public override void ExitLocalVariableDeclarationStatement([NotNull] SBP.LocalVariableDeclarationStatementContext context)
            TypeReference    type     = m_variableType;
            VariableModifier modifier = m_variableModifier;

            if (type == null)
            if (modifier == VariableModifier.None)
                if (type.Type == typeof(VarSpecifiedType))
                    if (m_variables[0].Value.IsError())
                        return;     // Just leave; no point in spending more time on this variable.
                    else if (m_variables[0].Value.DataType != null)
                        type = m_variables[0].Value.DataType;
                    else if (m_variables[0].Value.ExpressionCode != null)
                        type = new TypeReference(m_variables[0].Value.ExpressionCode.Type);
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown value type for assignment.");
                foreach (var variable in m_variables)
                    if (!type.Type.IsAssignableFrom(variable.Value.DataType.Type))
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Variables assignment of incompatible type.");
                    if (m_scopeStack.Peek().StatementCount > 0)
                        var scope = m_scopeStack.Peek();
                        var v     = scope.AddVariable(variable.Name, type, null, EntryModifiers.Private);
                        scope.AddStatementCode(Expression.Assign(v.VariableExpression, variable.Value.ExpressionCode));
                        m_scopeStack.Peek().AddVariable(variable.Name, type, variable.Value, EntryModifiers.Private);
            else    // Some kind of static
                throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #2
        public override void EnterVariableModifier([NotNull] SBP.VariableModifierContext context)
            var modifier = context.GetText();

            if (modifier == "static")
                m_variableModifier = VariableModifier.Static;
            else if (modifier == "execution")
                m_variableModifier = VariableModifier.Execution;
            else if (modifier == "session")
                m_variableModifier = VariableModifier.Session;
 public virtual void Visit(VariableModifier variableModifier)
예제 #4
        void ReadXML(string file)
            //var file = @"D:\_MY_PROJECTS\Mond\AIFS_Manager\DevNoteCmd\Katalon\Xamun.xml";// @"D:\_MY_PROJECTS\Mond\AIFS_Manager\CodeceptSupport\Katalon\test.xml";
            //run series of commands
            Interpreter it = new Interpreter();

            //step# 80 _Entry CONVERSION xml to codecept
            //_STEP_.Player _Entry CONVERSION xml to codecept
            if (it.MyActions == null)

            //STEP.CodeCept #80 ACTIONS modifier
            //step# 81 mods..modify actions
            ClickModifier clickExt = new ClickModifier();

            it.Mod <ClickModifier>(clickExt);

            SendKeyModifier keyExt = new SendKeyModifier();

            it.Mod <SendKeyModifier>(keyExt);

            //step# 82 Declare VARIABLES
            FillFieldModifier fillFieldExt = new FillFieldModifier();

            it.Mod <FillFieldModifier>(fillFieldExt);

            //step# 83 identify Variables
            VariableModifier variableList = new VariableModifier();

            it.Mod <VariableModifier>(variableList);

            //step# 83 assign Variables
            AssignModifier variableExt = new AssignModifier();

            it.Mod <AssignModifier>(variableExt);

            //step# 84 finalize
            FinalModifier finalExt = new FinalModifier();

            it.Mod <FinalModifier>(finalExt);

            //MyActions = it.MyActions;
            //add summary
            MyActions = SummaryModifier.AddSummary(it, variableList.ListOfVariables);

            //this.actionSource.DataSource = MyActions;

            //txtCaption.Text = "DevNote Recorder -" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog1.FileName);
            //saveFileDialog1.FileName = openFileDialog1.FileName;

            // var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(jsXMLFile);

            //var dir = LogApplication.Agent.GetCurrentDir();
            //dir = dir.Replace("file:\\", string.Empty);
            //string drive =System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(dir);
            //string driveLetter = drive.First().ToString();
            var codeceptjsFolder = FileEndPointManager.Project2Folder;//string.Format("{0}\\CodeceptJs\\Project2", dir);  //@"D:\_ROBOtFRAMeWORK\CodeceptsJs\Project1\";

            var codeceptTestPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(codeceptjsFolder, "latest_test.js");

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(codeceptTestPath))

            saveFileDialog1.FileName = codeceptTestPath;

            //step# 30 Save to default js file
            toolStripButtonSave_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds one row for each variable of the specified <see cref="EntityClass"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="entityClass">
        /// The <see cref="EntityClass"/> whose variables to show.</param>
        /// <param name="category">
        /// The <see cref="VariableCategory"/> whose variables to show.</param>
        /// <param name="showBuildResources">
        /// <c>true</c> to show <see cref="EntityClass.BuildResources"/>, <c>false</c> to show <see
        /// cref="EntityClass.Resources"/>. This argument is ignored if <paramref name="category"/>
        /// does not equal <see cref="VariableCategory.Resource"/>.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidEnumArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="category"/> is neither <see cref="VariableCategory.Attribute"/> nor <see
        /// cref="VariableCategory.Resource"/>.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <b>CreateVariableRows</b> adds one row for each initial value and modifier value defined
        /// by the specified <paramref name="entityClass"/>. The <see cref="PropertyListItem.Tag"/>
        /// of each row holds the corresponding <see cref="VariableClass"/>.</remarks>

        private void CreateVariableRows(EntityClass entityClass,
                                        VariableCategory category, bool showBuildResources)
            string categoryLabel = "";
            VariableClassDictionary    variables = null;
            VariableValueDictionary    basics    = null;
            VariableModifierDictionary modifiers = null;

            // retrieve name and variable collections for category
            if (category == VariableCategory.Attribute)
                categoryLabel = Global.Strings.LabelAttribute;
                variables     = MasterSection.Instance.Variables.Attributes;
                basics        = entityClass.Attributes;
                modifiers     = entityClass.AttributeModifiers;
            else if (category == VariableCategory.Resource)
                variables = MasterSection.Instance.Variables.Resources;

                if (showBuildResources)
                    categoryLabel = Global.Strings.LabelBuildCost;
                    basics        = entityClass.BuildResources;
                    categoryLabel = Global.Strings.LabelResource;
                    basics        = entityClass.Resources;
                    modifiers     = entityClass.ResourceModifiers;
                    "category", (int)category, typeof(VariableCategory));

            // insert separator before first property?
            bool addSeparator = (Items.Count > 0);

            // add variable row, preceded by separator if required
            Action <VariableClass, String> addRow = (variable, value) => {
                if (addSeparator)
                    addSeparator = false;

                Items.Add(new PropertyListItem(categoryLabel, variable.Name, value, variable));

            // process all variables defined by the scenario
            foreach (var pair in variables)
                string id = pair.Key;
                string basicValue = null, modSelf = null;

                // get basic value if defined
                if (basics.ContainsKey(id))
                    basicValue = pair.Value.Format(basics[id], false);

                // get set of modifiers and self-modifier value
                VariableModifier modifier = null;
                if (modifiers != null && modifiers.TryGetValue(id, out modifier) && modifier.Self != null)
                    modSelf = pair.Value.Format(modifier.Self.Value, true);

                string column = (basicValue == null ? modSelf :
                                 (modSelf == null ? basicValue : String.Format(
                                      ApplicationInfo.Culture, "{0} {1}", basicValue, modSelf)));

                if (column != null)
                    addRow(pair.Value, column);
                if (modifier == null)

                // add one row for each additional modifier value
                foreach (ModifierTarget target in VariableModifier.AllModifierTargets)
                    if (target == ModifierTarget.Self)

                    int?value = modifier.GetByTarget(target);
                    if (value != null)
                        column = pair.Value.Format(value, target, entityClass.ModifierRange);
                        addRow(pair.Value, column);