigModel model) { var result = true; try { result = dbScopeManagerConfigurationRead.Execute(conn => _dal.IsExistVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(conn, model)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("IsExistVendorProductCouponPriceConfig", ex); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 更新供应商产品券后价展示配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(SqlConnection conn, VendorProductCouponPriceConfigModel model) { #region Sql var sql = @"UPDATE Configuration.dbo.VendorProductCouponPriceConfig SET IsShow = @IsShow , LastUpdateDateTime = GETDATE() WHERE PKID = @PKID;"; #endregion var parameters = new[] { new SqlParameter("@IsShow", model.IsShow), new SqlParameter("@PKID", model.PKID) }; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.Text, sql, parameters) > 0); }
/// <summary> /// 添加供应商产品券后价展示配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int AddVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(SqlConnection conn, VendorProductCouponPriceConfigModel model) { #region SQL var sql = @"INSERT INTO Configuration..VendorProductCouponPriceConfig ( ProductType, Pid, IsShow ) OUTPUT inserted.PKID VALUES ( @ProductType, @Pid, @IsShow );"; #endregion var parameters = new[] { new SqlParameter("@Pid", model.Pid), new SqlParameter("@ProductType", model.ProductType), new SqlParameter("@IsShow", model.IsShow) }; return(Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(conn, CommandType.Text, sql, parameters))); }
public ActionResult UpsertConfig(VendorProductCouponPriceConfigModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Pid)) { return(Json(new { Status = false, Msg = "请选择服务Pid" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var manager = new VendorProductCouponPriceManager(); var isExist = manager.IsExistVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(model); if (isExist) { return(Json(new { Status = false, Msg = "已存在重复的数据,不能重复添加" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var result = manager.UpSertVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(model, User.Identity.Name); return(Json(new { Status = result, Msg = $"操作{(result ? "成功" : "失败")}" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 供应商产品券后价展示配置是否重复 /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsExistVendorProductCouponPriceConfig(SqlConnection conn, VendorProductCouponPriceConfigModel model) { #region Sql var sql = @"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Configuration..VendorProductCouponPriceConfig AS s WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE s.Pid = @Pid AND s.ProductType = @ProductType AND s.IsDeleted = 0 AND s.PKID <> @PKID;"; #endregion var parameters = new[] { new SqlParameter("@Pid", model.Pid), new SqlParameter("@ProductType", model.ProductType), new SqlParameter("@PKID", model.PKID) }; return(Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(conn, CommandType.Text, sql, parameters)) > 0); }