예제 #1
 public override IEnumerable <AllowedIntervalWithNotch> GetAllowedPrecursorMassIntervalsFromTheoreticalMass(double peptideMonoisotopicMass)
     for (int j = 0; j < AcceptableSortedMassShifts.Length; j++)
         yield return(new AllowedIntervalWithNotch(Tolerance.GetRange(peptideMonoisotopicMass + AcceptableSortedMassShifts[j]), j));
예제 #2
        public void ToleranceNewTest()
            var tol = new Tolerance(ToleranceUnit.Absolute, 9, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, tol.GetRange(5).Minimum);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, tol.GetRange(5).Maximum);
예제 #3
        public static double GetPValue(PSM psm, Tolerance prod_tolerance, double cutoff)
            // Get the width of the product ion tolerance at the isolation mz;
            double productToleranceWidth = prod_tolerance.GetRange(psm.IsolationMZ).Width;
            double cutoffThreshold       = psm.Spectrum.GetBasePeakIntensity() * cutoff;

            return(Math.Min(1.0, psm.Spectrum.Count(peak => peak.Intensity >= cutoffThreshold) * 2 * productToleranceWidth / psm.ScanWidth));
예제 #4
        public void TolerancePPMGetRange()
            var tol = new Tolerance(ToleranceUnit.PPM, 1e6 - 1, 1e6);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, tol.GetRange(1e7).Width);

            Assert.AreEqual("±1.0000 PPM", tol.ToString());
예제 #5
 public IEnumerable<Fragment> MatchFragments(IEnumerable<Fragment> fragments, Tolerance tolerance, double percentCutoff, params int[] chargeStates)
     double basePeakInt = MassSpectrum.GetBasePeakIntensity();
     double lowThreshold = basePeakInt*percentCutoff;
     double summedIntensity = 0;
     double totalIntensity = MassSpectrum.GetTotalIonCurrent();
     foreach (Fragment fragment in fragments)
         foreach (int chargeState in chargeStates)
             double mz = fragment.ToMz(chargeState);
             var peak = MassSpectrum.GetClosestPeak(tolerance.GetRange(mz));
             if (peak != null && peak.Intensity >= lowThreshold)
                 Add(new FragmentSpectralMatch(MassSpectrum, fragment, tolerance, chargeState));
                 yield return fragment;
                 summedIntensity += peak.Intensity;
     PercentTIC = 100.0 * summedIntensity / totalIntensity;
예제 #6
        public IEnumerable <Fragment> MatchFragments(IEnumerable <Fragment> fragments, Tolerance tolerance, double percentCutoff, params int[] chargeStates)
            double basePeakInt     = Spectrum.GetBasePeakIntensity();
            double lowThreshold    = basePeakInt * percentCutoff;
            double summedIntensity = 0;
            double totalIntensity  = Spectrum.GetTotalIonCurrent();

            foreach (Fragment fragment in fragments)
                foreach (int chargeState in chargeStates)
                    double mz   = fragment.ToMz(chargeState);
                    var    peak = Spectrum.GetClosestPeak(tolerance.GetRange(mz));
                    if (peak != null && peak.Intensity >= lowThreshold)
                        Add(new FragmentSpectralMatch(Spectrum, fragment, tolerance, chargeState));
                        yield return(fragment);

                        summedIntensity += peak.Intensity;
            PercentTIC = 100.0 * summedIntensity / totalIntensity;
예제 #7
        //private double Search(ref double[] eMasses, ref double[] eIntenisties, double[] tMasses, double productTolerance, double tic, ref Dictionary<double, double> scores)
        //    double score = 0.0;
        //    int eLength = eMasses.Length;
        //    int tLength = tMasses.Length;
        //    int e = 0;
        //    foreach (double t in tMasses)
        //    {
        //        double storedScore;
        //        if (scores.TryGetValue(t, out storedScore))
        //        {
        //            score += storedScore;
        //            continue;
        //        }
        //        double minMZ = t - productTolerance;
        //        double maxMZ = t + productTolerance;
        //        while (e < eLength && eMasses[e] < minMZ)
        //            e++;
        //        if (e >= eLength)
        //            break;
        //        if (eMasses[e] > maxMZ)
        //            continue;
        //        double intensities = 0;
        //        int index = e; // switch variables to keep e the same for the next loop around
        //        do
        //        {
        //            intensities += eIntenisties[index];
        //            index++;
        //        } while (index < eLength && eMasses[index] < maxMZ);
        //        storedScore = 1 + intensities/tic;
        //        score += storedScore;
        //        scores[t] = storedScore;
        //    }
        //    return score;
        /// <summary>
        /// The main searching algorithm of Morpheus
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eMasses">The experimental masses</param>
        /// <param name="eIntenisties">The experimental intensities</param>
        /// <param name="tMasses">The theoretical masses</param>
        /// <param name="productTolerance">The product mass tolerance</param>
        /// <param name="tic">The total ion current of the experimental peaks</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double Search(double[] eMasses, double[] eIntenisties, double[] tMasses, Tolerance productTolerance, double tic)
            double score = 0.0;
            double intensities = 0.0;
            int eLength = eMasses.Length;
            int tLength = tMasses.Length;
            int e = 0;

            bool forceCheck = productTolerance.GetMinimumValue(tMasses[tLength - 1]) >= eMasses[eLength - 1];
            if (forceCheck)
                foreach (double t in tMasses)
                    IRange<double> range = productTolerance.GetRange(t);
                    double minMZ = range.Minimum;
                    double maxMZ = range.Maximum;

                    while (e < eLength && eMasses[e] < minMZ)

                    if (e >= eLength)

                    if (eMasses[e] > maxMZ)


                    int index = e; // switch variables to keep e the same for the next loop around
                        intensities += eIntenisties[index];
                    } while (index < eLength && eMasses[index] < maxMZ);
                foreach (double t in tMasses)
                    IRange<double> range = productTolerance.GetRange(t);
                    double minMZ = range.Minimum;
                    double maxMZ = range.Maximum;

                    while (eMasses[e] < minMZ)

                    if (eMasses[e] > maxMZ)


                    int index = e; // switch variables to keep e the same for the next loop around
                        intensities += eIntenisties[index];
                    } while (index < eLength && eMasses[index] < maxMZ);
            return score + intensities/tic;
        //private double Search(ref double[] eMasses, ref double[] eIntenisties, double[] tMasses, double productTolerance, double tic, ref Dictionary<double, double> scores)
        //    double score = 0.0;

        //    int eLength = eMasses.Length;
        //    int tLength = tMasses.Length;
        //    int e = 0;

        //    foreach (double t in tMasses)
        //    {
        //        double storedScore;
        //        if (scores.TryGetValue(t, out storedScore))
        //        {
        //            score += storedScore;
        //            continue;
        //        }

        //        double minMZ = t - productTolerance;
        //        double maxMZ = t + productTolerance;

        //        while (e < eLength && eMasses[e] < minMZ)
        //            e++;

        //        if (e >= eLength)
        //            break;

        //        if (eMasses[e] > maxMZ)
        //            continue;

        //        double intensities = 0;
        //        int index = e; // switch variables to keep e the same for the next loop around
        //        do
        //        {
        //            intensities += eIntenisties[index];
        //            index++;
        //        } while (index < eLength && eMasses[index] < maxMZ);

        //        storedScore = 1 + intensities/tic;

        //        score += storedScore;
        //        scores[t] = storedScore;
        //    }

        //    return score;

        /// <summary>
        /// The main searching algorithm of Morpheus
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eMasses">The experimental masses</param>
        /// <param name="eIntenisties">The experimental intensities</param>
        /// <param name="tMasses">The theoretical masses</param>
        /// <param name="productTolerance">The product mass tolerance</param>
        /// <param name="tic">The total ion current of the experimental peaks</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double Search(double[] eMasses, double[] eIntenisties, double[] tMasses, Tolerance productTolerance, double tic)
            double score       = 0.0;
            double intensities = 0.0;
            int    eLength     = eMasses.Length;
            int    tLength     = tMasses.Length;
            int    e           = 0;

            bool forceCheck = productTolerance.GetMinimumValue(tMasses[tLength - 1]) >= eMasses[eLength - 1];

            if (forceCheck)
                foreach (double t in tMasses)
                    IRange <double> range = productTolerance.GetRange(t);
                    double          minMZ = range.Minimum;
                    double          maxMZ = range.Maximum;

                    while (e < eLength && eMasses[e] < minMZ)

                    if (e >= eLength)

                    if (eMasses[e] > maxMZ)


                    int index = e; // switch variables to keep e the same for the next loop around
                        intensities += eIntenisties[index];
                    } while (index < eLength && eMasses[index] < maxMZ);
                foreach (double t in tMasses)
                    IRange <double> range = productTolerance.GetRange(t);
                    double          minMZ = range.Minimum;
                    double          maxMZ = range.Maximum;

                    while (eMasses[e] < minMZ)

                    if (eMasses[e] > maxMZ)


                    int index = e; // switch variables to keep e the same for the next loop around
                        intensities += eIntenisties[index];
                    } while (index < eLength && eMasses[index] < maxMZ);
            return(score + intensities / tic);
예제 #9
        private IEnumerable <QuantFile> LoadFiles(IEnumerable <string> filePaths, bool ms3Quant = false)
            MSDataFile.CacheScans = false;
            //int largestQuantPeak = 0;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (TagInformation tag in UsedTags.Values)
                tag.UniqueTagNumber       = i++;
                tag.TotalSignal           = 0;
                tag.NormalizedTotalSignal = 0;
            int largestQuantPeak = i - 1;

            //int largestQuantPeak = UsedTags.Values.Select(tag => tag.UniqueTagNumber).Concat(new[] {0}).Max();

            foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
                Log("Processing file:\t" + filePath);
                OnUpdateLog("Processing File " + filePath + "...");
                QuantFile    quantFile        = new QuantFile(filePath);
                StreamReader basestreamReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
                int          oldProgress      = -1;
                using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(basestreamReader, true))
                    while (reader.ReadNextRecord()) // go through csv and raw file to extract the info we want
                        int           scanNumber  = int.Parse(reader["Spectrum number"]);
                        string        filenameID  = reader["Filename/id"];
                        string        rawFileName = filenameID.Split('.')[0];
                        bool          isDecoy     = reader["DEFLINE"].StartsWith("DECOY_");
                        ThermoRawFile rawFile;
                        if (!RawFiles.TryGetValue(rawFileName, out rawFile))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find this raw file: " + rawFileName + ".raw");
                        if (!rawFile.IsOpen)

                        int progress = (int)(100 * (double)basestreamReader.BaseStream.Position / basestreamReader.BaseStream.Length);
                        if (progress != oldProgress)
                            oldProgress = progress;

                        //// Set default fragmentation to CAD / HCD
                        //FragmentationMethod ScanFragMethod = filenameID.Contains(".ETD.")
                        //    ? FragmentationMethod.ETD
                        //    : FragmentationMethod.CAD;

                        //if (ScanFragMethod == FragmentationMethod.ETD)
                        //    ScanFragMethod = FragmentationMethod.CAD;
                        //    scanNumber += ETDQuantPosition;

                        // Get the scan object for the sequence ms2 scan
                        MsnDataScan quantitationMsnScan = rawFile[scanNumber] as MsnDataScan;

                        double purity = 1;
                        if (CalculatePurity)
                            double      mz             = quantitationMsnScan.PrecursorMz;
                            int         charge         = quantitationMsnScan.PrecursorCharge;
                            DoubleRange isolationRange = MzRange.FromDa(mz, PurityWindowInTh);

                            MSDataScan parentScan = rawFile[quantitationMsnScan.ParentScanNumber];
                            purity = DeterminePurity(parentScan, mz, charge, isolationRange);

                        if (quantitationMsnScan == null)
                            OnUpdateLog("Spectrum Number " + scanNumber + " is not a valid MS2 scan from: " + rawFile.FilePath + ". Skipping PSM...");

                        if (MS3Quant)
                            quantitationMsnScan = null;
                            // Look forward to find associated MS3 quant scan (based on parent scan number)
                            int ms3ScanNumber = scanNumber + 1;
                            while (ms3ScanNumber < rawFile.LastSpectrumNumber)
                                if (rawFile.GetParentSpectrumNumber(ms3ScanNumber) == scanNumber)
                                    quantitationMsnScan = rawFile[ms3ScanNumber] as MsnDataScan;

                            if (quantitationMsnScan == null)
                                OnUpdateLog("Cannot find a MS3 spectrum associated with spectrum number " + scanNumber + ". Skipping PSM...");

                        Tolerance Tolerance = quantitationMsnScan.MzAnalyzer == MZAnalyzerType.IonTrap2D ? ItMassTolerance : FtMassTolerance;
                        bool      isETD     = quantitationMsnScan.DissociationType == DissociationType.ETD;

                        double injectionTime = quantitationMsnScan.InjectionTime;
                        //var massSpectrum = quantitationMsnScan.MassSpectrum;
                        var thermoSpectrum = rawFile.GetLabeledSpectrum(quantitationMsnScan.SpectrumNumber);

                        double noise = 0;
                        if (NoisebandCap)
                            // Noise is pretty constant over a small region, find the noise of the center of all isobaric tags
                            MassRange range = new MassRange(UsedTags.Keys[0], UsedTags.Keys[UsedTags.Count - 1]);

                            if (thermoSpectrum != null)
                                var peak = thermoSpectrum.GetClosestPeak(range.Mean, 500);
                                if (peak != null)
                                    noise = peak.Noise;
                                    OnUpdateLog("Spectrum (#" + quantitationMsnScan.SpectrumNumber + ") has no m/z peaks. Skipping PSM...");
                                OnUpdateLog("Spectrum (#" + quantitationMsnScan.SpectrumNumber + ") is low-resolution data without noise information. Skipping PSM...");

                        //Dictionary<TagInformation, QuantPeak> peaks = new Dictionary<TagInformation, QuantPeak>();
                        QuantPeak[] peaks = new QuantPeak[largestQuantPeak + 1];
                        // Read in the peak data
                        foreach (TagInformation tag in UsedTags.Values)
                            double tagMz = isETD
                                ? tag.MassEtd
                                : tag.MassCAD;

                            var peak = thermoSpectrum.GetClosestPeak(Tolerance.GetRange(tagMz));

                            QuantPeak qPeak = new QuantPeak(tag, peak, injectionTime, quantitationMsnScan, noise, peak == null && NoisebandCap);

                            peaks[tag.UniqueTagNumber] = qPeak;

                        PurityCorrect(peaks, isDecoy);

                        PSM psm = new PSM(filenameID, scanNumber, peaks, purity);

                // Dispose of all raw files
                foreach (ThermoRawFile rawFile in RawFiles.Values)
                OnUpdateLog("PSMs loaded " + quantFile.Psms.Count);
                Log("PSMs Loaded:\t" + quantFile.Psms.Count);
                yield return(quantFile);