public static string deleteTicket(string tid) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); int i = tsystem.DeleteTicket(tid); return(i > 0 ? "y" : "n"); }
public void Run() { TicketSystem.PrintOptions(); while (_running) { PrintMessages(); GetUserInput(); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Goodbye"); }
public string StartETicketingSystem(TicketSystem TicketSystem, string Template, string userId) { try { ProcessFlowBC ProcessFlowBC = new ProcessFlowBC(); return(ProcessFlowBC.StartETicketingSystem(TicketSystem, Template, userId)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } }
public string SaveOrUpdateTicketSystem(TicketSystem TicketSystem) { try { TicketSystemBC TicketSystemBC = new TicketSystemBC(); return(TicketSystemBC.SaveOrUpdateTicketSystem(TicketSystem)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { } }
public string StartETicketingSystem(TicketSystem TicketSystem, string Template, string userId) { try { WorkFlowTemplate WorkFlowTemplate = PSF.Get <WorkFlowTemplate>("TemplateName", Template); //creating process instance ProcessInstance pi = new ProcessInstance(); pi.CreatedBy = userId; pi.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; pi.TemplateId = WorkFlowTemplate.Id; pi.Status = "Activated"; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <ProcessInstance>(pi); long pid = pi.Id; //create object with the pid for FFExport TicketSystem.InstanceId = pid; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); string ticketNo = "ETicket-" + TicketSystem.Id; TicketSystem.TicketNo = ticketNo; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); IList <WorkFlowStatus> WorkFlowStatusList = PSF.GetList <WorkFlowStatus>("TemplateId", WorkFlowTemplate.Id, "ActivityOrder", 1); foreach (WorkFlowStatus wfs in WorkFlowStatusList) { Activity NextActivity = new Activity(); NextActivity.ActivityName = wfs.WFStatus; NextActivity.ActivityFullName = wfs.Description; NextActivity.AppRole = wfs.Performer; NextActivity.Completed = false; NextActivity.Available = true; NextActivity.Assigned = false; NextActivity.Performer = userId; NextActivity.TemplateId = WorkFlowTemplate.Id; NextActivity.InstanceId = pid; NextActivity.NextActOrder = wfs.NextActOrder; NextActivity.ActivityOrder = wfs.ActivityOrder; NextActivity.PreviousActOrder = 1; NextActivity.ProcessRefId = TicketSystem.Id; NextActivity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; NextActivity.BranchCode = TicketSystem.BranchCode; NextActivity.DeptCode = TicketSystem.DeptCode; if (wfs.IsRejectionRequired == true) { NextActivity.IsRejApplicable = true; } PSF.SaveOrUpdate <Activity>(NextActivity); } return(TicketSystem.TicketNo); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public bool CompleteActivityTicketSystem(TicketSystem TicketSystem, string Template, string userId, string ActivityName, bool isRejection) { try { bool retValue = false; ProcessFlowBC ProcessFlowBC = new ProcessFlowBC(); ProcessFlowBC.CompleteActivityTicketSystem(TicketSystem, Template, userId, ActivityName, isRejection); retValue = true; return(retValue); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } }
public static string updateticket(string id, string sub, string tat, string qry, string status, string priority, string attachfile) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); Ticket tc = new Ticket(); tc.Id = Convert.ToInt64(id.Trim()); tc.Subject = sub.Trim(); tc.Tat = tat.Trim(); tc.Query = qry.Trim(); tc.Attachment = attachfile; tc.UpdatedByEmail = HttpContext.Current.Session["AdminSessionID"].ToString(); tc.Status = Convert.ToInt32(status.Trim()); tc.Priority = Convert.ToInt32(priority.Trim()); int i = tsystem.UpdateTicket(tc); return(i > 0 ? "y" : "n"); }
public static string addticket(string qry, string depid, string roleid, string assigntoemail, string reporttoemail, string status, string priority, string attachfile) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); Ticket tc = new Ticket(); tc.Query = qry.Trim(); tc.Attachment = attachfile; tc.DepId = depid.Trim(); tc.RoleId = roleid.Trim(); tc.CreatorEmail = HttpContext.Current.Session["AdminSessionID"].ToString(); tc.AssignerRoleId = HttpContext.Current.Session["roleid"].ToString(); tc.AssignToEmail = assigntoemail.Trim(); tc.ReportToEmail = reporttoemail.Trim(); tc.Status = Convert.ToInt32(status.Trim()); tc.Priority = Convert.ToInt32(priority.Trim()); int i = tsystem.CreateTicket(tc); return(i > 0?"y":"n"); }
public bool UpdateTicketStatus(long TicketId, string TicketStatus) { try { if (TicketId > 0) { TicketSystem TicketSystem = PSF.Get <TicketSystem>(TicketId); TicketSystem.TicketStatus = TicketStatus; PSF.Update <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void Run() { ticketSystem = new TicketSystem(); active = true; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(@" ___________.__ __ __ ___________ __ \__ ___/|__| ____ | | __ _____/ |\__ ___/___________ ____ | | __ ___________ | | | |/ ___\| |/ // __ \ __\| | \_ __ \__ \ _/ ___\| |/ // __ \_ __ \ | | | \ \___| <\ ___/| | | | | | \// __ \\ \___| <\ ___/| | \/ |____| |__|\___ >__|_ \\___ >__| |____| |__| (____ /\___ >__|_ \\___ >__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); ticketSystem.PrintAll(); while (active) { System.Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do? (view / new / quit)"); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); GetUserInput(choice); } }
public string SaveOrUpdateTicketSystem(TicketSystem TicketSystem) { try { if (TicketSystem.Id > 0) { PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); } else { string ticketNo = "ETicket-" + TicketSystem.Id; TicketSystem.TicketNo = ticketNo; PSF.Save <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); } return(TicketSystem.TicketNo); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void SendEmailNotification(TicketSystem objTcktSys, string userid, string activityName, bool?isrejction, string MailBody) { try { // IList<CampusEmailId> campusemaildet = GetEmailIdByCampus(objTcktSys.BranchCode, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CampusEmailType"].ToString()); bool rejection = isrejction ?? true;// false; UserService us = new UserService(); Dictionary <long, IList <UserAppRole> > userAppRole = new Dictionary <long, IList <UserAppRole> >(); Dictionary <string, object> criteriaUserAppRole = new Dictionary <string, object>(); //Based on activity need to assign the role to get the users //logic need to be written criteriaUserAppRole.Add("IsActive", true); //criteriaUserAppRole.Add("AppCode", "TKT"); //if (activityName == "LogETicket" || activityName == "ResolveETicketRejection" || activityName == "CloseETicket") //{ // criteriaUserAppRole.Add("RoleCode", "ETR"); //} //else if (activityName == "ResolveETicket" || activityName == "CloseETicketRejection") //{ criteriaUserAppRole.Add("RoleCode", "ETC"); } //else return; criteriaUserAppRole.Add("AppCode", new string[] { "TKT", "All" }); if (activityName == "LogETicket" || activityName == "ResolveETicketRejection" || activityName == "CloseETicket") { criteriaUserAppRole.Add("RoleCode", new string[] { "ETR", "All" }); } else if (activityName == "ResolveETicket" || activityName == "CloseETicketRejection") { criteriaUserAppRole.Add("RoleCode", new string[] { "ETC", "All" }); } else { return; } userAppRole = us.GetRoleUsersListWithPagingAndCriteria(0, 1000, string.Empty, string.Empty, criteriaUserAppRole); //if list userAppRole is null then empty grid if (userAppRole != null && userAppRole.Count > 0 && userAppRole.First().Key > 0) { int count = userAppRole.First().Value.Count; //if it has values then for each concatenate APP+ROLE string[] userEmails = new string[count]; int i = 0; Dictionary <string, object> criteria = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string[] userToEmail = (from u in userAppRole.FirstOrDefault().Value where u.AppCode != "All" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Email) select u.Email).ToArray(); string[] userBccEmail = (from u in userAppRole.FirstOrDefault().Value where u.AppCode == "All" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Email) select u.Email).ToArray(); //foreach (UserAppRole uar in userAppRole.First().Value) //{ // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uar.Email)) // { // userEmails[i] = uar.Email.Trim(); // } // i++; //} if (userToEmail == null || (userToEmail[0] == null && userToEmail.Length == 0)) { return; } if (userToEmail != null && userToEmail.Length > 0) { string SendEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SendEmailOption"]; string From = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["From"]; if (SendEmail == "false") { return; } else { try { System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); mail.Subject = "e-Ticket Notification" + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " "; string msg = ""; foreach (string s in userToEmail) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { bool IsValid = IsValidEmail(s); if (IsValid == true) { mail.To.Add(s); } } } if (userBccEmail != null && userBccEmail.Length > 0) { foreach (string s in userBccEmail) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { bool IsValid = IsValidEmail(s); if (IsValid == true) { mail.Bcc.Add(s); } } } } switch (activityName) { case "LogETicket": { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Logged for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + " with " + objTcktSys.Priority + " priority. The e-Ticket is Raised by " + userid + ". Please try resolving the ticket based on Priority. The summary of the ticket is <b><i>\"" + objTcktSys.Summary + "\"</i></b> "; break; } case "ResolveETicket": { if (rejection) { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Rejected for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ". The e-Ticket is Rejected for additional information by " + userid + ". Please try replying the same based on the comments.<b><i>\"" + ShowComments(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo) + "\"</i></b>"; msg = msg + CommentSummary(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo); } else { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Resolved for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ". The e-Ticket is Resolved by " + userid + " with comments <b><i>\"" + ShowComments(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Resolution", objTcktSys.TicketNo) + "\"</i></b>. Please verify the same and complete/Reject based on the results. "; msg = msg + CommentSummary(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo); } break; } case "ResolveETicketRejection": { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Replied for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ".by " + userid + " with Comments. <b><i>\"" + ShowComments(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicketRejection", "Resolution", objTcktSys.TicketNo) + "\"</i></b>. Please try resolving the same based on the reply comments. "; msg = msg + CommentSummary(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo); break; } case "CloseETicketRejection": { if (rejection) { msg += ""; } else { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Rejected for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ". The e-Ticket is Rejected by " + userid + " <b><i>\"" + ShowComments(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "CloseETicketRejection", "Resolution", objTcktSys.TicketNo) + "\"</i></b>. Please try resolving the same based on the comments. "; msg = msg + CommentSummary(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo); } break; } case "CloseETicket": { if (rejection) { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Rejected for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ". The e-Ticket is Rejected for additionnal information by " + userid + " <b><i>\"" + ShowComments(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "CloseETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo) + "\"</i></b>. Please try replying the same based on the comments. "; msg = msg + CommentSummary(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo); } //else msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Completed for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ". The e-Ticket is Completed by " + userid + " with comments <b><i>\"" + objTcktSys.Comments + "\"</i></b> "; else { msg += "An e-Ticket " + objTcktSys.TicketNo + " has been Completed for the module " + objTcktSys.Module + ". The e-Ticket is Completed by " + userid + " with comments <b><i>\"" + ShowComments(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "CloseETicket", "Resolution", objTcktSys.TicketNo) + "\"</i></b> "; msg = msg + CommentSummary(objTcktSys.Id, userid, "ResolveETicket", "Rejection", objTcktSys.TicketNo); } break; } default: return; } MailBody = MailBody.Replace("{{DateTime}}", DateTime.Now.ToString()); MailBody = MailBody.Replace("{{Content}}", msg); //Body = Body.Replace("{{footer}}", footer); mail.Body = MailBody; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("localhost", 25); smtp.Host = ""; smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smtp.EnableSsl = true; if (From == "live") { try { mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential ("*****@*****.**", "Spring@2k14"); smtp.Send(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { #region saveorupdate Errorlog OrdersService OrdSer = new OrdersService(); ErrorLog err = new ErrorLog(); err.Controller = "EmailHelper"; err.Action = "SendEmailNotification"; err.Err_Desc = ex.ToString(); err.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; OrdSer.SaveOrUpdateErrorLog(err); #endregion if (ex.Message.Contains("quota")) { mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential ("*****@*****.**", "Ginger@27"); smtp.Send(mail); } else { mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential ("*****@*****.**", "JohnSGrasiasXcd"); smtp.Send(mail); } } } else if (From == "test") { mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential ("*****@*****.**", "Spring@2k14"); //this is to send email to test mail only to avoid mis communication to the parent // mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); smtp.Send(mail); } EmailLog el = new EmailLog(); el.Id = 0; el.EmailTo = mail.To.ToString(); el.EmailCC = mail.CC.ToString(); if (mail.Bcc.ToString().Length < 3990) { el.EmailBCC = mail.Bcc.ToString(); } el.Subject = mail.Subject.ToString(); if (mail.Body.ToString().Length < 3990) { el.Message = msg; } el.EmailDateTime = DateTime.Now; el.BCC_Count = mail.Bcc.Count; el.Module = "ETicket"; //create the admission management object MastersService msObj = new MastersService(); //log the email to the database msObj.CreateOrUpdateEmailLog(el); } catch (Exception ex) { #region saveorupdate Errorlog OrdersService OrdSer = new OrdersService(); ErrorLog err = new ErrorLog(); err.Controller = "EmailHelper"; err.Action = "SendEmailNotification"; err.Err_Desc = ex.ToString(); err.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; OrdSer.SaveOrUpdateErrorLog(err); #endregion throw ex; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { #region saveorupdate Errorlog OrdersService OrdSer = new OrdersService(); ErrorLog err = new ErrorLog(); err.Controller = "EmailHelper"; err.Action = "SendEmailNotification"; err.Err_Desc = ex.ToString(); err.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; OrdSer.SaveOrUpdateErrorLog(err); #endregion ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "TicketingSystem"); throw ex; } }
public static List <Employee> GetReportTo(string depid, string assignuserid) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); return(tsystem.ReportingRoleList(depid, HttpContext.Current.Session["roleid"].ToString(), HttpContext.Current.Session["AdminSessionID"].ToString(), assignuserid)); }
public static List <Employee> GetAssignTo(string roleid) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); return(tsystem.EmployeeList(roleid, HttpContext.Current.Session["AdminSessionID"].ToString())); }
public static List <Role> GetRoles(string depid) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); return(tsystem.RoleList(depid, HttpContext.Current.Session["roleid"].ToString())); }
public static List <Department> GetDepartments() { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); return(tsystem.DepartmentList()); }
public bool CompleteActivityTicketSystem(TicketSystem TicketSystem, string Template, string userId, string ActivityName, bool isRejection) { bool retValue = false; try { PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); WorkFlowTemplate WorkFlowTemplate = PSF.Get <WorkFlowTemplate>("TemplateName", Template); //close the current activity Activity CurrentActivity = PSF.Get <Activity>("InstanceId", TicketSystem.InstanceId, "ActivityName", ActivityName, "Completed", false); if (CurrentActivity != null) { //if current activity doesnt need any rejection and there is no rejection then it will be completed //otherwise once the rejection resolved then it will be completed //this need to be obdated as waiting if (CurrentActivity.IsRejApplicable == true && isRejection == true) { CurrentActivity.BranchCode = TicketSystem.BranchCode; CurrentActivity.DeptCode = TicketSystem.DeptCode; CurrentActivity.Completed = true; CurrentActivity.Available = false; CurrentActivity.Assigned = false; CurrentActivity.Performer = userId; PSF.SaveOrUpdate(CurrentActivity); } else { Activity WaitingAct = PSF.Get <Activity>("WaitingFor", CurrentActivity.Id); if (WaitingAct != null) { CurrentActivity.BranchCode = TicketSystem.BranchCode; CurrentActivity.DeptCode = TicketSystem.DeptCode; CurrentActivity.Waiting = false; PSF.SaveOrUpdate(CurrentActivity); WaitingAct.Completed = true; WaitingAct.Assigned = false; WaitingAct.Available = false; } CurrentActivity.BranchCode = TicketSystem.BranchCode; CurrentActivity.DeptCode = TicketSystem.DeptCode; CurrentActivity.Completed = true; CurrentActivity.Available = false; CurrentActivity.Assigned = false; CurrentActivity.Performer = userId; if (CurrentActivity.ActivityName == "CompleteETicket") { TicketSystem.IsTicketCompleted = true; PSF.Update <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); ProcessInstance pi = PSF.Get <ProcessInstance>(TicketSystem.InstanceId); pi.Status = "Completed"; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <ProcessInstance>(pi); TicketSystem.Status = "Completed"; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); } PSF.SaveOrUpdate(CurrentActivity); } } //trigger the next activity //we need to check whether parallel activities are there to complete //activities that are coming in the next order IList <WorkFlowStatus> WorkFlowStatusList = PSF.GetList <WorkFlowStatus>("TemplateId", WorkFlowTemplate.Id, "ActivityOrder", CurrentActivity.NextActOrder); //checking parallel activities get the current order of activities Dictionary <string, object> WaitCriteria = new Dictionary <string, object>(); WaitCriteria.Add("TemplateId", WorkFlowTemplate.Id); WaitCriteria.Add("ActivityOrder", CurrentActivity.ActivityOrder); WaitCriteria.Add("InstanceId", CurrentActivity.InstanceId); Dictionary <long, IList <Activity> > conditionList = PSF.GetListWithSearchCriteriaCount <Activity>(0, 100, string.Empty, string.Empty, WaitCriteria); if (conditionList != null && conditionList.Count > 0) { IList <Activity> conditionWaitList = conditionList.First().Value; bool? waiting = false; foreach (Activity a in conditionWaitList) { if (a.Completed == false && waiting == false) { waiting = true; } } retValue = true; if (waiting == true) { if (CurrentActivity.IsRejApplicable == true && isRejection == true) { } else { return(retValue); } } } if (WorkFlowStatusList != null && WorkFlowStatusList.Count > 0) { //if it is rejection flow then build the logic here //{logic goes here } foreach (WorkFlowStatus wfs in WorkFlowStatusList) { //Rejection Activity if (CurrentActivity.IsRejApplicable == true && isRejection == true) { WorkFlowStatus wfsRej = PSF.Get <WorkFlowStatus>("TemplateId", WorkFlowTemplate.Id, "RejectionFor", CurrentActivity.ActivityOrder); if (wfsRej != null) { Activity NextActivityRej = new Activity(); NextActivityRej.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; NextActivityRej.ActivityName = wfsRej.WFStatus; if (NextActivityRej.ActivityName == "CompleteETicket") { NextActivityRej.Completed = true; //ProcessInstance pi = PSF.Get<ProcessInstance>(CallManagement.InstanceId); //pi.Status = "Completed"; PSF.SaveOrUpdate<ProcessInstance>(pi); TicketSystem.Status = NextActivityRej.ActivityName; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); } else { NextActivityRej.Completed = false; } NextActivityRej.ActivityFullName = wfsRej.Description; NextActivityRej.AppRole = wfsRej.Performer; NextActivityRej.Performer = userId; NextActivityRej.TemplateId = WorkFlowTemplate.Id; NextActivityRej.InstanceId = TicketSystem.InstanceId; NextActivityRej.NextActOrder = wfsRej.NextActOrder; NextActivityRej.ActivityOrder = wfsRej.ActivityOrder; NextActivityRej.PreviousActOrder = wfsRej.PreviousActOrder; NextActivityRej.ProcessRefId = TicketSystem.Id; NextActivityRej.RejectionFor = CurrentActivity.Id; NextActivityRej.Completed = false; NextActivityRej.Available = true; NextActivityRej.Assigned = false; NextActivityRej.BranchCode = TicketSystem.BranchCode; NextActivityRej.DeptCode = TicketSystem.DeptCode; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <Activity>(NextActivityRej); TicketSystem.Status = NextActivityRej.ActivityName; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); //CurrentActivity.WaitingFor = NextActivityRej.Id; //PSF.SaveOrUpdate(CurrentActivity); } } else { Activity NextActivity = new Activity(); NextActivity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (wfs.IsRejectionRequired == true) { NextActivity.IsRejApplicable = true; } NextActivity.ActivityName = wfs.WFStatus; NextActivity.ActivityFullName = wfs.Description; NextActivity.AppRole = wfs.Performer; NextActivity.Completed = wfs.WFStatus == "Complete" ? true : false; NextActivity.Available = wfs.WFStatus != "Complete" ? true : false; //NextActivity.Performer = userId; NextActivity.TemplateId = WorkFlowTemplate.Id; NextActivity.InstanceId = TicketSystem.InstanceId; NextActivity.NextActOrder = wfs.NextActOrder; NextActivity.ActivityOrder = wfs.ActivityOrder; NextActivity.PreviousActOrder = wfs.PreviousActOrder; NextActivity.ProcessRefId = TicketSystem.Id; NextActivity.Available = true; NextActivity.Assigned = false; NextActivity.Completed = false; NextActivity.BranchCode = TicketSystem.BranchCode; NextActivity.DeptCode = TicketSystem.DeptCode; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <Activity>(NextActivity); TicketSystem.Status = NextActivity.ActivityName; PSF.SaveOrUpdate <TicketSystem>(TicketSystem); } } retValue = true; } return(retValue); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static Ticket GetTicketDetails(string tid, string creatoremail) { TicketSystem tsystem = new TicketSystem(); return(tsystem.SelectTicketByTicketId(tid, creatoremail)); }