Update() 공개 메소드

public Update ( ) : void
리턴 void
예제 #1
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (CanSpawnCoins && _scoreBoard.Score - _lastSpawnScore >= _currentTargetDistance)
                _currentTargetDistance = _random.NextDouble()
                                         * (MAX_COIN_DISTANCE - MIN_COIN_DISTANCE) + MIN_COIN_DISTANCE;

                _currentTargetDistance += (_ball.Speed - BallEntity.START_SPEED) / (BallEntity.MAX_SPEED - BallEntity.START_SPEED)
                                          * COIN_DISTANCE_SPEED_TOLERANCE;

                _lastSpawnScore = _scoreBoard.Score;


            foreach (CoinEntity coin in _entityManager.GetEntitiesOfType <CoinEntity>())
                if (coin.Position.X < COIN_DESPAWN_POS_X)


예제 #2
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Update tiles.
            for (int i = 0; i < surroundingTiles.Length; i++)
                if (surroundingTiles[i].HasPoint(position.Location))
                    currentTile = surroundingTiles[i];
                    surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Up]    = tiles[currentTile.Index - 28];
                    surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Down]  = tiles[currentTile.Index + 28];
                    surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Left]  = tiles[currentTile.Index - 1];
                    surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Right] = tiles[currentTile.Index + 1];
            if (surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Left].Line != currentTile.Line)
                surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Left] = tiles[currentTile.Index + 27];
            if (surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Right].Line != currentTile.Line)
                surroundingTiles[(int)Direction.Right] = tiles[currentTile.Index - 27];
            position.Tile = currentTile.Center.ToPoint();

            // Distance that the player can travel this frame.
            distance = (int)(speed * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds);

            // Change directions.
            if (nextDirection != Direction.None && nextDirection != direction)
                if (!surroundingTiles[(int)nextDirection].IsWall && (position.DeltaPixel == 0 ||
                                                                     (direction == Direction.None && position.DeltaPixel != 0)))
                    direction = nextDirection;

            // Move player in current direction.
            if ((direction != Direction.None && !game.DevMode) || (game.DevMode && direction != Direction.None && nextDirection != Direction.None))
                nextTile = surroundingTiles[(int)direction];
                if (!nextTile.IsWall || position.DeltaPixel > 0)
                    position.Location = Move(direction, distance, position.Location);
                    direction = Direction.None;

            drawLocation = new Vector2(position.Location.X - 8, position.Location.Y - 8);
            Bounds       = new Rectangle((int)drawLocation.X + 1, (int)drawLocation.Y + 1, 13, 13);
            MiniBounds   = new Rectangle(Bounds.X + 4, Bounds.Y + 4, 5, 5);

            // Go through tunnel
            if (Bounds.Right <= 0)
                position.Location = new Point(position.Location.X + 224, position.Location.Y);
            else if (Bounds.Left >= 224)
                position.Location = new Point(position.Location.X - 224, position.Location.Y);
            drawLocation            = new Vector2(position.Location.X - 8, position.Location.Y - 8);
            drawTunnelLocationLeft  = new Vector2(drawLocation.X + 224, drawLocation.Y);
            drawTunnelLocationRight = new Vector2(drawLocation.X - 224, drawLocation.Y);

            // Update animation

            // Debugging
            if (game.DevMode)
                util.DevMsg("current tile is ", currentTile.Index);