예제 #1
        public void SaveProductMasterData(DBSite site, ProductMasterEntity pme)
            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblProductMaster( ProductID, ProductName, OpeningBalance,  ProductDate, CostPrice, SellingPrice, UOM, CategoryID";

            qry += ", AccountId, LocationId, ReOrderQty ,ProductDescription, UserID, SubuserId , FYear)  VALUES(";

            qry += "'" + pme.ProductId + "'";
            qry += ",'" + pme.ProductName + "'";
            qry += ", " + pme.OpeningBalance;
            qry += ", '" + pme.productDate + "'";
            qry += ", " + pme.CostPrice;

            qry += ", " + pme.SellingPrice;
            qry += ", " + pme.UOM;
            qry += ", " + pme.CategoryID;
            qry += ", " + pme.AccountId;
            qry += ", " + pme.LocationId;
            qry += ", " + pme.ReOrderQty;
            qry += ", '" + pme.ProductDescription + "'";
            qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

            //qry += ", " + Util_BLL.User.UserId;
            //qry += ", " + Util_BLL.User.fYear;

            qry += ")";

예제 #2
        public void SaveStudent(DBSite site, StudenEntity st)
            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblStudentMaster(StudentName, AdmissionNo, ClassId, SectionID, MobileF, MobileM, DOB, Email";

            qry += ", IdCardNo, FatherName, MotherName, UserID, SubuserId , FYear)  VALUES(";

            qry += "'" + st.StudentName + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.AdmNo + "'";
            qry += ", " + st.PresentClass;
            qry += ", " + st.SectionId;
            qry += ", '" + st.MobileNoF + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.MobileNoM + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.DOB + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.Email + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.IdCardNo + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.FatherName + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.MotherName + "'";

            qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

            qry += ")";

예제 #3
        public void SaveAccountMasterData(DBSite site, AccountMasterEntity ame)
            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblAccountMaster(AccountName, CreationDate, OpeningBalance, DRCR, ";

            qry += " Address, City, Phone,  Mobile, Email, Remarks, GroupId, UserID, SubuserId ,FYear)  VALUES(";
            qry += "'" + ame.AccountName + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.CreationDate + "'";
            qry += ", " + ame.OpeningBalance;
            qry += ", " + ame.DRCR;
            qry += ", '" + ame.Address + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.City + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Phone + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Mobile + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Email + "'";
            qry += ", '" + ame.Remarks + "'";
            qry += ", " + ame.GroupId + ",";
            qry += util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

            //qry += ", " + UserBLL.userID;
            //qry += ", " + UserBLL.fYear;

            qry += " )";

예제 #4
        public void SaveAttendance(DBSite site, List <AttendanceEntity> attdList)
            string qry = "";

            foreach (AttendanceEntity atd in attdList)
                qry = " INSERT INTO tblAttendance ("
                      + " YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, HolydayID, StudentMasterID, InTime, OutTime, Status, IsPosted, IsSMSSent, UserId, SubUserId, FYear )"
                      + " VALUES ( "
                      + atd.YearNo
                      + ", " + atd.MonthNo
                      + "," + atd.DayNo
                      + "," + atd.StudentId
                      + ", '" + atd.InTime + "'"
                      + ", '" + atd.OutTime + "'"
                      + ", " + atd.Status
                      + ", " + atd.IsPosted
                      + ", " + atd.IsSMSSent;
                qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);
                qry += " ) ";

예제 #5
        void SaveFileDetails(string SchoolNo, string admNo, string fileName)
            site = new DBSite();

            // save adminNo and full file name to database
            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblTC(SchoolNo, AdmNo, UploadedFileName, UserId , SubUserID, FYear)"
                         + " VALUES ("
                         + "'" + SchoolNo + "'"
                         + ", '" + admNo + "'"
                         + ", '" + fileName + "'";

            qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

            qry += " )";
예제 #6
//----------------- Save Tax --------------------------------

        public void SaveInfo(DBSite site, TaxEntity tax)
            string qry = " INSERT INTO "
                         + " tblTaxMaster"
                         + "( "
                         + "TaxName"
                         + ", TaxPercent"
                         + ", TaxAmount"
                         + ", UserId, subuserId, FYear )"
                         + " VALUES( '" + tax.TaxName + "'"
                         + ", " + tax.TaxPercent
                         + ", " + tax.TaxAmount
                         + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User) //------  user insert query ----------
                         + ")";

예제 #7
        public void SaveMarks(DBSite site, List <ExamMarksEntity> exams, bool isUpdate, bool changeExam)
            string qry = "";

            foreach (ExamMarksEntity exam in exams)
                if (!isUpdate && !isDuplicate(site, exam))
                    qry = " INSERT INTO tblExamMarks ("
                          + " StudentID, ExamID, SubjectID, MarksObtained, IsPresent "
                          + ", ClassID, SectionID "
                          + " ,  UserId, SubUserId, FYear )"
                          + " VALUES ( "

                          + " " + exam.StudentMasterId
                          + ", " + exam.ExamId
                          + ", " + exam.SubjectId
                          + ", '" + exam.MarksObtained + "'"
                          + ", " + exam.IsPresent
                          + ", " + exam.classId
                          + ", " + exam.SectionId;

                    qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

                    qry += " ) ";
                    qry = " UPDATE tblExamMarks "
                          + " SET "
                          + " MarksObtained =  '" + exam.MarksObtained + "'"
                          + " , IsPresent = " + exam.IsPresent;
                    if (changeExam)
                        qry += " , ExamID = " + exam.ExamId;
                    qry += " WHERE ExamMarksID = " + exam.ExamMarksId;

예제 #8
        public void SaveProductLedger(DBSite site, SalePurchaseEntity salePurchase, int ledgerNumber)
            string qry = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails.Count; i++)
                int productLedgerNumber = util.GetAutoNumber(site, "ProductLedgerNumber");
                int theLocation         = -1;
                if (salePurchase.transactionType == TransactionType.Sales)
                    theLocation = GetLocationId(site, "OUT");
                    theLocation = GetLocationId(site, "IN");

                qry = " INSERT INTO tblProductLedger(LedgerNumber, ProductLedgerNumber, drcr, BillDate, BillNumber, AccountId, ProductID, BoughtQty, Discount, rate, SourceId, LocationID, UserID, subuserId, FYear) "
                      + " VALUES ( "
                      + ledgerNumber
                      + ", " + productLedgerNumber
                      + ", 'C'"
                      + ", '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "'"
                      + ", '" + salePurchase.BillNumber + "'"
                      + ", '" + util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party) + "'"
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].productAutoId
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].qty

                      + ", '" + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].discount + " '"
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].rate
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SaleType
                      + ", " + theLocation
                      //+ ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].locationId
                      + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                      + " ) ";


                qry = " INSERT INTO tblProductLedger(LedgerNumber, ProductLedgerNumber, drcr, BillDate, BillNumber, AccountId, ProductID, SoldQty, Discount, rate, SourceId, LocationID, UserID, subuserId, FYear) "
                      + " VALUES ( "
                      + ledgerNumber
                      + ", " + productLedgerNumber
                      + ", 'D'"
                      + ", '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "'"
                      + ", '" + salePurchase.BillNumber + "'"
                      + ", '" + Modes.SaleAccount + "'"
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].productAutoId
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].qty

                      + ", '" + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].discount + " '"
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].rate
                      + ", " + salePurchase.SaleType
                      + ", " + theLocation
                      //+ ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].locationId
                      + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                      + " ) ";


                string tax_qry = "";

                for (int j = 0; j < salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].SalePurchaseDetailsTaxes.Count; j++)
                    tax_qry = " INSERT INTO tblTax(LedgerNumber, ProductLedgerNumber, TaxMasterId, TaxAmount, UserID, subUserId, FYear) "
                              + " VALUES ( "
                              + ledgerNumber
                              + ", " + productLedgerNumber
                              + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].SalePurchaseDetailsTaxes[j].TaxId
                              + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseDetails[i].SalePurchaseDetailsTaxes[j].TaxAmount
                              + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                              + " ) ";

예제 #9
        public void SaveSalePurchase(DBSite site, SalePurchaseEntity salePurchase, bool isOpeningBalance)
            Util_BLL util = new Util_BLL();

             *  // payment made If GM.isFees = 2  Then
             * Dim tmp As String
             * tmp = mode
             * mode = party
             * party = tmp
             * End If

            int party = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party));
            int mode  = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.mode));

            if (salePurchase.transactionType == TransactionType.PaymentMade)
                int tmp;
                tmp   = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.mode));
                mode  = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party));
                party = tmp;

            if (salePurchase.transactionType == TransactionType.Sales)
                mode = Modes.SaleAccount;

            int ledgerNumber = util.GetAutoNumber(site, "LedgerNumber");

            // opening balance

            string opening_qry = "";

            if (isOpeningBalance)
                string credit_debit = "Debit";

                if (salePurchase.drcr == DrCr.Debit)
                    credit_debit = "Debit";
                else if (salePurchase.drcr == DrCr.Credit)
                    credit_debit = "Credit";

                opening_qry = " INSERT INTO tblLedger ("
                              + " LedgerNumber, Ldate, AccountMasterId, modeId, Particulars, " + credit_debit + ", sourceId, UserId, SubUserId, FYear )"
                              + " VALUES ( "
                              + ledgerNumber
                              + ", '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' "
                              + ", " + party
                              + ", " + mode
                              + ", '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' "
                              + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount
                              + ", " + salePurchase.transactionType
                              + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                              + " ) ";


            // sales - party
            string party_qry = " INSERT INTO tblLedger ("
                               + " LedgerNumber, drcr, Ldate, AccountMasterId, modeId, BillNumber, Particulars, credit, Discount, sourceId, UserId, SubuserId, FYear )"
                               + " VALUES ( "
                               + ledgerNumber
                               + ", 'C' "
                               + ", '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' "
                               + ", " + party
                               + ", " + mode
                               + ", '" + util.GetLOVName(salePurchase.BillNumber) + "' "
                               + ", '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' "
                               + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount
                               + ", '" + salePurchase.discount + "'"
                               + ", " + salePurchase.transactionType
                               + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                               + " ) ";

            // sales - party
            string mode_qry = " INSERT INTO tblLedger ("
                              + " LedgerNumber,  drcr,  Ldate, AccountMasterId, modeId, BillNumber, Particulars, debit, Discount, sourceId, UserId, SubuserId, FYear )"
                              + " VALUES ( "
                              + ledgerNumber
                              + ", 'D' "
                              + ", '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' "
                              + ", " + mode
                              + ", " + party
                              + ", '" + util.GetLOVName(salePurchase.BillNumber) + "' "
                              + ", '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' "
                              + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount
                              + ", '" + salePurchase.discount + "'"
                              + ", " + salePurchase.transactionType
                              + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                              + " ) ";


            if (salePurchase.transactionType != TransactionType.PaymentMade && salePurchase.transactionType != TransactionType.PaymentRcd)
                string tax_qry = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < salePurchase.SalePurchaseTaxes.Count; i++)
                    tax_qry = " INSERT INTO tblTax(LedgerNumber, TaxMasterId, TaxAmount,  UserID, SubuserId, FYear) "
                              + " VALUES ( "
                              + ledgerNumber
                              + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseTaxes[i].TaxId
                              + ", " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseTaxes[i].TaxAmount
                              + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                              + " ) ";


                SaveProductLedger(site, salePurchase, ledgerNumber);
예제 #10
파일: StoreBll.cs 프로젝트: sandeep2314/sql
        public void SaveStore(DBSite site, StockMovement store, int update = 0)
            string qry = "";
            int    productLedgerNumber = 0;

            if (update == 1)
                productLedgerNumber = store.ProductLedgerNumber;
                productLedgerNumber = util.GetAutoNumber(site, "ProductLedgerNumber");

            foreach (ProductDetail pd in store.ProductDetails)
                qry = " INSERT INTO tblProductLedger(ProductLedgerNumber, drcr";

                if (pd.bought_qty > 0)
                    qry = qry + " , BoughtQty ";
                    qry = qry + " , SoldQty ";

                qry = qry + ",  AccountId, BillDate, ProductID, SourceId, LocationID, Particulars, ToNarration, ProductId2, BoughtQty2, SoldQty2, locationId2, UserID, subuserId, FYear) "
                      + " VALUES ( "
                      + productLedgerNumber;

                if (pd.bought_qty > 0)
                    qry = qry + ", 'C'"
                          + ", " + pd.bought_qty;
                    qry = qry + ", 'D'"
                          + ", " + pd.sold_qty;
                qry = qry + ", '" + pd.AccountId + "'"
                      + ", '" + store.MovementDate + "'"
                      + ", " + pd.ProductId

                      + ", " + store.TransactionTypeId
                      + ", " + pd.LocationId
                      + ", '" + store.Narration + "' "
                      + ", '" + pd.ToNarration + "' "

                      + ", " + pd.ProductId2
                      + ", " + pd.bought_qty2
                      + ", " + pd.sold_qty2
                      + ", " + pd.LocationId2

                      + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                      + " ) ";
