예제 #1
        //-------------------  Get Payment Information --------------------------------------------------

        public List <SalePurchaseEntity> GetPaymentInformation(DBSite site, string payment_made_or_received, string ledger_number = "")
            List <SalePurchaseEntity> sale_purchase_entity_list = new List <SalePurchaseEntity>();
            SalePurchaseEntity        sale_purchase_entity      = null;

            string qry = " SELECT ";

            qry += "  CONVERT( VARCHAR, LedgerId ) + '-' +  CONVERT( VARCHAR, LedgerNumber ) as LedgerNumber ";
            qry += ", LDate ";
            qry += ", AccountName + ' | ' +CONVERT( VARCHAR, AccountMasterId ) as AccountName ";
            qry += ", ModeName + ' | ' +CONVERT( VARCHAR, ModeId ) as ModeName ";
            if (Int32.Parse(payment_made_or_received) == TransactionType.PaymentMade)
                qry += ", debit  amount";
                qry += ", credit amount ";

            qry += ", Particulars ";
            qry += ", BillNumber ";
            qry += ", CheckNumber ";

            qry += " FROM vwLedger as ldg ";

            qry += " WHERE SourceId= " + payment_made_or_received;
            if (Int32.Parse(payment_made_or_received) == TransactionType.PaymentMade)
                qry += " AND drcr ='D'";
                qry += " AND drcr ='C'";
            qry += " AND ldg.UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId;
            qry += " AND ldg.FYear=" + Util_BLL.User.fYear;

            if (ledger_number != "")
                qry += " AND LedgerNumber = " + ledger_number;

            DataTable dt  = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);
            DataRow   row = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                sale_purchase_entity = new SalePurchaseEntity();
                row = dt.Rows[i];

                sale_purchase_entity.Id = util.CheckNull(row["LedgerNumber"]);

                DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(row["LDate"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.BillDate           = date.ToShortDateString();
                sale_purchase_entity.CheckNumber        = util.CheckNull(row["CheckNumber"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.particulars        = util.CheckNull(row["Particulars"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.BillNumber         = util.CheckNull(row["BillNumber"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount = util.CheckNullDouble(row["amount"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.party = util.CheckNull(row["AccountName"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.mode  = util.CheckNull(row["modeName"]);


예제 #2
        public List <SalaryEntity> GetSalaries(DBSite site, int salaryID = -1)
            List <SalaryEntity> salList = new List <SalaryEntity>();

            string qry = "";

            qry += " SELECT SalaryID, sa.DesignationID, Designation,  YearNo, MonthNo, BasicSalary ";

            qry += " , conveyance,  EPF, ESI, EMI, StaffID, st.StudentName ";
            qry += " , sa.userID, sa.FYear ";

            qry += " FROM  tblSalary as sa "
                   + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblStudentMaster st on st.StudentMasterID = sa.staffID "
                   + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblDesignation d ON d.designationId = sa.designationId "

                   + " WHERE sa.UserID =  " + Util_BLL.User.UserId;

            if (salaryID != -1)
                qry += " AND  SalaryID = " + salaryID;
                qry += " AND SalaryId IN (SELECT MAX(SalaryID) FROM tblSalary GROUP BY StaffID) ";

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            SalaryEntity sal;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                sal = new SalaryEntity();

                sal.SalaryId      = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SalaryID"]);
                sal.StaffId       = util.CheckNullInt(dr["StaffId"]);
                sal.StaffName     = util.CheckNull(dr["StudentName"]);
                sal.DesignationId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["DesignationId"]);
                sal.Designation   = util.CheckNull(dr["Designation"]);

                sal.YearNo  = util.CheckNullInt(dr["YearNo"]);
                sal.MonthNo = util.CheckNullInt(dr["MonthNo"]);

                sal.BasicSalary = util.CheckNullDouble(dr["BasicSalary"]);
                sal.Conveyance  = util.CheckNullDouble(dr["Conveyance"]);
                sal.epf         = util.CheckNullDouble(dr["epf"]);
                sal.esi         = util.CheckNullDouble(dr["esi"]);
                sal.emi         = util.CheckNullDouble(dr["emi"]);

                sal.UserID = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]);
                sal.FYear  = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);


예제 #3
파일: StoreBll.cs 프로젝트: sandeep2314/sql
        public List <ProductDetail> GetProductByDate(string fromDate, string toDate, int ProductId, int StockTransactionId)
            DBSite site = new DBSite();
            List <ProductDetail> product_detail_list = new List <ProductDetail>();

            if (fromDate == null)
                fromDate = "2013/09/01";
            if (toDate == null)
                toDate = "2014/09/01";

            DateTime fDt = DateTime.Parse(fromDate);
            DateTime tDt = DateTime.Parse(toDate);

            DataTable dt = site.Execute_sp_productLedger(ProductId, StockTransactionId, -1, fDt, tDt, Util_BLL.User.UserId, 2012);

            DataRow row = null;

            ProductDetail product;

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                product = new ProductDetail();

                row = dt.Rows[i];

                product.ProductLedgerId = util.CheckNullInt(row["ProductLedgerNumber"]);
                product.ProductId       = util.CheckNullInt(row["ProductId"]);
                product.ProductName     = row["ProductName"].ToString();

                product.LocationName = util.CheckNull(row["Location"]);

                product.AccountName = util.CheckNull(row["AccountName"]);

                product.sold_qty   = util.CheckNullDouble(row["credit"]);
                product.bought_qty = util.CheckNullDouble(row["debit"]);

                product.openingBalance = util.CheckNullDouble(row["openingBalance"]);
                product.closingBalance = util.CheckNullDouble(row["runningBalance"]);


                DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(row["BillDate"]);
                product.MovementDate      = date.ToShortDateString();
                product.TransactionTypeId = util.CheckNullInt(row["SourceId"]);
                product.TransactionName   = util.CheckNull(row["TransactionName"]);
                product.Narration         = util.CheckNull(row["Particulars"]);

