public RParentChild( LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft )
            //ImportDataSet dsImport, , LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _drLeft = drLeft;
            _idRelatedLeft = _drLeft.ID;
            _drBare1 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drBare2 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            Trace.Assert(_drBare1.Generation != _drBare2.Generation, "The generation should not be the same for a parent-child relationship.");

            _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
            _isMZ = Tristate.No;

            //For IAssignPass1
            _rImplicitPass1 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rImplicit2004 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = null;
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = null;
            _rExplicitPass1 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rPass1 = RCoefficients.ParentChild;

            //For IAssignPass2
            _rImplicit = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rImplicitSubject = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rImplicitMother = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rExplicit = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rFull = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
            _rPeek = RCoefficients.ParentChild;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Update()
            if (duplicate != Tristate.False)
                if (duplicate == Tristate.True)
                if (this != part.Modules.OfType <TweakScale>().First())
                    Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                    Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                    Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor  = false;
                    duplicate = Tristate.True;
                duplicate = Tristate.False;

            if (scaleFactors.Length == 0)
                if (!invalidCfg)
                    invalidCfg = true;
                    Tools.LogWf("{0}({1}) has no valid scale factors. This is probably caused by an invalid TweakScale configuration for the part.",, part.partInfo.title);

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && currentScale >= 0f)
                bool changed = isFreeScale ? tweakScale != currentScale : currentScale != scaleFactors[tweakName];

                if (changed) // user has changed the scale tweakable
                    if (!isFreeScale)
                        tweakScale = scaleFactors[tweakName];


                    foreach (var updater in updaters)
                    currentScale = tweakScale;
                else if (part.transform.GetChild(0).localScale != savedScale) // editor frequently nukes our OnStart resize some time later

            foreach (var upd in updaters.OfType <IUpdateable>())
Esempio n. 3
        internal unsafe void IcuChangeCase(char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)

            if (IsInvariant)
                Interop.Globalization.ChangeCaseInvariant(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
                if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.NotInitialized)
                    _needsTurkishCasing = NeedsTurkishCasing(_textInfoName) ? Tristate.True : Tristate.False;
                if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.True)
                    Interop.Globalization.ChangeCaseTurkish(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
                    Interop.Globalization.ChangeCase(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="CoordinateProper" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>CoordinateProper[].</returns>
 public CoordinateProper[] GetCoordinateProperArray(
     Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     return(collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full
                         ? clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateProperArray.Clone <CoordinateProper[]>() : this._coordinateProperArray
                         : clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateProperArrayHalf.Clone <CoordinateProper[]>() : this._coordinateProperArrayHalf);
 public static Tristate TakePriority( Tristate priority1, Tristate priority2 )
     if ( priority1 != Tristate.DoNotKnow )
         return priority1;
         return priority2;//Which still may be 'DoNotKnow'
Esempio n. 6
        public IActionResult Recipe04()
            Tristate model = new Tristate {
                NullableBoolValue = null

Esempio n. 7
        public static IEnumerable <Type> FindDerivedTypes([NotNull] Type baseType, Tristate classOnly)
            var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppContext.BaseDirectory);

            classOnly = classOnly.ArgumentDefined(nameof(classOnly));

            return(FindDerivedTypes(new DirectoryInfo(path), SearchOption.AllDirectories, baseType, classOnly));
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            // The current chunk, converted from UTF8
            string text = null;

            // If this is the first chunk of this HTTP response
            if (this._ignore == Tristate.Undefined)
                if (Sitecore.Context.Site == null ||
                    (HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType != "text/html" && HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType != "text/xml"))
                    this._ignore = Tristate.True;

            // If we don't know to ignore this chunk
            if (this._ignore != Tristate.True)
                // Convert the UTF8 to text
                text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);

                // If this is the first chunk for this response
                if (this._response == null)
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(text, "<html", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                        this._response = new StringBuilder();
                        this._ignore   = Tristate.False;
                        this._ignore = Tristate.True;

            // If we're ignoring this chunk, just write it to the stream
            if (this._ignore != Tristate.False)
                // It should not be possible for this assert to throw
                Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsTrue(this._ignore != Tristate.Undefined, "this._ignore != Tristate.Undefined");
                this._output.Write(buffer, offset, count);
                Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(text, "text");
                // Add this chunk to the buffer););

                // If it's the last chunk
                if (Regex.IsMatch(text, "</html>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    text = this._response.ToString();
                    text = Regex.Replace(text, "my\\s*company", "myCompany", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    this._output.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text));
 public static Tristate SalvageHalfSib( Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject1, Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject2 )
     if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) || (anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) )
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
     else if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.Yes && anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.No) || (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.No && anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.Yes) )
         return Tristate.No;
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
 public static Tristate SalvageFullSib( Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject1, Tristate anchorSharesWithSubject2 )
     if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) || (anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.DoNotKnow) )
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
     else if ( (anchorSharesWithSubject1 == Tristate.Yes) && (anchorSharesWithSubject2 == Tristate.Yes) )
         return Tristate.Yes;
         return Tristate.DoNotKnow;
Esempio n. 11
 public PairShare( Int32 subjectTag1, Int32 subjectTag2, Int32 relatedID, Tristate share )
     if ( !(subjectTag1 < subjectTag2) ) throw new ArgumentException("subjectTag1 must be less than SubjectTag2.");
     _subjectTag1 = subjectTag1;
     _subjectTag2 = subjectTag2;
     _relatedID = relatedID;
     _share = share;
     _isInterpolated = false;
        public RGen2Cousins( LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft )
            //ImportDataSet dsImport, , LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _idRelatedLeft = drLeft.ID;

            _drBare1 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drBare2 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            Trace.Assert(_drBare1.Generation == (byte)Generation.Gen2, "The generation should be Gen2.");
            Trace.Assert(_drBare2.Generation == (byte)Generation.Gen2, "The generation should be Gen2.");

            _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
            _isMZ = Tristate.No;

            LinksDataSet.tblRelatedValuesRow drValuesOfGen1Housemates = Gen1HousematesValues(_drBare1.SubjectTag, _drBare2.SubjectTag);//RelatedValues.Retrieve(_dsLinks, _path,
            //For IAssignPass1
            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitPass1Null() ) _rImplicitPass1 = null;
            else _rImplicitPass1 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicitPass1);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicit2004Null() ) _rImplicit2004 = null;
            else _rImplicit2004 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicit2004);

            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = null;
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = null;

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRExplicitPass1Null() ) _rExplicitPass1 = null;
            else _rExplicitPass1 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RExplicitPass1);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRPass1Null() ) _rPass1 = null;
            else _rPass1 = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RPass1); ;

            //For IAssignPass2
            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitNull() ) _rImplicit = null;
            else _rImplicit = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicit);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitSubjectNull() ) _rImplicitSubject = null;
            else _rImplicitSubject = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicitSubject);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRImplicitMotherNull() ) _rImplicitMother = null;
            else _rImplicitMother = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RImplicitMother);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRExplicitNull() ) _rExplicit = null;
            else _rExplicit = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RExplicit);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRNull() ) _r= null;
            else _r= (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.R);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRFullNull() ) _rFull = null;
            else _rFull = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RFull);

            if ( drValuesOfGen1Housemates.IsRPeekNull() ) _rPeek = null;
            else _rPeek = (float)(RCoefficients.ParentChild * RCoefficients.ParentChild * drValuesOfGen1Housemates.RPeek);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="Person" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[].</returns>
 public Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[] GetPersonValArray(Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     if (collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full)
         return(clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personValArray.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[]>() : this._personValArray);
         return(clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personValArrayHalf.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Person[]>() : this._personValArrayHalf);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a Tristate value to a string value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triValue">A value that can be either true, false, or unanswered.</param>
        /// <returns>A string if the value is true or false, or null if it is neither.</returns>
        protected string TristateToString(Tristate triValue)
            switch (triValue)
            case Tristate.True:

            case Tristate.False:
Esempio n. 15
 public void Notify(int index, Tristate before, Tristate after)
     if (after.IsYes())
         VisitNearby(index, false);
     if (before.IsYes())
         // Must be backtracking.
         // The main backtrack mechanism will handle undoing bans, and
         // undos are always in order, so we just need to reverse VisitNearby
         VisitNearby(index, true);
Esempio n. 16
            public void Notify(int index, Tristate before, Tristate after)
                switch (before)
                case Tristate.No: NoCount--; break;

                case Tristate.Maybe: MaybeCount--; break;

                case Tristate.Yes: YesCount--; break;
                switch (after)
                case Tristate.No: NoCount++; break;

                case Tristate.Maybe: MaybeCount++; break;

                case Tristate.Yes: YesCount++; break;
Esempio n. 17
        public static string ConcatToString([NotNull] string delimiter, Tristate addLineFeed, params string[] args)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (args.Length > 0)
                for (var argCount = 0; argCount < args.Length; argCount++)
                    var value = args[argCount];

                    if (addLineFeed is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                        //TODO: THIS CONDITION NOT BEING TESTED
                        _ = sb.AppendLine(value);
                        _ = sb.Append(string.Concat(value, delimiter));
        private void _createInventoryGroupPermission( CswNbtObjClassRole Role, Tristate Request, Tristate Receive )
            CswNbtMetaDataNodeType InventoryGroupPermissionNT = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getNodeType( "Inventory Group Permission" );
            if( InventoryGroupPermissionNT != null && InventoryGroupNode != null )
                CswNbtObjClassInventoryGroupPermission InvGrpPermNode = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.Nodes.makeNodeFromNodeTypeId( InventoryGroupPermissionNT.NodeTypeId, CswNbtNodeCollection.MakeNodeOperation.WriteNode );

                InvGrpPermNode.InventoryGroup.RelatedNodeId = InventoryGroupNode.NodeId;
                InvGrpPermNode.Role.RelatedNodeId = Role.NodeId;
                InvGrpPermNode.View.Checked = Tristate.True;
                InvGrpPermNode.Edit.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text != "CISPro_View_Only" );
                InvGrpPermNode.Dispense.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text != "CISPro_View_Only" );
                InvGrpPermNode.Request.Checked = Request;
                InvGrpPermNode.Dispose.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text != "CISPro_View_Only" );
                InvGrpPermNode.Undispose.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( Role.Name.Text == "CISPro_Admin" );
                //InvGrpPermNode.Receive.Checked = Receive;

                InvGrpPermNode.postChanges( false );
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if there is more than one TweakScale instance on this part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if duplicates exist, false otherwise.</returns>
        private bool CheckForDuplicateTweakScale()
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.False)
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.True)

            if (this != part.GetComponent <TweakScale>())
                Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor  = false;
                _duplicate = Tristate.True;
            _duplicate = Tristate.False;
Esempio n. 20
        public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");

            if (!CDNSettings.Enabled)

            bool shouldFilter = (Sitecore.Context.Item != null || CDNManager.ShouldProcessRequest(args.Url.FilePathWithQueryString)) && // if an item is resolved (this is a page request) or file ext is listed in <processRequests>
                                !CDNManager.ShouldExcludeProcessRequest(args.Url.FilePathWithQueryString) &&                            // if the url is not on the excluded list
                                Sitecore.Context.Site != null &&                                                                        // and a site was resolved
                                Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsNormal &&                                                                   // and the site is not in editing mode
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CDNManager.GetCDNHostName());                                                     // and the current site is not in the excluded sites list

            // querystring cdn=1  to force replacement
            // querystring cdn=0  to force no replacement
            Tristate force = MainUtil.GetTristate(WebUtil.GetQueryString("cdn"), Tristate.Undefined);

            if (force == Tristate.False)
                shouldFilter = false;
            else if (force == Tristate.True)
                shouldFilter = true;

            if (shouldFilter)
                var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
                if (response != null)
                    // replace the default response filter stream with our replacer filter
                    response.Filter = new MediaUrlFilter(response.Filter);
        public static string ConcatToString(string delimiter, Tristate addLineFeed, [NotNull] params string[] args)
            // TODO: ADD UNIT TEST!

            delimiter = delimiter.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty();
            args      = args.ArgumentNotNull();

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (args.Length > 0)
                for (var argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < args.Length; argumentIndex++)
                    var value = args[argumentIndex];

                    if (addLineFeed is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                        _ = sb.AppendLine(value);
                        _ = sb.Append(string.Concat(value, delimiter));
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// 将值重置为未设置状态。
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
     isUnique = Tristate.NotSure;
Esempio n. 23
 public void SetInterpolatedShare( Tristate share )
     if ( _share !=  Tristate.DoNotKnow) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The relationship for {0} and {1} already has a share value of {2}.", _subjectTag1, _subjectTag2, _share));
     _share = share;
     _isInterpolated = true;
Esempio n. 24
        public RGen2Pass1( ImportDataSet dsImport, LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight )
            if ( dsImport == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsImport");
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( drRight == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drRight");
            if ( dsImport.tblLinks2004Gen2.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblLinks2004Gen2 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMzManual.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMzManual must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubjectDetails must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMarkerGen2.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMarkerGen2 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            _dsImport = dsImport;
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _drLeft = drLeft;
            _drRight = drRight;
            _idRelatedLeft = _drLeft.ID;
            _idRelatedRight = _drRight.ID;
            _drBare1 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drBare2 = _dsLinks.tblSubject.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            _drSubjectDetails1 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drSubjectDetails2 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            _extendedID = _drLeft.tblSubjectRowByFK_tblRelatedStructure_tblSubject_Subject1.ExtendedID;

            if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls <= _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {//This is the way it usually is.  Recall twins were assigned tied birth orders
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedLeft;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedRight;
            else if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls > _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedRight;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedLeft;

            _dtMarkersGen2 = MarkerGen2.PairRelevantMarkerRows(_idRelatedLeft, _idRelatedRight, _dsLinks, _extendedID);

            LinksDataSet.tblMzManualRow drMzManual = Retrieve.MzManualRecord(_drBare1, _drBare2, _dsLinks);
            if ( drMzManual == null ) {
                _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
                _isMZ = Tristate.No;
            else {
                _multipleBirth = (MultipleBirth)drMzManual.MultipleBirthIfSameSex;
                _isMZ = (Tristate)drMzManual.IsMz;
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyDeathDate = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyDeathDate, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyAlive = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyAlive, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyInHH = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyInHH, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyLeftHHDate = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyLeftHHDate, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyDistanceFromHH = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyDistanceFromHH, _dtMarkersGen2);
            MarkerEvidence babyDaddyAsthma = MarkerGen2.RetrieveBiodadMarkerFromGen1(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.BabyDaddyAsthma, _dtMarkersGen2);

            _rImplicitPass1 = CalculateRImplicitPass1(babyDaddyDeathDate, babyDaddyAlive, babyDaddyInHH, babyDaddyLeftHHDate, babyDaddyDistanceFromHH, babyDaddyAsthma);
            //_rImplicit not set;
            _rImplicit2004 = RetrieveRImplicit2004();
            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitOldestSibVersion();
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitYoungestSibVersion();
            _rExplicitPass1 = CalculateRExplicitPass1(_isMZ, _multipleBirth);
            //_rExplicit not set;
            _rPass1 = CalculateRPass1();
            //_r not set;
            //_rPeek not set;
Esempio n. 25
 internal static Tristate ReadConfigurationTristate(string settingName, Tristate defaultValue)
     return(ReadConfigurationEnum <Tristate>(settingName, defaultValue));
        public static bool AddRange <T>([NotNull] this ICollection <T> collection, [NotNull] IEnumerable <T> items, Tristate ensureUnique = Tristate.False)
            items      = items.ArgumentNotNull();
            collection = collection.ArgumentNotNull().ArgumentNotReadOnly();

            var returnValue = false;

            if (items.HasItems())
                .ForEach(item =>
                    if (ensureUnique is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                        _           = collection.AddIfNotExists(item);
                        returnValue = true;
                        returnValue = true;
Esempio n. 27
        public static void AppendKeyValue([NotNull] this StringBuilder sb, [NotNull] string key, [NotNull] string value, Tristate includeQuotes = Tristate.True, Tristate includeComma = Tristate.True)
            sb            = sb.ArgumentNotNull();
            key           = key.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty();
            value         = value.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty();
            includeQuotes = includeQuotes.ArgumentDefined();
            includeComma  = includeComma.ArgumentDefined();

            _ = sb.Append(key);
            _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Equal);

            if (includeQuotes is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault)
                _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Quote);
                var lastSpecialIndex = 0;
                int specialIndex;

                while (true)
                    specialIndex = value.IndexOfAny(_specialCharacters, lastSpecialIndex);

                    if (specialIndex >= 0)
                        _ = sb.Append(value, lastSpecialIndex, specialIndex - lastSpecialIndex);
                        _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Backslash);
                        _ = sb.Append(value[specialIndex]);
                        lastSpecialIndex = specialIndex + 1;
                        _ = sb.Append(value, lastSpecialIndex, value.Length - lastSpecialIndex);
                _ = sb.Append(ControlChars.Quote);
        private void Verify(string source, Tristate[] expectedStates, string[] preprocessorSymbolsA = null, string[] preprocessorSymbolsB = null)
            if (preprocessorSymbolsA == null)
                preprocessorSymbolsA = s_defaultPreprocessorSymbolsA;
            if (preprocessorSymbolsB == null)
                preprocessorSymbolsB = s_defaultPreprocessorSymbolsB;

            var projectA = CreateSolution(new[] { source }).Projects.Single();
            var engine = AnalysisEngine.FromProjects(
                new[] { projectA },
                symbolConfigurations: new[] { preprocessorSymbolsA, preprocessorSymbolsB });

            var regionInfo = engine.GetConditionalRegionInfo().Result.Single();
            var regions = regionInfo.Chains.SelectMany(c => c.Regions).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(expectedStates.Length, regions.Length);

            // Make sure the state of each region is what we expect
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedStates.Length; i++)
                var expectedState = expectedStates[i];
                var region = regions[i];
                if (expectedState != region.State)
                    Assert.False(true, string.Format("The state of the region on line {0} is {1}, expected {2}: {3}",
 public TranslateContainer( Tristate state1, Tristate state2, float? r )
     State1 = state1;
     State2 = state2;
     R = r;
Esempio n. 30
        private float? _rPass1 = float.NaN; //  float.NaN;

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public RGen1Pass1( ImportDataSet dsImport, LinksDataSet dsLinks, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drLeft, LinksDataSet.tblRelatedStructureRow drRight )
            if ( dsImport == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsImport");
            if ( dsLinks == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("dsLinks");
            if ( drLeft == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drLeft");
            if ( drRight == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("drRight");
            if ( dsImport.tblLinks2004Gen1.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblLinks2004Gen1 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMzManual.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMzManual must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubject.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubject must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblRosterGen1.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblRosterGen1 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblMarkerGen1.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblMarkerGen2 must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");
            if ( dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.Count == 0 ) throw new InvalidOperationException("tblSubjectDetails must NOT be empty before assigning R values from it.");

            _dsImport = dsImport;
            _dsLinks = dsLinks;
            _drLeft = drLeft;
            _drRight = drRight;
            _idRelatedLeft = _drLeft.ID;
            _idRelatedRight = _drRight.ID;
            _drSubjectDetails1 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S1);
            _drSubjectDetails2 = _dsLinks.tblSubjectDetails.FindBySubjectTag(drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            _extendedID = _drLeft.tblSubjectRowByFK_tblRelatedStructure_tblSubject_Subject1.ExtendedID;

            //LinksDataSet.tblRosterGen1Row drRoster = _dsLinks.tblRosterGen1.FindByRelatedID(drLeft.ID);
            //Tristate rosterShareBiomom = (Tristate)drRoster.ShareBiomom;
            //Tristate rosterShareBiodad = (Tristate)drRoster.ShareBiodad;
            //if ( drRoster.IsRNull() ) _rRoster = null;
            //else _rRoster = (float)drRoster.R;

            if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls <= _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {//This is the way it usually is.  Remember that twins were assigned tied birth orders
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedLeft;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedRight;
            else if ( _drSubjectDetails1.BirthOrderInNls > _drSubjectDetails2.BirthOrderInNls ) {
                _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger = _idRelatedRight;
                _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder = _idRelatedLeft;

            _dtMarkersGen1 = MarkerGen1.PairRelevantMarkerRows(_idRelatedLeft, _idRelatedRight, _dsLinks, _extendedID);

            LinksDataSet.tblMzManualRow drMz = Retrieve.MzManualRecord(_drLeft.SubjectTag_S1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S2, _dsLinks);

            if ( drMz == null ) {
                _multipleBirth = MultipleBirth.No;
                _isMZ = Tristate.No;
                _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.DoNotKnow;
            else {
                _multipleBirth = (MultipleBirth)drMz.MultipleBirthIfSameSex;
                _isMZ = (Tristate)drMz.IsMz;
                if ( drMz.IsRelatedNull() ) _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.DoNotKnow;
                else if ( drMz.Related ) _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.Yes;
                else _isRelatedInMzManual = Tristate.No;

            MarkerEvidence explicitBiomomFromOlder = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiomom, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger);
            MarkerEvidence explicitBiodadFromOlder = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiodad, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedOlderAboutYounger);
            MarkerEvidence explicitBiomomFromYounger = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiomom, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder);
            MarkerEvidence explicitBiodadFromYounger = ReduceShareBioparentToOne(MarkerType.ShareBiodad, ItemYears.Gen1ShareBioparent.Length, _idRelatedYoungerAboutOlder);

            MarkerEvidence biomomInHH1979 = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerMultiYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiomomInHH, 1979, Bioparent.Mom, _dtMarkersGen1);
            MarkerEvidence biodadInHH1979 = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerMultiYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiodadInHH, 1979, Bioparent.Dad, _dtMarkersGen1);

            MarkerEvidence biomomDeathAge = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerSingleYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiomomDeathAge, Bioparent.Mom, _dtMarkersGen1);
            MarkerEvidence biodadDeathAge = MarkerGen1.RetrieveParentMarkerSingleYear(_idRelatedOlderAboutYounger, MarkerType.Gen1BiodadDeathAge, Bioparent.Dad, _dtMarkersGen1);

            _explicitShareBiomomPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateEvidenceToTristate(explicitBiomomFromOlder, explicitBiomomFromYounger);
            _explicitShareBiodadPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateEvidenceToTristate(explicitBiodadFromOlder, explicitBiodadFromYounger);

            _implicitShareBiomomPass1 = ImplicitShareBioparent(inHH1979: biomomInHH1979, deathAge: biomomDeathAge);
            _implicitShareBiodadPass1 = ImplicitShareBioparent(inHH1979: biodadInHH1979, deathAge: biodadDeathAge);

            _shareBiomomPass1 = CommonFunctions.TakePriority(_explicitShareBiomomPass1, _implicitShareBiomomPass1);
            _shareBiodadPass1 = CommonFunctions.TakePriority(_explicitShareBiodadPass1, _implicitShareBiodadPass1);

            _rExplicitOldestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitSingleSibVersion(explicitBiomomFromOlder, explicitBiodadFromOlder);
            _rExplicitYoungestSibVersion = CalculateRExplicitSingleSibVersion(explicitBiomomFromYounger, explicitBiodadFromYounger);
            _rExplicitPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateToR(shareBiomom: _explicitShareBiomomPass1, shareBiodad: _explicitShareBiodadPass1, mustDecide: false);

            _rImplicitPass1 = CommonFunctions.TranslateToR(shareBiomom: _implicitShareBiomomPass1, shareBiodad: _implicitShareBiodadPass1, mustDecide: false);
            _rImplicit2004 = RetrieveRImplicit2004();

            _rPass1 = CalculateRFull(shareBiomom: _shareBiomomPass1, shareBiodad: _shareBiodadPass1,
                multiple: _multipleBirth, isMZ: _isMZ, isRelatedInMZManual: _isRelatedInMzManual, idRelated: _idRelatedLeft, dtRoster: _dsLinks.tblRosterGen1);
Esempio n. 31
        public static float? CalculateRFull( Tristate shareBiomom, Tristate shareBiodad, MultipleBirth multiple, Tristate isMZ, Tristate isRelatedInMZManual, Int32 idRelated, LinksDataSet.tblRosterGen1DataTable dtRoster )
            float? rRoster = CalculateRRoster(idRelated, dtRoster);

            if ( isMZ == BaseAssembly.Tristate.Yes ) {
                return RCoefficients.MzTrue;
            else if ( isRelatedInMZManual == Tristate.No ) {
                return RCoefficients.NotRelated; //Of the 21 Gen1 subjects in tblMZManual with Related=0, 17 ended up with R=0 (as of 11/9/2012).  1 was assigned R=.5; 3 were assigned R=NULL (which I want to override now here, looking at the DOB differences).
            else if ( isMZ == BaseAssembly.Tristate.DoNotKnow && isRelatedInMZManual == Tristate.Yes ) {
                Trace.Assert(multiple == MultipleBirth.Twin || multiple == MultipleBirth.Trip || multiple == MultipleBirth.TwinOrTrip, "To be assigned full sib, they've got to be assigned to be a twin/trip.");
                return RCoefficients.MzAmbiguous;
            else if ( multiple == MultipleBirth.Twin || multiple == MultipleBirth.Trip || multiple == MultipleBirth.TwinOrTrip ) {
                return RCoefficients.SiblingFull;
            else if ( rRoster.HasValue ) {
                return rRoster;
            else {
                //The implicits & explicits were already combined to get the values of shareBiomom & shareBiodad.
                return CommonFunctions.TranslateToR(shareBiomom: shareBiomom, shareBiodad: shareBiodad, mustDecide: false);
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if there is more than one TweakScale instance on this part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if duplicates exist, false otherwise.</returns>
        private bool CheckForDuplicateTweakScale()
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.False)
                return false;
            if (_duplicate == Tristate.True)
                return true;

            if (this != part.GetComponent<TweakScale>())
                Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                _duplicate = Tristate.True;
                return true;
            _duplicate = Tristate.False;
            return false;
Esempio n. 33
 public Tristate And(Tristate one, Tristate two)
     if (Tristate.Eager.Equals(one) || Tristate.Eager.Equals(two))
         return Tristate.Eager;
     if( Tristate.DontKnow.Equals(one))
         return two;
     if( Tristate.DontKnow.Equals(two))
         return one;
     return Tristate.Lazy;
            public bool Next(int index, Tristate selected)
                switch (state)
                case State.Initial:
                    if (selected.IsYes())
                        state         = State.InRun;
                        runCount      = 1;
                        runStartIndex = index;

                case State.JustAfterRun:
                    if (selected.IsYes())
                        state         = State.InRun;
                        runCount      = 1;
                        runStartIndex = index;
                        goto checkCases;
                        state        = State.Initial;
                        prevRunCount = 0;
                        runCount     = 0;

                case State.InRun:
                    if (selected.IsYes())
                        state     = State.InRun;
                        runCount += 1;
                        if (runCount > max)
                            // Immediate contradiction
                        goto checkCases;
                        // Also case 1.
                        if (runCount == max)
                            if (selected.Possible())
                        state        = State.JustAfterRun;
                        prevRunCount = runCount;
                        runCount     = 0;
                // Unreachable
                throw new Exception("Unreachable");
                // Have we entered case 1 or 2?
                if (prevRunCount + runCount == max)
                    // Ban on the previous end of the run
                    if (runStartIndex == 0)
                        if (periodic)
                            banAt(indexCount - 1);
                        banAt(runStartIndex - 1);
 private static void Verify(string expression, Tristate expectedValue)
     Assert.Equal(expectedValue, EvaluateExpression(expression));
Esempio n. 36
 /// <summary>
 /// 使用指定的初始值和比较器初始化 <see cref="UniqueValue{TValue}"/> 类的新实例。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">初始的设定值。</param>
 /// <param name="comparer">值相等的比较器。</param>
 public UniqueValue(TValue value, IEqualityComparer <TValue> comparer)
     : this(comparer)
     uniqueValue = value;
     isUnique    = Tristate.True;
 private static void Verify(string expression, Tristate expectedValue)
     Assert.Equal(expectedValue, EvaluateExpression(expression));
Esempio n. 38
 private ComparisonStatus(Tristate state)
     childStatuses = new ComparisonStatuses();
     this.state = state;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="PersonRecord" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>PersonProper[].</returns>
 public PersonRecord[] GetPersonRecordArray(Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     return(collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full
                         ? clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personRecordArray.Clone <PersonRecord[]>() : this._personRecordArray
                         : clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._personRecordArrayHalf.Clone <PersonRecord[]>() : this._personRecordArrayHalf);
 public static MarkerEvidence RosterShareBioParentOrGrandparent( Tristate tristate )
     switch ( tristate ) {
         case Tristate.No: return MarkerEvidence.Disconfirms;
         case Tristate.Yes: return MarkerEvidence.Consistent;
         case Tristate.DoNotKnow: return MarkerEvidence.Ambiguous;
         default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tristate", tristate, "This value is not permitted.");
Esempio n. 41
 public void CopyFrom(ComparisonStatus comparisonStatus)
     state = comparisonStatus.state;
     if(childStatuses == null) throw new Exception("we are screwed");
 public static float? TranslateToR( Tristate shareBiomom, Tristate shareBiodad, bool mustDecide )
     if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.DoNotKnow && shareBiodad == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return null;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.No && shareBiodad == Tristate.No ) return RCoefficients.NotRelated;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.Yes && shareBiodad == Tristate.Yes ) return RCoefficients.SiblingFull;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.No && shareBiodad == Tristate.Yes ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalf;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.Yes && shareBiodad == Tristate.No ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalf;
     else if ( !mustDecide ) return null;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.DoNotKnow && shareBiodad == Tristate.No ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalfOrLess; //What does the team think about this?
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.No && shareBiodad == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return RCoefficients.SiblingHalfOrLess; //What does the team think about this?
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.DoNotKnow && shareBiodad == Tristate.Yes ) return RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
     else if ( shareBiomom == Tristate.Yes && shareBiodad == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
     else throw new InvalidOperationException("All conditions should have been caught.");
Esempio n. 43
 internal unsafe void ChangeCase(char* src, int srcLen, char* dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)
     if (IsInvariant)
         Interop.GlobalizationInterop.ChangeCaseInvariant(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
         if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.NotInitialized)
             _needsTurkishCasing = NeedsTurkishCasing(_textInfoName) ? Tristate.True : Tristate.False;
         if (_needsTurkishCasing == Tristate.True)
             Interop.GlobalizationInterop.ChangeCaseTurkish(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
             Interop.GlobalizationInterop.ChangeCase(src, srcLen, dstBuffer, dstBufferCapacity, bToUpper);
Esempio n. 44
        public void Update()
            if (duplicate != Tristate.False)
                if (duplicate == Tristate.True)
                if (this != part.Modules.OfType<TweakScale>().First())
                    Tools.LogWf("Duplicate TweakScale module on part [{0}] {1}",, part.partInfo.title);
                    Fields["tweakScale"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                    Fields["tweakName"].guiActiveEditor = false;
                    duplicate = Tristate.True;
                duplicate = Tristate.False;

            if (scaleFactors.Length == 0)
                if (!invalidCfg)
                    invalidCfg = true;
                    Tools.LogWf("{0}({1}) has no valid scale factors. This is probably caused by an invalid TweakScale configuration for the part.",, part.partInfo.title);

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && currentScale >= 0f)
                bool changed = isFreeScale ? tweakScale != currentScale : currentScale != scaleFactors[tweakName];

                if (changed) // user has changed the scale tweakable
                    if (!isFreeScale)
                        tweakScale = scaleFactors[tweakName];


                    foreach (var updater in updaters)
                    currentScale = tweakScale;
                else if (part.transform.GetChild(0).localScale != savedScale) // editor frequently nukes our OnStart resize some time later

            foreach (var upd in updaters.OfType<IUpdateable>())
Esempio n. 45
        private float? CalculateRExplicitPass1( Tristate isMZ, MultipleBirth multipleBirth )
            float? rExplicitPreTwin = null;
            if ( !RExplicitOldestSibVersion.HasValue && !RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.HasValue )
                rExplicitPreTwin = null;
            else if ( !RExplicitOldestSibVersion.HasValue )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( !RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.HasValue )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value;
            else if ( RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingFull && RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingHalf )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
            else if ( RExplicitYoungestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingFull && RExplicitOldestSibVersion.Value == RCoefficients.SiblingHalf )
                rExplicitPreTwin = RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("All condition should have been caught.");

            return ExplicitAgreementWithTwins(isMZ, multipleBirth, rExplicitPreTwin);
            //return rExplicitPreTwin;
Esempio n. 46
 public IActionResult Index(Tristate model)
Esempio n. 47
 internal static float? ExplicitAgreementWithTwins( Tristate isMz, MultipleBirth multipleBirth, float? newRExplicit )
     if ( !newRExplicit.HasValue )
         return null;
     else if ( isMz == Tristate.Yes ) {
         Trace.Assert(newRExplicit >= RCoefficients.SiblingFull, "If the pair has been identified as MZ, their RExplicit should be >= .5.");
         return RCoefficients.MzTrue;
     else if ( isMz == Tristate.DoNotKnow ) {
         Trace.Assert(newRExplicit >= RCoefficients.SiblingAmbiguous, "If the pair has been identified as an ambiguous MZ, their RExplicit should be >= .5.");
         return RCoefficients.MzAmbiguous;
     else if ( multipleBirth == MultipleBirth.Trip || multipleBirth == MultipleBirth.Twin || multipleBirth == MultipleBirth.TwinOrTrip ) {
         Trace.Assert(newRExplicit >= RCoefficients.SiblingFull, "If the pair has been identified as Twin/Trip, their RExplicit should be >= .5.");
         return newRExplicit;
     else {
         return newRExplicit;
Esempio n. 48
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new Tristate();

Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// 使用指定的初始值初始化 <see cref="UniqueValue{TValue}"/> 类的新实例。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">初始的设定值。</param>
 public UniqueValue(TValue value)
     : this()
     uniqueValue = value;
     isUnique    = Tristate.True;
Esempio n. 50
 private static float? CalculateR( float? rFull, Tristate sameGeneration )
     if( !rFull.HasValue )
         return null;
     else if( Constants.Gen1RsToExcludeFromR.Contains(rFull.Value) )
         return null;
     else if( sameGeneration == Tristate.No )
         return null;
     else if( sameGeneration == Tristate.DoNotKnow )
         return null;
         return (float)rFull.Value;
Esempio n. 51
        public Options()
            m_parser = new OptionParser();

                arg => m_symbolConfigurations.Add(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Specify a complete symbol configuration",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => m_ignoredSymbols.AddRange(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Ignore a list of symbols (treat as varying)",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => m_definedSymbols.AddRange(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Define a list of symbols (treat as always true)",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => m_disabledSymbols.AddRange(ParseSymbolList(arg)),
                parameterUsage: "<symbol list>",
                description: "Disable a list of symbols (treat as always disabled)",
                allowMultiple: true);

                arg => UndefinedSymbolValue = Tristate.Parse(arg),
                parameterUsage: "<false|true|varying>",
                description: "Set the default value for symbols which do not have a specified value (defaults to varying)");

                () => PrintDisabled = true,
                description: "Print the list of always disabled conditional regions");

                () => PrintEnabled = true,
                description: "Print the list of always enabled conditional regions");

                () => PrintVarying = true,
                description: "Print the list of varying conditional regions");

                () => PrintSymbolInfo = true,
                description: "Print the lists of uniquely specified preprocessor symbols, symbols visited during analysis, and symbols not encountered during analysis");

                () => PrintDisabled = PrintEnabled = PrintVarying = PrintSymbolInfo = true,
                description: "Print the entire list of conditional regions and the lists of preprocessor symbols (combination of printenabled, printdisabled, printvarying, and printsymbols)");

                () => Edit = true,
                "Perform edits to remove always enabled and always disabled conditional regions from source files, and simplify preprocessor expressions which evaluate to 'varying'");
Esempio n. 52
        private Tristate AddressBiomom( Tristate explicitShare, Tristate implicitShare )
            Tristate biomomPass1 = (Tristate)_drValue.ShareBiomomPass1;
            if ( biomomPass1 != Tristate.DoNotKnow ) return biomomPass1;

            DataColumn dcPass1 = _dsLinks.tblRelatedValues.ShareBiomomPass1Column;
            PairShare[] pairs = PairShare.BuildRelatedPairsOfGen1Housemates(dcPass1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S2, _drLeft.ExtendedID, _dsLinks);

            InterpolateShare interpolate = new InterpolateShare(pairs);
            Tristate newShare = interpolate.Interpolate(_drLeft.SubjectTag_S1, _drLeft.SubjectTag_S2);
            if ( newShare != Tristate.DoNotKnow )
                return newShare;
                return CommonFunctions.TakePriority(explicitShare, implicitShare);
Esempio n. 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a Tristate value to a string value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="triValue">A value that can be either true, false, or unanswered.</param>
 /// <returns>A string if the value is true or false, or null if it is neither.</returns>
 protected string TristateToString(Tristate triValue)
     switch (triValue)
         case Tristate.True:
             return "true";
         case Tristate.False:
             return "false";
     return null;
Esempio n. 54
 public IActionResult Recipe04(Tristate model)
Esempio n. 55
        private void AddRosterRow( Int32 relatedID, byte rosterAssignmentID, Int16 responseLower, Int16 responseUpper, bool resolved, float r, float rBoundLower, float rBoundUpper,
			Tristate sameGeneration, Tristate shareBiodad, Tristate shareBiomom, Tristate shareBioGrandparent, bool inconsistent )
            LinksDataSet.tblRosterGen1Row drNew = _dsLinks.tblRosterGen1.NewtblRosterGen1Row();
            //drNew.ExtendedID = extendedID	;
            drNew.RelatedID = relatedID;
            drNew.RosterAssignmentID = rosterAssignmentID;
            drNew.ResponseLower = responseLower;
            drNew.ResponseUpper = responseUpper;
            drNew.Resolved = resolved;
            if ( float.IsNaN(r) ) drNew.SetRNull();
            else drNew.R = r;
            drNew.RBoundLower = rBoundLower;
            drNew.RBoundUpper = rBoundUpper;
            drNew.SameGeneration = (byte)sameGeneration;
            drNew.ShareBiodad = (byte)shareBiodad;
            drNew.ShareBiomom = (byte)shareBiomom;
            drNew.ShareBiograndparent = (byte)shareBioGrandparent;
            drNew.Inconsistent = inconsistent;
        private void AddRow( Int32 subjectTag, Int16 extendedID, Bioparent parent, Tristate inHH,  byte age, Int16 yearInHH )
            //lock ( _ds.tblFatherOfGen2 ) {
            LinksDataSet.tblParentsOfGen1RetroRow drNew = _ds.tblParentsOfGen1Retro.NewtblParentsOfGen1RetroRow();
            drNew.SubjectTag = subjectTag;
            drNew.ExtendedID = extendedID;
            drNew.Bioparent = (byte)parent;

            if ( inHH==Tristate.DoNotKnow ) drNew.SetInHHNull();
            else drNew.InHH = (inHH==Tristate.Yes);

            drNew.Age = age;
            drNew.Year = yearInHH;
Esempio n. 57
        private void PopulateIsAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant()
            bool compareResult = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(_textInfoName).CompareInfo.Compare("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0;

            _isAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant = (compareResult) ? Tristate.True : Tristate.False;
        private Int32 ProcessForOneParent( Tristate bothParentsAlways, Bioparent parent,Int16 yob, LinksDataSet.tblSubjectRow drSubject, LinksDataSet.tblResponseDataTable dtExtendedResponse )
            const byte loopIndexForNever = 255;
            byte[] loopIndicesAndAges = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 };
            Int32 recordsAdded = 0;
            Item item;
            switch ( parent ) {
                case Bioparent.Dad: item = Item.Gen1LivedWithFatherAtAgeX; break;
                case Bioparent.Mom: item = Item.Gen1LivedWithMotherAtAgeX; break;
                default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("parent");
            Tristate responseEver = DetermineOneParentEverInHH(item, _surveyYear, drSubject.SubjectTag, loopIndexForNever, dtExtendedResponse);

            foreach ( byte loopIndexAndAge in loopIndicesAndAges ) {
                Tristate inHH;
                if ( bothParentsAlways == Tristate.Yes )
                    inHH =	Tristate.Yes;
                else if ( responseEver == Tristate.DoNotKnow )
                    inHH = Tristate.DoNotKnow;
                else if ( responseEver == Tristate.Yes )
                    inHH = DetermineParentInHH(Item.Gen1LivedWithFatherAtAgeX, _surveyYear, drSubject.SubjectTag, loopIndexAndAge, dtExtendedResponse);
                else if ( responseEver == Tristate.No )
                    inHH = Tristate.No;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The execution shouldn't have gotten to here in the 'ProcessForOneParent' function.");

                Int16 yearInHH = Convert.ToInt16(yob + loopIndexAndAge);
                AddRow(drSubject.SubjectTag, drSubject.ExtendedID, parent, inHH: inHH, age: loopIndexAndAge, yearInHH: yearInHH);
                recordsAdded += 1; ;
            return recordsAdded;
Esempio n. 59
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets <see cref="Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate" /> array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone">If set to <see cref="Tristate.UseDefault" /> or <see cref="Tristate.True" />, clones the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionSize">Size of the collection.</param>
 /// <returns>Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[].</returns>
 public Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[] GetCoordinateArray(Tristate clone = Tristate.True, CollectionSize collectionSize = CollectionSize.Full)
     return(collectionSize is CollectionSize.Full
                         ? clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateArray.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[]>() : this._coordinateArray
                         : clone is Tristate.True or Tristate.UseDefault ? this._coordinateArrayHalf.Clone <Tester.Models.ValueTypes.Coordinate[]>() : this._coordinateArrayHalf);
 //public const float LowestRelatedR = (float)(1 / 64);
 public static MarkerEvidence RosterSameGeneration( Tristate tristate )
     switch ( tristate ) {
         case Tristate.No: return MarkerEvidence.Disconfirms;
         case Tristate.Yes: return MarkerEvidence.StronglySupports;
         case Tristate.DoNotKnow: return MarkerEvidence.Ambiguous;
         default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tristate", tristate, "This value is not permitted.");