private static void AddUriParameters(MethodBase methodBase, UriTemplate uriTemplate, IReadOnlyList <object> arguments) { var parameters = methodBase.GetParameters(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Count; ++i) { if (parameters[i].IsDefined(typeof(ToBodyAttribute))) { continue; } if (IsUriParameterType(parameters[i].ParameterType)) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameters[i].Name, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", arguments[i])); continue; } if (!parameters[i].IsDefined(typeof(ToUriAttribute))) { continue; } if (arguments[i] == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(parameters[i].Name); } foreach (var property in arguments[i].GetType().GetProperties()) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(property.Name, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", property.GetValue(arguments[i]))); } } }
public Uri GenerateRequestUrl(Type type, string query = "*", int start = 0, int limit = 10) { string metaTypeName = GetMetaTypeName(type); var ftsQueryRequest = new FTSQueryRequest { Statements = new List <Statement> { new Statement { Query = query } }, Start = start, Limit = limit }; var ftsQueryRequestString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ftsQueryRequest); var template = new UriTemplate(BaseAddress + "/" + SearchTemplate); template.SetParameter("metaType", metaTypeName); template.SetParameter("query", ftsQueryRequestString); return(new Uri(template.Resolve())); }
public void FactMethodName() { UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}"); template.SetParameter("query", "1234"); template.SetParameter("per_page", "19"); var result = template.Resolve(); }
public void ResolveOptionalAndRequiredQueryParameters() { UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}"); template.SetParameter("query", "1234"); template.SetParameter("per_page", "19"); var result = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", result); }
public void ShouldAllowUriTemplateWithMultiplePathSegmentParameter() { var template = new UriTemplate("{bar}/baz/{blar}"); template.SetParameter("bar", "yo"); template.SetParameter("blar", "yuck"); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
public void Query_param_with_empty_array() { UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("/foo/{foo}/baz{?haz*}"); template.SetParameter("foo", "1234"); template.SetParameter("haz", new string[] {}); string uri = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("/foo/1234/baz", uri); }
public void Query_param_with_list_array() { var template = new UriTemplate("/foo/{foo}/baz{?haz}"); template.SetParameter("foo", "1234"); template.SetParameter("haz", new[] { "foo", "bar" }); var uri = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("/foo/1234/baz?haz=foo,bar", uri); }
public void ShouldAllowUriTemplateToRemoveParameter() { var template = new UriTemplate("{?bar,baz}"); template.SetParameter("bar", "yo"); template.SetParameter("baz", "yuck"); template.ClearParameter("bar"); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
public void ShouldResolveMatrixParameter() { var template = new UriTemplate("{;lat,lng}"); double lat = 31.464, lng = 74.386; template.SetParameter("lat", lat); template.SetParameter("lng", lng); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal(";lat=31.464;lng=74.386", uriString); }
public void ShouldResolveUriTemplateWithNonStringParameter() { var template = new UriTemplate("{bar}/baz{?lat,lng}"); double lat = 31.464, lng = 74.386; template.SetParameter("bar", "yo"); template.SetParameter("lat", lat); template.SetParameter("lng", lng); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
public void ShouldAllowListAndSingleValueInQueryParam() { var template = new UriTemplate("{/id*}{?fields,token}"); template.SetParameter("id", new List <string> { "person", "albums" }); template.SetParameter("fields", new List <string> { "id", "name", "picture" }); template.SetParameter("token", "12345"); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal(",name,picture&token=12345", uriString); }
//2.0 operations don't have a path so.... private OperationPath20 NormalizeOperationPath(NormalizationApiOperation op) { var pathBuilder = new StringBuilder('/'); var basePath = NormalizeBasePath(op.BasePath); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(basePath)) { pathBuilder.Append(basePath); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(op.Path)) { var opPath = op.Path; if (opPath.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { opPath = opPath.Length == 1 ? string.Empty : opPath.Substring(1); } pathBuilder.Append(opPath); } var path = pathBuilder.ToString(); var versionParam = op.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.IndexOf(Constants.ParameterName_Version, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0); if (versionParam != null) { var template = new UriTemplate(path, true); template.SetParameter(versionParam.Name, op.ApiVersion); path = template.Resolve(); op.Parameters.Remove(versionParam); } return(new OperationPath20(path)); }
/// <summary> /// Parameterize the link to construct a URI. /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to substitute into the template, if any.</param> /// <returns>A constructed URI.</returns> /// <remarks>This method ensures that templates containing parameters cannot be accidentally /// used as URIs.</remarks> public string GetUri(IDictionary <string, object> parameters = null) { if (Template == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to process an empty URI template."); } var template = new UriTemplate(Template); if (parameters != null) { var missing = parameters.Select(p => p.Key).Except(template.GetParameterNames()); if (missing.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException($"The URI template `{Template}` does not contain parameter: `{string.Join("`, `", missing)}`."); } foreach (var parameter in parameters) { var value = parameter.Value is DateTime time ? time.ToString("O") : parameter.Value; template.SetParameter(parameter.Key, value); } } return(template.Resolve()); }
private static async Task <IList <JToken> > SimpleSearchAsyncCore(HttpClient httpClient, string apiDomain, string serviceType, string realm, string rawSearchExpression) { IList <JToken> pages = new List <JToken>(); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Remove("Accept"); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/hal+json"); /// Check, whether simple search is supported: var registryServiceVersion = "0"; string defaultSimpleSearchUriTemplate = $"https://{apiDomain}/apis/{serviceType};version=0;realm={realm}/searches/simple?search={{search}}{{&offset,limit,sort}}"; string simpleSearchUriTemplate = await PlatformTools.PlatformToolsAsync.FindInRegistry(httpClient, apiDomain, serviceType, registryServiceVersion, "search:simple-search", defaultSimpleSearchUriTemplate, realm); UriTemplate simpleSearchUrlTemplate = new UriTemplate(simpleSearchUriTemplate); simpleSearchUrlTemplate.SetParameter("search", rawSearchExpression); Uri simpleSearchResultPageUrl = new Uri(simpleSearchUrlTemplate.Resolve()); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Remove("Accept"); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/hal+json"); // Page through the result: do { using (HttpResponseMessage simpleSearchResultPage = await httpClient.GetAsync(simpleSearchResultPageUrl)) { HttpStatusCode simpleSearchStatus = simpleSearchResultPage.StatusCode; if (HttpStatusCode.OK == simpleSearchStatus) { string rawSearchResult = await simpleSearchResultPage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); JObject searchResult = JObject.Parse(rawSearchResult); var embeddedResults = searchResult.Properties().FirstOrDefault(it => "_embedded".Equals(it.Name)); if (null != embeddedResults) { pages.Add(embeddedResults); } else { Console.WriteLine($"No results found for search expression '{rawSearchExpression}'."); return(pages); } // If we have more results, follow the next link and get the next page: dynamic linkToNextPage = searchResult.SelectToken(""); simpleSearchResultPageUrl = null != linkToNextPage ? new Uri(linkToNextPage.href.ToString()) : null; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Search failed for search expression '{rawSearchExpression}'."); return(pages); } } }while (null != simpleSearchResultPageUrl); return(pages); }
static string ResolveLink(ILinked entity, string link, IDictionary <string, object> parameters = null) { Link linkItem; if (!entity.Links.TryGetValue(link, out linkItem)) { throw new NotSupportedException("The requested link isn't available."); } var expression = linkItem.GetUri(); var template = new UriTemplate(expression); if (parameters != null) { var missing = parameters.Select(p => p.Key).Except(template.GetParameterNames()).ToArray(); if (missing.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("The URI template '" + expression + "' does not contain parameter: " + string.Join(",", missing)); } foreach (var parameter in parameters) { var value = parameter.Value is DateTime ? ((DateTime)parameter.Value).ToString("O") : parameter.Value; template.SetParameter(parameter.Key, value); } } return(template.Resolve()); }
public void FailureSamplesTest(string template, string[] results, TestSet.TestCase testCase) { var uriTemplate = new UriTemplate(template); foreach (var variable in testCase.TestSet.Variables) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(variable.Key, variable.Value); } string result = null; ArgumentException aex = null; try { result = uriTemplate.Resolve(); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { aex = ex; } if (results[0] == "False") { Assert.NotNull(aex); } else { Assert.Contains(results, x => x == result); } }
private static Uri ResolveDocumentationUri(ILinkObject link, string rel) { var template = new UriTemplate(link.Href.ToString()); template.SetParameter("rel", rel); return(new Uri(template.Resolve())); }
// This should be moved into URI Template library public static void ApplyParametersToTemplate(this UriTemplate uriTemplate, Dictionary <string, object> linkParameters) { foreach (var parameter in linkParameters) { if (parameter.Value is IEnumerable <string> ) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameter.Key, (IEnumerable <string>)parameter.Value); } else if (parameter.Value is IDictionary <string, string> ) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameter.Key, (IDictionary <string, string>)parameter.Value); } else { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameter.Key, parameter.Value.ToString()); } } }
public void ShouldHandleEncodingAParametersThatIsAUriWithAUriAsAParameter() { var template = new UriTemplate("{?uri}"); template.SetParameter("uri", ""); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
public void ShouldHandleUriEncoding() { var template = new UriTemplate("{?query}"); template.SetParameter("query", "PREFIX dc: <> SELECT ?book ?who WHERE { ?book dc:creator ?who }"); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
public void LabelExpansionWithDotPrefixAndEmptyKeys() { var template = new UriTemplate("X{.empty_keys}"); template.SetParameter("empty_keys", new Dictionary <string, string>()); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("X", uriString); }
internal static UriTemplate AddParameters(this UriTemplate uriTemplate, IDictionary <string, string> mappedVariables) { foreach (var variable in mappedVariables) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(variable.Key, variable.Value); } return(uriTemplate); }
private void ApplyParameters(UriTemplate uriTemplate) { foreach (var parameter in _Parameters) { if (parameter.Value.Value is IEnumerable <string> ) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameter.Key, (IEnumerable <string>)parameter.Value.Value); } else if (parameter.Value.Value is IDictionary <string, string> ) { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameter.Key, (IDictionary <string, string>)parameter.Value.Value); } else { uriTemplate.SetParameter(parameter.Key, parameter.Value.Value.ToString()); } } }
internal Uri ResolveTemplate(HalLink link, Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { var template = new UriTemplate(link.Href); foreach (var key in parameters.Keys) { template.SetParameter(key, parameters[key]); } return(new Uri(template.Resolve(), UriKind.Relative)); }
public void ShouldAllowUriTemplateWithQueryParamsWithOneValue() { var template = new UriTemplate("{?bar,baz}"); template.SetParameter("baz", "yo"); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
public void ReservedCharacterExpansion() { UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("{?format}"); template.SetParameter("format", "application/"); var result = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", result); }
public void ShouldSupportUnicodeCharacters() { UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("/lookup{?Stra%C3%9Fe}"); template.SetParameter("Stra%C3%9Fe", "Grüner Weg"); var result = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("/lookup?Stra%C3%9Fe=Gr%C3%BCner%20Weg", result); }
public static string ResolveTemplate(string uri, string templatedQuery, object queryParams) { var tmplt = new UriTemplate(uri + templatedQuery); foreach (var substitution in queryParams.GetType().GetProperties()) { var value = substitution.GetValue(queryParams, null); var substituionValue = value == null ? null : value.ToString(); tmplt.SetParameter(substitution.Name, substituionValue); } return(tmplt.Resolve()); }
public void QueryParametersFromDictionary() { var template = new UriTemplate("{?query*}"); template.SetParameter("query", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "active", "true" }, { "Country", "Brazil" } }); var uriString = template.Resolve(); Assert.Equal("", uriString); }
private static UriTemplate SetParameters(UriTemplate template, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > nameValues) { if (nameValues == null) { return(template); } foreach (var pair in nameValues) { template.SetParameter(pair.Key, pair.Value); } return(template); }