static public int get_draggableCamera(IntPtr l) { try { UIDragCamera self = (UIDragCamera)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.draggableCamera); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_draggableCamera(IntPtr l) { try { UIDragCamera self = (UIDragCamera)checkSelf(l); UIDraggableCamera v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.draggableCamera = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public override void setEnable(bool flag) { base.setEnable(flag); //m_ListView.GetComponent<NvUIBase>().setEnable( flag ); if (listBaseImage != null) { listBaseImage.setEnable(flag); } foreach (NvUIListItemBase item in itemList) { //GameObject.Destroy( item.gameObject ); UIDragCamera obj = item.transform.GetComponent <UIDragCamera>(); if (obj != null) { obj.enabled = flag; } } }
public btNodeSelectTile CreateNewTile(btInterfaceTreeManager.INODE_TYPE _nodeType) { if (this.nodeTilePrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("No node tile prefab defined", this); return(null); } GameObject tileObj = GameObject.Instantiate(this.nodeTilePrefab) as GameObject; tileObj.transform.parent = this.gridTransform; tileObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); btNodeSelectTile tileScript = tileObj.GetComponent <btNodeSelectTile>(); if (tileScript == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find tile script on node tile prefab.", tileObj); return(null); } tileScript.nodeType = _nodeType; UIDragCamera dragCameraScript = tileObj.GetComponent <UIDragCamera>(); if (dragCameraScript == null) { Debug.LogError("No UIDragCamera script found on tile prefab.", tileObj); return(tileScript); } dragCameraScript.draggableCamera = this.draggableCamera; tileScript.buttonScript.nodeType = _nodeType; GameObject tempObj = new GameObject(); tempObj.SetActive(false); System.Type type = btInterfaceTreeManager.GetInterfaceNodeType(_nodeType); if (type == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find matching type for " + _nodeType); } else { btInterfaceNode nodeScript = tempObj.AddComponent(type) as btInterfaceNode; string materialPath = nodeScript.GetIconMaterialPath(); Object iconResource = Resources.Load(materialPath); if (iconResource == null) { Debug.LogError("Cannot find material with path \"" + materialPath + "\""); } else { Material iconMaterial = iconResource as Material; if (iconMaterial == null) { Debug.LogError("Resource \"" + + "\" at path \"" + materialPath + "\" cannot be converted into a meterial."); } else { tileScript.texture.material = iconMaterial; } } tileScript.label.text = nodeScript.GetDisplayLabel(); } Destroy(tempObj); return(tileScript); }
private void OnReposition() { for (int i = 0; i < infoContent.transform.childCount; ++i) { Destroy(infoContent.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } string[,] array = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.details)) { JsonData jd = JsonMapper.ToObject(product.details); if (jd.IsArray) { array = new string[jd.Count + 1, 2]; for (int i = 0; i < jd.Count; ++i) { array[i + 1, 0] = (string)jd[i]["key"]; array[i + 1, 1] = (string)jd[i]["value"]; } } } if (array == null) { array = new string[1, 2]; } array[0, 0] = ""; array[0, 1] =; UILabel label = labelPrefab.transform.Find("Content").gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>(); NGUIText.fontSize = label.fontSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = label.fontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = label.width; NGUIText.Update(); int yOffset = 0; int lineSpace = 15; UIViewport vp = scrollCamera.GetComponent <UIViewport>(); int height = (int)(vp.topLeft.localPosition.y - vp.bottomRight.localPosition.y); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; ++i) { GameObject row = NGUITools.AddChild(infoContent, labelPrefab); UILabel nameLabel = row.transform.Find("Name").gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>(); UILabel contentLabel = row.transform.Find("Content").gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>(); nameLabel.text = array[i, 0]; contentLabel.text = array[i, 1]; BoxCollider bc = row.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); UIDragCamera dc = row.GetComponent <UIDragCamera>(); dc.draggableCamera = scrollCamera.GetComponent <UIDraggableCamera>(); Vector2 rect = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(array[i, 1]); if (i == array.Length / 2 - 1 && Math.Abs(yOffset - (int)rect.y - lineSpace) < height) { contentLabel.height = height - Math.Abs(yOffset); } else { contentLabel.height = (int)rect.y; } = new Vector3(0, -(contentLabel.height + lineSpace) / 2, 0); bc.size = new Vector3(bc.size.x, contentLabel.height + lineSpace, 0); row.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, yOffset, 0); yOffset -= (int)rect.y + lineSpace; } }