public RandomComputerTicTacToePlayer(
     TicTacToePiece piece,
     IRandomNumberPicker numberPicker,
     string name
     _piece = piece;
     _numberPicker = numberPicker;
     Name = name;
예제 #2
        private bool AreCellsAvailable(TicTacToePiece[,] cells)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if (cells[i, j] == TicTacToePiece.None)
                        return true;

            return false;
예제 #3
    private static int DoHumanMove(TicTacToeBoard board, TicTacToePiece human)
        var location       = -1;
        var legalMoves     = new HashSet <int>(board.GetLegalMoves());
        var availableMoves = string.Join(",", board.GetLegalMoves().Select(m => $"{m}"));

        while (!legalMoves.Contains(location))
            Console.WriteLine($"please, enter where to put next {human} [{availableMoves}]");
            location = int.TryParse(new string(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar, 1), out var loc) ? loc : -1;

예제 #4
        public TicTacToePiece[,] Cells()
            var result = new TicTacToePiece[3, 3];

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    result[i, j] = _cells[i, j];

            return result;
예제 #5
 private static void PrintResult(int moveNumber, TicTacToeBoard board, TicTacToePiece human)
     Console.WriteLine($"After {moveNumber} steps");
     if (board.IsWin())
         var winnerName = board.GetTurn() == human ? "computer" : "human";
         Console.WriteLine($"{winnerName} wins!");
         Console.WriteLine($"It's a draw!");
        public TicTacToeBoard(TicTacToePiece r0c0, TicTacToePiece r0c1, TicTacToePiece r0c2,
                              TicTacToePiece r1c0, TicTacToePiece r1c1, TicTacToePiece r1c2,
                              TicTacToePiece r2c0, TicTacToePiece r2c1, TicTacToePiece r2c2)
            this.R0C0 = r0c0;
            this.R0C1 = r0c1;
            this.R0C2 = r0c2;

            this.R1C0 = r1c0;
            this.R1C1 = r1c1;
            this.R1C2 = r1c2;

            this.R2C0 = r2c0;
            this.R2C1 = r2c1;
            this.R2C2 = r2c2;
예제 #7
        public void AddPieceToBoard(TicTacToePiece piece, int x, int y)
            if (x > 2 || x < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("X value must be between 0 and 2");

            if (y > 2 || y < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("X value must be between 0 and 2");

            if (piece == TicTacToePiece.None)
                throw new ArgumentException("Piece must be either x or o");

            _cells[x,y] = piece;
        private bool CheckIfPlayerWins(TicTacToePiece player)
            var rowMatch = _positions.Select((p, i) => (p, i))
                           .GroupBy(t => t.i / 3, t => t.p) //group cells of the same row
                           .Select(g => g.All(p => p == player))
                           .Any(g => g);

            if (rowMatch)

            var colMatch = _positions.Select((p, i) => (p, i))
                           .GroupBy(t => t.i % 3, t => t.p) //group cells of the same col
                           .Select(g => g.All(p => p == player))
                           .Any(g => g);

            if (colMatch)

            var mainDiagonalMatch = new[] { 0, 4, 8 }.All(i => _positions[i] == player);

            if (mainDiagonalMatch)

            var secondaryDiagonalMatch = new[] { 2, 4, 6 }.All(i => _positions[i] == player);

            if (secondaryDiagonalMatch)

        private Tuple<int, int> PickMove(TicTacToePiece[,] cells)
            var availableMoves = new List<Tuple<int,int>>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if (cells[i, j] == TicTacToePiece.None)
                        availableMoves.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(i, j));

            if (availableMoves.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No available moves");

            var num = _numberPicker.Pick(1, availableMoves.Count);
            return availableMoves[num-1];
 public TicTacToeBoard(TicTacToePiece[] positions, TicTacToePiece turn)
     _positions = positions;
     _turn      = turn ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(turn));
 //the very first turn game state
 public TicTacToeBoard()
     _positions = Enumerable.Range(1, CellAmount).Select(_ => TicTacToePiece.E).ToArray(); //the field is empty
     _turn      = TicTacToePiece.X;                                                        //first player puts X
예제 #12
 public TicTacToeBoard()
     BoardPieces = new TicTacToePiece[3, 3];
예제 #13
        private TicTacToePiece IsWinOnDiagonal(TicTacToePiece[,] cells)
            if (IsWinOnDiagonal(cells, TicTacToePiece.O))
                return TicTacToePiece.O;

            if (IsWinOnDiagonal(cells, TicTacToePiece.X))
                return TicTacToePiece.X;

            return TicTacToePiece.None;
예제 #14
 private bool IsWon(TicTacToePiece[,] cells)
     return !(IsWinOnDiagonal(cells) == TicTacToePiece.None
            && IsWinOnVertical(cells) == TicTacToePiece.None
            && IsWinOnHorizontal(cells) == TicTacToePiece.None);
예제 #15
 private bool IsWinOnVertical(TicTacToePiece[,] cells, TicTacToePiece piece)
         (cells[0, 0] == piece && cells[1, 0] == piece && cells[2, 0] == piece)
         || (cells[0, 1] == piece && cells[1, 1] == piece && cells[2, 1] == piece)
         || (cells[0, 2] == piece && cells[1, 2] == piece && cells[2, 2] == piece);