public JointVehicleMotor ConnectWheel(VehiclePartEntity wheel, bool driving, bool powered) { wheel.SetFriction(2.5f); Vector3 left = Quaternion.Transform(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), wheel.GetOrientation()); Vector3 up = Quaternion.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), wheel.GetOrientation()); JointSlider pointOnLineJoint = new JointSlider(this, wheel, -new Location(up)); JointLAxisLimit suspensionLimit = new JointLAxisLimit(this, wheel, 0f, 0.1f, wheel.GetPosition(), wheel.GetPosition(), -new Location(up)); JointPullPush spring = new JointPullPush(this, wheel, -new Location(up), true); BEPUphysics.CollisionRuleManagement.CollisionRules.AddRule(wheel.Body, this.Body, BEPUphysics.CollisionRuleManagement.CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase); // TODO: How necessary is this? Should we replicate this clientside? if (driving) { JointSpinner spinner = new JointSpinner(this, wheel, new Location(-left)); TheRegion.AddJoint(spinner); } else { JointSwivelHinge swivelhinge = new JointSwivelHinge(this, wheel, new Location(up), new Location(-left)); TheRegion.AddJoint(swivelhinge); } TheRegion.AddJoint(pointOnLineJoint); TheRegion.AddJoint(suspensionLimit); TheRegion.AddJoint(spring); if (powered) { JointVehicleMotor motor = new JointVehicleMotor(this, wheel, new Location(driving ? left : up), !driving); TheRegion.AddJoint(motor); return(motor); } return(null); }
public JointVehicleMotor ConnectWheel(VehiclePartEntity wheel, bool driving, bool powered, double susp) { TheRegion.AddJoint(new ConstWheelStepUp(wheel, wheel.StepHeight)); wheel.SetFriction(2.5f); Vector3 left = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), wheel.GetOrientation()); Vector3 up = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), wheel.GetOrientation()); JointSlider pointOnLineJoint = new JointSlider(this, wheel, -new Location(up)); JointLAxisLimit suspensionLimit = new JointLAxisLimit(this, wheel, 0f, susp, wheel.GetPosition(), wheel.GetPosition(), -new Location(up)); JointPullPush spring = new JointPullPush(this, wheel, -new Location(up), true); if (driving) { JointSpinner spinner = new JointSpinner(this, wheel, new Location(-left)); TheRegion.AddJoint(spinner); } else { JointSwivelHinge swivelhinge = new JointSwivelHinge(this, wheel, new Location(up), new Location(-left)); TheRegion.AddJoint(swivelhinge); } TheRegion.AddJoint(pointOnLineJoint); TheRegion.AddJoint(suspensionLimit); TheRegion.AddJoint(spring); JointNoCollide jnc = new JointNoCollide(this, wheel); TheRegion.AddJoint(jnc); if (powered) { JointVehicleMotor motor = new JointVehicleMotor(this, wheel, new Location(driving ? left : up), !driving); TheRegion.AddJoint(motor); return(motor); } return(null); }
public override void SpawnBody() { base.SpawnBody(); Motion = new PlaneMotionConstraint(this); TheRegion.PhysicsWorld.Add(Motion); Wings = new JointFlyingDisc(this) { IsAPlane = true }; TheRegion.AddJoint(Wings); HandleWheels(); }
public void ConnectFlap(VehiclePartEntity flap, FDSSection flapDat) { JointBallSocket jbs = new JointBallSocket(this, flap, flap.GetPosition()); // TODO: necessity? TheRegion.AddJoint(jbs); JointNoCollide jnc = new JointNoCollide(this, flap); TheRegion.AddJoint(jnc); string mode = flapDat.GetString("mode"); VehicleFlap vf = new VehicleFlap() { MaxAngle = flapDat.GetDouble("max_angle", 10).Value, Speed = flapDat.GetDouble("corrective_speed", 2.25).Value }; if (mode == "roll/l") { JointHinge jh = new JointHinge(this, flap, new Location(1, 0, 0)); TheRegion.AddJoint(jh); JointVehicleMotor jvm = new JointVehicleMotor(this, flap, new Location(1, 0, 0), true); TheRegion.AddJoint(jvm); vf.JVM = jvm; Flaps_RollL.Add(vf); } else if (mode == "roll/r") { JointHinge jh = new JointHinge(this, flap, new Location(1, 0, 0)); TheRegion.AddJoint(jh); JointVehicleMotor jvm = new JointVehicleMotor(this, flap, new Location(1, 0, 0), true); TheRegion.AddJoint(jvm); vf.JVM = jvm; Flaps_RollR.Add(vf); } else if (mode == "yaw") { JointHinge jh = new JointHinge(this, flap, new Location(0, 0, 1)); TheRegion.AddJoint(jh); JointVehicleMotor jvm = new JointVehicleMotor(this, flap, new Location(0, 0, 1), true); TheRegion.AddJoint(jvm); vf.JVM = jvm; Flaps_Yaw.Add(vf); } else if (mode == "pitch") { JointHinge jh = new JointHinge(this, flap, new Location(1, 0, 0)); TheRegion.AddJoint(jh); JointVehicleMotor jvm = new JointVehicleMotor(this, flap, new Location(1, 0, 0), true); TheRegion.AddJoint(jvm); vf.JVM = jvm; Flaps_Pitch.Add(vf); } }
public override void SpawnBody() { base.SpawnBody(); Body.LinearDamping = 0.0; HandleWheels(); Motion = new PlaneMotionConstraint(this); TheRegion.PhysicsWorld.Add(Motion); Wings = new JointFlyingDisc(this) { IsAPlane = true }; TheRegion.AddJoint(Wings); (Wings.CurrentJoint as FlyingDiscConstraint).PlaneLiftHelper = LiftHelper; }
public void OnCollide(object sender, CollisionEventArgs args) { if (Stuck) { return; } double len = GetVelocity().Length(); SetPosition(args.Info.Position + (GetVelocity() / len) * 0.05f); SetVelocity(Location.Zero); Gravity = Location.Zero; if (HasHat) { SolidHat = new ModelEntity("invisbox", TheRegion); SolidHat.SetMass(0); SolidHat.SetPosition(GetPosition()); SolidHat.SetOrientation(GetOrientation()); SolidHat.scale = new Location(0.6, 1.5, 0.6); SolidHat.Visible = false; SolidHat.CanSave = false; TheRegion.SpawnEntity(SolidHat); } if (args.Info.HitEnt != null) { PhysicsEntity pe = (PhysicsEntity)args.Info.HitEnt.Tag; if (pe is EntityDamageable) { ((EntityDamageable)pe).Damage(Damage + DamageTimesVelocity * (double)len); } Vector3 loc = (args.Info.Position - pe.GetPosition()).ToBVector(); Vector3 impulse = GetVelocity().ToBVector() * DamageTimesVelocity / 1000f; pe.Body.ApplyImpulse(ref loc, ref impulse); StuckTo = pe; if (HasHat) { CollisionRules.AddRule(pe.Body, SolidHat.Body, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase); // TODO: Broadcast this info! Perhaps abuse the joint system? } } TheRegion.SendToAll(new PrimitiveEntityUpdatePacketOut(this)); if (args.Info.HitEnt != null) { PhysicsEntity pe = (PhysicsEntity)args.Info.HitEnt.Tag; JointForceWeld jfw = new JointForceWeld(pe, this); TheRegion.AddJoint(jfw); } }
public void HandleWheels() { if (!hasWheels) { Model mod = TheServer.Models.GetModel(model); if (mod == null) // TODO: mod should return a cube when all else fails? { return; } Model3D scene = mod.Original; if (scene == null) // TODO: Scene should return a cube when all else fails? { return; } SetOrientation(Quaternion.Identity); List <Model3DNode> nodes = GetNodes(scene.RootNode); List <VehiclePartEntity> frontwheels = new List <VehiclePartEntity>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { string name = nodes[i].Name.ToLowerFast(); if (name.Contains("wheel")) { Matrix mat = nodes[i].MatrixA; Model3DNode tnode = nodes[i].Parent; while (tnode != null) { mat = tnode.MatrixA * mat; tnode = tnode.Parent; } Location pos = GetPosition() + new Location(mat.M14, mat.M34, mat.M24) + offset; // NOTE: wtf happened to this matrix? VehiclePartEntity wheel = new VehiclePartEntity(TheRegion, "vehicles/" + vehName + "_wheel", true); wheel.SetPosition(pos); wheel.SetOrientation(Quaternion.Identity); wheel.Gravity = Gravity; wheel.CGroup = CGroup; wheel.SetMass(30); wheel.mode = ModelCollisionMode.CONVEXHULL; TheRegion.SpawnEntity(wheel); wheel.SetPosition(pos); if (name.After("wheel").StartsWith("f")) { SteeringMotors.Add(ConnectWheel(wheel, false, true)); frontwheels.Add(wheel); } else if (name.After("wheel").StartsWith("b")) { DrivingMotors.Add(ConnectWheel(wheel, true, true)); } else { ConnectWheel(wheel, true, false); } wheel.Body.ActivityInformation.Activate(); } } if (frontwheels.Count == 2) { JointSpinner js = new JointSpinner(frontwheels[0], frontwheels[1], new Location(1, 0, 0)); TheRegion.AddJoint(js); } hasWheels = true; } }
public void HandleWheels() { if (!hasWheels) { string wheelsModFront = SourceFile.GetString("vehicle.wheels.front.model"); string wheelsModBack = SourceFile.GetString("vehicle.wheels.back.model"); double wheelsSuspFront = SourceFile.GetDouble("vehicle.wheels.front.suspension", 0.1).Value; double wheelsSuspBack = SourceFile.GetDouble("vehicle.wheels.back.suspension", 0.1).Value; Model mod = TheServer.Models.GetModel(model); if (mod == null) // TODO: mod should return a cube when all else fails? { return; } Model3D scene = mod.Original; if (scene == null) // TODO: Scene should return a cube when all else fails? { return; } SetOrientation(BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity); // TODO: Track and reset orientation maybe? List <Model3DNode> nodes = GetNodes(scene.RootNode); List <VehiclePartEntity> frontwheels = new List <VehiclePartEntity>(); Location centerOfMass = Location.Zero; double mass = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { string name = nodes[i].Name.ToLowerFast(); if (name.Contains("wheel")) { Matrix mat = nodes[i].MatrixA; mat.Transpose(); Model3DNode tnode = nodes[i].Parent; while (tnode != null) { Matrix mb = tnode.MatrixA; mb.Transpose(); mat = mat * mb; tnode = tnode.Parent; } centerOfMass += (new Location(mat.M41, -mat.M43, mat.M42) + offset) * 30; // TODO: Arbitrary constant mass += 30; // TODO: Arbitrary constant } else if (name.Contains("flap")) { Matrix mat = nodes[i].MatrixA; mat.Transpose(); Model3DNode tnode = nodes[i].Parent; while (tnode != null) { Matrix mb = tnode.MatrixA; mb.Transpose(); mat = mat * mb; tnode = tnode.Parent; } centerOfMass += (new Location(mat.M41, -mat.M43, mat.M42) + offset) * 20; // TODO: Arbitrary constant mass += 20; // TODO: Arbitrary constant } } if (mass > 0) { centerOfMass /= mass; } Body.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition = -centerOfMass.ToBVector() - CenterOfMassOffset.ToBVector(); ForceNetwork(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { string name = nodes[i].Name.ToLowerFast(); if (name.Contains("wheel")) { Matrix mat = nodes[i].MatrixA; mat.Transpose(); Model3DNode tnode = nodes[i].Parent; while (tnode != null) { Matrix mb = tnode.MatrixA; mb.Transpose(); mat = mat * mb; tnode = tnode.Parent; } Location pos = GetPosition() + new Location(Body.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition) + new Location(mat.M41, -mat.M43, mat.M42) + offset; // TODO: matrix gone funky? VehiclePartEntity wheel = new VehiclePartEntity(TheRegion, (name.After("wheel").Contains("f") ? wheelsModFront : wheelsModBack), true); wheel.SetPosition(pos); wheel.SetOrientation(BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity); wheel.Gravity = Gravity; wheel.CGroup = CGroup; wheel.SetMass(30); // TODO: Arbitrary constant wheel.mode = ModelCollisionMode.CONVEXHULL; TheRegion.SpawnEntity(wheel); wheel.ForceNetwork(); wheel.SetPosition(pos); wheel.SetOrientation(BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity); if (name.After("wheel").Contains("f")) { SteeringMotors.Add(ConnectWheel(wheel, false, true, wheelsSuspFront)); frontwheels.Add(wheel); } else if (name.After("wheel").Contains("b")) { DrivingMotors.Add(ConnectWheel(wheel, true, true, wheelsSuspBack)); } else { ConnectWheel(wheel, true, false, wheelsSuspBack); } wheel.Body.ActivityInformation.Activate(); } else if (name.Contains("flap")) { Matrix mat = nodes[i].MatrixA; mat.Transpose(); Model3DNode tnode = nodes[i].Parent; while (tnode != null) { Matrix mb = tnode.MatrixA; mb.Transpose(); mat = mat * mb; tnode = tnode.Parent; } Location pos = GetPosition() + new Location(Body.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition) + new Location(mat.M41, -mat.M43, mat.M42) + offset; // TODO: matrix gone funky? FDSSection flapDat = SourceFile.GetSection("vehicle.flaps").GetSection(name.After("flap").Replace("_", "")); VehiclePartEntity flap = new VehiclePartEntity(TheRegion, flapDat.GetString("model"), true); flap.SetPosition(pos); flap.SetOrientation(BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity); flap.Gravity = Gravity; flap.CGroup = CGroup; flap.SetMass(20); flap.mode = ModelCollisionMode.CONVEXHULL; TheRegion.SpawnEntity(flap); flap.ForceNetwork(); flap.SetPosition(pos); flap.SetOrientation(BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity); ConnectFlap(flap, flapDat); } } if (frontwheels.Count == 2) { JointSpinner js = new JointSpinner(frontwheels[0], frontwheels[1], new Location(1, 0, 0)); TheRegion.AddJoint(js); } hasWheels = true; } }
public override void SpawnBody() { base.SpawnBody(); TheRegion.AddJoint(new ConstWheelStepUp(this, StepHeight)); }