예제 #1
        protected override void OnAttached()
            UISlider nativeSlider = Control as UISlider;
            Slider   formsSlider  = Element as Slider;

            // make the thumb image invisible if the user hasn't previously changed the slider's value
            if (!_userHasChangedSliderValue)
                _visibleThumbImage = nativeSlider.ThumbImage(UIControlState.Normal);
                nativeSlider.SetThumbImage(new UIImage(), UIControlState.Normal);

            // listen for the user pressing on the slider. this also reports slides.
            nativeSlider.AddGestureRecognizer(new UILongPressGestureRecognizer(pressRecognizer =>
                // make the thumb image visible
                if (!_userHasChangedSliderValue)
                    nativeSlider.SetThumbImage(_visibleThumbImage, UIControlState.Normal);
                    _userHasChangedSliderValue = true;

                // update the slider value - we subtract 25 from the width of the frame to get the right offset (fudgey)
                CGPoint pointTapped  = pressRecognizer.LocationInView(pressRecognizer.View);
                float percent        = (float)((pointTapped.X - nativeSlider.Frame.Location.X) / (nativeSlider.Frame.Size.Width - 25));
                float newNativeValue = nativeSlider.MinValue + (percent * (nativeSlider.MaxValue - nativeSlider.MinValue));
                nativeSlider.SetValue(newNativeValue, false);
                formsSlider.Value = formsSlider.Minimum + (percent * (formsSlider.Maximum - formsSlider.Minimum));
                MinimumPressDuration = 0