private DungeonData(TiledMap map, string name) { = map; Name = name; WidthTiles = map.Width; HeightTiles = map.Height; Width = WidthTiles / Global.RoomWidth; Height = HeightTiles / Global.RoomHeight; Tileset = new Tileset("gfx/game/" + map.Properties.GetString("tileset"), Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize); tiles = new DungeonTile[WidthTiles, HeightTiles]; var layer = map.GetLayer <TiledMapTileLayer>("main"); for (var ix = 0; ix < WidthTiles; ix++) { for (var iy = 0; iy < HeightTiles; iy++) { var tid = -1; if (layer.TryGetTile(ix, iy, out TiledMapTile? tiledTile)) { tid = tiledTile.Value.GlobalIdentifier; } var properties = map.GetTilePropertiesAt(layer, ix, iy); var tile = new DungeonTile(ix, iy, tid, properties); if (properties != null) { InitTile(tile, properties); } tiles[ix, iy] = tile; } } if (PlayerStartTile == null) { throw new Exception("Dungeon " + this + " has no starting player tile."); } Log.Debug("Created " + this + " of size " + Width + "x" + Height + " with player start tile " + PlayerStartTile + "."); }