예제 #1
        private static void ConvertCsvToMongo <T>(Context context, TemporalId dataset, string csvFile) where T : Record
            string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(csvFile);
            var    records     = CsvRecordsSerializer <T> .Deserialize(fileContent);

            context.SaveMany(records, dataset);
예제 #2
        private static void ProcessDirectory(Context context, string path, TemporalId parentDataset)
            var dirName = Path.GetFileName(path);

            // Do not create dataset for Common
            var currentDataset = dirName != "Common"
                                     ? context.CreateDataSet(dirName)
                                     : parentDataset;

            foreach (var csvFile in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.csv"))
                var  type       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(csvFile);
                Type recordType = ActivatorUtil.ResolveType(type, ActivatorSettings.Assemblies)
                                  ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Type '{type}' not found");

                MethodInfo convertToMongo = typeof(CsvConvertCommand)
                                            .GetMethod(nameof(ConvertCsvToMongo), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)

                convertToMongo?.Invoke(null, new object[] { context, currentDataset, csvFile });

            var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(path);

            foreach (string directory in directories)
                ProcessDirectory(context, directory, currentDataset);
예제 #3
        public void Publish(string msg, string type, string route = "")
            _log.InfoFormat("Publishing {0} for type{1} on route {2}", msg, type, route);

            Message m = new Message
                ContentType = type,
                Route       = route,
                Content     = msg

            var textMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m);

            if (textMessage.Length >= CloudQueueMessage.MaxMessageSize)
                var id = new TemporalId();
                m.Reference = id.Id;
                m.Content   = null;

                _dblog.InfoFormat("Pocketing message at length {0} to reference {1}", textMessage.Length, id.Id);

                CloudBlob blob = null;
                lock (containerLock)
                    blob = _container.GetBlobReference(m.Reference);

                textMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m);

            lock (qLock)
                _q.AddMessage(new CloudQueueMessage(textMessage));
        public void TestParse()
            // Lowercase and uppercase
            var recordId1 = TemporalId.Parse("2003-05-01T10:15:00.000Z0000010002000abc");
            var recordId2 = TemporalId.Parse("2003-05-01T10:15:00.000Z0000010002000ABC");


            // ToString returns lower case
            Assert.True(recordId1.ToString() == "2003-05-01T10:15:00.000Z0000010002000abc");
            Assert.True(recordId1.ToString() == recordId2.ToString());
        public void TestTryParse()
            // Lowercase and uppercase
            TemporalId recordId1, recordId2;

            Assert.True(TemporalId.TryParse("2003-05-01T10:15:00.000Z0000010002000abc", out recordId1));
            Assert.True(TemporalId.TryParse("2003-05-01T10:15:00.000Z0000010002000ABC", out recordId2));

            // ToString returns lower case
            Assert.True(recordId1.ToString() == "2003-05-01T10:15:00.000Z0000010002000abc");
            Assert.True(recordId1.ToString() == recordId2.ToString());
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to create and init instance of handler class.
        /// </summary>
        private static TRecord CreateHandler <TKey, TBaseRecord, TRecord>(Context context, RunCommand command)
            where TKey : TypedKey <TKey, TBaseRecord>, new()
            where TRecord : TBaseRecord
            where TBaseRecord : TypedRecord <TKey, TBaseRecord>
            TKey key = Activator.CreateInstance <TKey>();


            TemporalId dataSet = context.GetDataSet(command.Dataset);
            TRecord    record  = (TRecord)context.LoadOrNull(key, dataSet);


예제 #7
        public void CutoffTime()
            using (var context = CreateMethodContext())
                // Create two versions in DataSet0
                var        dataSet0 = context.CreateDataSet("DataSet0");
                TemporalId objA0    = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet0", "A", 0, 0);
                TemporalId objA1    = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet0", "A", 0, 1);

                // Create two versions in DataSet1
                var        dataSet1 = context.CreateDataSet("DataSet1", new TemporalId[] { dataSet0 });
                TemporalId objB0    = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet1", "B", 0, 0);
                TemporalId objB1    = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet1", "B", 0, 1);

                TemporalId cutoffTemporalId = context.DataSource.CreateOrderedTemporalId();

                // Create third version of the records
                TemporalId objA2 = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet0", "A", 0, 2);
                TemporalId objB2 = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet1", "B", 0, 2);

                // Create new records that did not exist before
                TemporalId objC0 = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet0", "C", 0, 0);
                TemporalId objD0 = SaveMinimalRecord(context, "DataSet1", "D", 0, 0);

                // Load each record by TemporalId
                context.Log.Verify("Load records by TemporalId without constraint");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(A0)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objA0) != null}");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(A1)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objA1) != null}");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(A2)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objA2) != null}");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(C0)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objC0) != null}");

                // Load each record by string key
                if (true)
                    var loadedA0 = context.LoadOrNull(new BaseSampleKey()
                        RecordName = "A", RecordIndex = 0
                    }, dataSet1);
                    var loadedC0 = context.LoadOrNull(new BaseSampleKey()
                        RecordName = "C", RecordIndex = 0
                    }, dataSet1);

                    context.Log.Verify("Load records by string key without constraint");
                    if (loadedA0 != null)
                        context.Log.Verify($"    Version found for key=A;0: {loadedA0.Version}");
                    if (loadedC0 != null)
                        context.Log.Verify($"    Version found for key=C;0: {loadedC0.Version}");

                // Query for all records
                if (true)
                    var query = context.GetQuery <BaseSample>(dataSet1)
                                .SortBy(p => p.RecordName)
                                .SortBy(p => p.RecordIndex)

                    context.Log.Verify("Query records without constraint");
                    foreach (var obj in query)
                        var dataSetName = context.LoadOrNull <DataSet>(obj.DataSet).DataSetName;
                        context.Log.Verify($"    Key={obj.Key} DataSet={dataSetName} Version={obj.Version}");

                // Set revision time constraint
                context.DataSource.CastTo <TemporalMongoDataSource>().CutoffTime = cutoffTemporalId;

                // Get each record by TemporalId
                context.Log.Verify("Load records by TemporalId with CutoffTime constraint");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(A0)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objA0) != null}");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(A1)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objA1) != null}");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(A2)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objA2) != null}");
                context.Log.Verify($"Found for TemporalId(C0)={context.LoadOrNull<BaseSample>(objC0) != null}");

                // Load each record by string key
                if (true)
                    var loadedA0 = context.LoadOrNull(new BaseSampleKey()
                        RecordName = "A", RecordIndex = 0
                    }, dataSet1);
                    var loadedC0 = context.LoadOrNull(new BaseSampleKey()
                        RecordName = "C", RecordIndex = 0
                    }, dataSet1);

                    context.Log.Verify("Load records by string key with CutoffTime constraint");
                    if (loadedA0 != null)
                        context.Log.Verify($"    Version found for key=A;0: {loadedA0.Version}");
                    if (loadedC0 != null)
                        context.Log.Verify($"    Version found for key=C;0: {loadedC0.Version}");

                // Query for revised before the cutoff time
                if (true)
                    var query = context.GetQuery <BaseSample>(dataSet1)
                                .SortBy(p => p.RecordName)
                                .SortBy(p => p.RecordIndex)

                    context.Log.Verify("Query records with CutoffTime constraint");
                    foreach (var obj in query)
                        var dataSetName = context.LoadOrNull <DataSet>(obj.DataSet).DataSetName;
                        context.Log.Verify($"    Key={obj.Key} DataSet={dataSetName} Version={obj.Version}");

                // Clear revision time constraint before exiting to avoid an error
                // about deleting readonly database. The error occurs because
                // revision time constraint makes the data source readonly.
                context.DataSource.CastTo <TemporalMongoDataSource>().CutoffTime = null;
예제 #8
        protected override string BuildPaymentButton(string trxInfo, BillingPlan bp, BrokerTransactionType tt)
            Debug.Assert(null != bp);

                "Building payment button with transaction info {0}, billing plan {1} and transaction type {2}", trxInfo,
                bp.Name, tt);

            PayPalEncryptedButton subscribeButton = new PayPalEncryptedButton();

            IConfig config          = Catalog.Factory.Resolve <IConfig>();
            var     businessID      = config[PayPalConfiguration.BusinessId];
            var     cancelReturnUrl = config[PayPalConfiguration.CancelReturnUrl];
            var     notificationUrl = config[PayPalConfiguration.NotificationUrl];

            string     itemName, returnUrl, invoice;
            TemporalId payId = new TemporalId();

            if (tt == BrokerTransactionType.Upgrade)
                itemName  = config[PayPalConfiguration.UpgradeItem];
                returnUrl = config[PayPalConfiguration.UpgradeReturnUrl];

                invoice = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", UpgradePrefix, bp.Name, payId);
                itemName  = config[PayPalConfiguration.ExpressItem];
                returnUrl = config[PayPalConfiguration.ExpressReturnUrl];

                invoice = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", ExpressPrefix, bp.Name, payId);
            _logger.InfoFormat("invoice: {0}", invoice);

            const int one = 1;

            subscribeButton.AddParameter(PayPal.Command, PayPal.ClickSubscription)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.Business, businessID)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.SubscribeButtonLanguage, PayPal.USEnglishLanguage)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.ItemName, itemName)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.BuyerIncludeNoteWithPayment, PayPal.HideNoteFromUser)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.ShippingAddressMode, PayPal.ShippingModeHideAddress)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.ReturnToAppMethod, PayPal.ReturnMethodGetNoVariables)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.GoToOnPayment, returnUrl)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.SubscriptionRecurrence, PayPal.SubscriptionRecurs)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.SubscriptionPrice, string.Format("{0:0.00}", bp.Rate))
            .AddParameter(PayPal.SubscriptionDuration, one.ToString())
            .AddParameter(PayPal.SubscriptionUnits, PayPal.TimeUnitMonth)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.CurrencyCode, PayPal.CurrencyUSDollar)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.TransactionNotificationGatewayURL, notificationUrl)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.GotoOnCancel, cancelReturnUrl)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.Custom, trxInfo)
            .AddParameter(PayPal.InvoiceIdentifier, invoice);

            if (bp.GracePeriodDays > 0)
                subscribeButton.AddParameter(PayPal.TrialPeriodPrice, "0.00")
                .AddParameter(PayPal.TrialPeriodDuration, bp.GracePeriodDays.ToString())
                .AddParameter(PayPal.TrialPeriodUnits, PayPal.TimeUnitDay);

            _dblogger.InfoFormat("subscription button: {0}", subscribeButton.Plain);

        /// <summary>Insert M copies of each of N versioned instances B.</summary>
        private void InsertRecordsB(Context context)
            var db         = GetDb(context);
            var collection = db.GetCollection <B>("B");

            if (false)
                var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();
                var indexKeys    = Builders <B> .IndexKeys.Descending(p => p.DataSet).Descending(p => p.Id);

                var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <B>(indexKeys, indexOptions);
            if (true)
                var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();
                var indexKeys    = Builders <B> .IndexKeys.Ascending(p => p.KeyElement).Descending(p => p.DataSet).Descending(p => p.Id);

                var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <B>(indexKeys, indexOptions);
            if (true)
                var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();
                var indexKeys    = Builders <B> .IndexKeys
                                   .Ascending(p => p.StringElement1)
                                   .Ascending(p => p.StringElement2)
                                   .Ascending(p => p.DoubleElement)
                                   .Ascending(p => p.IntElement)
                                   // .Ascending(p => p.KeyElement)
                                   .Descending(p => p.DataSet).Descending(p => p.Id);

                var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <B>(indexKeys, indexOptions);

            List <B> records = new List <B>();

            for (int dataSetIndex = 0; dataSetIndex < dataSetCount_; ++dataSetIndex)
                TemporalId dataSet = TemporalId.Next();
                for (int versionIndex = 0; versionIndex < versionCount_; ++versionIndex)
                    for (int recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < recordCount_; ++recordIndex)
                        var rec = new B();
                        rec.Id             = TemporalId.Next();
                        rec.DataSet        = dataSet;
                        rec.KeyElement     = String.Concat("KeyPrefix", recordIndex);
                        rec.StringElement1 = (recordIndex % 2).ToString();
                        rec.StringElement2 = (recordIndex % 3).ToString();
                        rec.DoubleElement  = recordIndex;
                        rec.IntElement     = recordIndex;
                        if (arraySize_ > 0)
                            rec.ArrayElement = new List <double>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < arraySize_; ++i)
                        rec.VersionElement = versionIndex;

            context.Log.Verify($"Inserted {records.Count} record versions.");