public void DownloadStats() { if (_userIsReady) { UserStats.DownloadStats(DownloadStatsHandler); } }
void TestIsReadyCallback(int errorCode) { if (errorCode == SUCCESS) { TestLogger.Success("IsReady", "IsReady success."); UserStats.DownloadStats(TestDownloadStatsCallback); } else { TestLogger.Error("IsReady", string.Format("IsReady failure. Error Code: {0}", errorCode)); } }
void OnGUI() { GUIStyle CustButton = new GUIStyle("button"); #if UNITY_ANDROID CustButton.fontSize = 23; #endif if (bInit == false) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } // Init function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart, nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "Init", CustButton)) { if (bInit == false) { Api.Init(InitStatusHandler, APP_ID); } } if (bInit == true) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } // Shutdown function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 1 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "Shutdown", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true) { Api.Shutdown(ShutdownHandler); } } // Api Version function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 2 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "Version", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true) { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Version: " + Api.Version()); } } #if !UNITY_ANDROID // QueryRunMode function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 3 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "QueryRunMode", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true) { Api.QueryRuntimeMode(QueryRunTimeHandler); } } #endif // IsReady function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 4 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "StatIsReady", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true) { UserStats.IsReady(IsReadyHandler); } } /***************************************************************************/ /* DRM sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ // DRM function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 6 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "DRM", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true) { Api.GetLicense(new MyLicenseChecker(), APP_ID, APP_KEY); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } #if !UNITY_ANDROID /***************************************************************************/ /* ArcadeLeaderboard sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ // UserProfile function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 5 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "ArcadeIsReady", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true) { ArcadeLeaderboard.IsReady(IsArcadeLeaderboardReadyHandler); } } if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } #endif /***************************************************************************/ /* User profile sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ // UserProfile function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 7 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart, nWidth, nHeight), "UserProfile", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UserId: " + User.GetUserId()); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("userName: "******"userAvatarUrl: " + User.GetUserAvatarUrl()); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } /***************************************************************************/ /* Stat sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ stringToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, nWidth + 10, 120, 20), stringToEdit, 50); StatsCount = GUI.TextField(new Rect(130, nWidth + 10, 220, 20), StatsCount, 50); // DownloadStat function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart, nYStart + nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "DownloadStat", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.DownloadStats(DownloadStatsHandler); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // UploadStat function if (GUI.Button(new Rect((nXStart + 1 * (nWidth + 10)), nYStart + nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "UploadStat", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.UploadStats(UploadStatsHandler); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetStat function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 2 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "GetStat", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { nResult = UserStats.GetStat(stringToEdit, nInitValue); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Get " + stringToEdit + " stat name as => " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // SetStat function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 3 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "SetStat", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("MaxStep is => " + int.Parse(StatsCount)); nResult = int.Parse(StatsCount); UserStats.SetStat(stringToEdit, nResult); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Set" + stringToEdit + " stat name as =>" + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } /***************************************************************************/ /* Achievement sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ achivToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 2 * nWidth + 15, 120, 20), achivToEdit, 50); // GetAchievement function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart, nYStart + 2 * nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "GetAchieve", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { bool bAchievement = false; bAchievement = UserStats.GetAchievement(achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Get achievement => " + achivToEdit + " , and value is => " + bAchievement); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // SetAchievement function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + nWidth + 10, nYStart + 2 * nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "SetAchieve", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.SetAchievement(achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Set achievement => " + achivToEdit); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // ClearAchievement function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 2 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 2 * nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "ClearAchieve", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.ClearAchievement(achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Clear achievement => " + achivToEdit); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetAchievementUnlockTime function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 3 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 2 * nWidth + 10, nWidth, nHeight), "Achieve&Time", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { int nunlockTime = 0; nunlockTime = UserStats.GetAchievementUnlockTime(achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("The achievement's unlock time is =>" + nunlockTime); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } /***************************************************************************/ /* Leaderboard sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ leaderboardToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 3 * nWidth + 20, 160, 20), leaderboardToEdit, 150); // DownloadLeaderboardScores around user function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart, nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "DL Around", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.DownloadLeaderboardScores(DownloadLeaderboardHandler, leaderboardToEdit, UserStats.LeaderBoardRequestType.GlobalDataAroundUser, UserStats.LeaderBoardTimeRange.AllTime, -5, 5); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("DownloadLeaderboardScores"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // DownloadLeaderboardScores global data function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 1 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "DL not Around", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.DownloadLeaderboardScores(DownloadLeaderboardHandler, leaderboardToEdit, UserStats.LeaderBoardRequestType.GlobalData, UserStats.LeaderBoardTimeRange.AllTime, 0, 10); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("DownloadLeaderboardScores"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } leaderboardScore = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10 + 160, 3 * nWidth + 20, 160, 20), leaderboardScore, 50); // UploadLeaderboardScore function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 2 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Upload LB", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { UserStats.UploadLeaderboardScore(UploadLeaderboardScoreHandler, leaderboardToEdit, int.Parse(leaderboardScore)); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UploadLeaderboardScore"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardScoreCount function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 3 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get LB count", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { nResult = UserStats.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount=> " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardScore function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 4 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get LB Score", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { int nResult = (int)UserStats.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount => " + nResult); for (int i = 0; i < nResult; i++) { Viveport.Leaderboard lbdata; lbdata = UserStats.GetLeaderboardScore(i); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UserName = "******", Score = " + lbdata.Score + ", Rank = " + lbdata.Rank); } } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardSortMethod function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 5 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get Sort Method", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { int nResult = (int)UserStats.GetLeaderboardSortMethod(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardSortMethod=> " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardDisplayType function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 6 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 3 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get Disp Type", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bIsReady == true) { int nResult = (int)UserStats.GetLeaderboardDisplayType(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardDisplayType=> " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } #if !UNITY_ANDROID /***************************************************************************/ /* ArcadeLeaderboard sample code */ /***************************************************************************/ if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } leaderboardToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 4 * nWidth + 20, 160, 20), leaderboardToEdit, 150); // DownloadLeaderboardScores function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart, nYStart + 4 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "DL Arca LB", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { ArcadeLeaderboard.DownloadLeaderboardScores(DownloadLeaderboardHandler, leaderboardToEdit, ArcadeLeaderboard.LeaderboardTimeRange.AllTime, 10); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("DownloadLeaderboardScores"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } leaderboardUserName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10 + 160, 4 * nWidth + 20, 160, 20), leaderboardUserName, 150); leaderboardScore = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10 + 320, 4 * nWidth + 20, 160, 20), leaderboardScore, 50); // UploadLeaderboardScore function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 1 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 4 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "UL Arca LB", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { ArcadeLeaderboard.UploadLeaderboardScore(UploadLeaderboardScoreHandler, leaderboardToEdit, leaderboardUserName, int.Parse(leaderboardScore)); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UploadLeaderboardScore"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardScoreCount function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 2 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 4 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get Arca Count", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { nResult = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount=> " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & Arcade isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardScore function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 3 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 4 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get Arca Score", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { int nResult = (int)ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount => " + nResult); for (int i = 0; i < nResult; i++) { Viveport.Leaderboard lbdata; lbdata = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardScore(i); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UserName = "******", Score = " + lbdata.Score + ", Rank = " + lbdata.Rank); } } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardUserScore function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 4 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 4 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get AC UScore", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { int nResult = (int)ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardUserScore(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardUserScore=> " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } // GetLeaderboardUserRank function if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nXStart + 5 * (nWidth + 10), nYStart + 4 * nWidth + 20, nWidth, nHeight), "Get AC URank", CustButton)) { if (bInit == true && bArcadeIsReady == true) { int nResult = (int)ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardUserRank(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardUserRank=> " + nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } #endif }
// Token: 0x06000E26 RID: 3622 RVA: 0x0005A314 File Offset: 0x00058514 private void OnGUI() { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle("button"); GUIStyle guistyle = new GUIStyle("button"); guistyle.fontSize = 10; if (!ViveportDemo.bInit) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)this.nXStart, (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Init", style) && !ViveportDemo.bInit) { Api.Init(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.InitStatusHandler), ViveportDemo.APP_ID); } if (ViveportDemo.bInit) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Shutdown", style) && ViveportDemo.bInit) { Api.Shutdown(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.ShutdownHandler)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 2 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Version", style) && ViveportDemo.bInit) { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Version: " + Api.Version()); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 3 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "QueryRunMode", style) && ViveportDemo.bInit) { Api.QueryRuntimeMode(new QueryRuntimeModeCallback(ViveportDemo.QueryRunTimeHandler)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 4 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "StatIsReady", style) && ViveportDemo.bInit) { UserStats.IsReady(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.IsReadyHandler)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 6 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "DRM", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit) { Api.GetLicense(new ViveportDemo.MyLicenseChecker(), ViveportDemo.APP_ID, ViveportDemo.APP_KEY); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 5 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "ArcadeIsReady", style) && ViveportDemo.bInit) { ArcadeLeaderboard.IsReady(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.IsArcadeLeaderboardReadyHandler)); } if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 7 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "UserProfileIsReady", guistyle)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { User.IsReady(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.UserProfileIsReadyHandler)); } else { ViveportDemo.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 8 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)this.nYStart, (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "UserProfile", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady && ViveportDemo.bUserProfileIsReady) { ViveportDemo.Log("UserId: " + User.GetUserId()); ViveportDemo.Log("userName: "******"userAvatarUrl: " + User.GetUserAvatarUrl()); } else { ViveportDemo.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } this.stringToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10f, (float)(this.nWidth + 10), 120f, 20f), this.stringToEdit, 50); this.StatsCount = GUI.TextField(new Rect(130f, (float)(this.nWidth + 10), 220f, 20f), this.StatsCount, 50); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)this.nXStart, (float)(this.nYStart + this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "DownloadStat", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.DownloadStats(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.DownloadStatsHandler)); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "UploadStat", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.UploadStats(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.UploadStatsHandler)); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 2 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "GetStat", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { this.nResult = UserStats.GetStat(this.stringToEdit, this.nInitValue); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Get ", this.stringToEdit, " stat name as => ", this.nResult })); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 3 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "SetStat", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("MaxStep is => " + int.Parse(this.StatsCount)); this.nResult = int.Parse(this.StatsCount); UserStats.SetStat(this.stringToEdit, this.nResult); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Set", this.stringToEdit, " stat name as =>", this.nResult })); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } this.achivToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10f, (float)(2 * this.nWidth + 15), 120f, 20f), this.achivToEdit, 50); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)this.nXStart, (float)(this.nYStart + 2 * this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "GetAchieve", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { bool achievement = UserStats.GetAchievement(this.achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Get achievement => " + this.achivToEdit + " , and value is => " + achievement.ToString()); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + this.nWidth + 10), (float)(this.nYStart + 2 * this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "SetAchieve", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.SetAchievement(this.achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Set achievement => " + this.achivToEdit); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 2 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 2 * this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "ClearAchieve", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.ClearAchievement(this.achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Clear achievement => " + this.achivToEdit); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 3 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 2 * this.nWidth + 10), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Achieve&Time", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { int achievementUnlockTime = UserStats.GetAchievementUnlockTime(this.achivToEdit); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("The achievement's unlock time is =>" + achievementUnlockTime); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } this.leaderboardToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10f, (float)(3 * this.nWidth + 20), 160f, 20f), this.leaderboardToEdit, 150); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)this.nXStart, (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "DL Around", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.DownloadLeaderboardScores(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.DownloadLeaderboardHandler), this.leaderboardToEdit, UserStats.LeaderBoardRequestType.GlobalDataAroundUser, UserStats.LeaderBoardTimeRange.AllTime, -5, 5); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("DownloadLeaderboardScores"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "DL not Around", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.DownloadLeaderboardScores(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.DownloadLeaderboardHandler), this.leaderboardToEdit, UserStats.LeaderBoardRequestType.GlobalData, UserStats.LeaderBoardTimeRange.AllTime, 0, 10); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("DownloadLeaderboardScores"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } this.leaderboardScore = GUI.TextField(new Rect(170f, (float)(3 * this.nWidth + 20), 160f, 20f), this.leaderboardScore, 50); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 2 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Upload LB", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { UserStats.UploadLeaderboardScore(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.UploadLeaderboardScoreHandler), this.leaderboardToEdit, int.Parse(this.leaderboardScore)); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UploadLeaderboardScore"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 3 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get LB count", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { this.nResult = UserStats.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount=> " + this.nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 4 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get LB Score", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { int leaderboardScoreCount = UserStats.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount => " + leaderboardScoreCount); for (int i = 0; i < leaderboardScoreCount; i++) { Leaderboard leaderboard = UserStats.GetLeaderboardScore(i); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "UserName = "******", Score = ", leaderboard.Score, ", Rank = ", leaderboard.Rank })); } } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 5 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get Sort Method", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { int leaderboardSortMethod = (int)UserStats.GetLeaderboardSortMethod(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardSortMethod=> " + leaderboardSortMethod); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 6 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 3 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get Disp Type", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bIsReady) { int leaderboardDisplayType = (int)UserStats.GetLeaderboardDisplayType(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardDisplayType=> " + leaderboardDisplayType); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } this.leaderboardToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10f, (float)(4 * this.nWidth + 20), 160f, 20f), this.leaderboardToEdit, 150); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)this.nXStart, (float)(this.nYStart + 4 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "DL Arca LB", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { ArcadeLeaderboard.DownloadLeaderboardScores(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.DownloadLeaderboardHandler), this.leaderboardToEdit, ArcadeLeaderboard.LeaderboardTimeRange.AllTime, 10); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("DownloadLeaderboardScores"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } this.leaderboardUserName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(170f, (float)(4 * this.nWidth + 20), 160f, 20f), this.leaderboardUserName, 150); this.leaderboardScore = GUI.TextField(new Rect(330f, (float)(4 * this.nWidth + 20), 160f, 20f), this.leaderboardScore, 50); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 4 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "UL Arca LB", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { ArcadeLeaderboard.UploadLeaderboardScore(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.UploadLeaderboardScoreHandler), this.leaderboardToEdit, this.leaderboardUserName, int.Parse(this.leaderboardScore)); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("UploadLeaderboardScore"); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 2 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 4 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get Arca Count", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { this.nResult = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount=> " + this.nResult); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & Arcade isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 3 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 4 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get Arca Score", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { int leaderboardScoreCount2 = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardScoreCount(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardScoreCount => " + leaderboardScoreCount2); for (int j = 0; j < leaderboardScoreCount2; j++) { Leaderboard leaderboard2 = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardScore(j); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "UserName = "******", Score = ", leaderboard2.Score, ", Rank = ", leaderboard2.Rank })); } } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 4 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 4 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get AC UScore", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { int leaderboardUserScore = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardUserScore(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardUserScore=> " + leaderboardUserScore); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + 5 * (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 4 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "Get AC URank", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bArcadeIsReady) { int leaderboardUserRank = ArcadeLeaderboard.GetLeaderboardUserRank(); Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("GetLeaderboardUserRank=> " + leaderboardUserRank); } else { Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & isReady are successful."); } } if (ViveportDemo.bInit) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)this.nXStart, (float)(this.nYStart + 5 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "TokenIsReady", style) && ViveportDemo.bInit) { Token.IsReady(new StatusCallback(ViveportDemo.IsTokenReadyHandler)); } if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bTokenIsReady) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.grey; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)(this.nXStart + (this.nWidth + 10)), (float)(this.nYStart + 5 * this.nWidth + 20), (float)this.nWidth, (float)this.nHeight), "SessionToken", style)) { if (ViveportDemo.bInit && ViveportDemo.bTokenIsReady) { Token.GetSessionToken(new StatusCallback2(ViveportDemo.GetSessionTokenHandler)); return; } Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Please make sure init & tokenIsReady are successful."); } }