public int Save(UsersML User) { try { ModelDAL ModelDAL = new ModelDAL(); String Response = ModelDAL.InsertModel(User, TableName, IdUserSession); SqlConnection Conexion = new SqlConnection { ConnectionString = ConnectionString }; using (SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(Response.ToString(), Conexion)) { Conexion.Open(); int newID = (Int32)cmd2.ExecuteScalar(); if (Conexion.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { Conexion.Close(); } return(newID); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.save : {1}", core, ex)); } }
public UsersML IsUser(UsersML user) { try { if (user != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password)) { String Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE _registry = 1 AND userName='******' AND password='******'", TableName, user.UserName, user.Password); SqlConnection Conexion = new SqlConnection { ConnectionString = ConnectionString }; Conexion.Open(); SqlDataAdapter cmd = new SqlDataAdapter(Query, Conexion); DataTable dtUser = new DataTable(); cmd.Fill(dtUser); Conexion.Close(); if (dtUser != null && dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { return(getEntity(dtUser.Rows[0])); } } } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.delete: {1}", core, ex)); } }
public void Delete(UsersML users) { try { UsersDAL.Delete(users); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.Delete: {1}", core, ex)); } }
public UsersML IsUser(UsersML user) { try { user.Password = conexion.Encriptar(user.Password); //UsersDAL.IdUserSession = UsersDAL.IsUser(user).Id; return(UsersDAL.IsUser(user)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.IsUser: {1}", core, ex)); } }
public UsersML GetEntityById(int Id) { try { UsersML UsersML = UsersDAL.GetEntityById(Id); UsersML.Password = conexion.DesEncriptar(UsersML.Password); return(UsersML); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.GetIdEntity: {1}", core, ex)); } }
public void LoadUser() { try { employeeBLL = new EmployeeBLL(); employeeML = employeeBLL.GetEmploymentByIdUser(BussinesLayer.GlobalBLL.userML.Id); if (employeeML != null) { KeyTextBox.Text = employeeML.Id.ToString(); NameTextBox.Text = employeeML.Name; LastNameTextBox.Text = employeeML.LastName; } if (GlobalBLL.userML != null) { UsersBLL usersBLL = new UsersBLL(); UsersML usersML = usersBLL.GetEntityById(GlobalBLL.userML.Id); UserNameTextBox.Text = usersML.UserName; PasswordTextBox.Text = usersML.Password; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalBLL.userML.Image)) { PathFileProfileTextBox.Text = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(GlobalBLL.DirectoryFiles), GlobalBLL.userML.Image); if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFileProfileTextBox.Text)) { ProfilePictureBox.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(PathFileProfileTextBox.Text); } else { throw new Exception("No se encontró la imagen"); } } } //else //{ // Alerts.cFAT100010 alr = new Alerts.cFAT100010("ERROR", "No se encontró la información del usuarios", MessageBoxIcon.Error); // alr.ShowDialog(); //} } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("LoadUser: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public int Save(UsersML users) { try { users.Password = conexion.Encriptar(users.Password); if (users.Id == 0) { return(UsersDAL.Save(users)); } else { return(UsersDAL.Update(users)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.Save: {1}", core, ex)); } }
public void Delete(UsersML User) { try { ModelDAL ModelDAL = new ModelDAL(); String Response = ModelDAL.DeleteModel(User, TableName, IdUserSession); SqlConnection Conexion = new SqlConnection() { ConnectionString = ConnectionString }; Conexion.Open(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(Response.ToString(), Conexion); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conexion.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.delete: {1}", core, ex)); } }
private UsersML getEntity(DataRow row) { try { if (row != null) { UsersML userML = new UsersML() { Id = (row[UsersML.DataBase.Id] != DBNull.Value) ? int.Parse(row[UsersML.DataBase.Id].ToString()) : 0, UserName = (row[UsersML.DataBase.UserName] != DBNull.Value) ? row[UsersML.DataBase.UserName].ToString() : string.Empty, Password = (row[UsersML.DataBase.Password] != DBNull.Value) ? row[UsersML.DataBase.Password].ToString() : string.Empty, Rol = (row[UsersML.DataBase.Rol] != DBNull.Value) ? int.Parse(row[UsersML.DataBase.Rol].ToString()) : 0, Image = (row[UsersML.DataBase.Image] != DBNull.Value) ? row[UsersML.DataBase.Image].ToString() : string.Empty, }; return(userML); } return(null); }catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("getEntity: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public Boolean VerificationUser(String USER, String PASSWORD) { try { UsersBLL UsersBLL = new UsersBLL(); UsersML UsersML = new UsersML() { UserName = USER, Password = PASSWORD }; GlobalBLL.userML = UsersBLL.IsUser(UsersML); if (GlobalBLL.userML == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.VerificationUser: {1}", core, ex.Message)); } }
private void buttonGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (FormValidate()) { CompanyBLL CompanyBLL = new CompanyBLL(); CompanyML Company = CompanyBLL.GetEntity(); UsersML User = new UsersML { UserName = textBoxUsuario.Text, Password = textBoxPassword.Text, Image = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(PathFileNameTextBox.Text), Rol = int.Parse(comboBoxRol.SelectedValue.ToString()) }; if (IdUser > 0) { User.Id = IdUser; } UsersBLL UsersBALL = new UsersBLL(); EmployeeML Employee = new EmployeeML { RFC = textBoxRfc.Text, Curp = textBoxCurp.Text, Name = textBoxNombre.Text, LastName = textBoxApellidos.Text, Scholarship = comboBoxEscolaridad.SelectedValue.ToString(), Birthdate = dateTimeFechaNacimiento.Value, Nationality = textBoxNacionalidad.Text, Address = textBoxCalle.Text, Municipality = textBoxMunicipio.Text, Country = textBoxPais.Text, Email = textBoxEmail.Text, Telephone = textBoxTelefono.Text, CivilStatus = comboBoxEstadoCivil.SelectedValue.ToString(), PostalCode = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxCodigoPostal.Text))?0: int.Parse(textBoxCodigoPostal.Text), Colony = textBoxColonia.Text, StateCountry = textBoxEstado.Text, AdmissionDate = dateTimeFechaIngreso.Value, IdDepartament = Int32.Parse(comboBoxDepartamento.SelectedValue.ToString()), IdJob = Int32.Parse(comboBoxPuesto.SelectedValue.ToString()), SureType = comboBoxTipoSeguro.SelectedValue.ToString(), NumberSure = textBoxNumSeguro.Text, Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(textBoxSueldo.Text), HoursDay = Convert.ToDateTime(textBoxNumHours.Text), }; if (radioButtonHombre.Checked) { Employee.Gender = "Hombre"; } else { Employee.Gender = "Mujer"; } if (IdEmployee > 0) { Employee.Id = IdEmployee; } Employee.IdUser = UsersBALL.Save(User); EmployeeBLL EmployeeBLL = new EmployeeBLL(); int IdNewEmployee = EmployeeBLL.Save(Employee); DaysOfWorkEmployeeBLL DaysOfWorkEmployeeBLL = new DaysOfWorkEmployeeBLL(); DaysOfWorkEmployeeBLL.DeleteRegistrys(IdEmployee); foreach (object item in checkedListBoxDias.CheckedItems) { DaysOfWorkEmployeeML DaysOfWorkEmployee = new DaysOfWorkEmployeeML() { IdDays = Int32.Parse(item.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(item, null).ToString()), IdEmployee = IdNewEmployee }; DaysOfWorkEmployeeBLL.Save(DaysOfWorkEmployee); } TurnsOfEmployeeBLL TurnsOfEmployeeBLL = new TurnsOfEmployeeBLL(); TurnsOfEmployeeBLL.DeleteRegistrys(IdEmployee); foreach (object item in checkedListBoxTurns.CheckedItems) { TurnsOfEmployeeML TurnsOfEmployee = new TurnsOfEmployeeML() { IdTurn = Int32.Parse(item.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(item, null).ToString()), IdEmployee = IdNewEmployee, IdUserInsert = GlobalBLL.userML.Id }; TurnsOfEmployeeBLL.Save(TurnsOfEmployee); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PathFileNameTextBox.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PathFileImage) && System.IO.Path.GetFileName(PathFileImageOld) != PathFileImage) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(DirectoryFiles)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(DirectoryFiles); } System.IO.File.Delete(string.Format("{0}/{1}", DirectoryFiles, PathFileNameTextBox.Text)); System.IO.File.Copy(PathFileImage, string.Format("{0}/{1}", DirectoryFiles, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(PathFileNameTextBox.Text))); } ZKTecoDeviceBLL zKTecoDevice = new ZKTecoDeviceBLL(); BiometricCore.UserInfo _userInfo = new BiometricCore.UserInfo() { EnrollNumber = string.Format("{0}", IdNewEmployee), Name = Employee.Name, Privelage = (int)BiometricCore.Enums.Privileges.CommonUser, TmpData = "", Password = string.Format("{0}", IdNewEmployee) }; zKTecoDevice.SetUserInfo(_userInfo, Convert.ToInt32(Company.NumberUserEmploye)); cFMEM100010 FrmDataGrid = this.Owner as cFMEM100010; FrmDataGrid.LoadDataGridView(); cFAT100010 Alert = new cFAT100010("Información", "Información Guardado con exito!!", MessageBoxIcon.Information); Alert.ShowDialog(); Alert.Dispose(); Clear(); this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("buttonGuardar_Click: {0}", ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }