private void AddCar() { Console.Clear(); if (GarageHandler.GarageIsFull()) { Console.WriteLine("Garage is full come back later"); return; } do { Console.WriteLine("Add a car"); string registrationNumber = Ui.AskForRegistrationNumber(GarageHandler); string color = Ui.AskForString("Enter a Color", minLength: 3, maxLength: 20); int wheels = Ui.AskForVehicleInt("Car", "Wheels", min: 3, max: 4); string manufacturer = Ui.AskForString("Enter a manufactuer", minLength: 3, maxLength: 20); bool autonomous = Ui.AskForBool("Is the car autonomous"); Vehicle vehicle = new Car(registrationNumber, color, wheels, manufacturer, autonomous); bool added = GarageHandler.AddVehicle(vehicle); Console.WriteLine($"You added the Vehicle\n {vehicle}\nto the Garage"); if (GarageHandler.GarageIsFull()) { Console.WriteLine("Garage is now full"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Press Y if want to Add more cars"); } while (Console.ReadKey(intercept: true).Key == ConsoleKey.Y); }
private void AddBoat() { Console.Clear(); if (GarageHandler.GarageIsFull()) { Console.WriteLine("Garage is full come back later"); return; } do { Console.WriteLine("Add a boat"); string registrationNumber = Ui.AskForRegistrationNumber(GarageHandler); string color = Ui.AskForString("Enter a Color", minLength: 3, maxLength: 20); string manufacturer = Ui.AskForString("Enter a manufactuer", minLength: 3, maxLength: 20); bool cargoShip = Ui.AskForBool("Is it a cargo ship"); Vehicle vehicle = new Boat(registrationNumber, color, manufacturer, cargoShip); GarageHandler.AddVehicle(vehicle); Console.WriteLine($"You added the Vehicle {vehicle} to the Garage"); if (GarageHandler.GarageIsFull()) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Press Y if want to Add more boats"); } while (Console.ReadKey(intercept: true).Key == ConsoleKey.Y); }
private void AddMotorCycle() { Console.Clear(); if (GarageHandler.GarageIsFull()) { Console.WriteLine("Garage is full come back later"); return; } do { Console.WriteLine("Add a motorcycle"); string registrationNumber = Ui.AskForRegistrationNumber(GarageHandler); string color = Ui.AskForString("Enter a Color", minLength: 3, maxLength: 20); int wheels = Ui.AskForVehicleInt("motorcycle", "wheels", min: 2, max: 3); string manufacturer = Ui.AskForString("Enter a manufactuer", minLength: 3, maxLength: 20); bool sidecar = Ui.AskForBool("Has the motorcycle a sidecar"); Vehicle vehicle = new MotorCycle(registrationNumber, color, wheels, manufacturer, sidecar); GarageHandler.AddVehicle(vehicle); Console.WriteLine($"You added the Vehicle {vehicle} to the Garage"); if (GarageHandler.GarageIsFull()) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Press Y if want to Add more motorCycles"); } while (Console.ReadKey(intercept: true).Key == ConsoleKey.Y); }