예제 #1
    void debugDrawSquare(Vector3 localSpaceVector, Color c)
        Vector3 sll = localSpaceVector.Clone();

        sll.x -= squareSideLength / 2;
        sll.y -= squareSideLength / 2;

        Vector3 slr = localSpaceVector.Clone();

        slr.x += squareSideLength / 2;
        slr.y -= squareSideLength / 2;

        Vector3 sul = localSpaceVector.Clone();

        sul.x -= squareSideLength / 2;
        sul.y += squareSideLength / 2;

        Vector3 sur = localSpaceVector.Clone();

        sur.x += squareSideLength / 2;
        sur.y += squareSideLength / 2;

        debugDrawLineLocalCoord(sll, slr, c);
        debugDrawLineLocalCoord(slr, sur, c);
        debugDrawLineLocalCoord(sur, sul, c);
        debugDrawLineLocalCoord(sul, sll, c);
예제 #2
        public void CyclePositionedCorrectlyWithCollisions()
            var gameConfig       = new GameConfiguration(new CycleConfiguration(), new MapConfiguration());
            var map              = new Map(gameConfig.MapConfig);
            var startPosition    = new Vector3(0, gameConfig.CycleConfig.Y_OFFSET, 0);
            var cycle            = new Cycle(1, startPosition, new Vector3(1, 0, 0), Math.PI + Math.PI * .5, 0xff0000, map, gameConfig);
            var requestValidator = new RequestValidator(map);
            var newPosition      = startPosition.Clone();
            var collision        = startPosition.Clone();

            newPosition.x += gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width * 5;
            collision.x   += gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width * 3;

            cycle.MovementController.RequestedPosition = newPosition;
            cycle.MovementController.HeadLocation      = map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(cycle.MovementController.Position);
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(cycle.MovementController)] = -cycle.ID;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(collision)] = 5;


            newPosition    = startPosition.Clone();
            newPosition.x += gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width;
            cycle.MovementController.Position               = startPosition;
            cycle.MovementController.RequestedPosition      = newPosition;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(startPosition)] = -cycle.ID;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(newPosition)]   = 5;


            newPosition    = startPosition.Clone();
            newPosition.x += gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width;
            cycle.MovementController.Position               = startPosition;
            cycle.MovementController.RequestedPosition      = newPosition;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(startPosition)] = -cycle.ID;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(newPosition)]   = 5;
            newPosition.x += gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(newPosition)] = 5;
            newPosition.x -= gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width;


            newPosition = map.Utilities.ToPosition(new MapLocation(23, 173), gameConfig.CycleConfig.Y_OFFSET);
            cycle.MovementController.Position               = map.Utilities.ToPosition(new MapLocation(25, 173), gameConfig.CycleConfig.Y_OFFSET);
            cycle.MovementController.RequestedPosition      = newPosition;
            cycle.MovementController.HeadLocation           = map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(cycle.MovementController.Position);
            cycle.MovementController.Velocity               = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
            cycle.MovementController.Rotation               = 0;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(startPosition)] = -cycle.ID;
            map[new MapLocation(24, 173)] = 5;

            Assert.True(cycle.MovementController.Position.SameAs(map.Utilities.ToPosition(new MapLocation(24, 173), gameConfig.CycleConfig.Y_OFFSET)));
예제 #3
파일: Quad.cs 프로젝트: mdvulfix/SpaceGame
    /// <summary>
    /// builds a flattened 2D array of vertices like the following:
    /// 15--16--17--18--19
    /// |   |   |   |   |
    /// 10--11--12--13--14
    /// |   |   |   |   |
    /// 5---6---7---8---9
    /// |   |   |   |   |
    /// 0---1---2---3---4
    /// NOTE: <see cref="AddNeighbors"/> must be called after this method to
    /// ensure that we properly detect the correct neighbors
    /// </summary>
    private void GenerateVertices()
        // start from the passed in _bottomLeft Vector3 and build list of QuadVerts
        int   rows          = Subdivisions + 2;
        int   cols          = rows;
        float colVertOffset = 0F;
        float rowVertOffset = 0F;

        colVertOffset = Size / (Subdivisions + 1F);
        rowVertOffset = Size / (Subdivisions + 1F);
        float uvScalar = 1 / (4 * Face.Size);

        float   xBottomLeftOffset = -Size / 2F;
        float   yBottomLeftOffset = -Size / 2F;
        float   zBottomLeftOffset = 0F;
        Vector3 bottomLeftCorner  = new Vector3(xBottomLeftOffset, yBottomLeftOffset, zBottomLeftOffset);

        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                int index = FlatArray.GetIndexFromRowCol(row, col, cols);

                Vector3 v = new Vector3((col * colVertOffset) + bottomLeftCorner.x, (row * rowVertOffset) + bottomLeftCorner.y, bottomLeftCorner.z);

                if (index == 0)
                    BottomLeft = v.Clone();
                if (index == FlatArray.GetBottomRightIndex(cols))
                    BottomRight = v.Clone();
                if (index == FlatArray.GetTopLeftIndex(rows, cols))
                    TopLeft = v.Clone();
                if (index == FlatArray.GetTopRightIndex(rows, cols))
                    TopRight = v.Clone();

                Vector3 scaledUV = Face.ToLocalVert(ToWorldVert(v)) * uvScalar;
                var     uvOffset = Face.GetUVOffset();
                Vector2 uv       = new Vector2(uvOffset.x + scaledUV.x, uvOffset.y + scaledUV.y);

                // set elevation
                v = GetInverseOffsetFromRoot(Face.ApplyElevation(GetOffsetFromRoot(v), uv));

                Vertices[index] = v;
                UVs[index]      = uv;

        DistanceTestCentre = GetInverseOffsetFromRoot(Face.ApplyElevation(GetOffsetFromRoot(CentrePoint), Face.GetUVOffset()));
예제 #4
        private void OnPlayerAngle(NetPacketBase packet)
            var startPositionX = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionY = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionZ = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPosition  = new Vector3(startPositionX, startPositionY, startPositionZ);

            var directionX      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionY      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionZ      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionVector = new Vector3(directionX, directionY, directionZ);

            var   angle    = packet.Read <float>();
            var   angleY   = packet.Read <float>();
            float flySpeed = packet.Read <float>();

            this.Player.TurnAngle = packet.Read <float>();
            var tick = packet.Read <long>();

            this.Player.Angle    = angle;
            this.Player.AngleFly = angle;
            this.Player.Position = startPosition.Clone();

            if (directionVector.IsZero())
                this.Player.DestinationPosition = this.Player.Position.Clone();

            this.Player.SendMoverAngle(directionVector, tick, this.Player.TurnAngle);
예제 #5
        private void OnPlayerMoved2(NetPacketBase packet)
            var startPositionX = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionY = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionZ = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPosition  = new Vector3(startPositionX, startPositionY, startPositionZ);

            var directionX      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionY      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionZ      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionVector = new Vector3(directionX, directionY, directionZ);

            if (directionVector.IsZero())
                this.Player.DestinationPosition = startPosition.Clone();

            this.Player.Angle    = packet.Read <float>();
            this.Player.AngleFly = packet.Read <float>();
            var flySpeed  = packet.Read <float>();
            var turnAngle = packet.Read <float>();

            this.Player.MovingFlags = (ObjectState)packet.Read <uint>();
            this.Player.MotionFlags = (StateFlags)packet.Read <int>();
            this.Player.ActionFlags = packet.Read <int>();
            var motionEx     = packet.Read <int>();
            var loop         = packet.Read <int>();
            var motionOption = packet.Read <int>();
            var tick         = packet.Read <long>();
            var frame        = packet.Read <byte>();

            this.Player.IsFlying = this.Player.MovingFlags.HasFlag(ObjectState.OBJSTA_FMOVE);

            this.Player.SendMoverMoved(directionVector, motionEx, loop, motionOption, tick, frame, turnAngle);
예제 #6
        public static Vector3 GetNormalized(this Vector3 vec)
            var v = vec.Clone();

예제 #7
    private void OnClick_Card(GameObject obj)
        if (!CanClickTween)

        if (ClickedObject && ClickedObject != this)

        ClickedObject = this;

        if (!IsClicked)
            IsClicked   = true;
            mOldPostion = transform.position;
            Vector3 endPos = SlotPostion.Clone();
            endPos.y += 0.045f;
            transform.DOMove(endPos, 0.1f);
예제 #8
        public Vector3 GetLinePosition(Vector3 currentPosition)
            Vector3 currentVelocity;

            currentPosition = currentPosition.Clone();

            // If our velocity was zero then reset position to where our head location is
            if (Velocity.IsZero())
                return(_map.Utilities.ToPosition(HeadLocation, currentPosition.y));
                currentVelocity = Velocity;

            if (currentVelocity.z != 0)
                currentPosition.z = stabilizeValue(currentPosition.z, currentVelocity.z);
            else if (currentVelocity.x != 0)
                currentPosition.x = stabilizeValue(currentPosition.x, currentVelocity.x);

예제 #9
        public StagePositionConfig Clone()
            StagePositionConfig item = new StagePositionConfig();

            /** 关卡编号 */
            item.stageId = stageId;
            /** 建筑编号 */
            item.index = index;
            /** 坐标 */
            item.position = position.Clone();
            /** 初始兵力 (-1通过公式计算;其他直接读配置) */
            item.hp = hp;
            /** 势力ID */
            item.legionId = legionId;
            /** 单位类型 */
            item.unitType = unitType;
            /** 建筑类型 */
            item.buildType = buildType;
            /** 建筑等级 */
            item.level = level;
            /** 不同类型,建筑数据UID */
            item.buildUid = buildUid;
            /** 英雄上阵优先级 */
            item.settledPriority = settledPriority;

            item.name      = name;
            item.stageName = stageName;

예제 #10
    private void Tween_AddExp(bool to = true)
        if (null != mExpTween)


        Vector3 toPos   = AddExpPan_InitPosition;
        Vector3 fromPos = toPos.Clone();

        if (to)
            fromPos.y -= 0.8f;
            m_Panel.panAddPower.position = fromPos;
            toPos.y -= 0.8f;

        mShowExpan = to;

        mExpTween = m_Panel.panAddPower.DOMoveY(toPos.y, 0.5f).OnComplete(() =>
            mExpTween = null;
예제 #11
    void Start()
        gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        Mesh mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4];
        vertices[0]  = new Vector3(0, 0);
        vertices[1]  = new Vector3(1, 0);
        vertices[2]  = new Vector3(1, 1);
        vertices[3]  = new Vector3(0, 1);
        baseVertices = vertices;

        int[] triangles = new int[2 * 3];
        triangles[0 * 3 + 0] = 0;
        triangles[0 * 3 + 1] = 1;
        triangles[0 * 3 + 2] = 2;

        triangles[1 * 3 + 0] = 0;
        triangles[1 * 3 + 1] = 2;
        triangles[1 * 3 + 2] = 3;

        mesh.vertices  = (Vector3[])vertices.Clone();
        mesh.triangles = triangles;
예제 #12
        private void OnPlayerBehavior(NetPacketBase packet)
            var startPositionX = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionY = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionZ = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPosition  = new Vector3(startPositionX, startPositionY, startPositionZ);

            var directionX      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionY      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionZ      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionVector = new Vector3(directionX, directionY, directionZ);

            var angle = packet.Read <float>();

            this.Player.MovingFlags = (ObjectState)packet.Read <uint>();
            this.Player.MotionFlags = (StateFlags)packet.Read <int>();
            this.Player.ActionFlags = packet.Read <int>();
            var motionEx     = packet.Read <int>();
            var loop         = packet.Read <int>();
            var motionOption = packet.Read <int>();
            var tick         = packet.Read <long>();

            this.Player.Position  = startPosition.Clone();
            this.Player.Position += directionVector;

            this.Player.IsMovingWithKeyboard = this.Player.MovingFlags.HasFlag(ObjectState.OBJSTA_FMOVE);

            this.Player.SendMoverBehavior(directionVector, motionEx, loop, motionOption, tick);
예제 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a sample of (N+2) points (i.e., N + start and end points) of
    /// the current curve. Also calculates the length estimate.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The sample.</returns>
    /// <param name="N">N.</param>
    public override Vector3[] Sample(int N = 100)
        lastSampleSize = N;

        if (N == 0)
            return(new Vector3[] { GetPoint(0), GetPoint(1) });

        var sample = new Vector3[N + 2];
        var delta  = 1.0f / (N + 1.0f);

        length = 0.0f;

        sampleParameters = new float[N + 2];
        sampleLengths    = new float[N + 2];

        for (var i = 0; i < (N + 2); i++)
            sample[i]           = GetPoint(i * delta);
            sampleParameters[i] = i * delta;

            if (i > 0)
                length += (sample[i] - sample[i - 1]).magnitude;

            sampleLengths[i] = length;

        isSampleDirty = false;

    void Start()

        Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4];
        vertices[0] = new Vector3(0, 0);
        vertices[1] = new Vector3(1, 0);
        vertices[2] = new Vector3(1, 1);
        vertices[3] = new Vector3(0, 1);
        baseVertices = vertices;

        int[] triangles = new int[2 * 3];
        triangles[0 * 3 + 0] = 0;
        triangles[0 * 3 + 1] = 1;
        triangles[0 * 3 + 2] = 2;

        triangles[1 * 3 + 0] = 0;
        triangles[1 * 3 + 1] = 2;
        triangles[1 * 3 + 2] = 3;

        mesh.vertices = (Vector3[]) vertices.Clone();
        mesh.triangles = triangles;
예제 #15
        public static Vector3 PointRadian(Vector3 o, float radian, float length)
            Vector3 p = o.Clone();

            p.x = o.x + Mathf.Sin(radian) * length;
            p.z = o.z + Mathf.Cos(radian) * length;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the monster to a position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monster"></param>
        /// <param name="destPosition"></param>
        private void MoveToPosition(IMonsterEntity monster, Vector3 destPosition)
            monster.Timers.NextMoveTime = Time.TimeInSeconds() + RandomHelper.LongRandom(8, 20);
            monster.MovableComponent.DestinationPosition = destPosition.Clone();
            monster.Object.Angle = Vector3.AngleBetween(monster.Object.Position, destPosition);

예제 #17
 public Ray(Vector3 o, Vector3 d, double tmin = 0.0, double tmax = double.PositiveInfinity, int depth = 0)
     this.o     = o.Clone();
     this.d     = d.Clone();
     this.tmin  = tmin;
     this.tmax  = tmax;
     this.depth = depth;
예제 #18
파일: Cmd.cs 프로젝트: Pasdedeux/Moba
        public object Clone()
            Cmd clone = (Cmd)MemberwiseClone();

            clone.position = position.Clone();
            clone.dir      = dir.Clone();
예제 #19
            /// <summary>
            /// get a point which is from o  direction of radian`s distance
            /// </summary>
            public static Vector3 Get3dPointRadian(Vector3 o, float radian, float distance)
                Vector3 p = o.Clone();

                p.x = o.x + Mathf.Sin(radian) * distance;
                p.z = o.z + Mathf.Cos(radian) * distance;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the monster to a position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monster"></param>
        /// <param name="destPosition"></param>
        private void MoveToPosition(IMonsterEntity monster, Vector3 destPosition)
            monster.Object.Angle              = Vector3.AngleBetween(monster.Object.Position, destPosition);
            monster.Object.MovingFlags        = ObjectState.OBJSTA_FMOVE;
            monster.Moves.DestinationPosition = destPosition.Clone();

            WorldPacketFactory.SendDestinationAngle(monster, false);
        private Vector3[] mNormalAtVertices = null; // may not be there (only present for triangles created from a mesh)

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs from given positions, normal, and uv then intialize for intersection computation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parser"></param>
        protected RTTriangle(Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normalAtVertex, Vector2[] uvAtVertex, int material)
            mType = RTGeometryType.Triangle;
            mMaterialIndex = material;
            mVertices = (Vector3[])vertices.Clone();
            if (null != normalAtVertex)
                mNormalAtVertices = (Vector3[])normalAtVertex.Clone();
            mVertexUV = (Vector2[])uvAtVertex.Clone();

예제 #22
        protected void OpenList()
            popupButton.Interactable = false;
            if (useMask)
//			bg.gameObject.SetActive(true);

            List <RectTransform> list = GetList();

//			bg.sizeDelta = bg.sizeDelta.SetX((gap + w) * list.Count + 100f);

//			bg.localScale = new Vector3(0.0f, 1f, 1f);
//			iTween.ScaleTo(bg.gameObject, iTween.Hash("time",0.15F,
//			                                          "scale", Vector3.one,
//			                                          "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutBack));

//            iTween.Stop();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                RectTransform item = list[i];

                Image image = item.GetComponent <Image>();
                image.color = image.color.Clone().SetAlhpa(0f);
                iTween.FadeTo(item.gameObject, iTween.Hash(
                                  "time", 0.2f,
                                  "alpha", 1F));

                Vector3 position = item.localPosition;
                //position.x = x0 + (w + gap) * i;
                //item.localPosition = position.Clone().SetX(x0);
                position.y         = y0 + (h + gap) * i;
                item.localPosition = position.Clone().SetY(y0);

                iTween.MoveTo(item.gameObject, iTween.Hash("delay", 0.01f,
                                                           "time", 0.2f,
                                                           "islocal", true,
                                                           "position", position,
                                                           "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutBack

            Invoke("OpenListComplete", 0.2F);
예제 #23
    public void GetLevelData()
        lvlExit.levelBuild = "";
        Vector3[] v3ObjectsRotations = new Vector3[iNumberOfObjects];
        Color[]   clrObjects         = new Color[iNumberOfColors];
        bool[]    bMovementObjects   = new bool[iNumberOfMovementObjects];

        int iObjIndex = 0, iClrIndex = 0, iObjMoveIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
            lvlExit.levelBuild += ((int)tiles[i].GetComponent <Tile>().ttTile).ToString() + MMConstants.LEVEL_SEPARATOR;

            if (MMUtils.IsScenarioObject(tiles[i].GetComponent <Tile>().ttTile))
                v3ObjectsRotations[iObjIndex] = tiles[i].transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

            if (MMUtils.IsColorObject(tiles[i].GetComponent <Tile>().ttTile))
                clrObjects[iClrIndex] = tiles[i].GetComponent <Tile>().clrObject;


            if (MMUtils.IsPushableObject(tiles[i].GetComponent <Tile>().ttTile))
                bMovementObjects[iObjMoveIndex] = tiles[i].GetComponent <Tile>().bMovementOn;

        lvlExit.objColor = new Color[iNumberOfColors];
        lvlExit.objColor = (Color[])clrObjects.Clone();

        lvlExit.objRotation = new Vector3[iNumberOfObjects];
        lvlExit.objRotation = (Vector3[])v3ObjectsRotations.Clone();

        lvlExit.objMovementEnabled = new bool[iNumberOfMovementObjects];
        lvlExit.objMovementEnabled = (bool[])bMovementObjects.Clone();

        lvlExit.levelBuild = lvlExit.levelBuild.Substring(0, lvlExit.levelBuild.Length - 1);
        lvlExit.MaxSize    = iTileSize;

        print("DATA GENERATED!");
예제 #24
    /// <summary>平滑的朝向某物体</summary>
    public static void SmoothLookAt(Transform self, Vector3 target, bool smooth = true, float damping = 6.0f)
        if (smooth)
            //if (target == self.position) return;

            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(target - self.position);
            self.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(self.rotation, rotation, TimerManager.DeltaTime * damping);
            self.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(-Vector3.forward, (target.Clone() - self.position).normalized);
예제 #25
        public void Vector3Clone()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"Vector3Clone START");

            var testingTarget = new Vector3(10.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f);

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Vector3");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Vector3>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Vector3 type.");

            var result = testingTarget.Clone();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Vector3>(result, "Should be an instance of Vector3 type.");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"Vector3Clone END (OK)");
예제 #26
        public void CyclePositionedCorrectlyInBoundsAndColliding()
            var gameConfig       = new GameConfiguration(new CycleConfiguration(), new MapConfiguration());
            var map              = new Map(gameConfig.MapConfig);
            var startPosition    = new Vector3(0, gameConfig.CycleConfig.Y_OFFSET, 0);
            var cycle            = new Cycle(1, startPosition, new Vector3(1, 0, 0), Math.PI + Math.PI * .5, 0xff0000, map, gameConfig);
            var requestValidator = new RequestValidator(map);
            var collision        = startPosition.Clone();

            collision.x = gameConfig.MapConfig.MAP_SIZE.Width * .5 - gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width * 3;

            cycle.MovementController.RequestedPosition      = new Vector3(gameConfig.MapConfig.MAP_SIZE.Width * .5 + gameConfig.MapConfig.FLOOR_TILE_SIZE.Width * 10, gameConfig.CycleConfig.Y_OFFSET, 0);
            cycle.MovementController.HeadLocation           = map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(cycle.MovementController.Position);
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(startPosition)] = -cycle.ID;
            map[map.Utilities.ToMapLocation(collision)]     = 5;

예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Approximate a curved face with recursively sub-divided triangles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v1"></param>
        /// <param name="v2"></param>
        /// <param name="v3"></param>
        private void Make(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3)
            var face = new Face3(((UserData)v1.UserData).index, ((UserData)v2.UserData).index, ((UserData)v3.UserData).index);



            var azi = Azimuth(_centroid);

            this.FaceVertexUvs[0].Add(new List <Vector2>
                CorrectUV(((UserData)v1.UserData).uv, v1, azi),
                CorrectUV(((UserData)v2.UserData).uv, v2, azi),
                CorrectUV(((UserData)v2.UserData).uv, v3, azi)
예제 #28
        private void OnMoveByKeyboard(NetPacketBase packet)
            this.Player.IsFollowing = false;

            var startPositionX = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionY = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPositionZ = packet.Read <float>();
            var startPosition  = new Vector3(startPositionX, startPositionY, startPositionZ);

            var directionX      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionY      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionZ      = packet.Read <float>();
            var directionVector = new Vector3(directionX, directionY, directionZ);

            this.Player.Position    = startPosition.Clone();
            this.Player.Position   += directionVector;
            this.Player.Angle       = packet.Read <float>();
            this.Player.MovingFlags = (ObjectState)packet.Read <uint>();
            this.Player.MotionFlags = (StateFlags)packet.Read <int>();
            this.Player.ActionFlags = packet.Read <int>();
            var motionEx     = packet.Read <int>();
            var loop         = packet.Read <int>();
            var motionOption = packet.Read <int>();
            var tick         = packet.Read <long>();


            if (this.Player.MovingFlags.HasFlag(ObjectState.OBJSTA_FMOVE) ||
                this.Player.IsMovingWithKeyboard = true;
                this.Player.IsMovingWithKeyboard = false;

            this.Player.DestinationPosition = this.Player.Position.Clone();

            this.Player.SendMoveByKeyboard(directionVector, motionEx, loop, motionOption, tick);
예제 #29
        public UnitData Clone()
            UnitData n = new UnitData();

            n.id        = id;
            n.name      = name;
            n.unitType  = unitType;
            n.buildType = buildType;
            n.legionId  = legionId;
            n.level     = level;
            n.position  = position.Clone();
            n.avatarId  = avatarId;
            n._radius = _radius;
            if (we_BuildConfigData != null)
                n.we_BuildConfigData = we_BuildConfigData.Clone();

            n.buildConfig = buildConfig;
예제 #30
        private static bool GetVRPlatformHelperVector(out Vector3 position, out Vector3 rotation)
            position = Vector3.zero;
            rotation = Vector3.zero;

            if (XRSettings.loadedDeviceName == "Oculus")
                position = addPosOculus.Clone();
                rotation = addRotOculus.Clone();

            if (XRSettings.loadedDeviceName == "OpenVR")
                OpenVRHelper[] vrHelpers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <OpenVRHelper>();
                foreach (OpenVRHelper vrHelper in vrHelpers)
                    if (vrHelper.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                        if (vrHelper.GetField <OpenVRHelper.VRControllerManufacturerName, OpenVRHelper>("_vrControllerManufacturerName") == OpenVRHelper.VRControllerManufacturerName.Valve)
                            position = addPosViveIndex.Clone();
                            rotation = addRotViveIndex.Clone();
                            position = addPosOpenVR.Clone();
                            rotation = addRotOpenVR.Clone();

예제 #31
        public static void xGetDegree(ref float pfAngXZ, /* ref float pfAngH,*/ Vector3 vDist)
            Vector3 vDistXZ = vDist.Clone();

            //Helper.CopyVector(vDist, ref vDistXZ);
            vDistXZ.Y = 0;
            float fAngXZ = MathHelper.ToDegree((float)Math.Atan2(vDist.X, -vDist.Z)); // ¿ì¼± XZÆò¸éÀÇ °¢µµ¸¦ ¸ÕÀú ±¸ÇÔ
            float fLenXZ = vDistXZ.Length;                                            // yÁÂÇ¥¸¦ ¹«½ÃÇÑ XZÆò¸é¿¡¼­ÀÇ ±æÀ̸¦ ±¸ÇÔ.

            //float fAngH = ToDegree((float)Math.Atan2(fLenXZ, vDist.fPosY));     // XZÆò¸éÀÇ ±æÀÌ¿Í y³ôÀÌ°£ÀÇ °¢µµ¸¦ ±¸ÇÔ.

            //fAngH -= 90.0f;
            if (fAngXZ < 0)
                fAngXZ += 360;
            else if (fAngXZ >= 360)
                fAngXZ -= 360;

            pfAngXZ = fAngXZ;
            //pfAngH = fAngH;
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a poly with the provided matrix
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector3[] Transform(Matrix mat, Vector3[] poly)
            Vector3[] ret = (Vector3[])poly.Clone();
            Vector3.Transform(ret, ref mat, ret);

            return ret;
예제 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a poly with the current matrices and viewport. Useful for perspective projection matrices
 /// </summary>
 public Vector3[] TransformCurrent(Vector3[] poly)
     Vector3[] ret = (Vector3[])poly.Clone();
     for(int i=0;i<ret.Length;i++) {
     ret[i] = Device.Viewport.Project(ret[i], Matrices.projection, Matrices.view, Matrices.world);
     return ret;
        void UpdateFairing()
            ProceduralPart ppart = PPart;

            if (useFairing && ppart != null)
                ProceduralAbstractSoRShape shape = ppart.CurrentShape as ProceduralAbstractSoRShape;

                if (shape != null)
                    Vector3[] topEndcapVerticies = shape.GetEndcapVerticies(true);

                    Vector3[] topInner = new Vector3[topEndcapVerticies.Length + 1];

                    topEndcapVerticies.CopyTo(topInner, 0);
                    topInner[topEndcapVerticies.Length] = topEndcapVerticies[0];

                    int vertCount = topInner.Length;

                    //foreach (Vector3 v in topInner)
                    //    Debug.Log(v);

                    Vector3[] topOuter = (Vector3[])topInner.Clone();

                    for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i)
                        float r = topInner[i].magnitude;
                        float r_ = r + fairingThickness;
                        float scaleFactor = r_ / r;
                        topOuter[i].x *= scaleFactor;
                        topOuter[i].z *= scaleFactor;

                    TextureScale.x = topOuter[0].magnitude * 2 * Mathf.PI;

                    Vector3[] sideTop = (Vector3[])topOuter.Clone();
                    Vector3[] sideBottom = (Vector3[])sideTop.Clone();

                    Vector3[] bottomInner = (Vector3[])topInner.Clone();
                    Vector3[] bottomOuter = (Vector3[])topOuter.Clone();

                    for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i)
                        if (bottomNode != null)
                            sideBottom[i].y = bottomNode.position.y;
                            bottomInner[i].y = bottomNode.position.y;
                            bottomOuter[i].y = bottomNode.position.y;

                    TextureScale.y = Mathf.Abs(topOuter[0].y - bottomOuter[0].y);

                    Vector3[] innerSideTop = (Vector3[])topInner.Clone();
                    Vector3[] innerSideBottom = (Vector3[])bottomInner.Clone();

                    int topInnerStart = 0;
                    int topOuterStart = topInnerStart + vertCount;
                    int sideTopStart = topOuterStart + vertCount;
                    int sideBottomStart = sideTopStart + vertCount;
                    int bottomInnerStart = sideBottomStart + vertCount;
                    int bottomOuterStart = bottomInnerStart + vertCount;
                    int innerSideTopStart = bottomOuterStart + vertCount;
                    int innerSideBottomStart = innerSideTopStart + vertCount;

                    UncheckedMesh m = new UncheckedMesh(vertCount * 8, vertCount * 8 * 6);
                    //int tri = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i)
                        m.verticies[topInnerStart + i] = topInner[i];
                        m.verticies[topOuterStart + i] = topOuter[i];
                        m.verticies[sideTopStart + i] = sideTop[i];
                        m.verticies[sideBottomStart + i] = sideBottom[i];
                        m.verticies[bottomInnerStart + i] = bottomInner[i];
                        m.verticies[bottomOuterStart + i] = bottomOuter[i];
                        m.verticies[innerSideTopStart + i] = innerSideTop[i];
                        m.verticies[innerSideBottomStart + i] = innerSideBottom[i];

                        m.normals[topInnerStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                        m.normals[topOuterStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

                        m.normals[sideTopStart + i] = m.verticies[sideTopStart + i].xz().normalized;
                        m.normals[sideBottomStart + i] = m.verticies[sideBottomStart + i].xz().normalized;

                        m.normals[bottomInnerStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
                        m.normals[bottomOuterStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

                        m.normals[innerSideTopStart + i] = -m.verticies[innerSideTopStart + i].xz().normalized;
                        m.normals[innerSideBottomStart + i] = -m.verticies[innerSideBottomStart + i].xz().normalized;

                        m.uv[topInnerStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);
                        m.uv[topOuterStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);

                        m.uv[sideTopStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);
                        m.uv[sideBottomStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);

                        m.uv[bottomInnerStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);
                        m.uv[bottomOuterStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);

                        m.uv[innerSideTopStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);
                        m.uv[innerSideBottomStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);

                        m.tangents[topInnerStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[topInnerStart + i], m.verticies[topInnerStart + i]).xz().normalized.toVec4(-1);
                        m.tangents[topOuterStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[topOuterStart + i], m.verticies[topOuterStart + i]).xz().normalized.toVec4(-1);

                        m.tangents[sideTopStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[sideTopStart + i], new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalized.toVec4(-1);
                        m.tangents[sideBottomStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[sideTopStart + i], new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalized.toVec4(-1);

                        m.tangents[bottomInnerStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[bottomInnerStart + i], m.verticies[topInnerStart + i]).xz().normalized.toVec4(-1);
                        m.tangents[bottomOuterStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[bottomOuterStart + i], m.verticies[topOuterStart + i]).xz().normalized.toVec4(-1);

                        m.tangents[innerSideTopStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[innerSideTopStart + i], new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalized.toVec4(-1);
                        m.tangents[innerSideBottomStart + i] = Vector3.Cross(m.normals[innerSideTopStart + i], new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalized.toVec4(-1);

                        //Debug.Log(i +" uv: " + Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i));


                    int triangleOffset = 0;
                    triangleOffset = ConnectRings(m, topInnerStart, topOuterStart, vertCount, 0);
                    triangleOffset = ConnectRings(m, sideTopStart, sideBottomStart, vertCount, triangleOffset);
                    triangleOffset = ConnectRings(m, bottomOuterStart, bottomInnerStart, vertCount, triangleOffset);
                    triangleOffset = ConnectRings(m, innerSideBottomStart, innerSideTopStart, vertCount, triangleOffset);

                    if (fairingMesh != null)

                        Debug.Log("no fairing mesh");

                oldTextureSet = null;
예제 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Posit"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Array of vectors containing coordinates of four real model's point.</param>
        /// <param name="focalLength">Effective focal length of the camera used to capture the model.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The model must have 4 points.</exception>
        public CoplanarPosit( Vector3[] model, float focalLength )
            if ( model.Length != 4 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "The model must have 4 points." );

            this.focalLength = focalLength;
            modelPoints = (Vector3[]) model.Clone( );

            // compute model vectors
            modelVectors = Matrix3x3.CreateFromRows(
                model[1] - model[0],
                model[2] - model[0],
                model[3] - model[0] );

            // compute pseudo inverse of the model matrix
            Matrix3x3 u, v;
            Vector3 e;

            modelVectors.SVD( out u, out e, out v );
            modelPseudoInverse = v * Matrix3x3.CreateDiagonal( e.Inverse( ) ) * u.Transpose( );

            // computer unit vector normal to the model
            modelNormal = v.GetColumn( e.MinIndex );
예제 #36
        bool AIUse_SelectCircle(SkillOperateData skillData)
            List <UnitCtl> soliderList = War.scene.soliderList;

            List <Vector3> pointTotals  = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> pointCenters = new List <Vector3>();
            List <int>     pointCounts  = new List <int>();

            float distance = skillData.skillConfig.radius * 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < soliderList.Count; i++)
                UnitCtl entity = soliderList[i];

                RelationType relationType = entity.unitData.GetRelation(skillData.heroData.legionData.legionId);
                if (skillData.skillConfig.relation.RValue(relationType) == false)

                Vector3 pos        = entity.transform.position;
                bool    hasContain = false;
                for (int index = 0; index < pointCenters.Count; index++)
                    Vector3 center = pointCenters[index];
                    if (Vector3.Distance(center, pos) <= distance)
                        pointTotals[index] += pos;
                        pointCounts[index] += 1;
                        pointCenters[index] = pointTotals[index] / pointCounts[index];
                        hasContain          = true;

                if (hasContain == false)

            int maxIndex = -1;
            int maxCount = -1;

            for (int index = 0; index < pointCounts.Count; index++)
                if (maxCount < pointCounts[index])
                    maxCount = pointCounts[index];
                    maxIndex = index;

            if (maxIndex != -1)
                skillData.receivePosition = pointCenters[maxIndex];

//				War.skillUse.selectCircleView.transform.position = skillData.receivePosition;
//				War.skillUse.selectCircleView.Radius = skillData.skillConfig.radius;
//				War.skillUse.selectCircleView.gameObject.SetActive(true);


예제 #37
 private Vector3[] getTopLinePoints(Vector3[] points)
     Vector3[] secondPoints = (Vector3[])points.Clone();
     for (int i = 0; i < secondPoints.Length; i++)
         secondPoints[i].y = secondPoints[i].y + getVerticalCollisionDistance();
     return secondPoints;
예제 #38
        public BezierCurve(Vector3[] points)
            allPoints = new Vector3[points.Length][];
            allPoints[0] = (Vector3[])points.Clone();

            for (int i = points.Length-1, j = 1; j < allPoints.Length; --i, j++)
                allPoints[j] = new Vector3[i];
예제 #39
        public void SetObject( Vector3[] vertices, Color[] colors, int[,] ribs )
            if ( vertices.Length != colors.Length )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Number of colors must be equal to number of vertices." );

            if ( ribs.GetLength( 1 ) != 2 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Ribs array must have 2 coordinates per rib." );

            this.objectPoints = (Vector3[]) vertices.Clone( );
            this.colors = (Color[]) colors.Clone( );
            this.lines = (int[,]) ribs.Clone( );

            Recalculate( );
예제 #40
	//Clone an array and the inner array
	Vector3[][] CloneList(Vector3[][] arrayToClone) {
		//First clone the outer array
		Vector3[][] newArray = arrayToClone.Clone() as Vector3[][];

		//Then clone the inner arrays
		for (int i = 0; i < newArray.Length; i++) {
			newArray[i] = newArray[i].Clone() as Vector3[];

		return newArray;
예제 #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Posit"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Array of vectors containing coordinates of four real model's point (points
        /// must not be on the same plane).</param>
        /// <param name="focalLength">Effective focal length of the camera used to capture the model.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The model must have 4 points.</exception>
        public Posit( Vector3[] model, float focalLength )
            if ( model.Length != 4 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "The model must have 4 points." );

            this.focalLength = focalLength;
            modelPoints = (Vector3[]) model.Clone( );

            // compute model vectors
            modelVectors = Matrix3x3.CreateFromRows(
                model[1] - model[0],
                model[2] - model[0],
                model[3] - model[0] );

            // compute pseudo inverse matrix
            modelPseudoInverse = modelVectors.PseudoInverse( );
예제 #42
 public ConvexResult(Vector3[] hvertices, int[] hindices)
     mHullVertices = (Vector3[])hvertices.Clone();
     mHullIndices = (int[])hindices.Clone();
        /// <summary>
        /// Load
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputPoints">Input points</param>
        /// <param name="widthHelpers">Width helpers</param>
        /// <param name="roadHelpers">Road helpers</param>
        /// <param name="neutralObjects">Neutral objects</param>
        /// <param name="landscape">Landscape</param>
        protected void Load(Vector3[] inputPoints,
			List<TrackData.WidthHelper> widthHelpers,
			List<TrackData.RoadHelper> roadHelpers,
			List<TrackData.NeutralObject> neutralObjects,
			Landscape landscape)
            #region Kill all previously loaded data

            // Kill all loaded objects
            if (landscape != null)

            #region Make sure we got valid data
            if (inputPoints == null ||
                inputPoints.Length < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("inputPoints is invalid, we need at "+
                    "least 3 valid input points to generate a TrackLine.");

            #region Check if all points are ABOVE the landscape
            if (landscape != null)
                // Go through all spline points
                for (int num = 0; num < inputPoints.Length; num++)
                    // Get landscape height here
                    float landscapeHeight = landscape.GetMapHeight(
                        inputPoints[num].X, inputPoints[num].Y) +
                        // add little to fix ground errors
                        MinimumLandscapeDistance * 2.25f;

                    // And make sure we are always above it!
                    if (inputPoints[num].Z < landscapeHeight)
                        inputPoints[num].Z = landscapeHeight;
                } // for (num)

                // Second pass, check 24 interpolation points between all inputPoints
                for (int num = 0; num < inputPoints.Length; num++)
                    for (int iter = 1; iter < 25; iter++)
                        float iterPercent = iter / 25.0f;

                        float iterHeight = inputPoints[num].Z * (1 - iterPercent) +
                            inputPoints[(num + 1) % inputPoints.Length].Z * iterPercent;

                        // Check 2x2 points (in all directions) to make sure
                        // we don't go through the landscape at the sides
                        for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                                // Also get height at middle to next pos
                                float landscapeHeight = landscape.GetMapHeight(
                                    -5.0f + 10.0f * x +
                                    inputPoints[num].X * (1 - iterPercent) +
                                    inputPoints[(num + 1) % inputPoints.Length].X * iterPercent,
                                    -5.0f + 10.0f * y +
                                    inputPoints[num].Y * (1 - iterPercent) +
                                    inputPoints[(num + 1) % inputPoints.Length].Y * iterPercent)+
                                    // add little to fix ground errors
                                    MinimumLandscapeDistance * 1.6f;// 1.5f;//1.25f;

                                // Increase both positions if this point is under the landscape
                                if (iterHeight < landscapeHeight)
                                    float increaseHeight = landscapeHeight - iterHeight;
                                    inputPoints[num].Z += increaseHeight;
                                    inputPoints[(num + 1) % inputPoints.Length].Z +=
                                } // if (iterHeight)
                            } // for
              } // for for (iter)
            } // if (landscape)
            //Log.Write("Input points: " + StringHelper.WriteArrayData(inputPoints));

            #region Search for any loopings indicated by 2 points above each other
            // Go through all spline points (ignore first and last 3, this
            // makes it easier to remove points and add new ones).
            for (int num = 1; num < inputPoints.Length-3; num++)
                // X/Y distance has to be 4 times smaller than Z distance
                Vector3 distVec = inputPoints[num + 1] - inputPoints[num];
                float xyDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(
                float zDist = Math.Abs(distVec.Z);
                // Also check if next point is down again.
                Vector3 distVec2 = inputPoints[num + 2] - inputPoints[num + 1];
                if (zDist / 2 > xyDist &&
                    Math.Abs(distVec.Z + distVec2.Z) < zDist / 2)
                    // Find out which direction we are going
                    Vector3 dir = inputPoints[num] - inputPoints[num - 1];
                    Vector3 upVec = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                    Vector3 rightVec = Vector3.Cross(dir, upVec);
                    // Matrix build helper matrix to rotate our looping points
                    Matrix rotMatrix = new Matrix(
                        rightVec.X, rightVec.Y, rightVec.Z, 0,
                        dir.X, dir.Y, dir.Z, 0,
                        upVec.X, upVec.Y, upVec.Z, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 1);

                    // Ok do a looping with zDist as height.
                    // Start with the current point, loop around and end with the
                    // point after the looping. We will remove the current and the
                    // next 2 points, but add 9 new points instead for our smooth loop.
                    // See LoopingPoints for the looping itself.
                    Vector3 startLoopPos = inputPoints[num];
                    Vector3 endLoopPos = inputPoints[num + 2];

                    // Insert 7 new points (9 new points, but we reuse
                    // start, middle and end points which are num, num+1 and num+2,
                    // plus an additional point after the looping to keep the road
                    // straight!)
                    Vector3[] remInputPoints = (Vector3[])inputPoints.Clone();
                    inputPoints = new Vector3[inputPoints.Length + 7];
                    // Copy everything over
                    for (int copyNum = 0; copyNum < remInputPoints.Length; copyNum++)
                        if (copyNum < num)
                            inputPoints[copyNum] = remInputPoints[copyNum];
                            inputPoints[copyNum + 7] = remInputPoints[copyNum];

                    // Ok, now we can add our loop
                    for (int loopNum = 0; loopNum < LoopingPoints.Length; loopNum++)
                        // Interpolate between start and end pos to land at the end pos!
                        float loopPercent = loopNum / (float)(LoopingPoints.Length - 1);
                        inputPoints[num + loopNum] =
                            startLoopPos * (1 - loopPercent) +
                            endLoopPos * loopPercent +
                            zDist * Vector3.Transform(LoopingPoints[loopNum], rotMatrix);
                    } // for (loopNum)

                    // Add extra point to keep the road straight
                    Vector3 newRoadDir =
                        inputPoints[num + 10] - inputPoints[num + 8];
                    // Don't go more than zDist * 2 units away!
                    if (newRoadDir.Length() > zDist * 2)
                        newRoadDir = newRoadDir * zDist;
                        inputPoints[num + 9] = inputPoints[num + 8] + newRoadDir;
                    } // if (newRoadDir.Length)
                        // Just add an interpolation point
                        inputPoints[num + 9] =
                            (inputPoints[num + 8] + inputPoints[num + 10])/2.0f;

                    // Advance 10 points until we check for the next loop
                    num += 10;

                    // That's it, good work everyone ^^
                } // if (zDist)
            } // for (num)

            #region Generate all points with help of catmull rom splines
            // Generate all points with help of catmull rom splines
            for (int num = 0; num < inputPoints.Length; num++)
                // Get the 4 required points for the catmull rom spline
                Vector3 p1 = inputPoints[num-1 < 0 ? inputPoints.Length-1 : num-1];
                Vector3 p2 = inputPoints[num];
                Vector3 p3 = inputPoints[(num + 1) % inputPoints.Length];
                Vector3 p4 = inputPoints[(num + 2) % inputPoints.Length];

                // Calculate number of iterations we use here based
                // on the distance of the 2 points we generate new points from.
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(p2, p3);
                int numberOfIterations =
                    (int)(NumberOfIterationsPer100Meters * (distance / 100.0f));
                if (numberOfIterations <= 0)
                    numberOfIterations = 1;

                Vector3 lastPos = p1;
                for (int iter = 0; iter < numberOfIterations; iter++)
                    TrackVertex newVertex = new TrackVertex(
                        Vector3.CatmullRom(p1, p2, p3, p4,
                        iter / (float)numberOfIterations));

                    lastPos = newVertex.pos;

                } // for (iter)
            } // for (num)

            #region Generate up vectors, very important for our road building
            // Pre up vectors are used to first generate all optimal up vectors
            // for the track, but this is not useful for driving because we need
            // the road to point up always except for loopings.
            List<Vector3> preUpVectors = new List<Vector3>();

            // Now generate all up vectors, first pass does optimal up vectors.
            Vector3 defaultUpVec = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            Vector3 lastUpVec = defaultUpVec;
            for (int num = 0; num < points.Count; num++)
                // Get direction we are driving in at this point,
                // interpolate with help of last and next points.
                Vector3 dir = points[(num + 1) % points.Count].pos -
                    points[num - 1 < 0 ? points.Count - 1 : num - 1].pos;

                // Now calculate the optimal up vector for this point
                Vector3 middlePoint = (points[(num + 1) % points.Count].pos +
                    points[num - 1 < 0 ? points.Count - 1 : num - 1].pos) / 2.0f;
                Vector3 optimalUpVector = middlePoint - points[num].pos;
                if (optimalUpVector.Length() < 0.0001f)
                    optimalUpVector = lastUpVec;

                // Store the optimalUpVectors in the preUpVectors list

                // Also save dir vector
                points[num].dir = dir;

                // And remember the last upVec in case the road is going straight ahead
                lastUpVec = optimalUpVector;
            } // for (num)

            // Interpolate the first up vector for a smoother road at the start pos
            preUpVectors[0] = preUpVectors[preUpVectors.Count - 1] + preUpVectors[1];

            #region Interpolate the up vectors and also add the dir and right vectors
            // Second pass, interpolated precalced values and apply our logic :)
            //preUpVectors[0] =
            lastUpVec = Vector3.Lerp(defaultUpVec, preUpVectors[0],
                1.5f * CurveFactor * UpFactorCorrector);
            //lastUpVec = preUpVectors[0];
            Vector3 lastUpVecUnmodified = lastUpVec;// defaultUpVec;
            Vector3 lastRightVec = Vector3.Zero;
            for (int num = 0; num < points.Count; num++)
                // Grab dir vector (could be calculated here too)
                Vector3 dir = points[num].dir;

                // First of all interpolate the preUpVectors
                Vector3 upVec =
                    //single input: preUpVectors[num];
                for (int smoothNum = -NumberOfUpSmoothValues / 2;
                    smoothNum <= NumberOfUpSmoothValues / 2; smoothNum++)
                    upVec +=
                        preUpVectors[(num + points.Count + smoothNum) % points.Count];

                // Find out if this road piece is upside down and if we are
                // moving up or down. This is VERY important for catching loopings.
                bool upsideDown = upVec.Z < -0.25f &&
                    lastUpVecUnmodified.Z < -0.05f;
                bool movingUp = dir.Z > 0.75f;
                bool movingDown = dir.Z < -0.75f;

                //float changeAngle2 =
                //  GetAngleBetweenVectors(lastUpVec, upVec);
                //if (num < 100)
                //  Log.Write("changeAngel2=" + changeAngle2);

                // Mix in the last vector to make curves weaker
                upVec = Vector3.Lerp(lastUpVec, upVec, CurveFactor);
                // Store the last value to check for loopings.
                lastUpVecUnmodified = upVec;

                // Don't mix in default up if we head up or are upside down!
                // Its very useful to know if we move up or down to fix the
                // problematic areas at loopings by pointing stuff correct right away.
                if (movingUp)
                    lastUpVec = Vector3.Lerp(upVec, -defaultUpVec, UpFactorCorrector);
                else if (movingDown)
                    lastUpVec = Vector3.Lerp(upVec, defaultUpVec, UpFactorCorrector);
                else if (upsideDown)
                    lastUpVec = Vector3.Lerp(upVec, -defaultUpVec, UpFactorCorrector);
                    lastUpVec = Vector3.Lerp(upVec, defaultUpVec, UpFactorCorrector);

                // If we are very close to the ground, make the road point up more!
                if (//upsideDown == false &&
                    landscape != null)
                    // Get landscape height here
                    float landscapeHeight = landscape.GetMapHeight(
                        points[num].pos.X, points[num].pos.Y);

                    // If point is close to the landscape, let everything point up more
                    if (points[num].pos.Z - landscapeHeight <
                        MinimumLandscapeDistance * 4)
                        lastUpVec = Vector3.Lerp(upVec, defaultUpVec,
                            1.75f * UpFactorCorrector);
                } // if (upsideDown == false &&)

                // And finally calculate rightVectors with just a cross product.
                // Used to render the track later.
                Vector3 rightVec = Vector3.Cross(dir, upVec);
                points[num].right = rightVec;

                // Recalculate up vector with help of right and dir.
                // This makes the up vector to always point up 90 degrees.
                upVec = Vector3.Cross(rightVec, dir);
                points[num].up = upVec;

                //// Make sure we never rotate the road more than a few degrees
                //if (lastRightVec.Length() > 0)
                //  float changeAngle =
                //    GetAngleBetweenVectors(lastRightVec, rightVec);
                //  if (num < 100)
                //    Log.Write("changeAngel=" + changeAngle);
                //} // if (lastRightVec.Length)

                //// Remember right vec for comparison in the next frame.
                //lastRightVec = rightVec;
            } // for (num)

            #region Smooth up vectors!
            lastUpVec = points[0].up;
            for (int num = 0; num < points.Count; num++)
                preUpVectors[num] = points[num].up;
            for (int num = 0; num < points.Count; num++)
                // Interpolate up vectors again
                Vector3 upVec = Vector3.Zero;
                for (int smoothNum = -NumberOfUpSmoothValues;
                    smoothNum <= NumberOfUpSmoothValues; smoothNum++)
                    upVec +=
                        preUpVectors[(num + points.Count + smoothNum) % points.Count];
                } // for (smoothNum)
                points[num].up = upVec;

                // Also rebuild right vector
                Vector3 dir = points[num].dir;
                points[num].right = Vector3.Cross(dir, upVec);

                // Grab dir and up vector
                Vector3 dir = points[num].dir;
                Vector3 upVec = points[num].up;
                // Compare with previous up vector
                float changeAngle =
                    GetAngleBetweenVectors(lastUpVec, upVec);
                bool upsideDown = upVec.Z < -0.25f &&
                    lastUpVecUnmodified.Z < -0.05f;
                bool movingUp = dir.Z > 0.75f;
                bool movingDown = dir.Z < -0.75f;
                lastUpVecUnmodified = upVec;
                if (Math.Abs(changeAngle) > 0.02f &&
                    upsideDown == false &&
                    movingUp == false &&
                    movingDown == false)
                    points[num].up = Vector3.SmoothStep(lastUpVec, upVec, 0.33f);//.25f);
                    // Also rebuild right vector
                    points[num].right = Vector3.Cross(dir, points[num].up);
                } // if (Math.Abs)
                //if (Math.Abs(changeAngle) > 0.02f)
                    points[num].up = Vector3.SmoothStep(lastUpVec, upVec, 0.05f);//.25f);
                    // Also rebuild right vector
                    points[num].right = Vector3.Cross(dir, points[num].up);
                } // if (Math.Abs)
                lastUpVec = upVec;
                //if (num < 100)
                //  Log.Write("changeAngel=" + changeAngle);
            } // for (num)



                roadHelpers, neutralObjects, landscape);
예제 #44
 private Vector3[] getRightLinePoints(Vector3[] points)
     Vector3[] secondPoints = (Vector3[])points.Clone();
     for(int i = 0; i < secondPoints.Length; i++)
         secondPoints[i].x = secondPoints[i].x + getHorizontalCollisionDistance();
     return secondPoints;