예제 #1
    // Test whether two line segments intersect. If so, calculate the intersection point.
    // p Vector to the start point of p.</param>
    // p2 Vector to the end point of p.</param>
    // q Vector to the start point of q.</param>
    // q2 Vector to the end point of q.</param>
    // intersection The point of intersection, if any.
    // considerOverlapAsIntersect Do we consider overlapping lines as intersecting?
    // Returns True if an intersection point was found.
    public static bool IntersectSegementSegment(Vector2F p, Vector2F p2, Vector2F q, Vector2F q2, out Vector2F intersection, bool considerCollinearOverlapAsIntersect = false)
        intersection = new Vector2F();

        Vector2F r    = p2 - p;
        Vector2F s    = q2 - q;
        float    rxs  = r.Cross(s);
        float    qpxr = (q - p).Cross(r);

        // If r x s = 0 and (q - p) x r = 0, then the two lines are collinear.
        if (IsZeroFloat(rxs) && IsZeroFloat(qpxr))
            // 1. If either  0 <= (q - p) * r <= r * r or 0 <= (p - q) * s <= * s
            // then the two lines are overlapping,
            if (considerCollinearOverlapAsIntersect)
                if ((0 <= (q - p) * r && (q - p) * r <= r * r) || (0 <= (p - q) * s && (p - q) * s <= s * s))

            // 2. If neither 0 <= (q - p) * r = r * r nor 0 <= (p - q) * s <= s * s
            // then the two lines are collinear but disjoint.
            // No need to implement this expression, as it follows from the expression above.

        // 3. If r x s = 0 and (q - p) x r != 0, then the two lines are parallel and non-intersecting.
        if (IsZeroFloat(rxs) && !IsZeroFloat(qpxr))

        // t = (q - p) x s / (r x s)
        var t = (q - p).Cross(s) / rxs;

        // u = (q - p) x r / (r x s)

        var u = (q - p).Cross(r) / rxs;

        // 4. If r x s != 0 and 0 <= t <= 1 and 0 <= u <= 1
        // the two line segments meet at the point p + t r = q + u s.
        if (!IsZeroFloat(rxs) && (0 <= t && t <= 1) && (0 <= u && u <= 1))
            // We can calculate the intersection point using either t or u.
            intersection = p + t * r;

            // An intersection was found.

        // 5. Otherwise, the two line segments are not parallel but do not intersect.
        bool IsContainAtTriangle(Vector2F vertex1, Vector2F vertex2, Vector2F vertex3, Vector2F vector)
            float c1 = Vector2F.Cross(vertex2 - vertex1, vector - vertex2);
            float c2 = Vector2F.Cross(vertex3 - vertex2, vector - vertex3);
            float c3 = Vector2F.Cross(vertex1 - vertex3, vector - vertex1);

            if (c1 > 0 && c2 > 0 && c3 > 0 || c1 < 0 && c2 < 0 && c3 < 0)

        List <PolygonDef> DivideToTriangles(List <Vector2F> argVertexes)
            if (argVertexes.Count < 3)

            List <PolygonDef> result = new List <PolygonDef>();

            if (argVertexes.Count == 3)
                result.Add(CreatePolygonShape(argVertexes[0], argVertexes[1], argVertexes[2]));

            Vector2F root = new Vector2F();

            foreach (var item in argVertexes)
                if (root.Length < item.Length)
                    root = item;

            Vector2F next1, next2;

            next1 = argVertexes.IndexOf(root) != argVertexes.Count - 1 ? argVertexes[argVertexes.IndexOf(root) + 1] : argVertexes[0];
            next2 = argVertexes.IndexOf(root) != 0 ? argVertexes[argVertexes.IndexOf(root) - 1] : argVertexes[argVertexes.Count - 1];

            float cross = Vector2F.Cross(next1 - root, next2 - root);

            while (true)
                bool isDivideble = true;
                foreach (var item in argVertexes)
                    if (IsContainAtTriangle(root, next1, next2, item))
                        isDivideble = false;

                if (!isDivideble)
                        root  = argVertexes.IndexOf(root) != argVertexes.Count - 1 ? argVertexes[argVertexes.IndexOf(root) + 1] : argVertexes[0];
                        next1 = argVertexes.IndexOf(next1) != argVertexes.Count - 1 ? argVertexes[argVertexes.IndexOf(next1) + 1] : argVertexes[0];
                        next2 = argVertexes.IndexOf(next2) != argVertexes.Count - 1 ? argVertexes[argVertexes.IndexOf(next2) + 1] : argVertexes[0];
                    } while (Math.Sign(cross) != Math.Sign(Vector2F.Cross(next1 - root, next2 - root)));

            result.Add(CreatePolygonShape(root, next1, next2));
            List <Vector2F> remain = new List <Vector2F>(argVertexes);

예제 #4
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: nbz16/Physics
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Engine.Initialize("Phys2D", 960, 720);

            float             gravity     = 9.8f;
            Vector2F          speed       = new Vector2F(0f, 0f);
            Color             intersect   = new Color(200, 0, 0);
            Color             normalColor = new Color(100, 130, 180);
            List <CircleNode> collision   = new List <CircleNode>();

            var player = new CircleNode();

            player.Radius   = 70;
            player.Position = new Vector2F(300, 100);
            player.Color    = normalColor;
            player.VertNum  = 100;
            //circle.ZOrder = 1;

            var other = new CircleNode();

            other.Radius   = 50;
            other.Position = new Vector2F(350, 300);
            other.Color    = normalColor;
            other.VertNum  = 100;

            var other2 = new CircleNode();

            other2.Radius   = 50;
            other2.Position = new Vector2F(300, 50);
            other2.Color    = normalColor;
            other2.VertNum  = 100;

            var triangle = new TriangleNode();

            triangle.Point1 = new Vector2F(400, 100);
            triangle.Point2 = new Vector2F(450, 200);
            triangle.Point3 = new Vector2F(500, 100);
            //triangle.Position = new Vector2F((triangle.Point1.X + triangle.Point2.X + triangle.Point3.X) / 3, (triangle.Point1.Y + triangle.Point2.Y + triangle.Point3.Y) / 3);
            //triangle.Position = new Vector2F((400 + 450 + 500) / 3, (100 + 200 + 100) / 3);
            triangle.Color = normalColor;

            var line = new RectangleNode();

            line.RectangleSize = new Vector2F(960, 2);
            line.Position      = new Vector2F(0, 400);
            line.Color         = new Color(255, 30, 30);

            var lineL = new RectangleNode();

            lineL.RectangleSize = new Vector2F(2, 720 - 320);
            lineL.Position      = new Vector2F(200, 0);
            lineL.Color         = new Color(255, 30, 30);

            var lineR = new RectangleNode();

            lineR.RectangleSize = new Vector2F(2, 720 - 320);
            lineR.Position      = new Vector2F(500, 0);
            lineR.Color         = new Color(255, 30, 30);


            while (Engine.DoEvents())

                //speed += new Vector2F(0f, gravity/100);
                //player.Position += new Vector2F(0f, 1f);
                for (int i = 0; i < collision.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < collision.Count; j++)
                        if (collision[i] == collision[j])
                        float length   = (collision[i].Position - collision[j].Position).Length;
                        float distance = collision[i].Radius + collision[j].Radius;
                        if (length <= distance)
                            //collision[i].Color = intersect;
                            //collision[j].Color = intersect;

                            var dir = (collision[j].Position - collision[i].Position);
                            collision[i].Position -= dir.Normal * (distance - dir.Length);
                            collision[j].Position += dir.Normal * (distance - dir.Length);
                            collision[i].Color = normalColor;
                            collision[j].Color = normalColor;

                    CircleNode obj = collision[i];
                    obj.Position += new Vector2F(0f, 2f);
                    if (obj.Position.Y + obj.Radius > 400f)
                        obj.Position = new Vector2F(obj.Position.X, 400f - obj.Radius);
                    if (obj.Position.X - obj.Radius < 200f)
                        obj.Position = new Vector2F(200f + obj.Radius, obj.Position.Y);
                    if (obj.Position.X + obj.Radius > 500f)
                        obj.Position = new Vector2F(500f - obj.Radius, obj.Position.Y);

                if ((triangle.Point1 - player.Position).Length < player.Radius ||
                    (triangle.Point2 - player.Position).Length < player.Radius ||
                    (triangle.Point3 - player.Position).Length < player.Radius)
                    player.Color = intersect;

                var AO        = player.Position - triangle.Point1;
                var BO        = player.Position - triangle.Point3;
                var CO        = player.Position - triangle.Point2;
                var AB        = triangle.Point3 - triangle.Point1;
                var BC        = triangle.Point2 - triangle.Point3;
                var CA        = triangle.Point1 - triangle.Point2;
                var center    = new Vector2F((triangle.Point1.X + triangle.Point2.X + triangle.Point3.X) / 3, (triangle.Point1.Y + triangle.Point2.Y + triangle.Point3.Y) / 3);
                var direction = center - player.Position;
                var dist1     = Math.Abs(Vector2F.Cross(AO, AB)) / AB.Length;
                var dist2     = Math.Abs(Vector2F.Cross(BO, BC)) / BC.Length;
                var dist3     = Math.Abs(Vector2F.Cross(CO, CA)) / CA.Length;
                if (dist1 <= player.Radius && Dot(AO, AB) * Dot(BO, AB) <= 0)
                    player.Color     = intersect;
                    triangle.Point1 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist1);
                    triangle.Point2 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist1);
                    triangle.Point3 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist1);
                if (dist2 <= player.Radius && Dot(BO, BC) * Dot(CO, BC) <= 0)
                    player.Color     = intersect;
                    triangle.Point1 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist2);
                    triangle.Point2 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist2);
                    triangle.Point3 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist2);
                if (dist3 <= player.Radius && Dot(CO, CA) * Dot(AO, CA) <= 0)
                    player.Color     = intersect;
                    triangle.Point1 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist3);
                    triangle.Point2 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist3);
                    triangle.Point3 += direction.Normal * (player.Radius - dist3);
                if (triangle.Point1.Y < 400 || triangle.Point2.Y < 400 || triangle.Point2.Y < 400)
                    triangle.Point1 += new Vector2F(0f, 1f);
                    triangle.Point2 += new Vector2F(0f, 1f);
                    triangle.Point3 += new Vector2F(0f, 1f);

                //if (Vector2F.Cross(AO, AB) <= 0 && Vector2F.Cross(BO, BC) <= 0 && Vector2F.Cross(CO, CA) <= 0) player.Color = intersect;

                // 移動
                if (Engine.Keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.Right) == ButtonState.Hold)
                    player.Position += new Vector2F(5f, 0);
                if (Engine.Keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.Left) == ButtonState.Hold)
                    player.Position += new Vector2F(-5f, 0);
                if (Engine.Keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.Up) == ButtonState.Hold)
                    player.Position += new Vector2F(0, -5f);
                if (Engine.Keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.Down) == ButtonState.Hold)
                    player.Position += new Vector2F(0, 5f);

                if (Engine.Keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.Escape) == ButtonState.Push)
