예제 #1
        // Added targetThing to parameters so we can calculate its height
        private bool CanHitCellFromCellIgnoringRange(Vector3 shotSource, IntVec3 targetLoc, Thing targetThing = null)
            // Vanilla checks
            if (verbProps.mustCastOnOpenGround && (!targetLoc.Standable(caster.Map) || caster.Map.thingGrid.CellContains(targetLoc, ThingCategory.Pawn)))
            if (verbProps.requireLineOfSight)
                // Calculate shot vector
                Vector3 targetPos;
                if (targetThing != null)
                    Vector3 targDrawPos = targetThing.DrawPos;
                    targetPos = new Vector3(targDrawPos.x, new CollisionVertical(targetThing).Max, targDrawPos.z);
                    var targPawn = targetThing as Pawn;
                    if (targPawn != null)
                        targetPos += targPawn.Drawer.leaner.LeanOffset * 0.6f;
                    targetPos = targetLoc.ToVector3Shifted();
                Ray shotLine = new Ray(shotSource, (targetPos - shotSource));

                // Create validator to check for intersection with partial cover
                var aimMode = CompFireModes?.CurrentAimMode;

                Predicate <IntVec3> CanShootThroughCell = (IntVec3 cell) =>
                    Thing cover = cell.GetFirstPawn(caster.Map) ?? cell.GetCover(caster.Map);

                    if (cover != null && cover != ShooterPawn && cover != caster && cover != targetThing && !cover.IsPlant() && !(cover is Pawn && cover.HostileTo(caster)))
                        // Skip this check entirely if we're doing suppressive fire and cell is adjacent to target
                        if ((VerbPropsCE.ignorePartialLoSBlocker || aimMode == AimMode.SuppressFire) && cover.def.Fillage != FillCategory.Full)

                        Bounds bounds = CE_Utility.GetBoundsFor(cover);

                        // Simplified calculations for adjacent cover for gameplay purposes
                        if (cover.def.Fillage != FillCategory.Full && cover.AdjacentTo8WayOrInside(caster))
                            // Sanity check to prevent stuff behind us blocking LoS
                            var cellTargDist = cell.DistanceTo(targetLoc);
                            var shotTargDist = shotSource.ToIntVec3().DistanceTo(targetLoc);

                            if (shotTargDist > cellTargDist)
                                return(cover is Pawn || bounds.size.y < shotSource.y);

                        // Check for intersect
                        if (bounds.IntersectRay(shotLine))
                            if (Controller.settings.DebugDrawPartialLoSChecks)
                                caster.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(cell, 0, bounds.extents.y.ToString());

                        if (Controller.settings.DebugDrawPartialLoSChecks)
                            caster.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(cell, 0.7f, bounds.extents.y.ToString());


                // Add validator to parameters
                foreach (IntVec3 curCell in SightUtility.GetCellsOnLine(shotSource, targetLoc.ToVector3(), caster.Map))
                    if (Controller.settings.DebugDrawPartialLoSChecks)
                        caster.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(curCell, 0.4f);
                    if (curCell != shotSource.ToIntVec3() && curCell != targetLoc && !CanShootThroughCell(curCell))