public RParentChild( LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft )
            //ImportDataSet dsImport, , LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _drLeft = drLeft;
            _idRelatedLeft = _drLeft.ID;
            _drBare1 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drBare2 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            Trace.Assert(_drBare1.Generation != _drBare2.Generation, "The generation should not be the same for a parent-child relationship.");

            _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
            _isMZ = Tristate.No;

            //For IAssignPass1
            _rImplicitPass1 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rImplicit2004 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = null;
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = null;
            _rExplicitPass1 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rPass1 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;

            //For IAssignPass2
            _rImplicit = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rImplicitSubject = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rImplicitMother = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rExplicit = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rFull = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rPeek = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
예제 #2
        public void Update()
            if (duplicate != Tristate.False)
                if (duplicate == Tristate.True)
                if (this != part.Modules.OfType <TweakScale>().First())
                    Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                    Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                    Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor  = false;
                    duplicate = Tristate.True;
                duplicate = Tristate.False;

            if (scaleFactors.Length == 0)
                if (!invalidCfg)
                    invalidCfg = true;
                    Tools.LogWf("{0}({1}) has no valid scale factors. This is probably caused by an invalid TweakScale configuration for the part.",, part.partInfo.title);

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && currentScale >= 0f)
                bool changed = isFreeScale ? tweakScale != currentScale : currentScale != scaleFactors[tweakName];

                if (changed) // user has changed the scale tweakable
                    if (!isFreeScale)
                        tweakScale = scaleFactors[tweakName];


                    foreach (var updater in updaters)
                    currentScale = tweakScale;
                else if (part.transform.GetChild(0).localScale != savedScale) // editor frequently nukes our OnStart resize some time later

            foreach (var upd in updaters.OfType <IUpdateable>())
예제 #3
        internal unsafe void IcuChangeCase(char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)

            if (IsInvariant)
                Interop.Globalization.ChangeCaseInvariant(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
                if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.NotInitialized)
                    _needsTurkishCasing = NeedsTurkishCasing(_textInfoName) ? Tristate.True : Tristate.False;
                if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.True)
                    Interop.Globalization.ChangeCaseTurkish(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
                    Interop.Globalization.ChangeCase(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="CoordinateProper" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>CoordinateProper[].</returns>
 public CoordinateProper[] GetCoordinateProperArray(
     Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     return(collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full
                         ? clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateProperArray.Clone <CoordinateProper[]>() : this._coordinateProperArray
                         : clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateProperArrayHalf.Clone <CoordinateProper[]>() : this._coordinateProperArrayHalf);
 public static Tristate TakePriority( Tristate priority1, Tristate priority2 )
     if ( priority1 != Tristate.DoNotKnow )
         return priority1;
         return priority2;//Which still may be 'DoNotKnow'
예제 #6
        public IActionResult Recipe04()
            Tristate model = new Tristate {
                NullableBoolValue = null

예제 #7
        public static IEnumerable <Type> FindDerivedTypes([NotNull] Type baseType, Tristate classOnly)
            var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppContext.BaseDirectory);

            classOnly = classOnly.ArgumentDefined(nameof(classOnly));

            return(FindDerivedTypes(new DirectoryInfo(path), SearchOption.AllDirectories, baseType, classOnly));
예제 #8
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            // The current chunk, converted from UTF8
            string text = null;

            // If this is the first chunk of this HTTP response
            if (this._ignore == Tristate.Undefined)
                if (Sitecore.Context.Site == null ||
                    (HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType != "text/html" && HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType != "text/xml"))
                    this._ignore = Tristate.True;

            // If we don't know to ignore this chunk
            if (this._ignore != Tristate.True)
                // Convert the UTF8 to text
                text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);

                // If this is the first chunk for this response
                if (this._response == null)
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(text, "<html", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                        this._response = new StringBuilder();
                        this._ignore   = Tristate.False;
                        this._ignore = Tristate.True;

            // If we're ignoring this chunk, just write it to the stream
            if (this._ignore != Tristate.False)
                // It should not be possible for this assert to throw
                Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsTrue(this._ignore != Tristate.Undefined, "this._ignore != Tristate.Undefined");
                this._output.Write(buffer, offset, count);
                Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(text, "text");
                // Add this chunk to the buffer););

                // If it's the last chunk
                if (Regex.IsMatch(text, "</html>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    text = this._response.ToString();
                    text = Regex.Replace(text, "my\\s*company", "myCompany", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    this._output.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text));
 public static Tristate SalvageHalfSib( Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject1, Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject2 )
     if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) || (anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) )
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
     else if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.Yes && anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.No) || (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.No && anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.Yes) )
         return Tristate.No;
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
 public static Tristate SalvageFullSib( Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject1, Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject2 )
     if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) || (anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) )
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
     else if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.Yes) && (anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.Yes) )
         return Tristate.Yes;
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
예제 #11
 public PairShare( Int32 subjectTag1, Int32 subjectTag2, Int32 relatedID, Tristate share )
     if ( !(subjectTag1 < subjectTag2) ) throw new ArgumentException("subjectTag1 must be less than SubjectTag2.");
     _subjectTag1 = subjectTag1;
     _subjectTag2 = subjectTag2;
     _relatedID = relatedID;
     _share = share;
     _isInterpolated = false;
예제 #12
        public RGen2Cousins( LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft )
            //ImportDataSet dsImport, , LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _idRelatedLeft = drLeft.ID;

            _drBare1 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drBare2 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            Trace.Assert(_drBare1.Generation == (byte)Generation.Gen2, "The generation should be Gen2.");
            Trace.Assert(_drBare2.Generation == (byte)Generation.Gen2, "The generation should be Gen2.");

            _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
            _isMZ = Tristate.No;

            LinksDataSet.tblRelatedValuesRow drValuesOfGen1Housemates = Gen1HousematesValues(_drBare1.SubjectTag, _drBare2.SubjectTag);//RelatedValues.Retrieve(_dsLinks, _path,
            //For IAssignPass1
            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitPass1Null() ) _rImplicitPass1 = null;
            else _rImplicitPass1 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicitPass1);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicit2004Null() ) _rImplicit2004 = null;
            else _rImplicit2004 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicit2004);

            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = null;
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = null;

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRExplicitPass1Null() ) _rExplicitPass1 = null;
            else _rExplicitPass1 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RExplicitPass1);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRPass1Null() ) _rPass1 = null;
            else _rPass1 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RPass1); ;

            //For IAssignPass2
            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitNull() ) _rImplicit = null;
            else _rImplicit = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicit);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitSubjectNull() ) _rImplicitSubject = null;
            else _rImplicitSubject = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicitSubject);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitMotherNull() ) _rImplicitMother = null;
            else _rImplicitMother = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicitMother);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRExplicitNull() ) _rExplicit = null;
            else _rExplicit = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RExplicit);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRNull() ) _r= null;
            else _r= (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.R);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRFullNull() ) _rFull = null;
            else _rFull = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RFull);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRPeekNull() ) _rPeek = null;
            else _rPeek = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RPeek);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="Person" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[].</returns>
 public Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[] GetPersonValArray(Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     if (collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full)
         return(clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personValArray.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[]>() : this._personValArray);
         return(clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personValArrayHalf.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[]>() : this._personValArrayHalf);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a Tristate value to a string value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triValue">A value that can be either true, false, or unanswered.</param>
        /// <returns>A string if the value is true or false, or null if it is neither.</returns>
        protected string TristateToString(Tristate triValue)
            switch (triValue)
            case Tristate.True:

            case Tristate.False:
예제 #15
 public void Notify(int index, Tristate before, Tristate after)
     if (after.IsYes())
         VisitNearby(index, false);
     if (before.IsYes())
         // Must be backtracking.
         // The main backtrack mechanism will handle undoing bans, and
         // undos are always in order, so we just need to reverse VisitNearby
         VisitNearby(index, true);
예제 #16
            public void Notify(int index, Tristate before, Tristate after)
                switch (before)
                case Tristate.No: NoCount--; break;

                case Tristate.Maybe: MaybeCount--; break;

                case Tristate.Yes: YesCount--; break;
                switch (after)
                case Tristate.No: NoCount++; break;

                case Tristate.Maybe: MaybeCount++; break;

                case Tristate.Yes: YesCount++; break;
예제 #17
        public static string ConcatToString([NotNull] string delimiter, Tristate addLineFeed, params string[] args)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (args.Length > 0)
                for (var argCount = 0; argCount < args.Length; argCount++)
                    var value = args[argCount];

                    if (addLineFeed is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                        //TODO: THIS CONDITION NOT BEING TESTED
                        _ = sb.AppendLine(value);
                        _ = sb.Append(string.Concat(value, delimiter));
예제 #18
        private void _createInventoryGroupPermission( CswNbtObjClassRole Role, Tristate Request, Tristate Receive )
            CswNbtMetaDataNodeType InventoryGroupPermissionNT = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getNodeType( "Inventory Group Permission" );
            if( InventoryGroupPermissionNT != null && InventoryGroupNode != null )
                CswNbtObjClassInventoryGroupPermission InvGrpPermNode = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.Nodes.makeNodeFromNodeTypeId( InventoryGroupPermissionNT.NodeTypeId, CswNbtNodeCollection.MakeNodeOperation.WriteNode );

                InvGrpPermNode.InventoryGroup.RelatedNodeId = InventoryGroupNode.NodeId;
                InvGrpPermNode.Role.RelatedNodeId = Role.NodeId;
                InvGrpPermNode.View.Checked = Tristate.True;
                InvGrpPermNode.Edit.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text != "CISPro_View_Only" );
                InvGrpPermNode.Dispense.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text != "CISPro_View_Only" );
                InvGrpPermNode.Request.Checked = Request;
                InvGrpPermNode.Dispose.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text != "CISPro_View_Only" );
                InvGrpPermNode.Undispose.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text == "CISPro_Admin" );
                //InvGrpPermNode.Receive.Checked = Receive;

                InvGrpPermNode.postChanges( false );
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if there is more than one TweakScale instance on this part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if duplicates exist, false otherwise.</returns>
        private bool CheckForDuplicateTweakScale()
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.False)
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.True)

            if (this != part.GetComponent <TweakScale>())
                Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor  = false;
                _duplicate = Tristate.True;
            _duplicate = Tristate.False;
예제 #20
        public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");

            if (!CDNSettings.Enabled)

            bool shouldFilter = (Sitecore.Context.Item != null || CDNManager.ShouldProcessRequest(args.Url.FilePathWithQueryString)) && // if an item is resolved (this is a page request) or file ext is listed in <processRequests>
                                !CDNManager.ShouldExcludeProcessRequest(args.Url.FilePathWithQueryString) &&                            // if the url is not on the excluded list
                                Sitecore.Context.Site != null &&                                                                        // and a site was resolved
                                Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsNormal &&                                                                   // and the site is not in editing mode
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CDNManager.GetCDNHostName());                                                     // and the current site is not in the excluded sites list

            // querystring cdn=1  to force replacement
            // querystring cdn=0  to force no replacement
            Tristate force = MainUtil.GetTristate(WebUtil.GetQueryString("cdn"), Tristate.Undefined);

            if (force == Tristate.False)
                shouldFilter = false;
            else if (force == Tristate.True)
                shouldFilter = true;

            if (shouldFilter)
                var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
                if (response != null)
                    // replace the default response filter stream with our replacer filter
                    response.Filter = new MediaUrlFilter(response.Filter);
        public static string ConcatToString(string delimiter, Tristate addLineFeed, [NotNull] params string[] args)
            // TODO: ADD UNIT TEST!

            delimiter = delimiter.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty();
            args      = args.ArgumentNotNull();

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (args.Length > 0)
                for (var argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < args.Length; argumentIndex++)
                    var value = args[argumentIndex];

                    if (addLineFeed is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                        _ = sb.AppendLine(value);
                        _ = sb.Append(string.Concat(value, delimiter));
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// 将值重置为未设置状态。
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
     isUnique = Tristate.NotSure;
예제 #23
 public void SetInterpolatedShare( Tristate share )
     if ( _share !=  Tristate.DoNotKnow) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The relationship for {0} and {1} already has a share value of {2}.", _subjectTag1, _subjectTag2, _share));
     _share = share;
     _isInterpolated = true;
예제 #24
        public RGen2Pass1( ImportDataSet dsImport, LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight )
            if ( dsImport == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsImport");
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( drRight == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drRight");
            if ( dsImport.tblLinks2004Gen2.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblLinks2004Gen2 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMzManual.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMzManual must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubjectDetails must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMarkerGen2.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMarkerGen2 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            _dsImport = dsImport;
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _drLeft = drLeft;
            _drRight = drRight;
            _idRelatedLeft = _drLeft.ID;
            _idRelatedRight = _drRight.ID;
            _drBare1 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drBare2 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            _drSubjectDetails1 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drSubjectDetails2 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            _extendedID = _drLeft.tblSubjectRowByFK_tblRelatedStructure_tblSubject_Subject1.ExtendedID;

            if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls <= _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {//This is the way it usually is.  Recall twins were assigned tied birth orders
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedLeft;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedRight;
            else if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls > _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedRight;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedLeft;

            _dtMarkersGen2 = MarkerGen2.PairRelevantMarkerRows(_idRelatedLeft, _idRelatedRight, _dsLinks, _extendedID);

            LinksDataSet.tblMzManualRow drMzManual = Retrieve.MzManualRecord(_drBare1, _drBare2, _dsLinks);
            if ( drMzManual == null ) {
                _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
                _isMZ = Tristate.No;
            else {
                _multipleBirth = (MultipleBirth)drMzManual.MultipleBirthIfSameSex;
                _isMZ = (Tristate)drMzManual.IsMz;
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyDeathDate = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyDeathDate, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyAlive = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyAlive, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyInHH = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyInHH, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyLeftHHDate = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyLeftHHDate, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyDistanceFromHH = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyDistanceFromHH, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyAsthma = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyAsthma, _dtMarkersGen2);

            _rImplicitPass1 = CalculateRImplicitPass1(babyDaddyDeathDate, babyDaddyAlive, babyDaddyInHH, babyDaddyLeftHHDate, babyDaddyDistanceFromHH, babyDaddyAsthma);
            //_rImplicit not set;
            _rImplicit2004 = RetrieveRImplicit2004();
            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitOldestSibVersion();
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitYoungestSibVersion();
            _rExplicitPass1 = CalculateRExplicitPass1(_isMZ, _multipleBirth);
            //_rExplicit not set;
            _rPass1 = CalculateRPass1();
            //_r not set;
            //_rPeek not set;
예제 #25
 internal static Tristate ReadConfigurationTristate(string settingName, Tristate defaultValue)
     return(ReadConfigurationEnum <Tristate>(settingName, defaultValue));
        public static bool AddRange <T>([NotNull] this ICollection <T> collection, [NotNull] IEnumerable <T> items, Tristate ensureUnique = Tristate.False)
            items      = items.ArgumentNotNull();
            collection = collection.ArgumentNotNull().ArgumentNotReadOnly();

            var returnValue = false;

            if (items.HasItems())
                .ForEach(item =>
                    if (ensureUnique is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                        _           = collection.AddIfNotExists(item);
                        returnValue = true;
                        returnValue = true;
예제 #27
        public static void AppendKeyValue([NotNull] this StringBuilder sb, [NotNull] string key, [NotNull] string value, Tristate includeQuotes = Tristate.True, Tristate includeComma = Tristate.True)
            sb            = sb.ArgumentNotNull();
            key           = key.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty();
            value         = value.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty();
            includeQuotes = includeQuotes.ArgumentDefined();
            includeComma  = includeComma.ArgumentDefined();

            _ = sb.Append(key);
            _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Equal);

            if (includeQuotes is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Quote);
                var lastSpecialIndex = 0;
                int specialIndex;

                while (true)
                    specialIndex = value.IndexOfAny(_specialCharacters, lastSpecialIndex);

                    if (specialIndex >= 0)
                        _ = sb.Append(value, lastSpecialIndex, specialIndex - lastSpecialIndex);
                        _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Backslash);
                        _ = sb.Append(value[specialIndex]);
                        lastSpecialIndex = specialIndex + 1;
                        _ = sb.Append(value, lastSpecialIndex, value.Length - lastSpecialIndex);
                _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Quote);
        private void Verify(string source, Tristate[] expectedStates, string[] preprocessorSymbolsA = null, string[] preprocessorSymbolsB = null)
            if (preprocessorSymbolsA == null)
                preprocessorSymbolsA = s_defaultPreprocessorSymbolsA;
            if (preprocessorSymbolsB == null)
                preprocessorSymbolsB = s_defaultPreprocessorSymbolsB;

            var projectA = CreateSolution(new[] { source }).Projects.Single();
            var engine = AnalysisEngine.FromProjects(
                new[] { projectA },
                symbolConfigurations: new[] { preprocessorSymbolsA, preprocessorSymbolsB });

            var regionInfo = engine.GetConditionalRegionInfo().Result.Single();
            var regions = regionInfo.Chains.SelectMany(c => c.Regions).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(expectedStates.Length, regions.Length);

            // Make sure the state of each region is what we expect
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedStates.Length; i++)
                var expectedState = expectedStates[i];
                var region = regions[i];
                if (expectedState != region.State)
                    Assert.False(true, string.Format("The state of the region on line {0} is {1}, expected {2}: {3}",
 public TranslateContainer( Tristate state1, Tristate state2, float? r )
     State1 = state1;
     State2 = state2;
     R = r;
예제 #30
        private float? _rPass1 = float.NaN; //  float.NaN;

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public RGen1Pass1( ImportDataSet dsImport, LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight )
            if ( dsImport == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsImport");
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( drRight == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drRight");
            if ( dsImport.tblLinks2004Gen1.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblLinks2004Gen1 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMzManual.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMzManual must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblRosterGen1.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblRosterGen1 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMarkerGen1.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMarkerGen2 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubjectDetails must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");

            _dsImport = dsImport;
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _drLeft = drLeft;
            _drRight = drRight;
            _idRelatedLeft = _drLeft.ID;
            _idRelatedRight = _drRight.ID;
            _drSubjectDetails1 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drSubjectDetails2 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            _extendedID = _drLeft.tblSubjectRowByFK_tblRelatedStructure_tblSubject_Subject1.ExtendedID;

            //LinksDataSet.tblRosterGen1Row drRoster = _dsLinks.tblRosterGen1.FindByRelatedID(drLeft.ID);
            //Tristate rosterShareBiomom = (Tristate)drRoster.ShareBiomom;
            //Tristate rosterShareBiodad = (Tristate)drRoster.ShareBiodad;
            //if ( drRoster.IsRNull() ) _rRoster = null;
            //else _rRoster = (float)drRoster.R;

            if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls <= _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {//This is the way it usually is.  Remember that twins were assigned tied birth orders
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedLeft;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedRight;
            else if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls > _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedRight;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedLeft;

            _dtMarkersGen1 = MarkerGen1.PairRelevantMarkerRows(_idRelatedLeft, _idRelatedRight, _dsLinks, _extendedID);

            LinksDataSet.tblMzManualRow drMz = Retrieve.MzManualRecord(_drLeft.SubjectTag_S1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S2, _dsLinks);

            if ( drMz == null ) {
                _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
                _isMZ = Tristate.No;
                _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.DoNotKnow;
            else {
                _multipleBirth = (MultipleBirth)drMz.MultipleBirthIfSameSex;
                _isMZ = (Tristate)drMz.IsMz;
                if ( drMz.IsRelatedNull() ) _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.DoNotKnow;
                else if ( drMz.Related ) _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.Yes;
                else _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.No;

            MarkerEvidence explicitBiomomFromOlder = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiomom, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger);
            MarkerEvidence explicitBiodadFromOlder = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiodad, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger);
            MarkerEvidence explicitBiomomFromYounger = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiomom, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder);
            MarkerEvidence explicitBiodadFromYounger = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiodad, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder);

            MarkerEvidence biomomInHH1979 = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerMultiYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiomomInHH, 1979, Bioparent.Mom, _dtMarkersGen1);
            MarkerEvidence biodadInHH1979 = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerMultiYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiodadInHH, 1979, Bioparent.Dad, _dtMarkersGen1);

            MarkerEvidence biomomDeathAge = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerSingleYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiomomDeathAge, Bioparent.Mom, _dtMarkersGen1);
            MarkerEvidence biodadDeathAge = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerSingleYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiodadDeathAge, Bioparent.Dad, _dtMarkersGen1);

            _explicitShareBiomomPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateEvidenceToTristate(explicitBiomomFromOlder, explicitBiomomFromYounger);
            _explicitShareBiodadPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateEvidenceToTristate(explicitBiodadFromOlder, explicitBiodadFromYounger);

            _implicitShareBiomomPass1 = ImplicitShareBioparent(inHH1979: biomomInHH1979, deathAge: biomomDeathAge);
            _implicitShareBiodadPass1 = ImplicitShareBioparent(inHH1979: biodadInHH1979, deathAge: biodadDeathAge);

            _shareBiomomPass1 = CommonFunctions.TakePriority(_explicitShareBiomomPass1, _implicitShareBiomomPass1);
            _shareBiodadPass1 = CommonFunctions.TakePriority(_explicitShareBiodadPass1, _implicitShareBiodadPass1);

            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitSingleSibVersion(explicitBiomomFromOlder, explicitBiodadFromOlder);
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitSingleSibVersion(explicitBiomomFromYounger, explicitBiodadFromYounger);
            _rExplicitPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateToR(shareBiomom: _explicitShareBiomomPass1, shareBiodad: _explicitShareBiodadPass1, mustDecide: false);

            _rImplicitPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateToR(shareBiomom: _implicitShareBiomomPass1, shareBiodad: _implicitShareBiodadPass1, mustDecide: false);
            _rImplicit2004 = RetrieveRImplicit2004();

            _rPass1 = CalculateRFull(shareBiomom: _shareBiomomPass1, shareBiodad: _shareBiodadPass1,
                multiple: _multipleBirth, isMZ: _isMZ, isRelatedInMZManual: _isRelatedInMzManual, idRelated: _idRelatedLeft, dtRoster: _dsLinks.tblRosterGen1);
예제 #31
        public static float? CalculateRFull( Tristate shareBiomom, Tristate shareBiodad, MultipleBirth multiple, Tristate isMZ, Tristate isRelatedInMZManual, Int32 idRelated, LinksDataSet.tblRosterGen1DataTable dtRoster )
            float? rRoster = CalculateRRoster(idRelated, dtRoster);

            if ( isMZ == BaseAssembly.Tristate.Yes ) {
                return RCoefficients.MzTrue;
            else if ( isRelatedInMZManual == Tristate.No ) {
                return RCoefficients.NotRelated; //Of the 21 Gen1 subjects in tblMZManual with Related=0, 17 ended up with R=0 (as of 11/9/2012).  1 was assigned R=.5; 3 were assigned R=NULL (which I want to override now here, looking at the DOB differences).
            else if ( isMZ == BaseAssembly.Tristate.DoNotKnow && isRelatedInMZManual == Tristate.Yes ) {
                Trace.Assert(multiple == MultipleBirth.Twin || multiple == MultipleBirth.Trip || multiple == MultipleBirth.TwinOrTrip, "To be assigned full sib, they've got to be assigned to be a twin/trip.");
                return RCoefficients.MzAmbiguous;
            else if ( multiple == MultipleBirth.Twin || multiple == MultipleBirth.Trip || multiple == MultipleBirth.TwinOrTrip ) {
                return RCoefficients.SiblingFull;
            else if ( rRoster.HasValue ) {
                return rRoster;
            else {
                //The implicits & explicits were already combined to get the values of shareBiomom & shareBiodad.
                return CommonFunctions.TranslateToR(shareBiomom: shareBiomom, shareBiodad: shareBiodad, mustDecide: false);
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if there is more than one TweakScale instance on this part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if duplicates exist, false otherwise.</returns>
        private bool CheckForDuplicateTweakScale()
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.False)
                return false;
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.True)
                return true;

            if (this != part.GetComponent<TweakScale>())
                Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                _duplicate = Tristate.True;
                return true;
            _duplicate = Tristate.False;
            return false;
예제 #33
 public Tristate And(Tristate one, Tristate two)
     if (Tristate.Eager.Equals(one) || Tristate.Eager.Equals(two))
         return Tristate.Eager;
     if( Tristate.DontKnow.Equals(one))
         return two;
     if( Tristate.DontKnow.Equals(two))
         return one;
     return Tristate.Lazy;
            public bool Next(int index, Tristate selected)
                switch (state)
                case State.Initial:
                    if (selected.IsYes())
                        state         = State.InRun;
                        runCount      = 1;
                        runStartIndex = index;

                case State.JustAfterRun:
                    if (selected.IsYes())
                        state         = State.InRun;
                        runCount      = 1;
                        runStartIndex = index;
                        goto checkCases;
                        state        = State.Initial;
                        prevRunCount = 0;
                        runCount     = 0;

                case State.InRun:
                    if (selected.IsYes())
                        state     = State.InRun;
                        runCount += 1;
                        if (runCount > max)
                            // Immediate contradiction
                        goto checkCases;
                        // Also case 1.
                        if (runCount == max)
                            if (selected.Possible())
                        state        = State.JustAfterRun;
                        prevRunCount = runCount;
                        runCount     = 0;
                // Unreachable
                throw new Exception("Unreachable");
                // Have we entered case 1 or 2?
                if (prevRunCount + runCount == max)
                    // Ban on the previous end of the run
                    if (runStartIndex == 0)
                        if (periodic)
                            banAt(indexCount - 1);
                        banAt(runStartIndex - 1);
 private static void Verify(string expression, Tristate expectedValue)
     Assert.Equal(expectedValue, EvaluateExpression(expression));
예제 #36
 /// <summary>
 /// 使用指定的初始值和比较器初始化 <see cref="UniqueValue{TValue}"/> 类的新实例。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">初始的设定值。</param>
 /// <param name="comparer">值相等的比较器。</param>
 public UniqueValue(TValue value, IEqualityComparer <TValue> comparer)
     : this(comparer)
     uniqueValue = value;
     isUnique    = Tristate.True;
 private static void Verify(string expression, Tristate expectedValue)
     Assert.Equal(expectedValue, EvaluateExpression(expression));
예제 #38
 private ComparisonStatus(Tristate state)
     childStatuses = new ComparisonStatuses();
     this.state = state;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="PersonRecord" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>PersonProper[].</returns>
 public PersonRecord[] GetPersonRecordArray(Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     return(collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full
                         ? clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personRecordArray.Clone <PersonRecord[]>() : this._personRecordArray
                         : clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personRecordArrayHalf.Clone <PersonRecord[]>() : this._personRecordArrayHalf);
예제 #40
 public static MarkerEvidence RosterShareBioParentOrGrandparent( Tristate tristate )
     switch ( tristate ) {
         case Tristate.No: return MarkerEvidence.Disconfirms;
         case Tristate.Yes: return MarkerEvidence.Consistent;
         case Tristate.DoNotKnow: return MarkerEvidence.Ambiguous;
         default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tristate", tristate, "This value is not permitted.");
예제 #41
 public void CopyFrom(ComparisonStatus comparisonStatus)
     state = comparisonStatus.state;
     if(childStatuses == null) throw new Exception("we are screwed");
 public static float? TranslateToR( Tristate shareBiomom, Tristate shareBiodad, bool mustDecide )
     if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.DoNotKnow && shareBiodad == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return null;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.No && shareBiodad == Tristate.No ) return RCoefficients.NotRelated;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.Yes && shareBiodad == Tristate.Yes ) return RCoefficients.SiblingFull;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.No && shareBiodad == Tristate.Yes ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalf;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.Yes && shareBiodad == Tristate.No ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalf;
     else if ( !mustDecide ) return null;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.DoNotKnow && shareBiodad == Tristate.No ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalfOrLess; //What does the team think about this?
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.No && shareBiodad == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalfOrLess; //What does the team think about this?
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.DoNotKnow && shareBiodad == Tristate.Yes ) return RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.Yes && shareBiodad == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
     else throw new InvalidOperationException("All conditions should have been caught.");
예제 #43
 internal unsafe void ChangeCase(char* src, int srcLen, char* dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)
     if (IsInvariant)
         Interop.GlobalizationInterop.ChangeCaseInvariant(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
         if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.NotInitialized)
             _needsTurkishCasing = NeedsTurkishCasing(_textInfoName) ? Tristate.True : Tristate.False;
         if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.True)
             Interop.GlobalizationInterop.ChangeCaseTurkish(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
             Interop.GlobalizationInterop.ChangeCase(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
예제 #44
        public void Update()
            if (duplicate != Tristate.False)
                if (duplicate == Tristate.True)
                if (this != part.Modules.OfType<TweakScale>().First())
                    Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                    Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                    Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                    duplicate = Tristate.True;
                duplicate = Tristate.False;

            if (scaleFactors.Length == 0)
                if (!invalidCfg)
                    invalidCfg = true;
                    Tools.LogWf("{0}({1}) has no valid scale factors. This is probably caused by an invalid TweakScale configuration for the part.",, part.partInfo.title);

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && currentScale >= 0f)
                bool changed = isFreeScale ? tweakScale != currentScale : currentScale != scaleFactors[tweakName];

                if (changed) // user has changed the scale tweakable
                    if (!isFreeScale)
                        tweakScale = scaleFactors[tweakName];


                    foreach (var updater in updaters)
                    currentScale = tweakScale;
                else if (part.transform.GetChild(0).localScale != savedScale) // editor frequently nukes our OnStart resize some time later

            foreach (var upd in updaters.OfType<IUpdateable>())
예제 #45
        private float? CalculateRExplicitPass1( Tristate isMZ, MultipleBirth multipleBirth )
            float? rExplicitPreTwin = null;
            if ( !RExplicitOldestSibVersion.HasValue && !RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.HasValue )
                rExplicitPreTwin = null;
            else if ( !RExplicitOldestSibVersion.HasValue )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( !RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.HasValue )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingFull && RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingHalf )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
            else if ( RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingFull && RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingHalf )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("All condition should have been caught.");

            return ExplicitAgreementWithTwins(isMZ, multipleBirth, rExplicitPreTwin);
            //return rExplicitPreTwin;
예제 #46
 public IActionResult Index(Tristate model)
예제 #47
 internal static float? ExplicitAgreementWithTwins( Tristate isMz, MultipleBirth multipleBirth, float? newRExplicit )
     if ( !newRExplicit.HasValue )
         return null;
     else if ( isMz == Tristate.Yes ) {
         Trace.Assert(newRExplicit >= RCoefficients.SiblingFull, "If the pair has been identified as MZ, their RExplicit should be >= .5.");
         return RCoefficients.MzTrue;
     else if ( isMz == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) {
         Trace.Assert(newRExplicit >= RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous, "If the pair has been identified as an ambiguous MZ, their RExplicit should be >= .5.");
         return RCoefficients.MzAmbiguous;
     else if ( multipleBirth == MultipleBirth.Trip || multipleBirth == MultipleBirth.Twin || multipleBirth == MultipleBirth.TwinOrTrip ) {
         Trace.Assert(newRExplicit >= RCoefficients.SiblingFull, "If the pair has been identified as Twin/Trip, their RExplicit should be >= .5.");
         return newRExplicit;
     else {
         return newRExplicit;
예제 #48
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new Tristate();

예제 #49
 /// <summary>
 /// 使用指定的初始值初始化 <see cref="UniqueValue{TValue}"/> 类的新实例。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">初始的设定值。</param>
 public UniqueValue(TValue value)
     : this()
     uniqueValue = value;
     isUnique    = Tristate.True;
예제 #50
 private static float? CalculateR( float? rFull, Tristate sameGeneration )
     if( !rFull.HasValue )
         return null;
     else if( Constants.Gen1RsToExcludeFromR.Contains(rFull.Value) )
         return null;
     else if( sameGeneration == Tristate.No )
         return null;
     else if( sameGeneration == Tristate.DoNotKnow )
         return null;
         return (float)rFull.Value;
예제 #51
파일: Options.cs 프로젝트: masaxsuzu/dn-fmt
        public Options()
            m_parser = new OptionParser();

                arg => m_symbolConfigurations.Add(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Specify a complete symbol configuration",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => m_ignoredSymbols.AddRange(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Ignore a list of symbols (treat as varying)",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => m_definedSymbols.AddRange(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Define a list of symbols (treat as always true)",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => m_disabledSymbols.AddRange(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Disable a list of symbols (treat as always disabled)",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => UndefinedSymbolValue = Tristate.Parse(arg),
                parameterUsage: "<false|true|varying>",
                description: "Set the default value for symbols which do not have a specified value (defaults to varying)");

                () => PrintDisabled = true,
                description: "Print the list of always disabled conditional regions");

                () => PrintEnabled = true,
                description: "Print the list of always enabled conditional regions");

                () => PrintVarying = true,
                description: "Print the list of varying conditional regions");

                () => PrintSymbolInfo = true,
                description: "Print the lists of uniquely specified preprocessor symbols, symbols visited during analysis, and symbols not encountered during analysis");

                () => PrintDisabled = PrintEnabled = PrintVarying = PrintSymbolInfo = true,
                description: "Print the entire list of conditional regions and the lists of preprocessor symbols (combination of printenabled, printdisabled, printvarying, and printsymbols)");

                () => Edit = true,
                "Perform edits to remove always enabled and always disabled conditional regions from source files, and simplify preprocessor expressions which evaluate to 'varying'");
예제 #52
        private Tristate AddressBiomom( Tristate explicitShare, Tristate implicitShare )
            Tristate biomomPass1 = (Tristate)_drValue.ShareBiomomPass1;
            if ( biomomPass1 != Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return biomomPass1;

            DataColumn dcPass1 = _dsLinks.tblRelatedValues.ShareBiomomPass1Column;
            PairShare[] pairs = PairShare.BuildRelatedPairsOfGen1Housemates(dcPass1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S2, _drLeft.ExtendedID, _dsLinks);

            InterpolateShare interpolate = new InterpolateShare(pairs);
            Tristate newShare = interpolate.Interpolate(_drLeft.SubjectTag_S1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            if ( newShare != Tristate.DoNotKnow )
                return newShare;
                return CommonFunctions.TakePriority(explicitShare, implicitShare);
예제 #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a Tristate value to a string value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="triValue">A value that can be either true, false, or unanswered.</param>
 /// <returns>A string if the value is true or false, or null if it is neither.</returns>
 protected string TristateToString(Tristate triValue)
     switch (triValue)
         case Tristate.True:
             return "true";
         case Tristate.False:
             return "false";
     return null;
예제 #54
 public IActionResult Recipe04(Tristate model)
예제 #55
        private void AddRosterRow( Int32 relatedID, byte rosterAssignmentID, Int16 responseLower, Int16 responseUpper, bool resolved, float r, float rBoundLower, float rBoundUpper,
			Tristate sameGeneration, Tristate shareBiodad, Tristate shareBiomom, Tristate shareBioGrandparent, bool inconsistent )
            LinksDataSet.tblRosterGen1Row drNew = _dsLinks.tblRosterGen1.NewtblRosterGen1Row();
            //drNew.ExtendedID = extendedID	;
            drNew.RelatedID = relatedID;
            drNew.RosterAssignmentID = rosterAssignmentID;
            drNew.ResponseLower = responseLower;
            drNew.ResponseUpper = responseUpper;
            drNew.Resolved = resolved;
            if ( float.IsNaN(r) ) drNew.SetRNull();
            else drNew.R = r;
            drNew.RBoundLower = rBoundLower;
            drNew.RBoundUpper = rBoundUpper;
            drNew.SameGeneration = (byte)sameGeneration;
            drNew.ShareBiodad = (byte)shareBiodad;
            drNew.ShareBiomom = (byte)shareBiomom;
            drNew.ShareBiograndparent = (byte)shareBioGrandparent;
            drNew.Inconsistent = inconsistent;
        private void AddRow( Int32 subjectTag, Int16 extendedID, Bioparent parent, Tristate inHH,  byte age, Int16 yearInHH )
            //lock ( _ds.tblFatherOfGen2 ) {
            LinksDataSet.tblParentsOfGen1RetroRow drNew = _ds.tblParentsOfGen1Retro.NewtblParentsOfGen1RetroRow();
            drNew.SubjectTag = subjectTag;
            drNew.ExtendedID = extendedID;
            drNew.Bioparent = (byte)parent;

            if ( inHH==Tristate.DoNotKnow ) drNew.SetInHHNull();
            else drNew.InHH = (inHH==Tristate.Yes);

            drNew.Age = age;
            drNew.Year = yearInHH;
예제 #57
파일: TextInfo.cs 프로젝트: xzipup/corefx
        private void PopulateIsAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant()
            bool compareResult = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(_textInfoName).CompareInfo.Compare("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0;

            _isAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant = (compareResult) ? Tristate.True : Tristate.False;
        private Int32 ProcessForOneParent( Tristate bothParentsAlways, Bioparent parent,Int16 yob, LinksDataSet.tblSubjectRow drSubject, LinksDataSet.tblResponseDataTable dtExtendedResponse )
            const byte loopIndexForNever = 255;
            byte[] loopIndicesAndAges = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 };
            Int32 recordsAdded = 0;
            Item item;
            switch ( parent ) {
                case Bioparent.Dad: item = Item.Gen1LivedWithFatherAtAgeX; break;
                case Bioparent.Mom: item = Item.Gen1LivedWithMotherAtAgeX; break;
                default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("parent");
            Tristate responseEver = DetermineOneParentEverInHH(item, _surveyYear, drSubject.SubjectTag, loopIndexForNever, dtExtendedResponse);

            foreach ( byte loopIndexAndAge in loopIndicesAndAges ) {
                Tristate inHH;
                if ( bothParentsAlways == Tristate.Yes )
                    inHH =	Tristate.Yes;
                else if ( responseEver == Tristate.DoNotKnow )
                    inHH = Tristate.DoNotKnow;
                else if ( responseEver == Tristate.Yes )
                    inHH = DetermineParentInHH(Item.Gen1LivedWithFatherAtAgeX, _surveyYear, drSubject.SubjectTag, loopIndexAndAge, dtExtendedResponse);
                else if ( responseEver == Tristate.No )
                    inHH = Tristate.No;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The execution shouldn't have gotten to here in the 'ProcessForOneParent' function.");

                Int16 yearInHH = Convert.ToInt16(yob + loopIndexAndAge);
                AddRow(drSubject.SubjectTag, drSubject.ExtendedID, parent, inHH: inHH, age: loopIndexAndAge, yearInHH: yearInHH);
                recordsAdded += 1; ;
            return recordsAdded;
예제 #59
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[].</returns>
 public Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[] GetCoordinateArray(Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     return(collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full
                         ? clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateArray.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[]>() : this._coordinateArray
                         : clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateArrayHalf.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[]>() : this._coordinateArrayHalf);
예제 #60
 //public const float LowestRelatedR = (float)(1 / 64);
 public static MarkerEvidence RosterSameGeneration( Tristate tristate )
     switch ( tristate ) {
         case Tristate.No: return MarkerEvidence.Disconfirms;
         case Tristate.Yes: return MarkerEvidence.StronglySupports;
         case Tristate.DoNotKnow: return MarkerEvidence.Ambiguous;
         default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tristate", tristate, "This value is not permitted.");