예제 #1
    void Update()
        //Checks if has been picked up and equipped

        //Sends out raycast
        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        //Checks if raycast hits
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
            //Checks if the hit is a ground tile and within Distance for hoeing
            if (hit.transform.gameObject.tag == "Ground" && Vector3.Distance(_player.transform.position, hit.point) <= shovelDistance && !textureShowing)
                //grabs Cell tile and index
                Cell fertile   = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(hit.point, true);
                int  cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(fertile);
                currentCellIndex = cellIndex;

                if (currentCellIndex != previousCellIndex)
                    previousCellIndex = currentCellIndex;

                //checks if cell is normal Ground
                if (tgs.CellGetTag(cellIndex) == 0)
                    //Sets texture to clickable
                    tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(cellIndex, true, canClickTexture);

                    //Takes click, sets tile to Fertile
                    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                            tgs.CellSetTag(fertile, 1);
                            StartCoroutine(ChangeTexture(cellIndex, fertileTexture));

                //Switches tile back to normal Ground
                if (tgs.CellGetTag(previousCellIndex) == 0)
                    StartCoroutine(ChangeTexture(currentCellIndex, groundTexture));
예제 #2
    void Start()
        // playAud = GetComponent<playSequence>();
        //grabs Audio
        treeSounds = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        //TerrainGridSystem ref
        tgs            = TerrainGridSystem.instance;
        randomRotation = 60 * Random.Range(0, 6);
        // Clone Sapling prefabs and Instantiate
        groundTile = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(transform.position, true);
        //transform.SetParent ();
        cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(groundTile);
        neighbors = tgs.CellGetNeighbours(groundTile);
        tgs.CellSetCanCross(cellIndex, false);
        //fills up neighborIndexes with the proper cell indexes
        for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Count; i++)
            int index = tgs.CellGetIndex(neighbors[i]);
            neighbourPos[i] = tgs.CellGetPosition(index);
            //this gives you neighbor cell position
            //can be used to see which cell you’re being given
            //raycast to this position to get the plant collider and get the sequencer
            if (tgs.CellGetTag(index) == 1)
                //this cell has a tree planted, but don’t run this in start
                //send to an array of “plants nearby”

                //for any rule make a bool in plantlife for “isFollowingRule” to see if neighbours are occupied or following a rule already
                //are two adjacent cells in the index occupied that’s a triad
                //if all cells are occupied that’s an arp, arp beats triad

        if (plantedInEditor)
            ageCounter        -= 1;
            transform.position = tgs.CellGetPosition(cellIndex);
            tgs.CellSetTag(cellIndex, 1);
            tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(cellIndex, true, growingTexture);
            //Set age and fruit
            ageCounter = 0;
            //fruitAmount = 0;
            growthPeriod = 1;
예제 #3
    //Checks if fruit has collided with ground
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        rb.isKinematic = true;
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
            onGround = true;

            //Checks what ground tile this is using collision point
            Vector3 collisionPoint = collision.contacts[0].point;
            Cell    groundTile     = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(collisionPoint, true);
            int     cellIndex      = tgs.CellGetIndex(groundTile);

            //Starts Decompose using ground tile
            StartCoroutine(Decompose(groundTile, cellIndex, tgs.CellGetTag(cellIndex)));
예제 #4
    void Start()
        tgs = TerrainGridSystem.instance;

        for (int i = 0; i < tgs.cells.Count; i++)
            if (tgs.CellGetTag(i) == 0)
                tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(i, true, groundTexture);
            //if (tgs.CellGetTag(i) == 1)
            //    tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(i, true, fertileTexture);
            //if (tgs.CellGetTag(i) == 2)
            //tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(i, true, plantedTexture);

            //if (tgs.CellGetTag(i) == 5)
            //tgs.CellSetCanCross(i, false);
예제 #5
    void Update()
        //Checks if has been picked up and equipped
        if (inventMan.underPlayerControl)
            //Sends out raycast
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;

            //Checks if raycast hits
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                //Checks if the hit is a ground tile and within Distance for planting
                if (hit.transform.gameObject.tag == "Ground" && Vector3.Distance(_player.transform.position, hit.point) <= withinPlantingRange && !textureShowing)
                    //grabs Cell tile and index
                    Cell fertile   = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(hit.point, true);
                    int  cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(fertile);
                    currentCellIndex = cellIndex;

                    if (currentCellIndex != previousCellIndex)
                        previousCellIndex = currentCellIndex;

                    //checks if cell is fertile
                    if (tgs.CellGetTag(cellIndex) == 1)
                        //Sets texture to clickable
                        tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(cellIndex, true, canClickTexture);

                        //If player clicks, we plant seed and clear up Equip slot
                        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                            plantSeed = true;
                            targetPos = hit.point;
                            playerControl.isHoldingSeed  = false;
                            inventMan.underPlayerControl = false;


                    //If it's a new cell, set last cell back to fertileTexture
                    if (tgs.CellGetTag(previousCellIndex) == 1)
                        StartCoroutine(ChangeTexture(currentCellIndex, fertileTexture));

            //This will be true either after a fruit decomposes, or after player plants seed
        if (plantSeed)
            //grabs Cell tile and index
            Cell plantTile = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(targetPos, true);
            int  cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(plantTile);

            //checks if cell is Fertile
            if (tgs.CellGetTag(cellIndex) == 1 || planting)
//                Debug.Log("planter");
                //Centers seed on tile
                transform.position = new Vector3(tgs.CellGetPosition(cellIndex).x, transform.position.y, tgs.CellGetPosition(cellIndex).z);
                //Calls PlantSeed function on selected tile
                PlantSeed(plantTile, cellIndex);
        //always rotate seed in world space
        transform.Rotate(0, 1, 0 * Time.deltaTime);
예제 #6
        void OnSceneGUI()
            if (tgs == null || Application.isPlaying || !tgs.enableGridEditor)
            if (tgs.terrain != null)
                // prevents terrain from being selected
            Event e       = Event.current;
            bool  gridHit = tgs.CheckRay(HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(e.mousePosition));

            if (cellHighlightedIndex != tgs.cellHighlightedIndex)
                cellHighlightedIndex = tgs.cellHighlightedIndex;
            int       controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);
            EventType eventType = e.GetTypeForControl(controlID);

            if ((eventType == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0) || (eventType == EventType.MouseMove && e.shift))
                if (gridHit)
                if (cellHighlightedIndex < 0)
                if (!e.shift && cellSelectedIndices.Contains(cellHighlightedIndex))
                    if (!e.shift || (e.shift && !cellSelectedIndices.Contains(cellHighlightedIndex)))
                        if (!e.shift && !e.control)
                        if (textureMode > 0)
                            tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(cellHighlightedIndex, true, Color.white, false, textureMode);
                        if (cellHighlightedIndex >= 0)
                            cellTerritoryIndex = tgs.CellGetTerritoryIndex(cellHighlightedIndex);
                            cellColor          = tgs.CellGetColor(cellHighlightedIndex);
                            if (cellColor.a == 0)
                                cellColor = Color.white;
                            cellTextureIndex = tgs.CellGetTextureIndex(cellHighlightedIndex);
                            cellTag          = tgs.CellGetTag(cellHighlightedIndex);
            int count = cellSelectedIndices.Count;

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                int     index = cellSelectedIndices [k];
                Vector3 pos   = tgs.CellGetPosition(index);
                Handles.color = colorSelection;
                // Handle size
                Rect    rect       = tgs.CellGetRect(index);
                Vector3 min        = tgs.transform.TransformPoint(rect.min);
                Vector3 max        = tgs.transform.TransformPoint(rect.max);
                float   dia        = Vector3.Distance(min, max);
                float   handleSize = dia * 0.05f;
                Handles.DrawSolidDisc(pos, tgs.transform.forward, handleSize);