public void Include (UISlider slider) { slider.Value = slider.Value + 1; slider.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { slider.Value = 1; }; }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); Title = "Color Controls"; View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; resetButton = UIButton.FromType (UIButtonType.RoundedRect); resetButton.Frame = new CGRect(110, 60, 90, 40); resetButton.SetTitle ("Reset", UIControlState.Normal); resetButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { sliderSaturation.Value = 1; sliderBrightness.Value = 0; sliderContrast.Value = 1; HandleValueChanged (sender, e); }; View.Add (resetButton); labelC = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 110, 90, 20)); labelS = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 160, 90, 20)); labelB = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 210, 90, 20)); labelC.Text = "Contrast"; labelS.Text = "Saturation"; labelB.Text = "Brightness"; View.Add (labelC); View.Add (labelS); View.Add (labelB); sliderBrightness = new UISlider(new CGRect(100, 110, 210, 20)); sliderSaturation = new UISlider(new CGRect(100, 160, 210, 20)); sliderContrast = new UISlider(new CGRect(100, 210, 210, 20)); // // set min/max values on slider to match CIColorControls filter sliderSaturation.MinValue = 0; sliderSaturation.MaxValue = 2; sliderBrightness.MinValue = -1; sliderBrightness.MaxValue = 1; sliderContrast.MinValue = 0; sliderContrast.MaxValue = 4; // set default values sliderSaturation.Value = 1; sliderBrightness.Value = 0; sliderContrast.Value = 1; sliderContrast.TouchUpInside += HandleValueChanged; sliderSaturation.TouchUpInside += HandleValueChanged; sliderBrightness.TouchUpInside += HandleValueChanged; View.Add (sliderContrast); View.Add (sliderSaturation); View.Add (sliderBrightness); imageView = new UIImageView(new CGRect(10, 240, 300, 200)); sourceImage = UIImage.FromFile ("clouds.jpg"); imageView.Image = sourceImage; View.Add (imageView); }
public AppearanceViewController () { // Set the default appearance values UIButton.Appearance.TintColor = UIColor.LightGray; UIButton.Appearance.SetTitleColor(UIColor.FromRGB(0,127,14), UIControlState.Normal); UISlider.Appearance.ThumbTintColor = UIColor.Red; UISlider.Appearance.MinimumTrackTintColor = UIColor.Orange; UISlider.Appearance.MaximumTrackTintColor = UIColor.Yellow; UIProgressView.Appearance.ProgressTintColor = UIColor.Yellow; UIProgressView.Appearance.TrackTintColor = UIColor.Orange; btnBlack = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System); btnBlue = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System); slider = new UISlider(new CGRect(10,110,300, 30)); slider2 = new UISlider(new CGRect(10,260,300, 30)); // Wire up the buttons to the SampleCode class methods btnBlack.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { NavigationController.PushViewController (new BlackViewController(), true); }; btnBlue.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { NavigationController.PushViewController (new BlueViewController(), true); }; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { factoryWindowMenuObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MenuFactory"); taskWindowObject = factoryWindowMenuObject.transform.FindChild("TaskListWindow").gameObject; storageWindowData = GetComponent<StorageWindow>(); drillMasterData = GetComponent<DrillMaster>(); scanMasterData = GetComponent<ScanMaster>(); taskWaitListWindowData = GetComponent<TaskWaitListWindow>(); drillDictionary = drillMasterData.drillDictionary; scanDictionary = scanMasterData.scanDictionary; progressSlider = factoryWindowMenuObject.transform.FindChild("ProgressBarBuild").gameObject.GetComponent<UISlider>(); GameObject drillDataObject = transform.FindChild("FactoryWindowData").gameObject.transform.FindChild("DrillData").gameObject; drillLabelType = drillDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelDrillType").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); drillLabelValue = drillDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelDrillValue").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); GameObject scanDataObject = transform.FindChild("FactoryWindowData").gameObject.transform.FindChild("ScanData").gameObject; scanLabelType = scanDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelScanType").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); scanLabelValue = scanDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelScanValue").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); GameObject pipesDataObject = transform.FindChild("FactoryWindowData").gameObject.transform.FindChild("PipesData").gameObject; //drillLabelType = drillDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelDrillType").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); pipesValue = pipesDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelPipesValue").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); GameObject kostenDataObject = transform.FindChild("FactoryWindowData").gameObject.transform.FindChild("LabelKosten").gameObject; //drillLabelType = drillDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelDrillType").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); costsValue = kostenDataObject.transform.FindChild("LabelKostenValue").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); FactoryShow(); FactoryWindowReload(); } // END Start
void Awake() { globals = Globals.GetInstance(); XPBarSlider = XPBarSliderGO.GetComponent<UISlider>(); maxWidth = XPBarSlider.foreground.localScale.x; if(XPBarSlider == null) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't get the UISlider component in XPBar Script."); } XPMaximum = globals.XPMaximum; if(XPMaximum == 0) { globals.XPPoints = 0; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("XP", 0); XPMaximum = 100; globals.XPMaximum = 100; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("XPMaximum", 100); Debug.Log("This is the first time XP bar is used."); } //XPBar.pixelInset.width = globals.XPPoints / (globals.XPMaximum / 100); XPPoints = globals.XPPoints; UpdateDisplay((XPPoints / XPMaximum)); player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); }
public override void OnCreate() { base.OnCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { m_starsSprites[i] = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("Star" + (i + 1)); //查找sprite } m_progressSprite = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("Progress"); //查找sprite stageBoard = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("StageBoard"); m_speedSlider = GetChildComponent<UISlider>("SpeedSlider"); m_speedLabel = GetChildComponent<UILabel>("SpeedLabel"); m_timeBar = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("TimeBar"); m_scoreDrawer = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("ScoreDrawer"); m_stepDrawer = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("StepDrawer"); m_timeNumber = UIToolkits.FindChild(mUIObject.transform, "TimeNumber").gameObject; m_minNumber = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("MinNumber"); m_secNumber = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("SecNumber"); m_stepChangeAnim = m_stepDrawer.GetComponent<Animation>(); m_scoreChangeAnim = m_scoreDrawer.GetComponent<Animation>(); m_hurryStepParticle = UIToolkits.FindChild(mUIObject.transform, "Effect_HurryStep").gameObject; m_hurryStepParticle.SetActive(false); m_hurryTimeParticle = UIToolkits.FindChild(mUIObject.transform, "Effect_HurryTime").gameObject; m_hurryTimeParticle.SetActive(false); }
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated) { base.ViewDidAppear (animated); this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.LightGray; txtSpeak = new UITextView (new RectangleF (20, 50, this.View.Bounds.Width - 40, 100)); txtSpeak.Text = "Xamarin rocks!"; this.View.AddSubview (txtSpeak); segAccent = new UISegmentedControl (new string[] {"US", "UK", "AUS" }); segAccent.Frame = new RectangleF(20,160,this.View.Bounds.Width - 40, 50); segAccent.SelectedSegment = 0; this.View.AddSubview (segAccent); lblRate = new UILabel (new RectangleF (20, 230, 200, 20)); lblRate.Text = "Rate"; this.View.AddSubview (lblRate); sldRate = new UISlider(new RectangleF(20,250,this.View.Bounds.Width - 40, 50)); sldRate.MinValue = 0; sldRate.MaxValue = 100; sldRate.Value = 75; this.View.AddSubview (sldRate); lblPitch = new UILabel (new RectangleF (20, 305, 200, 20)); lblPitch.Text = "Pitch"; this.View.AddSubview (lblPitch); sldPitch = new UISlider(new RectangleF(20,325,this.View.Bounds.Width - 40, 50)); sldPitch.MinValue = 0; sldPitch.MaxValue = 100; sldPitch.Value = 75; this.View.AddSubview (sldPitch); btnSpeak = new UIButton (UIButtonType.RoundedRect); btnSpeak.Frame = new RectangleF (100, 375, this.View.Bounds.Width - 200, 30); btnSpeak.SetTitle ("Speak", UIControlState.Normal); btnSpeak.TouchDown += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { var speechSynthesizer = new AVSpeechSynthesizer (); var speechUtterance = new AVSpeechUtterance (txtSpeak.Text); string lang = "en-US"; if (segAccent.SelectedSegment == 1) lang = "en-GB"; if (segAccent.SelectedSegment == 2) lang = "en-AU"; speechUtterance.Voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.FromLanguage (lang); speechUtterance.Rate = AVSpeechUtterance.MaximumSpeechRate * (sldRate.Value / 100); speechUtterance.PitchMultiplier = 2.0f * (sldPitch.Value / 100); speechSynthesizer.SpeakUtterance (speechUtterance); }; this.View.AddSubview (btnSpeak); }
public override void OnInit() { base.OnInit(); m_LabelProcess = FindChildComponent<UILabel>("UILabel_Process"); m_LabelCurrentFile = FindChildComponent<UILabel>("UILabel_CurrentDownloadFile"); m_SliderProcess = FindChildComponent<UISlider>("Slider"); }
partial void volumeSet (UISlider sender) { if (player == null) return; player.Volume = sender.Value; }
partial void changedResonance(UISlider sender) { if (sender != resonanceSlider) return; resonanceParameter.Value = resonanceSlider.Value; }
void Start() { base.Start(); nav = this.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); anim = this.GetComponent<Animator>(); photonView = this.GetComponent<PhotonView>(); myPlayerCam = NetworkManager.myChampionGO.transform.FindChild("Main Camera").camera; healthBar = prox.gameObject.transform.FindChild ("Progress Bar").gameObject.GetComponent<UISlider>(); maxHealth = 50; health = maxHealth; attackDamage = Random.Range(5f, 10f); nav.speed = movementSpeed; nav.destination = destination; // Minion team text indicator GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text = team.ToString(); GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().color = (team == 0) ? :; //Final destination for any minion is the base of the opponent team finalDestination = (team == 0) ? new Vector3(128, 14, 128) : new Vector3(-128, 14, -128); if (team == 0) { transform.FindChild("Indic").transform.renderer.material.color =; } else { transform.FindChild("Indic").transform.renderer.material.color =; } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets () { if (CameraView != null) { CameraView.Dispose (); CameraView = null; } if (GrayCardButton != null) { GrayCardButton.Dispose (); GrayCardButton = null; } if (NoCamera != null) { NoCamera.Dispose (); NoCamera = null; } if (Segments != null) { Segments.Dispose (); Segments = null; } if (Temperature != null) { Temperature.Dispose (); Temperature = null; } if (Tint != null) { Tint.Dispose (); Tint = null; } }
void ValidatePivot (Transform fg, string name, UISlider.Direction dir) { if (fg != null) { UISprite sprite = fg.GetComponent<UISprite>(); if (sprite != null && sprite.type != UISprite.Type.Filled) { if (dir == UISlider.Direction.Horizontal) { if (sprite.pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.Left && sprite.pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft && sprite.pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.BottomLeft) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 0.7f, 0f); GUILayout.Label(name + " should use a Left pivot"); GUI.color = Color.white; } } else if (sprite.pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.BottomLeft && sprite.pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.Bottom && sprite.pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.BottomRight) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 0.7f, 0f); GUILayout.Label(name + " should use a Bottom pivot"); GUI.color = Color.white; } } } }
void AddSlider() { UISlider slider = new UISlider (new RectangleF (17, 370, 287, 10)); slider.SetValue (0.5f, false); View.AddSubview (slider); }
void Awake() { uiSlider = GetComponentInChildren<UISlider>(); uiSlider.value = 0; Bonus = new STowerBonus (); }
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv) { var cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell (CellKey); if (cell == null){ cell = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, CellKey); cell.SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None; } else RemoveTag (cell, 1); SizeF captionSize = new SizeF (0, 0); if (Caption != null && ShowCaption){ cell.TextLabel.Text = Caption; captionSize = cell.TextLabel.StringSize (Caption, UIFont.FromName (cell.TextLabel.Font.Name, UIFont.LabelFontSize)); captionSize.Width += 10; // Spacing } if (slider == null){ slider = new UISlider (new RectangleF (10f + captionSize.Width, 12f, 280f - captionSize.Width, 7f)){ BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear, MinValue = this.MinValue, MaxValue = this.MaxValue, Continuous = true, Value = this.Value, Tag = 1 }; slider.ValueChanged += delegate { Value = slider.Value; }; } else { slider.Value = Value; } cell.ContentView.AddSubview (slider); return cell; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad (); normalButton = GetButton (new CGRect (10, 120, 295, 48), FoodyTheme.SharedTheme.ButtonImage, "Standard Button"); View.AddSubview (normalButton); pressedButton = GetButton (new CGRect (10, 190, 295, 48), FoodyTheme.SharedTheme.PressedButtonImage, "Button Pressed"); View.AddSubview (pressedButton); label = new UILabel (new CGRect (15, 40, 400, 30)); FoodyTheme.Apply (label); label.Text = "Label"; View.AddSubview (label); var paddingView = new UIView (new CGRect (0, 0, 5, 20)); TextField.LeftView = paddingView; TextField.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always; TextField.ShouldReturn = TextFieldShouldReturn; TextField.Background = FoodyTheme.SharedTheme.TextFieldBackground; progress = new UIProgressView (new CGRect (13, 300, 292, 10)); progress.Progress = 0.5f; View.AddSubview (progress); slider = new UISlider (new CGRect (10, 330, 298, 10)); slider.Value = 0.5f; slider.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged; View.AddSubview (slider); FoodyTheme.Apply (View); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { player = null; me = gameObject.GetComponent<UISlider>(); value = 1.0f; RefreshHPLabel(); }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); HPMax = level * addHP + baseHP; ATK = level * addATK + baseATK; DEF = level * addDEF + baseDEF; HP = HPMax; if (HP == 0) { HP = level * 100; } positionStart = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); if (nowState != ActionState.locked) { nowState = ActionState.notFoundPlayer; } timer = 0f; moveForward = new Vector2(transform.forward.x, transform.forward.z); //HPbar hpBarManagerUI = UIHpBarManager._instance; hpBar = hpBarManagerUI.CreateHpBar(transform.Find("HpBarPoint").gameObject); hpSlider = hpBar.transform.GetComponentInChildren<UISlider>(); charaController = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>(); }
public override void Awake() { size = new Vector2(400, 100); anchor = UIAnchorStyle.Bottom & UIAnchorStyle.Left; backgroundSprite = "ButtonMenu"; autoLayoutPadding = new RectOffset(10, 10, 4, 4); autoLayout = true; autoFitChildrenVertically = true; autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical; timeOfDay = AddUIComponent<UILabel>(); timeOfDay.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center; timeOfDay.size = new Vector2(width - 20, 20); timeOfDay.autoSize = false; timeSlider = UIFactory.CreateSlider(this, 0.0f, 24.0f); timeSlider.stepSize = 1f / 60.0f; timeSlider.eventValueChanged += ChangeTime; ((UIPanel)timeSlider.parent).backgroundSprite = "BudgetBarBackground"; ((UISprite)timeSlider.thumbObject).spriteName = "InfoIconBasePressed"; timeSlider.eventDragStart += timeSlider_eventDragStart; //timeSlider.eventDragEnd += timeSlider_eventDragEnd; eventMouseUp += timeSlider_eventDragEnd; UISprite pad = AddUIComponent<UISprite>(); pad.autoSize = false; pad.size = new Vector2(10, 5); }
public CustomRecCell(NSString cellId) : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, cellId) { SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.Gray; fileNameLabel = new UILabel () { Font = UIFont.FromName("AmericanTypewriter", 15f), BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear }; playerPlayButton = new UIButton (); playerPlayButton.SetTitle("Play", UIControlState.Normal); playerPlayButton.SetTitle("Playing", UIControlState.Selected); playerPlayButton.Font = UIFont.FromName ("AmericanTypewriter", 15f); playerPlayButton.TouchUpInside += playerPlayButtonTouchUpInside_Event; playerStopButton = new UIButton (); playerStopButton.SetTitle("Stop", UIControlState.Normal); playerStopButton.Font = UIFont.FromName ("AmericanTypewriter", 15f); playerStopButton.TouchUpInside += playerStopButtonTouchUpInside_Event; progressBar = new UISlider (); progressBar.Enabled = false; progressBar.SetThumbImage (UIImage.FromBundle("Images/slider_thumb"), UIControlState.Normal); ContentView.Add (fileNameLabel); ContentView.Add (playerPlayButton); ContentView.Add (playerStopButton); ContentView.Add (progressBar); }
public void InitAudio() { gameVolume = GameObject.Find("2DAudio").GetComponent<Volume>(); if (GameObject.Find("musicSlider") != null && GameObject.Find("soundFXSlider")!= null && GameObject.Find("dialogueSlider") != null) { musicSlider = GameObject.Find("musicSlider").GetComponent<UISlider>(); soundFXSlider = GameObject.Find("soundFXSlider").GetComponent<UISlider>(); dialogueSlider = GameObject.Find("dialogueSlider").GetComponent<UISlider>(); if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("MusicVol")) gameVolume.MusicVolume = musicSlider.value; else musicSlider.value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MusicVol"); if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("SoundFXVol")) gameVolume.AmbienceVolume = soundFXSlider.value; else soundFXSlider.value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("SoundFXVol"); if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("DialogueVol")) gameVolume.AIVolume = dialogueSlider.value; else dialogueSlider.value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("DialogueVol"); } }
public override void OnCreate() { base.OnCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { m_starsSprites[i] = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("Star" + (i + 1)); //查找sprite } m_progressSprite = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("Progress"); //查找sprite stageBoard = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("StageBoard"); m_speedSlider = GetChildComponent<UISlider>("SpeedSlider"); m_speedLabel = GetChildComponent<UILabel>("SpeedLabel"); m_timeBar = GetChildComponent<UISprite>("TimeBar"); m_scoreDrawer = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("ScoreDrawer"); m_stepDrawer = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("StepDrawer"); m_timeNumber = UIToolkits.FindChild(mUIObject.transform, "TimeNumber").gameObject; m_minNumber = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("MinNumber"); m_secNumber = GetChildComponent<NumberDrawer>("SecNumber"); }
public static void makeSettings(UIHelperBase helper) { UIHelperBase group = helper.AddGroup("Traffic Manager: President Edition (Settings are defined for each savegame separately)"); simAccuracyDropdown = group.AddDropdown("Simulation accuracy (higher accuracy reduces performance):", new string[] { "Very high", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Very Low" }, simAccuracy, onSimAccuracyChanged) as UIDropDown; recklessDriversDropdown = group.AddDropdown("Reckless driving (BETA feature):", new string[] { "Path Of Evil (10 %)", "Rush Hour (5 %)", "Minor Complaints (2 %)", "Holy City (0 %)" }, recklessDrivers, onRecklessDriversChanged) as UIDropDown; relaxedBussesToggle = group.AddCheckbox("Busses may ignore lane arrows", relaxedBusses, onRelaxedBussesChanged) as UICheckBox; #if DEBUG allRelaxedToggle = group.AddCheckbox("All vehicles may ignore lane arrows", allRelaxed, onAllRelaxedChanged) as UICheckBox; #endif mayEnterBlockedJunctionsToggle = group.AddCheckbox("Vehicles may enter blocked junctions", mayEnterBlockedJunctions, onMayEnterBlockedJunctionsChanged) as UICheckBox; UIHelperBase groupAI = helper.AddGroup("Advanced Vehicle AI"); advancedAIToggle = groupAI.AddCheckbox("Enable Advanced Vehicle AI", advancedAI, onAdvancedAIChanged) as UICheckBox; highwayRulesToggle = groupAI.AddCheckbox("Enable highway specific lane merging/splitting rules", highwayRules, onHighwayRulesChanged) as UICheckBox; laneChangingRandomizationDropdown = groupAI.AddDropdown("Drivers want to change lanes (only applied if Advanced AI is enabled):", new string[] { "Very often (50 %)", "Often (25 %)", "Sometimes (10 %)", "Rarely (5 %)", "Very rarely (2.5 %)", "Only if necessary" }, laneChangingRandomization, onLaneChangingRandomizationChanged) as UIDropDown; //#if DEBUG UIHelperBase senseAI = helper.AddGroup("Avoidance of lanes with high traffic density (low - high)"); carCityTrafficSensitivitySlider = senseAI.AddSlider("Cars, city:", 0f, 1f, 0.05f, carCityTrafficSensitivity, onCarCityTrafficSensitivityChange) as UISlider; carHighwayTrafficSensitivitySlider = senseAI.AddSlider("Cars, highway:", 0f, 1f, 0.05f, carHighwayTrafficSensitivity, onCarHighwayTrafficSensitivityChange) as UISlider; truckCityTrafficSensitivitySlider = senseAI.AddSlider("Trucks, city:", 0f, 1f, 0.05f, truckCityTrafficSensitivity, onTruckCityTrafficSensitivityChange) as UISlider; truckHighwayTrafficSensitivitySlider = senseAI.AddSlider("Trucks, highway:", 0f, 1f, 0.05f, truckHighwayTrafficSensitivity, onTruckHighwayTrafficSensitivityChange) as UISlider; //#endif UIHelperBase group2 = helper.AddGroup("Maintenance"); group2.AddButton("Forget toggled traffic lights", onClickForgetToggledLights); nodesOverlayToggle = group2.AddCheckbox("Show nodes and segments", nodesOverlay, onNodesOverlayChanged) as UICheckBox; showLanesToggle = group2.AddCheckbox("Show lanes", showLanes, onShowLanesChanged) as UICheckBox; #if DEBUG pathCostMultiplicatorField = group2.AddTextfield("Pathcost multiplicator", String.Format("{0:0.##}", pathCostMultiplicator), onPathCostMultiplicatorChanged) as UITextField; #endif }
// ########################### // Use this for initialization void Start () { researchMasterData = this.GetComponent<ResearchMaster>(); researchTypeCount = researchMasterData.researchDictionary.Count; playerAttributeControlData = GameObject.Find("01_Player").GetComponent<PlayerAttributeControl>(); researchWindowMenuObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MenuResearch"); GameObject childHolder = gameObject.transform.FindChild("ResearchWindowData").gameObject; researchTimeLabel = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ResearchTime").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); buttonSpeedLabel = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ButtonSpeed").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Label").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); buttonAmountLabel = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ButtonAmount").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Label").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); buttonDrillLabel = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ButtonDrill").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Label").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); buttonBuildCostsLabel = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ButtonBuildCosts").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Label").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); buttonDrillPlattformLabel = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ButtonDrillPlattform").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Label").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); buttonScan = childHolder.transform.FindChild("ButtonScan").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Label").gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>(); progressbarSlider = gameObject.transform.FindChild("ResearchWindowData").gameObject.transform.FindChild("ProgressBarResearch").gameObject.transform.FindChild("Control - Colored Progress Bar").gameObject.GetComponent<UISlider>(); ResearchShow(); } // END Start
private void CreateObjects() { this.mEquipIconItem = CommonIconItem.Create(base.gameObject, new Vector3(-161f, 38f, 0f), null, false, 0.8f, null); this.mName = GameUITools.FindUILabel("Name", base.gameObject); this.mSlider = GameUITools.FindGameObject("Bar", base.gameObject).GetComponent<UISlider>(); this.mValue = GameUITools.FindUILabel("Value", this.mSlider.gameObject); }
UIControl CustomSliderControl() { var cslider = new UISlider (new RectangleF (174f, 12f, 120f, 7f)){ BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear, MinValue = 0f, MaxValue = 100f, Continuous = true, Value = 50f, Tag = kViewTag }; var left = UIImage.FromFile ("images/orangeslide.png"); left = left.StretchableImage (10, 0); var right = UIImage.FromFile ("images/yellowslide.png"); right = right.StretchableImage (10, 0); cslider.SetThumbImage (UIImage.FromFile ("images/slider_ball.png"), UIControlState.Normal); cslider.SetMinTrackImage (left, UIControlState.Normal); cslider.SetMaxTrackImage (right, UIControlState.Normal); cslider.ValueChanged += delegate { Console.WriteLine ("New value {0}", cslider.Value); }; return cslider; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad (); Title = "Slider"; View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; label = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 80, 90, 20)); label.Text = "Value: ?"; label2 = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 140, 90, 20)); label2.Text = "Value: ?"; View.Add (label); View.Add (label2); sliderImage = new UISlider(new CGRect(100, 80, 210, 20)); View.Add (sliderImage); sliderImage.SetThumbImage(UIImage.FromFile("29_icon.png"), UIControlState.Normal); sliderImage.MinValue = 0f; sliderImage.MaxValue = 1f; sliderImage.Value = 0.5f; sliderImage.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged; // defined below sliderColor = new UISlider(new CGRect(100, 140, 210, 20)); View.Add (sliderColor); sliderColor.Value = 0.25f; sliderColor.ThumbTintColor = UIColor.Red; sliderColor.MinimumTrackTintColor = UIColor.Orange; sliderColor.MaximumTrackTintColor = UIColor.Yellow; sliderColor.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged2; // defined below }
private void CreateObjects() { this.mSchoolName = base.transform.Find("schoolName").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mProgressBar = base.transform.Find("progressBar").GetComponent<UISlider>(); this.mProgressTxt = this.mProgressBar.transform.Find("ExpText").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mMaskGo = base.transform.Find("maskTip").gameObject; this.mMaskTip = this.mMaskGo.GetComponent<UILabel>(); GameObject gameObject = this.mMaskGo.transform.Find("mask").gameObject; UIEventListener expr_A3 = UIEventListener.Get(gameObject); expr_A3.onClick = (UIEventListener.VoidDelegate)Delegate.Combine(expr_A3.onClick, new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnSchoolItemClick)); this.mTipGo = base.transform.Find("tipGo").gameObject; this.mSucRewardNum = this.mTipGo.transform.Find("c").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mTipEnd = base.transform.Find("tipEnd").gameObject; this.mMasterIcon = base.transform.Find("itemIcon").GetComponent<UISprite>(); this.mQualityMask = base.transform.Find("qualityMask").GetComponent<UISprite>(); this.mTipState = base.transform.Find("tipState").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mTipRewardStatus = base.transform.Find("tipReward").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mGoBtn = base.transform.Find("goBtn").gameObject; UIEventListener expr_1AC = UIEventListener.Get(this.mGoBtn); expr_1AC.onClick = (UIEventListener.VoidDelegate)Delegate.Combine(expr_1AC.onClick, new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnGoBtnClick)); this.mNewMark = this.mGoBtn.transform.Find("newMark").gameObject; UIEventListener expr_1F8 = UIEventListener.Get(base.gameObject); expr_1F8.onClick = (UIEventListener.VoidDelegate)Delegate.Combine(expr_1F8.onClick, new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnSchoolItemClick)); this.mItemBgSp = base.transform.GetComponent<UISprite>(); GameUITools.UpdateUIBoxCollider(base.transform, 4f, false); }
private void CreateObjects() { Transform transform = base.transform.Find("victory"); this.mVictorySprite = transform.Find("victorySprite").gameObject; this.mVictorySprite.transform.localScale =; this.mOldHpProgress = Mathf.Clamp01(1f - GameUIManager.mInstance.uiState.GuildBossHp); this.mCurHpProgress = Mathf.Clamp01(1f - Globals.Instance.Player.GuildSystem.GetGuildBossData(Globals.Instance.Player.GuildSystem.Guild.AttackAcademyID1).HealthPct); this.mTextBg = transform.Find("textBg"); this.mTextBg.transform.localScale =; this.mProgressTxt = this.mTextBg.Find("progressNum").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mProgressTxt.text = string.Format("{0:F}%", this.mOldHpProgress * 100f); this.mProgressBar = this.mProgressTxt.transform.Find("progressBar").GetComponent<UISlider>(); this.mProgressBar.value = this.mOldHpProgress; this.mDamageLb = this.mTextBg.Find("scoreNum").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mDamageLb.text = "0"; this.mGoldLb = this.mTextBg.Find("goldTxt/goldNum").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mGoldLb.text = "0"; this.mKillerTip = this.mTextBg.Find("killerTxt").gameObject; this.mExNum = this.mKillerTip.transform.Find("num").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mKillerTip.transform.localScale =; this.mBtnGroup = base.transform.Find("ButtonGroup"); GameObject gameObject = this.mBtnGroup.Find("sureBtn").gameObject; UIEventListener expr_20F = UIEventListener.Get(gameObject); expr_20F.onClick = (UIEventListener.VoidDelegate)Delegate.Combine(expr_20F.onClick, new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnSureBtnClick)); this.mBtnGroup.localScale =; }
private void CreateUI() { try { _zonePanel = UIUtils.CreatePanel("ZoneItZonePanel"); _zonePanel.zOrder = 0; _zonePanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanelLight"; _zonePanel.color = new Color32(96, 96, 96, 255); _zonePanel.size = new Vector2(206f, 106f); _zonePanel.isVisible = false; _zoneDragHandle = UIUtils.CreateDragHandle(_zonePanel, "ZoneDragHandle"); _zoneDragHandle.size = new Vector2(_zoneDragHandle.parent.width, _zoneDragHandle.parent.height); _zoneDragHandle.relativePosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f); _zoneDragHandle.eventMouseUp += (component, eventParam) => { ModConfig.Instance.PanelPositionX = _zonePanel.absolutePosition.x; ModConfig.Instance.PanelPositionY = _zonePanel.absolutePosition.y; ModConfig.Instance.Save(); }; _zoneInnerPanel = UIUtils.CreatePanel(_zonePanel, "ZoneInnerPanel"); _zoneInnerPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanelLight"; _zoneInnerPanel.color = new Color32(206, 206, 206, 255); _zoneInnerPanel.size = new Vector2(_zoneInnerPanel.parent.width - 16f, 66f); _zoneInnerPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(8f, 8f); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { UIButton button = UIUtils.CreateButton(_zoneInnerPanel, "Button" + (i), (i).ToString()); button.objectUserData = i; button.tooltip = $"Zone radius: {i}"; button.relativePosition = new Vector3(5f + i * 36f, 5f); button.eventClick += (component, eventParam) => { if (!eventParam.used) { ModConfig.Instance.Cells = (int)button.objectUserData; ModConfig.Instance.Save(); UpdateButtons(ModConfig.Instance.Cells); eventParam.Use(); } }; _zoneButtons[i] = button; } _zoneRowsSlider = UIUtils.CreateSlider(_zoneInnerPanel, "RowsSlider", -1, 8, ModConfig.Instance.Rows); _zoneRowsSlider.tooltip = "Force number of rows in zone blocks"; _zoneRowsSlider.size = new Vector2(130f, 8f); _zoneRowsSlider.relativePosition = new Vector3(15f, 48f); _zoneRowsSlider.eventValueChanged += (component, value) => { if (_zoneRowsLabel != null) { ModConfig.Instance.Rows = (int)value; ModConfig.Instance.Save(); _zoneRowsLabel.text = value == -1 ? "Off" : value.ToString(); } }; _zoneRowsLabel = UIUtils.CreateLabel(_zoneInnerPanel, "RowsLabel", ModConfig.Instance.Rows == -1 ? "Off" : ModConfig.Instance.Rows.ToString()); _zoneRowsLabel.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Right; _zoneRowsLabel.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Top; _zoneRowsLabel.textColor = new Color32(185, 221, 254, 255); _zoneRowsLabel.textScale = 0.7058824f; _zoneRowsLabel.autoSize = false; _zoneRowsLabel.size = new Vector2(30f, 16f); _zoneRowsLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(150f, 48f); _zoneAnarchyCheckBox = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(_zonePanel, "AnarchyCheckBox", "Zone Anarchy", ModConfig.Instance.Anarchy); _zoneAnarchyCheckBox.tooltip = "Enable Zone Anarchy to avoid any update of zone blocks"; _zoneAnarchyCheckBox.size = new Vector2(_zoneAnarchyCheckBox.parent.width - 16f, 16f); _zoneAnarchyCheckBox.relativePosition = new Vector3(8f, 82f); _zoneAnarchyCheckBox.eventCheckChanged += (component, value) => { ModConfig.Instance.Anarchy = value; ModConfig.Instance.Save(); }; UpdateUI(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[Zone It!] ModManager:CreateUI -> Exception: " + e.Message); } }
private void InitAdvanced() { // // Two images + custom control // LegendItem item3 = new LegendItem("Transparency", "", UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellAccessory.None); UISlider slider = new UISlider(); slider.MaxValue = 100f; slider.Value = 50f; slider.MinValue = 0f; slider.Frame = new RectangleF(140, 9, 150, 23); slider.Value = _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Transparency; slider.ValueChanged += delegate { _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Transparency = (int)slider.Value; }; item3.ContentView = slider; // A switcher legend visible LegendItem item4 = new LegendItem("Visible", "", UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellAccessory.None); UISwitch switcher = new UISwitch(); item4.AccessoryView = switcher; switcher.On = _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Visible; switcher.ValueChanged += delegate { _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Visible = switcher.On; }; // A switcher legend transparent LegendItem item5 = new LegendItem("Transparent", "", UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellAccessory.None); UISwitch switcher2 = new UISwitch(); item5.AccessoryView = switcher2; switcher2.On = _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Transparent; switcher2.ValueChanged += delegate { _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Transparent = switcher2.On; }; // A switcher legend symbols visible LegendItem item6 = new LegendItem("Symbols", "", UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellAccessory.None); UISwitch switcher3 = new UISwitch(); item6.AccessoryView = switcher3; switcher3.On = _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Symbol.Visible; switcher3.ValueChanged += delegate { _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Symbol.Visible = switcher3.On; }; // A switcher legend shadow visible LegendItem item7 = new LegendItem("Shadow", "", UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellAccessory.None); UISwitch switcher4 = new UISwitch(); item7.AccessoryView = switcher4; switcher4.On = _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Shadow.Visible; switcher4.ValueChanged += delegate { _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Shadow.Visible = switcher4.On; }; // A switcher legend pen visible LegendItem item8 = new LegendItem("Pen Border", "", UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellAccessory.None); UISwitch switcher5 = new UISwitch(); item8.AccessoryView = switcher5; switcher5.On = _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Pen.Visible; switcher5.ValueChanged += delegate { _parentController.chart.Chart.Legend.Pen.Visible = switcher5.On; }; _items.Add(item3); _items.Add(item4); _items.Add(item5); _items.Add(item6); _items.Add(item7); _items.Add(item8); }
partial void SliderSize_ValueChanged(UISlider sender) { fireworks.ScaleMax = sliderSize.Value; }
public static void All() { var x1 = new UIButton(); x1.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => { }; var x2 = new UISlider(); x2.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { }; var x3 = new UIStepper(); x3.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { }; var x4 = new UISwitch(); x4.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { }; var x5 = new UITextField(); x5.Text = x5.Text; x5.EditingChanged += (s, e) => { }; var x6 = new UIView(); x6.Hidden = x6.Hidden; x6.Frame = x6.Frame; x6.TintColor = x6.TintColor; x6.BackgroundColor = x6.BackgroundColor; x6.Alpha = x6.Alpha; x6.UserInteractionEnabled = x6.UserInteractionEnabled; var x7 = new UIViewController(); x7.Title = x7.Title; var x8 = new UIDatePicker(); x8.Date = x8.Date; var x9 = new UIProgressView(); x9.Progress = x9.Progress; x9.ProgressTintColor = x9.ProgressTintColor; x9.TrackTintColor = x9.TrackTintColor; var x10 = new UIImageView(); x10.Image = x10.Image; var x11 = new UILabel(); x11.Text = x11.Text; x11.TextColor = x11.TextColor; var x12 = new UISegmentedControl(); x12.SelectedSegment = x12.SelectedSegment; var x13 = new UISlider(); x13.Value = x13.Value; x13.MaxValue = x13.MaxValue; x13.MinValue = x13.MinValue; var x14 = new UIStepper(); x14.Value = x14.Value; x14.MaximumValue = x14.MaximumValue; x14.MinimumValue = x14.MinimumValue; var x15 = new UISwitch(); x15.On = x15.On; var x16 = new UITextView(); x16.Text = x16.Text; x16.Changed += (sender, e) => { }; }
partial void SliderShift_ValueChanged(UISlider sender) { TranslateSquare(); }
public UIRelationshipDialog() : base(UIDialogStyle.Standard | UIDialogStyle.Close, true) { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "10"); //f_web_inbtn = 0x1972454856DDBAC, //f_web_outbtn = 0x3D3AEF0856DDBAC, InnerBackground = new UIImage(GetTexture((ulong)0x7A400000001)).With9Slice(13, 13, 13, 13); InnerBackground.Position = new Vector2(15, 65); InnerBackground.SetSize(510, 230); AddAt(3, InnerBackground); ResultsBox = new UIListBox { Columns = new UIListBoxColumnCollection() }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ResultsBox.Columns.Add(new UIListBoxColumn() { Width = 170 }); } ResultsBox.Position = new Vector2(25, 82); ResultsBox.SetSize(510, 230); ResultsBox.RowHeight = 40; ResultsBox.NumVisibleRows = 6; ResultsBox.SelectionFillColor = Color.TransparentBlack; Add(ResultsBox); var seat = new UIImage(GetTexture(0x19700000002)) { Position = new Vector2(28, 28) }; Add(seat); IncomingButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0x1972454856DDBAC)) { Position = new Vector2(33, 33), Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "12") }; Add(IncomingButton); OutgoingButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0x3D3AEF0856DDBAC)) { Position = new Vector2(33, 33), Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "13") }; Add(OutgoingButton); SearchBox = new UITextBox { Position = new Vector2(550 - 170, 37) }; SearchBox.SetSize(150, 25); SearchBox.OnEnterPress += SearchBox_OnEnterPress; Add(SearchBox); SortLabel = new UILabel { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "1"), Position = new Vector2(95, 30) }; SortLabel.CaptionStyle = SortLabel.CaptionStyle.Clone(); SortLabel.CaptionStyle.Size = 8; Add(SortLabel); SearchLabel = new UILabel { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "14"), Alignment = TextAlignment.Right, Position = new Vector2(550 - 230, 38), Size = new Vector2(50, 1) }; Add(SearchLabel); SortFriendButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0xCE300000001)) { Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "2"), Position = new Vector2(95, 47) }; //gizmo_friendliestthumb = 0xCE300000001, Add(SortFriendButton); SortEnemyButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0xCE600000001)) { Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "3") }; //gizmo_meanestthumb = 0xCE600000001, SortEnemyButton.Position = new Vector2(115, 47) + (new Vector2(17 / 2f, 14) - new Vector2(SortEnemyButton.Texture.Width / 8, SortEnemyButton.Texture.Height)); Add(SortEnemyButton); SortAlmostFriendButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0x31600000001)) { Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "4") }; //gizmo_top100defaultthumb = 0x31600000001, SortAlmostFriendButton.Position = new Vector2(135, 47) + (new Vector2(17 / 2f, 14) - new Vector2(SortAlmostFriendButton.Texture.Width / 8, SortAlmostFriendButton.Texture.Height)); Add(SortAlmostFriendButton); SortAlmostEnemyButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0xCE400000001)) { Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "5") }; //gizmo_infamousthumb = 0xCE400000001, SortAlmostEnemyButton.Position = new Vector2(155, 47) + (new Vector2(17 / 2f, 14) - new Vector2(SortAlmostEnemyButton.Texture.Width / 8, SortAlmostEnemyButton.Texture.Height)); Add(SortAlmostEnemyButton); SortRoommateButton = new UIButton(GetTexture((ulong)0x4B700000001)) { Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f106", "6") }; //ucp far zoom SortRoommateButton.Position = new Vector2(175, 47) + (new Vector2(17 / 2f, 14) - new Vector2(SortRoommateButton.Texture.Width / 8, SortRoommateButton.Texture.Height)); Add(SortRoommateButton); //gizmo_scrollbarimg = 0x31000000001, //gizmo_scrolldownbtn = 0x31100000001, //gizmo_scrollupbtn = 0x31200000001, ResultsSlider = new UISlider { Orientation = 1, Texture = GetTexture(0x31000000001), MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 2, X = 529, Y = 72 }; ResultsSlider.SetSize(0, 214f); Add(ResultsSlider); SliderUpButton = new UIButton(GetTexture(0x31200000001)) { Position = new Vector2(526, 65) }; Add(SliderUpButton); SliderDownButton = new UIButton(GetTexture(0x31100000001)) { Position = new Vector2(526, 287) }; Add(SliderDownButton); ResultsSlider.AttachButtons(SliderUpButton, SliderDownButton, 1f); ResultsBox.AttachSlider(ResultsSlider); SetSize(560, 320); SortFriendButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => ChangeOrderFunc(OrderFriendly); SortEnemyButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => ChangeOrderFunc(OrderEnemy); SortAlmostFriendButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => ChangeOrderFunc(OrderAlmostFriendly); SortAlmostEnemyButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => ChangeOrderFunc(OrderAlmostEnemy); SortRoommateButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => ChangeOrderFunc(OrderRoommate); ChangeOrderFunc(OrderFriendly); IncomingButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => SetOutgoing(false); OutgoingButton.OnButtonClick += (btn) => SetOutgoing(true); TargetIcon = new UIPersonButton { FrameSize = UIPersonButtonSize.SMALL, Position = new Vector2(72, 35) }; Add(TargetIcon); CloseButton.OnButtonClick += CloseButton_OnButtonClick; FriendLabel = new UILabel { Position = new Vector2(35, 292) }; Add(FriendLabel); IncomingLabel = new UILabel { Position = new Vector2(540 - 36, 292), Size = new Vector2(1, 1), Alignment = TextAlignment.Right }; Add(IncomingLabel); SetOutgoing(true); }
private void Set(float input, bool force) { if (!this.mInitDone) { this.Init(); } float num = Mathf.Clamp01(input); if (num < 0.001f) { num = 0f; } float sliderValue = this.sliderValue; this.rawValue = num; float num3 = this.sliderValue; if (force || (sliderValue != num3)) { Vector3 mSize = (Vector3)this.mSize; if (this.direction == Direction.Horizontal) { mSize.x *= num3; } else { mSize.y *= num3; } if ((this.mFGFilled != null) && (this.mFGFilled.type == UISprite.Type.Filled)) { this.mFGFilled.fillAmount = num3; } else if (this.foreground != null) { this.mFGTrans.localScale = mSize; if (this.mFGWidget != null) { if (num3 > 0.001f) { this.mFGWidget.enabled = true; this.mFGWidget.MarkAsChanged(); } else { this.mFGWidget.enabled = false; } } } if (this.thumb != null) { Vector3 localPosition = this.thumb.localPosition; if ((this.mFGFilled != null) && (this.mFGFilled.type == UISprite.Type.Filled)) { if (this.mFGFilled.fillDirection == UISprite.FillDirection.Horizontal) { localPosition.x = !this.mFGFilled.invert ? mSize.x : (this.mSize.x - mSize.x); } else if (this.mFGFilled.fillDirection == UISprite.FillDirection.Vertical) { localPosition.y = !this.mFGFilled.invert ? mSize.y : (this.mSize.y - mSize.y); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Slider thumb is only supported with Horizontal or Vertical fill direction", this); } } else if (this.direction == Direction.Horizontal) { localPosition.x = mSize.x; } else { localPosition.y = mSize.y; } this.thumb.localPosition = localPosition; } current = this; if (((this.eventReceiver != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.functionName)) && Application.isPlaying) { this.eventReceiver.SendMessage(this.functionName, num3, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (this.onValueChange != null) { this.onValueChange(num3); } current = null; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Back if ( == "btn_back") { UISprite sp = gameObject.transform.FindChild("Background").FindChild("Sprite").GetComponent <UISprite>(); if (mTown) { sp.spriteName = "fhzh"; } else { sp.spriteName = "fhsj"; } if (mConfigTab == null) { mConfigTab = GameObject.Find("ConfigTab"); } } // Sound if ( == "sl_volume") { mSlider = GetComponent <UISlider>(); EventDelegate.Add(mSlider.onChange, OnChange); string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Volume"); if (s == "") { s = "1.0"; } mSlider.value = float.Parse(s); } if ( == "tg_mute") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Mute"); if (s == "") { s = "0"; } if (s == "1") { GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>().spriteName = "mute1"; if (mSlider != null) { mSlider.enabled = false; } } else { GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>().spriteName = "mute0"; } } // Graphic if ( == "tg_g_low") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Graphic"); mGraphic1 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s == "0") { mGraphic1.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mGraphic1.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } else if ( == "tg_g_mid") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Graphic"); if (s == "") { s = "1"; sdConfDataMgr.Instance().SetSettingNoWrite("CFG_Graphic", "1"); } mGraphic2 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s == "1") { mGraphic2.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mGraphic2.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } else if ( == "tg_g_high") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Graphic"); mGraphic3 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s == "2") { mGraphic3.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mGraphic3.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } // Control if ( == "tg_move1") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Move"); mControl1 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s != "1") { mControl1.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mControl1.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } else if ( == "tg_move2") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Move"); mControl2 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s == "1") { mControl2.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mControl2.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } // Angle if ( == "tg_camera1") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Camera"); mCamera1 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s != "1") { mCamera1.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mCamera1.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } else if ( == "tg_camera2") { string s = sdConfDataMgr.Instance().GetSetting("CFG_Camera"); mCamera2 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); if (s == "1") { mCamera2.spriteName = "btn1"; } else { mCamera2.spriteName = "btn1dis"; } } }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; titleLabel = new UILabel { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Text = "Title", Font = UIFont.PreferredTitle1, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, }; plusImage = new UIImageView { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Image = UIImage.FromBundle("Plus"), ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit, }; text1Label = new UILabel { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Text = "Subtitle", Font = UIFont.PreferredTitle2, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left, }; text2Label = new UILabel { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Text = "Very long text", Font = UIFont.PreferredBody, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left, }; text3Label = new UILabel { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Text = "Text", Font = UIFont.PreferredFootnote, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left, }; button = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect) { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, BackgroundColor = UIColor.LightGray, }; button.SetTitle("Button", UIControlState.Normal); slider = new UISlider { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1, Value = 0.5f, }; View.AddSubviews(titleLabel, plusImage, text1Label, text2Label, text3Label, button, slider); var guide = View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide; NSLayoutConstraint.ActivateConstraints(new[] { titleLabel.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(guide.TopAnchor, 16), titleLabel.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(guide.LeadingAnchor, 8), titleLabel.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(guide.TrailingAnchor, -8), plusImage.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(titleLabel.BottomAnchor, 16), plusImage.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(guide.LeadingAnchor, 8), plusImage.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(40), plusImage.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(slider.BottomAnchor), text1Label.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(plusImage.TrailingAnchor, 16), text2Label.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(plusImage.TrailingAnchor, 16), text3Label.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(plusImage.TrailingAnchor, 16), text1Label.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(plusImage.TopAnchor), text2Label.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(text1Label.BottomAnchor, 8), text3Label.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(text2Label.BottomAnchor, 8), button.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualTo(text1Label.TrailingAnchor, 16), button.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualTo(text2Label.TrailingAnchor, 16), button.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualTo(text3Label.TrailingAnchor, 16), button.WidthAnchor.ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualTo(60), button.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(text1Label.TopAnchor), button.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(text3Label.BottomAnchor), slider.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(text3Label.BottomAnchor, 8), slider.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(text1Label.LeadingAnchor), slider.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(button.TrailingAnchor), }); }
/// <summary> /// Includes the specified uiSlider. /// </summary> /// <param name="uiSlider">The uiSlider.</param> public void Include(UISlider uiSlider) { uiSlider.Value = uiSlider.Value + 1; uiSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { uiSlider.Value = 1; }; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; base.ViewDidLoad(); // ios7 layout if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout"))) { EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None; } var subTotal = new UITextField() { BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect }; subTotal.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad; Add(subTotal); var seek = new UISlider() { MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 100, }; Add(seek); var seekLabel = new UILabel(); Add(seekLabel); var tipLabel = new UILabel(); Add(tipLabel); var totalLabel = new UILabel(); Add(totalLabel); var set = this.CreateBindingSet <TipView, TipViewModel>(); set.Bind(subTotal).To(vm => vm.SubTotal); set.Bind(seek).To(vm => vm.Generosity); set.Bind(seekLabel).To(vm => vm.Generosity); set.Bind(tipLabel).To(vm => vm.Tip); set.Bind(totalLabel).To("SubTotal + Tip"); set.Apply(); View.SubviewsDoNotTranslateAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(); var margin = 10; View.AddConstraints( subTotal.AtLeftOf(View, margin), subTotal.AtTopOf(View, margin), subTotal.AtRightOf(View, margin), seek.WithSameLeft(subTotal), seek.Below(subTotal, margin), seek.ToLeftOf(seekLabel, margin), seek.WithRelativeWidth(seekLabel, 3), seekLabel.WithSameRight(subTotal), seekLabel.WithSameTop(seek), tipLabel.Below(seek, margin), tipLabel.WithSameLeft(seek), tipLabel.WithSameWidth(totalLabel), totalLabel.WithSameTop(tipLabel), totalLabel.ToRightOf(tipLabel, margin), totalLabel.WithSameRight(subTotal) ); }
public void Include(UISlider slider) { slider.Value = slider.Value + 1; slider.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { slider.Value = 1; }; }
public override void ProcessActivity(WebRequest request, WebResponse response) { switch (request.SendValue) { case "AnimImage": var uiview = new UIView(); uiview.Style.Width("80%"); uiview.Src = new Uri(""); uiview.Add("", new UIStyle().Name("top", "-20%").Name("width", "25%").Name("border-radius", "50%").Name("border-width", "5%").Name("border-color", "#fff")); var style = new UIStyle().Name("top", "30%").Name("width", "30%"); style.Name("clicked").Name("animation-name", "reverse"); style.Name("animation-name", "scale"); uiview.Add(new UIClick("Date").Send(request.Model, request.Command), new Uri(""), style); uiview.Add("牛人啊,请玩红包", new UIStyle().Color(0xfff).Size(30).Name("width", "80%")); this.Context.Send("UIView", new WebMeta().Put("view", uiview), true); break; case "Date": this.AsyncDialog("D", "none"); this.AsyncDialog("Datec", g => { return(UIDateDialog.CreateDialog("Time")); }); return;; } var form = request.SendValues ?? new UMC.Web.WebMeta(); var start = Utility.IntParse(form["start"], 0); var limit = Utility.IntParse(form["limit"], 1000); if (form.ContainsKey("limit") == false) { this.Context.Send(new UISectionBuilder(request.Model, request.Command, request.Arguments) .RefreshEvent("Builder") .Builder(), true); } var videoSrc = new Uri(""); var ui = UISection.Create(new UITitle("Demo")); if (start == 0) { UIView coustomCell = new UIView("UMC_User"); coustomCell.Style.Name("width", "50%"); coustomCell.Src = new Uri(""); coustomCell.Add("image", new Uri(""), new UIStyle().Name("width", "20%").Name("animation-name", "reverse")); coustomCell.Add("Text", "你好啊,是不是很好呢", new UIStyle().Name("left", "10").AlignLeft()); ui.Componen.Add(coustomCell); ui.UIHeader = new UIHeader().Coustom(coustomCell); } var footer = new UIFootBar(); footer.AddText(new UIEventText("w磊").Style(new UIStyle().Fixed().BgColor().Name("margin", "10").Name("border-radius", "10"))); ui.UIFootBar = footer; footer.IsFixed = true; var uIIcon = new UIIconNameDesc(new UIIconNameDesc.Item('\uF02d', "知识创作", "1篇").Color(0x36a3f7)); ui.Add(uIIcon); uIIcon.Button("图片动画", new UIClick("AnimImage").Send(request.Model, request.Command), 0x36a3f7); uIIcon.Style.Name("fixed", "true"); var text = new UITextDesc(new WebMeta().Put("title", "TextDesc使用说明", "desc", "格式属性title、desc、tag", "tag", "122")); text.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/TextDesc"), true)); ui.Add(text); var cell = UICell.Create("UMC_User", new WebMeta().Put("Text", "失人啊").Put("image", "")); cell.Style.Name("Text").Color(0x05d); ui.Add(cell); var imge = new UIImageTextDesc(new WebMeta().Put("title", "ImageTextDesc使用说明", "desc", "格式属性title、desc、tag", "tag", "122", "right", "right").Put("src", "")); imge.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/ImageTextDesc"), true)); ui.Add(imge); var cmT = new UICMSImage(""); cmT.Style.Name("width", "60%").AlignLeft().Padding(10); ui.Add(cmT); var d = new UITextNameValue("Name", "Text", "Value "); d.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/TextNameValue"), true)); ui.Add(d); var img2e = new UIImageTextDescTime(new WebMeta().Put("tag", "I12", "text", "ImageTextDescTime组件", "desc", "desc格式", "time", "time格式", "right", "right").Put("src", "")); img2e.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/ImageTextDescTime"), true)); ui.Add(img2e); UIImageTextValue imageTextValue = new UIImageTextValue("", "ImageTextValue组件", "Value格式"); imageTextValue.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/ImageTextValue"), true)); ui.Add(imageTextValue); UI ui3 = new UI("UI组件", "Value格式"); ui3.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/UI"), true)); ui3.Icon('\uf013', 0x4CAF50); ui.Add(ui3); //UIIconNameDesc iconNameDesc = new UIIconNameDesc(new UIIconNameDesc.Item("UI组件", "desc")); ui.Add(new UIIconNameDesc(new UIIconNameDesc.Item("UI组件", "desc").Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)))); ui.Add(new UIIconNameDesc(new UIIconNameDesc.Item("", "UI组件", "desc").Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)))); ui.Add(new UIIconNameDesc(new UIIconNameDesc.Item("", "UI组件", "desc") .Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true))).Button("关注", Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true), 0x1890ff)); ui.Add(new UIIconNameDesc(new UIIconNameDesc.Item("", "UI组件", "desc"), new UIIconNameDesc.Item("", "UI组件", "desc").Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)))); var dis = new UIDiscount(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)); dis.Title("UIDiscount优惠券组件"); dis.State("有效"); dis.Value("5元"); dis.Desc("超级优惠券"); dis.Start("2020.12.1"); dis.End("2020.12.1"); ui.Add(dis); var look = new UICMSLook("", "CMSLook组件", "desc"); look.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)); ui.Add(look); var v = new UISheet("UISheet组件"); v.AddItem("CMSLook组件", "desc"); v.AddItem("CMSLook组件", "desc", true); // var look2 = new UIItemText("CMSLook组件", "desc"); // look2.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)); ui.Add(v); var uiitems = new UIItems(); uiitems.Add("", "Title", "desc", 0xff2, 0xff0000); uiitems.Add("", "Title", "desc", 0xff2, 0xff0000); uiitems.Add("", "Title", "desc", 0xff2, 0xff0000); uiitems.Add("", "UIItems", "UIItems"); //uiitems.Add("", "UIItems", "UIItems"); //dis.Click() ui.Add(uiitems); UINineImage nineImage = new UINineImage(); nineImage.Add(""); nineImage.Add(""); nineImage.Add(""); nineImage.Click(Web.UIClick.Pager("Subject", "UIData", new UMC.Web.WebMeta().Put("Id", "UMC/Rows/IconNameDesc"), true)); ui.Add(nineImage); ui.Add(new Web.UI.UIIcon().Add(new UIEventText('\ue906', "Iicon").Badge("12323"), new UIEventText("Iicon").Src(""), new UIEventText("Iicon").Src("").Badge("1"))); UITitleMore more = new UITitleMore("Slider"); var tab = new UITabFixed(); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add("列组", "1"); tab.Add(new UIClick() { Text = "在的呢" }); ui.Add(tab); var cms = new UICMS(new WebMeta().Put("title", "列组"), videoSrc, ""); cms.Left("imy"); cms.Right("imy"); ui.Add(cms); var cmsImage = new UICMSImage(videoSrc, ""); cmsImage.Style.Name("width", "60%").AlignLeft(); var ui2 = ui.NewSection().Add(more).Add(cmsImage); var seilder = new UISlider(); seilder.Add(videoSrc, ""); //seilder.Add("");/ seilder.Small(); ui2.Add(seilder); seilder = new UISlider(true); seilder.Add(""); seilder.Add(""); // seilder.Small(); ui2.Add(seilder); seilder = new UISlider(); seilder.Add(""); //seilder.Add(""); seilder.Row(); ui2.Add(seilder); UITextItems textItems = new UITextItems(); textItems.Add(new UIEventText("232323").Style(new UIStyle().BgColor()), new UIEventText("安装").Style(new UIStyle().BgColor()), new UIEventText("安装"), new UIEventText("安装")); textItems.Add(new UIEventText("232323"), new UIEventText("安装"), new UIEventText("安装"), new UIEventText("sdsdsfsdfsdfsd").Style(new UIStyle().BgColor())); textItems.Add(new UIEventText("232323").Style(new UIStyle().BgColor()), new UIEventText("dsdsd"), new UIEventText("sdsdsd"), new UIEventText("sdsdsd").Style(new UIStyle().BgColor())); ui2.Add(textItems); UIButton button = new UIButton(); button.Button(new UIEventText("安装").Badge("1d")); button.Style.AlignCenter(); ui.NewSection().Add(button); ui.Title.Right(new UIEventText('\uf2e1', "33d").Click(new UIClick() { Key = "Float" })); //.Badge("21")); response.Redirect(ui); }
/// <summary> /// Update the visible slider. /// </summary> void Set(float input, bool force) { if (!mInitDone) { Init(); } // Clamp the input float val = Mathf.Clamp01(input); if (val < 0.001f) { val = 0f; } float prevStep = sliderValue; // Save the raw value rawValue = val; // Take steps into account float stepValue = sliderValue; // If the stepped value doesn't match the last one, it's time to update if (force || prevStep != stepValue) { Vector3 scale = mSize; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) { if (direction == Direction.Horizontal) { scale.x *= stepValue; } else { scale.y *= stepValue; } } #else if (direction == Direction.Horizontal) { scale.x *= stepValue; } else { scale.y *= stepValue; } #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) #endif { if (mFGFilled != null && mFGFilled.type == UISprite.Type.Filled) { mFGFilled.fillAmount = stepValue; } else if (foreground != null) { mFGTrans.localScale = scale; if (mFGWidget != null) { if (stepValue > 0.001f) { mFGWidget.enabled = true; mFGWidget.MarkAsChanged(); } else { mFGWidget.enabled = false; } } } } if (thumb != null) { Vector3 pos = thumb.localPosition; if (mFGFilled != null && mFGFilled.type == UISprite.Type.Filled) { if (mFGFilled.fillDirection == UISprite.FillDirection.Horizontal) { pos.x = mFGFilled.invert ? mSize.x - scale.x : scale.x; } else if (mFGFilled.fillDirection == UISprite.FillDirection.Vertical) { pos.y = mFGFilled.invert ? mSize.y - scale.y : scale.y; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Slider thumb is only supported with Horizontal or Vertical fill direction", this); } } else if (direction == Direction.Horizontal) { pos.x = scale.x; } else { pos.y = scale.y; } thumb.localPosition = pos; } current = this; if (eventReceiver != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionName) && Application.isPlaying) { eventReceiver.SendMessage(functionName, stepValue, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (onValueChange != null) { onValueChange(stepValue); } current = null; } }
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tv) { var cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell(CellKey); if (cell == null) { cell = new UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, CellKey); cell.SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None; } else { RemoveTag(cell, 1); } CGSize captionSize = new CGSize(0, 0); if (ShowCaption && (Caption != null || ReserveCaptionPlaceholderString != null || UseCaptionForValueDisplay)) { if (Caption == null) { if (UseCaptionForValueDisplay) { NSString str = new NSString(MaxValue.ToString()); UIStringAttributes attributes = new UIStringAttributes(); attributes.Font = UIFont.FromName(cell.TextLabel.Font.Name, UIFont.LabelFontSize); captionSize = str.GetSizeUsingAttributes(attributes); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReserveCaptionPlaceholderString)) { NSString str = new NSString(ReserveCaptionPlaceholderString); UIStringAttributes attributes = new UIStringAttributes(); attributes.Font = UIFont.FromName(cell.TextLabel.Font.Name, UIFont.LabelFontSize); captionSize = str.GetSizeUsingAttributes(attributes); } } else { NSString str = new NSString(Caption); UIStringAttributes attributes = new UIStringAttributes(); attributes.Font = UIFont.FromName(cell.TextLabel.Font.Name, UIFont.LabelFontSize); captionSize = str.GetSizeUsingAttributes(attributes); } captionSize.Width += 10; // Spacing if (Caption != null) { cell.TextLabel.Text = Caption; } } var lockImageWidth = _lockable ? LockImageWidth : 0; CGSize deviceSize = DeviceSize(); CGRect sliderRect = new CGRect(10f + captionSize.Width, 0f, deviceSize.Width - captionSize.Width - lockImageWidth - 20f, cell.Frame.Height); if (_slider == null) { _slider = new UISlider(sliderRect) { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear, MinValue = this.MinValue, MaxValue = this.MaxValue, Continuous = this.Continuous, Value = this.Value, Tag = 1 }; _slider.ValueChanged += delegate { Value = (int)_slider.Value; if (UseCaptionForValueDisplay) { Caption = Value.ToString(); // force repaint/redraw if (GetContainerTableView() != null) { var root = GetImmediateRootElement(); root.Reload(this, UITableViewRowAnimation.None); } } if (_valueChangedCallback != null) { _valueChangedCallback(Value); } }; } else { _slider.Value = Value; _slider.Frame = sliderRect; } if (_lockable) { if (_lockImageView == null) { _lockImageView = new UIButton(new CGRect(_slider.Frame.X + _slider.Frame.Width, 2f, lockImageWidth, LockImageHeight)); } _lockImageView.SetBackgroundImage((_valueLocked) ? LockImage : UnlockImage, UIControlState.Normal); _lockImageView.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _valueLocked = !_valueLocked; _lockImageView.SetBackgroundImage((_valueLocked) ? LockImage : UnlockImage, UIControlState.Normal); if (_valueLocked) { _slider.Enabled = (!_valueLocked); } }; cell.ContentView.AddSubview(_lockImageView); } cell.ContentView.AddSubview(_slider); return(cell); }
partial void accuracyChanged(UISlider sender) { AccuracyValue = (int)accuracyValue.Value; }
public UIGraphicOptions() { var script = RenderScript("graphicspanel.uis"); UIEffectsLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "2"); UIEffectsLabel.Alignment = TextAlignment.Middle; CharacterDetailLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "4"); TerrainDetailLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "1"); ShadowsLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "6"); LightingLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "3"); AntiAliasCheckButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(FlipSetting); ShadowsCheckButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(FlipSetting); LightingCheckButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(FlipSetting); UIEffectsCheckButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(FlipSetting); EdgeScrollingCheckButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(FlipSetting); ShadowsCheckButton.Tooltip = ShadowsLabel.Caption; LightingCheckButton.Tooltip = LightingLabel.Caption; UIEffectsCheckButton.Tooltip = UIEffectsLabel.Caption; CharacterDetailLowButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(ChangeShadowDetail); CharacterDetailMedButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(ChangeShadowDetail); CharacterDetailHighButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(ChangeShadowDetail); TerrainDetailLowButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(ChangeSurroundingDetail); TerrainDetailMedButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(ChangeSurroundingDetail); TerrainDetailHighButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(ChangeSurroundingDetail); TerrainDetailLowButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "8"); TerrainDetailMedButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "9"); TerrainDetailHighButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", "10"); Wall3DButton = new UIButton(AntiAliasCheckButton.Texture) { Position = AntiAliasCheckButton.Position + new Vector2(110, 0) }; Wall3DButton.OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(FlipSetting); Add(Wall3DButton); Wall3DLabel = new UILabel { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f103", FSOEnvironment.Enable3D ? "12" : "11"), CaptionStyle = UIEffectsLabel.CaptionStyle, Position = AntiAliasCheckButton.Position + new Vector2(134, 0) }; Add(Wall3DLabel); Wall3DButton.Visible = FSOEnvironment.Enable3D; Wall3DLabel.Visible = FSOEnvironment.Enable3D; //switch lighting and uieffects label. replace lighting check with a slider var ltLoc = LightingLabel.Position; LightingLabel.Position = UIEffectsLabel.Position; UIEffectsLabel.Position = ltLoc; ltLoc = LightingCheckButton.Position; LightingCheckButton.Position = UIEffectsCheckButton.Position; UIEffectsCheckButton.Position = ltLoc; LightingCheckButton.Visible = false; LightingSlider = new UISlider { Orientation = 0, Texture = GetTexture(0x42500000001), MinValue = 0f, MaxValue = 3f, AllowDecimals = false, Position = LightingCheckButton.Position + new Vector2(96, 4) }; LightingSlider.SetSize(96f, 0f); Add(LightingSlider); LightingLabel.X -= 24; SettingsChanged(); LightingSlider.OnChange += (elem) => { if (InternalChange) { return; } var settings = GlobalSettings.Default; settings.LightingMode = (int)LightingSlider.Value; GlobalSettings.Default.Save(); SettingsChanged(); }; }
private void SetSliders() { var y = DisplayHelper.Is4InchDisplay() ? 40f : 35f; var sliderSize = new SizeF(320f - 135f, 20f); var sliderX = 55f; _sliderR = new UISlider(new RectangleF(new PointF(sliderX, 270f), sliderSize)); _sliderR.MaxValue = 255; _sliderR.MinValue = 0; _sliderR.Value = 255; _sliderR.ValueChanged += Slider_ValueChanged; this.View.AddSubview(_sliderR); _sliderG = new UISlider(new RectangleF(new PointF(sliderX, 270f + y), sliderSize)); _sliderG.MaxValue = 255; _sliderG.MinValue = 0; _sliderG.ValueChanged += Slider_ValueChanged; this.View.AddSubview(_sliderG); _sliderB = new UISlider(new RectangleF(new PointF(sliderX, 270f + (y * 2)), sliderSize)); _sliderB.MaxValue = 255; _sliderB.MinValue = 0; _sliderB.ValueChanged += Slider_ValueChanged; this.View.AddSubview(_sliderB); var labelX = 40f; var labelSize = new SizeF(20f, 20f); var labelR = new UILabel(new RectangleF(new PointF(labelX, _sliderR.Frame.Y), labelSize)); labelR.Text = "R"; labelR.TextColor = UIColor.White; this.View.AddSubview(labelR); var labelG = new UILabel(new RectangleF(new PointF(labelX, _sliderG.Frame.Y), labelSize)); labelG.Text = "G"; labelG.TextColor = UIColor.White; this.View.AddSubview(labelG); var labelB = new UILabel(new RectangleF(new PointF(labelX, _sliderB.Frame.Y), labelSize)); labelB.Text = "B"; labelB.TextColor = UIColor.White; this.View.AddSubview(labelB); var labelValueX = sliderSize.Width + 65f; var labelValueSize = new SizeF(40f, 20f); _labelRValue = new UILabel(new RectangleF(new PointF(labelValueX, _sliderR.Frame.Y), labelValueSize)); _labelRValue.Text = "255"; _labelRValue.TextColor = UIColor.White; this.View.AddSubview(_labelRValue); _labelGValue = new UILabel(new RectangleF(new PointF(labelValueX, _sliderG.Frame.Y), labelValueSize)); _labelGValue.Text = "0"; _labelGValue.TextColor = UIColor.White; this.View.AddSubview(_labelGValue); _labelBValue = new UILabel(new RectangleF(new PointF(labelValueX, _sliderB.Frame.Y), labelValueSize)); _labelBValue.Text = "0"; _labelBValue.TextColor = UIColor.White; this.View.AddSubview(_labelBValue); }
/// <summary> /// Progress bar creation function. /// </summary> void CreateSlider(GameObject go, bool slider) { if (NGUISettings.atlas != null) { NGUIEditorTools.SpriteField("Empty", "Sprite for the background (empty bar)", NGUISettings.atlas, mSliderBG, OnSliderBG); NGUIEditorTools.SpriteField("Full", "Sprite for the foreground (full bar)", NGUISettings.atlas, mSliderFG, OnSliderFG); if (slider) { NGUIEditorTools.SpriteField("Thumb", "Sprite for the thumb indicator", NGUISettings.atlas, mSliderTB, OnSliderTB); } } if (ShouldCreate(go, NGUISettings.atlas != null)) { int depth = NGUITools.CalculateNextDepth(go); go = NGUITools.AddChild(go); = slider ? "Slider" : "Progress Bar"; // Background sprite UIAtlas.Sprite bgs = NGUISettings.atlas.GetSprite(mSliderBG); UISprite back = (UISprite)NGUITools.AddWidget <UISprite>(go); back.type = (bgs.inner == bgs.outer) ? UISprite.Type.Simple : UISprite.Type.Sliced; = "Background"; back.depth = depth; back.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Left; back.atlas = NGUISettings.atlas; back.spriteName = mSliderBG; back.transform.localScale = new Vector3(200f, 30f, 1f); back.transform.localPosition =; back.MakePixelPerfect(); // Foreground sprite UIAtlas.Sprite fgs = NGUISettings.atlas.GetSprite(mSliderFG); UISprite front = NGUITools.AddWidget <UISprite>(go); front.type = (fgs.inner == fgs.outer) ? UISprite.Type.Filled : UISprite.Type.Sliced; = "Foreground"; front.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Left; front.atlas = NGUISettings.atlas; front.spriteName = mSliderFG; front.transform.localScale = new Vector3(200f, 30f, 1f); front.transform.localPosition =; front.MakePixelPerfect(); // Add a collider if (slider) { NGUITools.AddWidgetCollider(go); } // Add the slider script UISlider uiSlider = go.AddComponent <UISlider>(); uiSlider.foreground = front.transform; // Thumb sprite if (slider) { UIAtlas.Sprite tbs = NGUISettings.atlas.GetSprite(mSliderTB); UISprite thb = NGUITools.AddWidget <UISprite>(go); thb.type = (tbs.inner == tbs.outer) ? UISprite.Type.Simple : UISprite.Type.Sliced; = "Thumb"; thb.atlas = NGUISettings.atlas; thb.spriteName = mSliderTB; thb.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(200f, 0f, 0f); thb.transform.localScale = new Vector3(20f, 40f, 1f); thb.MakePixelPerfect(); NGUITools.AddWidgetCollider(thb.gameObject); thb.gameObject.AddComponent <UIButtonColor>(); thb.gameObject.AddComponent <UIButtonScale>(); uiSlider.thumb = thb.transform; } uiSlider.sliderValue = 1f; // Select the slider Selection.activeGameObject = go; } }
public UIProfanityOptions() { //var alert = UIScreen.GlobalShowAlert(new UIAlertOptions { Title = "Not Implemented", Message = "This feature is not implemented yet!" }, true); var uis = RenderScript("profanitypanel.uis"); //don't draw, this currently breaks the uis parser //var bg = uis.Create<UIImage>("Background"); //AddAt(0, bg); Remove(PrevColorButton); Remove(NextColorButton); Remove(AddButton); Remove(SubtractButton); Remove(EnableFilterCheckButton); Remove(ProfanityFilterTitle); Remove(EntryBox); EnterWordLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "5"); var ttsToggleContainer = new UIHBoxContainer(); ttsToggleContainer.Add(new UILabel() { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "1") }); var ttsMode = GlobalSettings.Default.TTSMode; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var radio = new UIRadioButton { RadioData = i, RadioGroup = "ttsOpt" }; radio.OnButtonClick += TTSOptSet; radio.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", (2 + i).ToString()); radio.Selected = ttsMode == i; ttsToggleContainer.Add(radio); ttsToggleContainer.Add(new UILabel() { Caption = radio.Tooltip }); } ttsToggleContainer.Position = new Vector2(10, 10); Add(ttsToggleContainer); ttsToggleContainer.AutoSize(); var col = new Color(GlobalSettings.Default.ChatColor); ChatColor.CaptionStyle = ChatColor.CaptionStyle.Clone(); ChatColor.CaptionStyle.Color = col; ChatColor.CaptionStyle.Shadow = true; ChatColor.Caption = "#" + col.R.ToString("x2") + col.G.ToString("x2") + col.B.ToString("x2"); var changeBtn = new UIButton { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "6"), Position = new Vector2(155 + 100, 74 - 7) }; Add(changeBtn); changeBtn.OnButtonClick += (btn1) => { UIAlert alert = null; alert = UIScreen.GlobalShowAlert(new UIAlertOptions() { Title = "", Message = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "8"), Color = true, Buttons = new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, (btn) => { //set the color var col2 = int.Parse(alert.ResponseText); GlobalSettings.Default.ChatColor = new Color(col2 >> 16, (byte)(col2 >> 8), (byte)col2).PackedValue; SetChatParams(); UIScreen.RemoveDialog(alert); }), new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.No, (btn) => { //set the color var rand = new Random(); GlobalSettings.Default.ChatColor = VMTSOAvatarState.RandomColours[rand.Next(VMTSOAvatarState.RandomColours.Length)].PackedValue; SetChatParams(); UIScreen.RemoveDialog(alert); }, GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "7")), new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Cancel) } }, true); }; var chatTimestampContainer = new UIHBoxContainer(); chatTimestampContainer.Add(new UILabel() { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "44") }); var chatShowTimestamp = GlobalSettings.Default.ChatShowTimestamp; var radioChatTSOff = new UIRadioButton { RadioData = false, RadioGroup = "chatTSToggle" }; radioChatTSOff.OnButtonClick += ChatTsOptSet; radioChatTSOff.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "45"); radioChatTSOff.Selected = chatShowTimestamp == false; chatTimestampContainer.Add(radioChatTSOff); chatTimestampContainer.Add(new UILabel() { Caption = radioChatTSOff.Tooltip }); var radioChatTSOn = new UIRadioButton { RadioData = true, RadioGroup = "chatTSToggle" }; radioChatTSOn.OnButtonClick += ChatTsOptSet; radioChatTSOn.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "46"); radioChatTSOn.Selected = chatShowTimestamp == true; chatTimestampContainer.Add(radioChatTSOn); chatTimestampContainer.Add(new UILabel() { Caption = radioChatTSOn.Tooltip }); chatTimestampContainer.Position = new Vector2(368, 10); Add(chatTimestampContainer); chatTimestampContainer.AutoSize(); var chatOpacityContainer = new UIHBoxContainer { Position = new Vector2(368, 32) }; var chatOpacityLabel = new UILabel() { Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f113", "47") }; chatOpacityContainer.Add(chatOpacityLabel); var chatOpacity = GlobalSettings.Default.ChatWindowsOpacity; var chatOpacitySlider = new UISlider { Orientation = 0, Texture = GetTexture(0x42500000001), MinValue = 20, MaxValue = 100, AllowDecimals = false, Position = chatOpacityLabel.Position + new Vector2(115, 24), Value = GlobalSettings.Default.ChatWindowsOpacity * 100 }; chatOpacitySlider.SetSize(140f, 0f); chatOpacityContainer.Add(chatOpacitySlider); Add(chatOpacityContainer); chatOpacityContainer.AutoSize(); PitchSlider = new UISlider { Orientation = 0, Texture = GetTexture(0x42500000001), MinValue = -100f, MaxValue = 100f, AllowDecimals = false, Position = EnterWordLabel.Position + new Vector2(115, 3), Value = GlobalSettings.Default.ChatTTSPitch }; PitchSlider.SetSize(150f, 0f); Add(PitchSlider); chatOpacitySlider.OnChange += chatOpacitySlider_OnChange; PitchSlider.OnChange += PitchSlider_OnChange; }
protected void CreateSoundSlider(UIHelperBase helper, ISound sound) { // Initialize variables var configuration = Mod.Instance.Settings.GetSoundsByCategoryId <string>(sound.CategoryId); var customAudioFiles = SoundPacksManager.instance.AudioFiles.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.StartsWith(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sound.CategoryId, sound.Id))).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value); float volume = 0; if (configuration.ContainsKey(sound.Id)) { volume = configuration[sound.Id].Volume; } else { Mod.Instance.Log.Info("No volume configuration found for {0}.{1}, using default value", sound.CategoryId, sound.Id); volume = sound.DefaultVolume; } // Add UI components UISlider uiSlider = null; UIPanel uiPanel = null; UILabel uiLabel = null; UIDropDown uiDropDown = null; var maxVolume = sound.MaxVolume; if (customAudioFiles.Count > 0 && configuration.ContainsKey(sound.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration[sound.Id].SoundPack)) { // Custom sound, determine custom max volume var audioFile = SoundPacksManager.instance.GetAudioFileByName(sound.CategoryId, sound.Id, configuration[sound.Id].SoundPack); maxVolume = Mathf.Max(audioFile.AudioInfo.MaxVolume, audioFile.AudioInfo.Volume); } uiSlider = (UISlider)helper.AddSlider(sound.Name, 0, maxVolume, 0.01f, volume, v => this.SoundVolumeChanged(sound, v)); uiPanel = (UIPanel)uiSlider.parent; uiLabel = uiPanel.Find <UILabel>("Label"); if (customAudioFiles.Count > 0) { uiDropDown = uiPanel.AttachUIComponent(GameObject.Instantiate((UITemplateManager.Peek(UITemplateDefs.ID_OPTIONS_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE) as UIPanel).Find <UIDropDown>("Dropdown").gameObject)) as UIDropDown; uiDropDown.items = new[] { "Default" }.Union(customAudioFiles.Select(kvp => kvp.Value.Name)).ToArray(); uiDropDown.height = 28; = 4; if (configuration.ContainsKey(sound.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration[sound.Id].SoundPack)) { uiDropDown.selectedValue = configuration[sound.Id].SoundPack; } else { uiDropDown.selectedIndex = 0; } uiDropDown.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => this.SoundPackChanged(sound, i > 0 ? ((UIDropDown)c).items[i] : null, uiSlider); this.soundSelections[string.Format("{0}.{1}", sound.CategoryId, sound.Id)] = uiDropDown; } // Configure UI components uiPanel.autoLayout = false; uiLabel.anchor = UIAnchorStyle.Left | UIAnchorStyle.CenterVertical; uiLabel.width = 250; uiSlider.anchor = UIAnchorStyle.CenterVertical; uiSlider.builtinKeyNavigation = false; uiSlider.width = 207; uiSlider.relativePosition = new Vector3(uiLabel.relativePosition.x + uiLabel.width + 20, 0); if (customAudioFiles.Count > 0) { uiDropDown.anchor = UIAnchorStyle.CenterVertical; uiDropDown.width = 180; uiDropDown.relativePosition = new Vector3(uiSlider.relativePosition.x + uiSlider.width + 20, 0); uiPanel.size = new Vector2(uiDropDown.relativePosition.x + uiDropDown.width, 32); } else { uiPanel.size = new Vector2(uiSlider.relativePosition.x + uiSlider.width, 32); } }
public override void LoadView() { // Create and add the container views. View = new UIView() { BackgroundColor = UIColor.White }; UIScrollView scrollView = new UIScrollView(); scrollView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; View.AddSubviews(scrollView); scrollView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TopAnchor).Active = true; scrollView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor).Active = true; scrollView.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; scrollView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.BottomAnchor).Active = true; UIStackView formContainer = new UIStackView(); formContainer.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.Spacing = 8; formContainer.LayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true; formContainer.Alignment = UIStackViewAlignment.Fill; formContainer.LayoutMargins = new UIEdgeInsets(8, 8, 8, 8); formContainer.Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical; formContainer.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(300).Active = true; // Create and add each row. UILabel analysisLabel = new UILabel(); analysisLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; analysisLabel.Text = "Analysis overlay"; _analysisVisibilitySwitch = new UISwitch(); _analysisVisibilitySwitch.On = _viewshed.IsVisible; _analysisVisibilitySwitch.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { analysisLabel, _analysisVisibilitySwitch })); UILabel frustumLabel = new UILabel(); frustumLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; frustumLabel.Text = "Frustum"; _frustumVisibilitySwitch = new UISwitch(); _frustumVisibilitySwitch.On = _viewshed.IsFrustumOutlineVisible; _frustumVisibilitySwitch.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { frustumLabel, _frustumVisibilitySwitch })); UILabel headingLabel = new UILabel(); headingLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; headingLabel.Text = "Heading"; _headingSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 360, Value = (float)_viewshed.Heading }; _headingSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { headingLabel, _headingSlider })); UILabel pitchLabel = new UILabel(); pitchLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; pitchLabel.Text = "Pitch"; _pitchSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 180, Value = (float)_viewshed.Pitch }; _pitchSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { pitchLabel, _pitchSlider })); UILabel horizontalLabel = new UILabel(); horizontalLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; horizontalLabel.Text = "Horizontal"; _horizontalAngleSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 120, Value = (float)_viewshed.HorizontalAngle }; _horizontalAngleSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { horizontalLabel, _horizontalAngleSlider })); UILabel verticalLabel = new UILabel(); verticalLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; verticalLabel.Text = "Vertical"; _verticalAngleSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 120, Value = (float)_viewshed.VerticalAngle }; _verticalAngleSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { verticalLabel, _verticalAngleSlider })); UILabel minLabel = new UILabel(); minLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; minLabel.Text = "Min"; _minimumDistanceSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 11, MaxValue = 8999, Value = (float)_viewshed.MinDistance }; _minimumDistanceSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { minLabel, _minimumDistanceSlider })); UILabel maxLabel = new UILabel(); maxLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; maxLabel.Text = "Max"; _maximumDistanceSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 9999, Value = (float)_viewshed.MaxDistance }; _maximumDistanceSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; formContainer.AddArrangedSubview(getRowStackView(new UIView[] { maxLabel, _maximumDistanceSlider })); // Lay out container and scroll view. scrollView.AddSubview(formContainer); formContainer.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(scrollView.TopAnchor).Active = true; formContainer.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(scrollView.LeadingAnchor).Active = true; formContainer.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(scrollView.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; formContainer.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(scrollView.BottomAnchor).Active = true; }
public override void LoadView() { // Create the views. View = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.White }; UIToolbar topToolbar = new UIToolbar(); topToolbar.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _myMapView = new MapView(); _myMapView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _timeLabel = new UILabel { TextColor = UIColor.Black, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false }; _timeSlider = new UISlider { MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1, TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false }; UIToolbar bottomToolbar = new UIToolbar(); bottomToolbar.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; bottomToolbar.Items = new[] { new UIBarButtonItem(_timeLabel), new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.FixedSpace) { Width = 0 }, new UIBarButtonItem(_timeSlider) }; UIStackView legendView = new UIStackView(); legendView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; legendView.Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Horizontal; legendView.Spacing = 8; UIView redIcon = new UIView(); redIcon.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; redIcon.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red; redIcon.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(16).Active = true; redIcon.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(16).Active = true; redIcon.ClipsToBounds = true; redIcon.Layer.CornerRadius = 8; legendView.AddArrangedSubview(redIcon); UILabel _redLabel = new UILabel { Text = "Offset 10 days", TextColor = UIColor.Red, TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false }; legendView.AddArrangedSubview(_redLabel); UIView spacer = new UIView(); spacer.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; spacer.SetContentCompressionResistancePriority((float)UILayoutPriority.DefaultLow, UILayoutConstraintAxis.Horizontal); legendView.AddArrangedSubview(spacer); UIView blueIcon = new UIView(); blueIcon.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue; blueIcon.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; blueIcon.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(16).Active = true; blueIcon.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(16).Active = true; blueIcon.ClipsToBounds = true; blueIcon.Layer.CornerRadius = 8; legendView.AddArrangedSubview(blueIcon); UILabel _blueLabel = new UILabel { Text = "No offset", TextColor = UIColor.Blue, TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false }; legendView.AddArrangedSubview(_blueLabel); // Add the views. View.AddSubviews(topToolbar, _myMapView, bottomToolbar); topToolbar.AddSubview(legendView); // Lay out the views. NSLayoutConstraint.ActivateConstraints(new[] { topToolbar.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.TopAnchor), topToolbar.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor), topToolbar.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor), _myMapView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor), _myMapView.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor), _myMapView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(topToolbar.BottomAnchor), _myMapView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(bottomToolbar.TopAnchor), bottomToolbar.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor), bottomToolbar.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor), bottomToolbar.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.BottomAnchor), legendView.LeftAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(topToolbar.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.LeftAnchor, 8), legendView.RightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(topToolbar.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.RightAnchor, -8), legendView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(topToolbar.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.TopAnchor, 8), legendView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(topToolbar.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.BottomAnchor, -8), redIcon.CenterYAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(blueIcon.CenterYAnchor), blueIcon.CenterYAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(topToolbar.CenterYAnchor), _timeLabel.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(150), _timeSlider.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(600), }); }
private void KeepMe() { // UIButon var btn = new UIButton(); var title = btn.Title(UIControlState.Disabled); btn.SetTitle("foo", UIControlState.Disabled); btn.TitleLabel.Text = btn.TitleLabel.Text; // UISlider var slider = new UISlider(); slider.Value = slider.Value; // Get and set // UITextView var tv = new UITextView(); tv.Text = tv.Text; // UITextField var tf = new UITextField(); tv.Text = tf.Text; // var UIImageView var iv = new UIImageView(); iv.Image = iv.Image; // UI Label var lbl = new UILabel(); lbl.Text = lbl.Text; // UI Control var ctl = new UIControl(); ctl.Enabled = ctl.Enabled; ctl.Selected = ctl.Selected; EventHandler eh = (s, e) => { }; ctl.TouchUpInside += eh; ctl.TouchUpInside -= eh; // UIRefreshControl var rc = new UIRefreshControl(); rc.ValueChanged += eh; rc.ValueChanged -= eh; // UIBarButtonItem var bbi = new UIBarButtonItem(); bbi.Clicked += eh; bbi.Clicked -= eh; eh.Invoke(null, null); }
public override void LoadView() { // Create and configure views. _mySceneView = new SceneView(); _mySceneView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _headingSlider = new UISlider(); _headingSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _headingSlider.MinValue = 0; _headingSlider.MaxValue = 360; _pitchSlider = new UISlider(); _pitchSlider.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _pitchSlider.MinValue = -90; _pitchSlider.MaxValue = 90; UILabel headingLabel = new UILabel(); headingLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; headingLabel.Text = "Heading: "; UILabel pitchLabel = new UILabel(); pitchLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; pitchLabel.Text = "Pitch:"; _pitchValueLabel = new UILabel(); _pitchValueLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _pitchValueLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; _headingValueLabel = new UILabel(); _headingValueLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _headingValueLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; View = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.White }; // Add the views. View.AddSubviews(_mySceneView, _headingSlider, _pitchSlider, headingLabel, _headingValueLabel, pitchLabel, _pitchValueLabel); // Configure constraints. _mySceneView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.TopAnchor).Active = true; _mySceneView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(headingLabel.TopAnchor).Active = true; _mySceneView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor).Active = true; _mySceneView.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; pitchLabel.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.BottomAnchor, -8).Active = true; pitchLabel.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.LeadingAnchor, 8).Active = true; pitchLabel.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(36).Active = true; headingLabel.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(pitchLabel.TopAnchor).Active = true; headingLabel.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(pitchLabel.LeadingAnchor).Active = true; headingLabel.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(pitchLabel.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; headingLabel.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(36).Active = true; _headingSlider.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(headingLabel.BottomAnchor).Active = true; _headingSlider.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(_headingValueLabel.LeadingAnchor, -8).Active = true; _headingSlider.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(headingLabel.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; _pitchSlider.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(pitchLabel.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; _pitchSlider.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(_pitchValueLabel.LeadingAnchor, -8).Active = true; _pitchSlider.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(pitchLabel.BottomAnchor).Active = true; _pitchValueLabel.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; _pitchValueLabel.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(50).Active = true; _pitchValueLabel.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(pitchLabel.BottomAnchor).Active = true; _headingValueLabel.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(_pitchValueLabel.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; _headingValueLabel.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(_pitchValueLabel.LeadingAnchor).Active = true; _headingValueLabel.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(headingLabel.BottomAnchor).Active = true; }
private void InitUIAssets() { // add the cash out button (and background) and machine balance information, ubiquitious to all objects CashOutButtonSeat = new UIImage(ButtonSeatTexture) { X = 60, Y = 90 }; AddAt(0, CashOutButtonSeat); CashOutButton = new UIButton(CashOutTexture) { X = 63, Y = 93, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "10"] // "Click to cash out" }; Add(CashOutButton); CashOutButton.OnButtonClick += OnCashoutButtonClick; MachineBalanceTextBack = new UIImage(TextBackTexture) { X = 100, Y = 90 }; AddAt(0, MachineBalanceTextBack); MachineBalanceText = new UITextEdit() { Size = new Vector2(85, 20), X = 104, Y = 94, Alignment = TextAlignment.Center, Mode = UITextEditMode.ReadOnly, CurrentText = "$" + ObjectBalance, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "35") // "Cash in object" }; var textStyle = MachineBalanceText.TextStyle.Clone(); textStyle.Size = 12; MachineBalanceText.TextStyle = textStyle; Add(MachineBalanceText); // add more assets depending on machine type switch (Type) { case ManageEODObjectTypes.SlotMachine: { // add the on/off button, and the odds slider OnOffButton = new UIButton(GetTexture(0x0000049C00000001)) { Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "12"], // "Current Odds" X = 175, Y = 60 }; Add(OnOffButton); OnOffButton.OnButtonClick += OnOffButtonClick; // initiate OnOffButton if (ObjectIsOn) { OnOffButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "14"]; // "Turn Off" OnOffButton.ForceState = 1; } else { OnOffButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "13"]; // "Turn On" OnOffButton.ForceState = 0; } // the slider for the odds OddsSlider = new UISlider() { Texture = GetTexture(0x00000CA400000001), Tooltip = ObjectOdds + "%", Size = new Vector2(100, 1), MinValue = 80, MaxValue = 110, Orientation = 0, X = 286, Y = 104 }; Add(OddsSlider); OddsSlider.Value = ObjectOdds; OddsSlider.OnChange += OddsChangeHandler; // add slot machine labels OnOff = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(100, 21), X = 70, Y = 55, _Alignment = 1, Caption = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "20"], // "Turn On/Off" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(OnOff); Odds = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(120, 21), X = 278, Y = 55, _Alignment = 1, Caption = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "7"], // "Set the Odds" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(Odds); Player = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(80, 21), X = 380, Y = 94, _Alignment = 1, Caption = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "9"], // "Player" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(Player); House = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(80, 21), X = 220, Y = 94, _Alignment = 1, Caption = GameFacade.Strings["UIText", "259", "8"], // "House" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(House); // FreeSO exclusive CurrentOdds = new UITextEdit() { Size = new Vector2(45, 20), X = Odds.X + 46, Y = 79, Mode = UITextEditMode.ReadOnly, CurrentText = ObjectOdds + "%" }; Add(CurrentOdds); break; } default: { // minor adjustments MachineBalanceTextBack.Y -= 6; MachineBalanceText.Y -= 6; CashOutButton.Y -= 6; CashOutButtonSeat.Y -= 6; // label for machine balance MachineBalanceLabel = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(100, 21), X = 82, Y = 57, Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "35") + ":", // "Cash in object:" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(MachineBalanceLabel); // text field and back for minimum bet MinimumBetTextBack = new UIImage(TextBackTexture) { X = 338, Y = 62 }; Add(MinimumBetTextBack); MinimumBetText = new UITextEdit() { Size = new Vector2(65, 20), X = MinimumBetTextBack.X + 14, Y = MinimumBetTextBack.Y + 4, Alignment = TextAlignment.Center, Mode = UITextEditMode.ReadOnly, CurrentText = "$" + ObjectMinimumPlayerBet, TextStyle = textStyle, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "13") // "Min bet" }; Add(MinimumBetText); // text field and back for maximum bet MaximumBetTextBack = new UIImage(TextBackTexture) { X = MinimumBetTextBack.X, Y = MinimumBetTextBack.Y + 33 }; Add(MaximumBetTextBack); MaximumBetText = new UITextEdit() { Size = new Vector2(65, 20), X = MaximumBetTextBack.X + 14, Y = MaximumBetTextBack.Y + 4, Alignment = TextAlignment.Center, Mode = UITextEditMode.ReadOnly, CurrentText = "$" + ObjectMaximumPlayerBet, TextStyle = textStyle, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "14") // "Max bet" }; Add(MaximumBetText); // button and back for minimum bet EditMinimumBetButtonSeat = new UIImage(ButtonSeatTexture) { X = MinimumBetTextBack.X - 32, Y = MinimumBetTextBack.Y, }; Add(EditMinimumBetButtonSeat); EditMinimumBetButton = new UIButton(EditAmountTexture) { X = EditMinimumBetButtonSeat.X + 3, Y = EditMinimumBetButtonSeat.Y + 3, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "15") + GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "13"), // "Edit Min bet" }; EditMinimumBetButtonSeat.ScaleX = EditMinimumBetButtonSeat.ScaleY = (EditMinimumBetButton.Size / CashOutButton.Size).X; Add(EditMinimumBetButton); // button and back for maximum bet EditMaximumBetButtonSeat = new UIImage(ButtonSeatTexture) { X = MaximumBetTextBack.X - 32, Y = MaximumBetTextBack.Y }; Add(EditMaximumBetButtonSeat); EditMaximumBetButton = new UIButton(EditAmountTexture) { X = EditMaximumBetButtonSeat.X + 3, Y = EditMaximumBetButtonSeat.Y + 3, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "15") + GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "14"), // "Edit Max bet" }; EditMaximumBetButtonSeat.ScaleX = EditMaximumBetButtonSeat.ScaleY = (EditMaximumBetButton.Size / CashOutButton.Size).X; Add(EditMaximumBetButton); // label for minimum bet MinimumBetLabel = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(60, 21), X = EditMinimumBetButtonSeat.X - 70, Y = MinimumBetText.Y, Alignment = TextAlignment.Right, Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "13") + ":", // "Min bet:" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(MinimumBetLabel); // label for maximum bet MaximumBetLabel = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(60, 21), X = EditMaximumBetButtonSeat.X - 70, Y = MaximumBetText.Y, Alignment = TextAlignment.Right, Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "14") + ":", // "Max bet:" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(MaximumBetLabel); // liseners for editing bet buttons EditMinimumBetButton.OnButtonClick += OnEditMinimumClick; EditMaximumBetButton.OnButtonClick += OnEditMaximumClick; // tweak for Hold'em Casino if (Type.Equals(ManageEODObjectTypes.HoldEmCasino)) { var offset = new Vector2(6, -18); MinimumBetTextBack.Position += offset; MinimumBetText.Position += offset; MinimumBetLabel.Position += offset; EditMinimumBetButtonSeat.Position += offset; EditMinimumBetButton.Position += offset; MaximumBetTextBack.Position += offset; MaximumBetText.Position += offset; MaximumBetLabel.Position += offset; EditMaximumBetButtonSeat.Position += offset; EditMaximumBetButton.Position += offset; MachineBalanceTextBack.X -= 20; MachineBalanceText.X -= 20; CashOutButton.X -= 20; CashOutButtonSeat.X -= 20; MachineBalanceLabel.X -= 20; MinimumBetLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "36") + ":"; // "Min Ante Bet" MaximumBetLabel.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "37") + ":"; // "Max Ante Bet" EditMinimumBetButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "15") + GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "36") + ":"; // "Edit Min Ante Bet" EditMaximumBetButton.Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "15") + GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "37") + ":"; // "Edit Min Ante Bet" /* Add Max Side Bet stuff */ // label for maximum side bet MaximumSideBetTextBack = new UIImage(TextBackTexture) { X = MaximumBetTextBack.X, Y = MaximumBetTextBack.Y + 33 }; Add(MaximumSideBetTextBack); MaximumSideBetText = new UITextEdit() { Size = new Vector2(65, 20), X = MaximumSideBetTextBack.X + 14, Y = MaximumSideBetTextBack.Y + 4, Alignment = TextAlignment.Center, Mode = UITextEditMode.ReadOnly, CurrentText = "$" + ObjectMaximumPlayerSideBet, TextStyle = textStyle, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "38") // "Max Side Bet" }; Add(MaximumSideBetText); EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat = new UIImage(ButtonSeatTexture) { X = MaximumSideBetTextBack.X - 32, Y = MaximumSideBetTextBack.Y, }; Add(EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat); EditMaximumSideBetButton = new UIButton(EditAmountTexture) { X = EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat.X + 3, Y = EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat.Y + 3, Tooltip = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "15") + GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "38"), // "Edit Max Side Bet" }; EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat.ScaleX = EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat.ScaleY = (EditMaximumSideBetButton.Size / CashOutButton.Size).X; Add(EditMaximumSideBetButton); MaximumSideBetLabel = new UILabel() { Size = new Vector2(60, 21), X = EditMaximumSideBetButtonSeat.X - 70, Y = MaximumSideBetText.Y, Alignment = TextAlignment.Right, Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("f110", "38") + ":", // "Max Side Bet:" CaptionStyle = textStyle }; Add(MaximumSideBetLabel); EditMaximumSideBetButton.OnButtonClick += OnEditSideClick; } break; } } InputAllowed = true; }
private void CreateOptionView() { UILabel text = new UILabel(); text.Text = "Scale1"; text.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; text.TextColor = UIColor.Black; text.Frame = new CGRect(10, 10, 320, 20); text.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); UILabel text1 = new UILabel(); text1.Text = "StartAngle"; text1.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; text1.TextColor = UIColor.Black; text1.Frame = new CGRect(10, 35, 320, 20); text1.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); slider = new UISlider(); slider.Frame = new CGRect(5, 60, 320, 20); slider.MinValue = 0f; slider.MaxValue = 360f; slider.Value = 40f; slider.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { scale1.StartAngle = slider.Value; }; UILabel text2 = new UILabel(); text2.Text = "SweepAngle"; text2.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; text2.TextColor = UIColor.Black; text2.Frame = new CGRect(10, 85, 320, 20); text2.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); UISlider slider1 = new UISlider(); slider1.Frame = new CGRect(5, 110, 320, 20); slider1.MinValue = 0f; slider1.MaxValue = 360f; slider1.Value = 320f; slider1.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { scale1.SweepAngle = slider1.Value; }; UILabel text3 = new UILabel(); text3.Text = "Scale2"; text3.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; text3.TextColor = UIColor.Black; text3.Frame = new CGRect(10, 135, 320, 20); text3.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); UILabel text4 = new UILabel(); text4.Text = "StartAngle"; text4.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; text4.TextColor = UIColor.Black; text4.Frame = new CGRect(10, 160, 320, 20); text4.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); UISlider slider2 = new UISlider(); slider2.Frame = new CGRect(5, 185, 320, 20); slider2.MinValue = 0f; slider2.MaxValue = 360f; slider2.Value = 40f; slider2.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { scale2.StartAngle = slider2.Value; }; UILabel text5 = new UILabel(); text5.Text = "SweepAngle"; text5.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; text5.TextColor = UIColor.Black; text5.Frame = new CGRect(10, 210, 320, 20); text5.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); UISlider slider3 = new UISlider(); slider3.Frame = new CGRect(5, 235, 320, 20); slider3.MinValue = 0f; slider3.MaxValue = 360f; slider3.Value = 320f; slider3.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { scale2.SweepAngle = slider3.Value; }; this.option.AddSubview(text); this.option.AddSubview(text1); this.option.AddSubview(slider); this.option.AddSubview(text2); this.option.AddSubview(slider1); this.option.AddSubview(text3); this.option.AddSubview(text4); this.option.AddSubview(slider2); this.option.AddSubview(text5); this.option.AddSubview(slider3); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { player = FindObjectOfType <Player>(); slider = GetComponent <UISlider>(); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { View = new UIView() { BackgroundColor = UIColor.White }; base.ViewDidLoad(); // ios7 layout if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout"))) { EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None; } var label = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 40)); label.Text = "SubTotal"; Add(label); var subTotalTextField = new UITextField(new RectangleF(10, 40, 300, 40)); Add(subTotalTextField); var label2 = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 40)); label2.Text = "Gunerosity?"; Add(label2); var slider = new UISlider(new RectangleF(10, 120, 300, 40)); slider.MinValue = 0; slider.MaxValue = 100; Add(slider); var label3 = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 40)); label3.Text = "Tip"; Add(label3); var tipLabel = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 40)); Add(tipLabel); var label4 = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 40)); label4.Text = "Total"; Add(label4); var totalLabel = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 40)); Add(totalLabel); var set = this.CreateBindingSet <FirstView, FirstViewModel>(); set.Bind(subTotalTextField).To(vm => vm.SubTotal); set.Bind(slider).To(vm => vm.Generosity); set.Bind(tipLabel).To(vm => vm.Tip); set.Bind(totalLabel).To(vm => vm.Total); set.Apply(); //タップでキーボードを出す var gesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer(() => { subTotalTextField.ResignFirstResponder(); }); View.AddGestureRecognizer(gesture); }
partial void effectVolumeReleased(UISlider sender) { this.effectsLevelReleased.Play(); }