private float originalCameraSize; //used for animating #endregion #region Init public void Initialize() { myPopup = this as IPopup; //parse out the clone name string newName =; = StringExtensions.ParseOutClone(ref newName); background.Start(); //resize it before we call preinit so we know we have correct size myPopup.PreInit(); myCam = GetComponent(typeof(Camera)) as Camera; originalCameraSize = myCam.orthographicSize; //pause game if (shouldPauseGame == true) Time.timeScale = 0.0f; if (openSound != null) SoundManager.PlaySoundOnce(openSound); if (cancelButton != null) { cancelButton.ResizeAndReposition(cancelButton);cancelButton.Start(); if (cancelButton.spriteText != null) { cancelButton.spriteText.multiline = false; cancelButton.spriteText.maxWidth = cancelButton.width - (cancelButton.width * GameValues.buttonTextPaddingPercentage); } } if (shouldAnimate) myCam.orthographicSize *= 5; popupManager = PopupManager.I; if (popupManager == null) { Kill(); return; } uiManager = UIManager.instance; if (uiManager != null) { //save all old cameras then delete from UIManager. Otherwise objects behind will still detect input originalCameraSettings = uiManager.uiCameras; for (int x = uiManager.uiCameras.Length -1; x >= 0; x--) { uiManager.RemoveCamera(x); } uiManager.AddCamera(myCam, myCam.cullingMask, Mathf.Infinity, 0); originalRayCam = uiManager.rayCamera; uiManager.rayCamera = myCam; } else { Kill(); return; } popupManager.activePopups.Add(myPopup); myCam.depth = popupManager.activePopups.Count + 1; if (shouldAnimate) { //called right before animation myPopup.PreAnimate(); HOTween.defUpdateType = UpdateType.TimeScaleIndependentUpdate; Sequence s = new Sequence(); //s.Append(HOTween.To(myCam, 1.2f, "orthographicSize", originalCameraSize)); s.Append(HOTween.To(myCam, 0.3f, new TweenParms() .UpdateType(UpdateType.TimeScaleIndependentUpdate) .Prop("orthographicSize", originalCameraSize) .Ease(EaseType.EaseInBounce) )); s.ApplyCallback(CallbackType.OnComplete, AnimationComplete); s.Play(); } else { AddCancelButtonDelegate(); myPopup.InitComplete(); } }