예제 #1
        static void Main()
             * Application.EnableVisualStyles();
             * Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
             * Application.Run(new Form1());*/

            VRClient client = new VRClient("", 6666);

            if (client.Connect())
                List <DVRSessionItem> sessionList = client.GetSessionList();
                for (int i = 0; i < sessionList.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} {sessionList[i].clientinfo.user}");

                Console.Write("Select Session: ");

                int selectedSession;
                while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out selectedSession))
                    Console.Write("Select Session: ");

                Console.Write("Enter key (leave empty if not needed): ");
                string key = Console.ReadLine();

                    VRTunnel tunnel = client.CreateTunnel(sessionList[selectedSession - 1].id, key);

                    if (tunnel != null)
                        bool succeded = false;
                        while (!succeded)
                                succeded = SetScene(tunnel);
                            catch (VRCallbackException ex)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Error package: {ex.Message}");
                catch (VRClientException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Create Tunnel failed: {ex.Message}");
                Console.WriteLine("Connection Failed!");
예제 #2
 public VRConnectForm(Client client)
     this.client   = client;
     this.vrClient = new VRClient("", 6666);
     if (this.vrClient.Connect())
         this.sessionList = vrClient.GetSessionList();
         foreach (var sessionItem in this.sessionList)
             dataGridView1.Rows.Add(sessionItem.clientinfo.user, sessionItem.id);
예제 #3
        private void DeleteClientConfig(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Client client)
            using (VRArcadeDataAccessModel m = new VRArcadeDataAccessModel())
                VRClient vrc = m.VRClients.Where(x => x.ID == client.ClientID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (vrc != null)
                    vrc.IsDeleted = true;


예제 #4
        private void UpdateInternalClientStatus(string ipAddress, string machineName, VRGameSelectorDTO.Enums.LiveClientStatus liveClientStatus, string addInfo)
            using (VRArcadeDataAccessModel m = new VRArcadeDataAccessModel())
                InternalClientStatus iClientStatus = _internalClientStatus.Where(x => x.ClientIP == ipAddress).FirstOrDefault();

                if (iClientStatus != null)
                    VRClient vrc = m.VRClients.Where(x => x.IPAddress == ipAddress && !x.IsDeleted).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (vrc != null && !vrc.MachineName.ToString().Equals(machineName))
                        vrc.MachineName = machineName;

                    iClientStatus.ClientName     = machineName;
                    iClientStatus.ClientStatus   = (VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.LiveClientStatus)liveClientStatus;
                    iClientStatus.AdditionalInfo = addInfo;
예제 #5
        private void ModifyClientConfig(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Client client)
            bool isChangeConfigSetOnly = false;

            using (VRArcadeDataAccessModel m = new VRArcadeDataAccessModel())
                VRClient vrc = m.VRClients.Where <VRClient>(x => x.ID == client.ClientID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (vrc != null)
                    if (vrc.IPAddress == client.IPAddress && vrc.DashboardModuleIP == client.DashboardModuleIP)
                        isChangeConfigSetOnly = true;
                        vrc.IPAddress         = client.IPAddress;
                        vrc.DashboardModuleIP = client.DashboardModuleIP;

                    vrc.TileConfigSetID = client.TileConfigSetID;


            if (isChangeConfigSetOnly)
                RefreshConfigSetForClient(client.ClientID, client.TileConfigSetID);


예제 #6
        private void AddClientConfig(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Client client)
            using (VRArcadeDataAccessModel m = new VRArcadeDataAccessModel())
                VRClient vrc = new VRClient()
                    IPAddress         = client.IPAddress,
                    DashboardModuleIP = client.DashboardModuleIP,
                    TileConfigSetID   = client.TileConfigSetID,
                    Tileconfigset     = null,
                    MachineName       = "",
                    VRClienthistories = null,
                    IsDeleted         = false



예제 #7
        private void ClientSetAllTileConfig(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, bool withImage = false)
            using (VRArcadeDataAccessModel m = new VRArcadeDataAccessModel())
                string ipAdd = ((IPEndPoint)connectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint).Address.MapToIPv4().ToString();

                InternalClientStatus iClientStatus = _internalClientStatus.Where(x => x.ClientIP == ipAdd).FirstOrDefault();

                VRClient vrc = m.VRClients.Where(x => x.IPAddress == ipAdd && !x.IsDeleted).FirstOrDefault();

                if (vrc != null)
                    List <VRTileconfig> lvrt0 = m.VRTileconfigs.Where(x => x.TileConfigSetID == vrc.TileConfigSetID && x.VRTileconfigID == 0 && !x.IsDeleted).ToList(); // root level

                    if (lvrt0 != null)
                        VRGameSelectorDTO.TileConfig tc = new VRGameSelectorDTO.TileConfig();

                        foreach (VRTileconfig vrt in lvrt0)                                                  // first process root level
                            string imagePath = (vrt.ImageData.Length > 0) ? vrt.ID.ToString() + ".bmp" : ""; // full path will be decided on client end

                            if (withImage)

                            VRGameSelectorDTO.ImageInfo ii = new VRGameSelectorDTO.ImageInfo(vrt.ImageData, !withImage);

                            Tile t = new Tile(vrt.TileHeight, vrt.TileWidth, vrt.TileRowNumber, vrt.ID.ToString(), vrt.TileTitle, imagePath, vrt.TileDesc, vrt.Command, vrt.Arguments, vrt.WorkingPath, ii, vrt.AgeRequire, vrt.VideoURL);


                        List <VRTileconfig> lvrt1 = m.VRTileconfigs.Where(x => x.TileConfigSetID == vrc.TileConfigSetID && x.VRTileconfigID != 0 && !x.IsDeleted).ToList(); // sub level

                        if (lvrt1 != null)
                            foreach (VRTileconfig vrt in lvrt1)
                                Tile targetVrt = tc.MainScreenTiles.Where(x => x.TileID == vrt.VRTileconfigID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (targetVrt != null)
                                    string imagePath = (vrt.ImageData.Length > 0) ? vrt.ID.ToString() + ".bmp" : ""; // full path will be decided on client end

                                    VRGameSelectorDTO.ImageInfo ii = new VRGameSelectorDTO.ImageInfo(vrt.ImageData, !withImage);

                                    Tile t = new Tile(vrt.TileHeight, vrt.TileWidth, vrt.TileRowNumber, vrt.ID.ToString(), vrt.TileTitle, imagePath, vrt.TileDesc, vrt.Command, vrt.Arguments, vrt.WorkingPath, ii, vrt.AgeRequire, vrt.VideoURL);


                        VRCommand vcs = new VRCommand(VRGameSelectorDTO.Enums.ControlMessage.GET_ALL_TILE_CONFIG, tc);

                        SendCommandToPeer(connectionInfo, vcs);

                        if (iClientStatus != null)
                            iClientStatus.LastTileConfigDownloadTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
예제 #8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //store bones in a list for easier access, everything except Hip_Center will be one
        //higher than the corresponding Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex (because of the hip_override)
        //        _bones = new GameObject[25] {
        //null, Hip_Center, Spine, Shoulder_Center,
        //Collar_Left, Shoulder_Left, Elbow_Left, Wrist_Left,
        //Collar_Right, Shoulder_Right, Elbow_Right, Wrist_Right,
        //Hip_Override, Hip_Left, Knee_Left, Ankle_Left,
        //null, Hip_Right, Knee_Right, Ankle_Right,
        ////extra joints to determine the direction of some bones
        //Head, Hand_Left, Hand_Right, Foot_Left, Foot_Right};

        _bones = new GameObject[(int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count + 5] {
            null, Hip_Center, Spine, Shoulder_Center,
            Collar_Left, Shoulder_Left, Elbow_Left, Wrist_Left,
            Collar_Right, Shoulder_Right, Elbow_Right, Wrist_Right,
            Hip_Override, Hip_Left, Knee_Left, Ankle_Left,
            null, Hips_Right, Knee_Right, Ankle_Right,
            //extra joints to determine the direction of some bones
            Head, Hand_Left, Hand_Right, Foot_Left, Foot_Right

        //determine which bones are not available
        for (int ii = 0; ii < _bones.Length; ii++)
            if (_bones[ii] == null)
                _nullMask |= (uint)(1 << ii);

        //store the base rotations and bone directions (in bone-local space)
        _baseRotation = new Quaternion[20];
        _boneDir      = new Vector3[20];

        //first save the special rotations for the hip and spine
        _hipRight = Hips_Right.transform.position - Hip_Left.transform.position;
        _hipRight = Hip_Override.transform.InverseTransformDirection(_hipRight);

        _chestRight = Shoulder_Right.transform.position - Shoulder_Left.transform.position;
        _chestRight = Spine.transform.InverseTransformDirection(_chestRight);

        //get direction of all other bones
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++)
            if ((_nullMask & (uint)(1 << ii)) <= 0)
                //save initial rotation
                _baseRotation[ii] = _bones[ii].transform.localRotation;

                //if the bone is the end of a limb, get direction from this bone to one of the extras (hand or foot).
                if (ii % 4 == 3 && ((_nullMask & (uint)(1 << (ii / 4) + 20)) <= 0))
                    _boneDir[ii] = _bones[(ii / 4) + 20].transform.position - _bones[ii].transform.position;
                //if the bone is the hip_override (at boneindex Hip_Left, get direction from average of left and right hips
                else if (ii == 12)
                    _boneDir[ii] = ((Hips_Right.transform.position + Hip_Left.transform.position) / 2F) - Hip_Override.transform.position;
                //otherwise, get the vector from this bone to the next.
                else if ((_nullMask & (uint)(1 << ii + 1)) <= 0)
                    _boneDir[ii] = _bones[ii + 1].transform.position - _bones[ii].transform.position;
                //Since the spine of the kinect data is ~40 degrees back from the hip,
                //check what angle the spine is at and rotate the saved direction back to match the data
                if (ii == 1)
                    float angle = Vector3.Angle(transform.up, _boneDir[ii]);
                    _boneDir[ii] = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-40 + angle, transform.right) * _boneDir[ii];
                //transform the direction into local space.
                _boneDir[ii] = _bones[ii].transform.InverseTransformDirection(_boneDir[ii]);
        //make _chestRight orthogonal to the direction of the spine.
        _chestRight -= Vector3.Project(_chestRight, _boneDir[1]);
        //make _hipRight orthogonal to the direction of the hip override
        Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref _boneDir[12], ref _hipRight);

        m_bonePos           = new Vector3[2, 20];
        kinectToWorld       = Matrix4x4.zero;
        kinectToWorld[0, 0] = 1;
        kinectToWorld[1, 1] = 1;
        kinectToWorld[1, 3] = 1;
        kinectToWorld[2, 2] = -1;
        kinectToWorld[2, 3] = 2;
        kinectToWorld[3, 3] = 1;

        m_client = new VRClient(stion);
        new Thread(() => {
        public void ProcessBarcode(string ipAdd, string barcode)
                logger.Debug("BARCODE IN  " + barcode);
                logger.Debug("From dashboard: " + ipAdd);

                InternalClientStatus iClientStatus = _internalClientStatus.Where(x => x.DashboardModuleIP == ipAdd).FirstOrDefault();

                Ascii85 a85 = new Ascii85();
                //Guid guid = new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(barcode.BarcodeReadout + "=="));

                Guid guid = new Guid(a85.Decode(barcode));


                if (iClientStatus != null && guid != null && guid != Guid.Empty)
                    using (VRArcadeDataAccessModel m = new VRArcadeDataAccessModel())
                        VRTicket vrt = m.VRTickets.Where(x => x.GUID == guid.ToString() && !x.IsDeleted).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (vrt != null && vrt.VRTicketType != null)
                            List <ClientParm> clientParm = new List <ClientParm>();
                            IPAddress         ipa        = null;
                            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ipAdd, out ipa))
                                ipa = IPAddress.Parse("");

                            OperationInfo opInfo = new OperationInfo()
                                ConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(new IPEndPoint(ipa, 0)),
                                TicketGUID     = vrt.GUID,
                                SourceType     = VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.SourceType.LCD_BARCODE_MODULE,
                                ClientID       = iClientStatus.ClientID

                            if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "TICKET" && iClientStatus.ClientStatus == VRGameSelectorServerDTO.Enums.LiveClientStatus.CLEANING_DONE)
                                if (Math.Abs(DateTime.Now.Subtract(vrt.TimeStampCreate).TotalMinutes) <= 60)
                                    VRClient vrc = m.VRClients.Where(x => x.ID == iClientStatus.ClientID).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (vrt.Minutes == 0)
                                        // non-timing
                                        clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID));
                                        SendStartNow(clientParm, opInfo);
                                        // timing
                                        Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                            { "Duration", vrt.Minutes.ToString() }

                                        clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID, dict));
                                        SendStartTiming(clientParm, opInfo);
                                        logger.Debug("TIMING:" + vrt.Minutes.ToString());

                                    vrt.IsDeleted       = true;
                                    vrt.TimeStampDelete = DateTime.Now;
                                    vrt.VRClientID      = (vrc != null) ? (int?)vrc.ID : null;

                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-START-NON-TIMING")
                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID));
                                SendStartNow(clientParm, opInfo);
                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-START-TIMING")
                                Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                    { "Duration", vrt.Minutes.ToString() }

                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID, dict));
                                SendStartTiming(clientParm, opInfo);
                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-END-GAME")
                                Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                    { "EndMode", "Manual" }

                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID, dict));
                                SendEndNow(clientParm, opInfo);
                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-REBOOT")
                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID));
                                SendReboot(clientParm, opInfo);
                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-TURNOFF")
                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID));
                                SendTurnOff(clientParm, opInfo);
                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-KMU-ON")
                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID));
                                SendTurnOnKMU(clientParm, opInfo);
                            else if (vrt.VRTicketType.Type == "KEY-KMU-OFF")
                                clientParm.Add(new ClientParm(iClientStatus.ClientID));
                                SendTurnOffKMU(clientParm, opInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Debug("Barcode Decoding Error: " + ex.Message);
예제 #10
 public LocalPlayer(VRClient client)
     this.client = client;