예제 #1
        public void Circle()
            var    center = Turf.Point(new double[] { -75.343, 39.984 });
            double radius = 5;
            int    steps  = 10;

            var polygon = Turf.Circle(center, radius, steps, "kilometers");
            var point1  = Turf.Destination(center, radius - 1, 45, "kilometers");
            var point2  = Turf.Destination(center, radius + 1, 135, "kilometers");

            Assert.AreEqual(Turf.Inside(point1, polygon), true, "point is inside the polygon");
            Assert.AreEqual(Turf.Inside(point2, polygon), false, "point is outside the polygon");
예제 #2
        public void Destination()
            var    pt1  = Turf.Point(new double[] { -75.0, 39.0 });
            double dist = 100;
            double bear = 180;

            var pt2     = Turf.Destination(pt1, dist, bear, "kilometers");
            var ptgeom  = (Point)pt2.Geometry;
            var prcoord = (GeographicPosition)ptgeom.Coordinates;

            Assert.AreEqual(prcoord.Longitude, -75, 0.001, "returns the correct point");
            Assert.AreEqual(prcoord.Latitude, 38.10096062273525, 0.001, "returns the correct point");
            Assert.AreEqual(ptgeom.Type, GeoJSONObjectType.Point, "returns the correct point");