예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new Network Properties page
        /// </summary>
        public PenPropertiesPage(PenStateModel psm, DrawingAttributes atts, bool isPen)
            this.DrawingAttributes = atts;
            this.psm = psm;
            this.isPen = isPen;


            this.Name = "PenPropertiesPage";
            this.ClientSize = new Size(510, 238);
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            this.Font = ViewerStateModel.FormFont;
            this.Text = Strings.Pen;

            // Add the controls
            this.Controls.Add(new PenTypeGroupBox(this, new Point(5, 8), new Size(174, 64), 0));
            this.Controls.Add(new PenShapeGroupBox(this, new Point(5, 72), new Size(174, 64), 1));
            this.Controls.Add(new PenColorGroupBox(this, new Point(5, 136), new Size(174, 48), 2));
            this.Controls.Add(new TipPropertiesGroupBox(this, new Point(184, 8), new Size(160, 176), 3));
            this.Controls.Add(new ScribbleGroupBox(this, new Point(352, 8), new Size(144, 224), 4));
            this.Controls.Add(new UndoChangesButton(this, new Point(185, 200), new Size(154, 23), 5));
            this.Controls.Add(new OKButton(this, new Point(16, 200), new Size(96, 23), 6));


예제 #2
        public static NineInk.Stroke ToNineStroke(WindowsInk.Stroke windowsStroke)
            var points = new List<NineInk.StrokePoint>();

            foreach (var point in windowsStroke.StylusPoints)
                points.Add(new NineInk.StrokePoint(point.X, point.Y, point.PressureFactor));

            var drwAttr = new DrawingAttributes();

            drwAttr.Color.R = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color.R;
            drwAttr.Color.G = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color.G;
            drwAttr.Color.B = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color.B;
            drwAttr.Color.A = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color.A;

            switch (windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTip.ToString())
                case "Rectangle":
                    drwAttr.Brush = Brushes.Rectangle;
                case "Ellipse":
                    drwAttr.Brush = Brushes.Ellipse;
            drwAttr.Height = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height;
            drwAttr.Width = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width;
            drwAttr.IsHighlighter = windowsStroke.DrawingAttributes.IsHighlighter;

            return new NineInk.Stroke(points, drwAttr);
        public StylusEntry(DrawingAttributes atts, StylusModel stylus, string toolTipText, PenType pt)
            if (atts == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("atts");
            if (stylus == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylus");

            this.DrawingAttributes = atts;
            this.Stylus = stylus;
            this.ToolTipText = toolTipText;
            this.PenType = pt;
예제 #4
        public PenStateModel()
            DrawingAttributes atts = new DrawingAttributes();

            this.m_PenRasterOperation = RasterOperation.CopyPen;
            this.m_PenTip = PenTip.Ball;
            this.m_PenColor = Color.Orange.ToArgb();
            this.m_PenWidth = (int)atts.Width;
            this.m_PenHeight = (int)atts.Height;
            this.m_HLRasterOperation = RasterOperation.MaskPen;
            this.m_HLTip = PenTip.Ball;
            this.m_HLColor = Color.Pink.ToArgb();
            this.m_HLWidth = (int)(6 * atts.Width);
            this.m_HLHeight = (int)(2 * atts.Width);
예제 #5
        public Canvas()

            graph = new Graph();
            animations = new ArrayList();
            animStarted = false;
            weight = -1;
            prevEdgeHit = null;

            // Declare repaint optimizations.

            this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Canvas_Paint);
            inkOverlay = new InkOverlay(this.Handle, true); //attach to form, allow use of mouse for input
            inkOverlay.CollectionMode =	CollectionMode.InkOnly;	// allow ink only, no gestures

            inkOverlay.AutoRedraw =	false; // Dynamic rendering	only; we do	all	the	painting.

            DrawingAttributes da = new DrawingAttributes();
            da.AntiAliased = true;  //Makes everything nice and smooth lookin'
            da.Transparency = 0;
            da.PenTip = Microsoft.Ink.PenTip.Ball;
            da.Width = 70.0f;
            inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes	= da;

            //Triggered at each pen stroke
            inkOverlay.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler(inkOverlay_Stroke);
            //Triggered at each eraser stroke
            inkOverlay.StrokesDeleting += new InkOverlayStrokesDeletingEventHandler(inkOverlay_StrokesDeleting);
            //Triggered when a selection of strokes is moved
            inkOverlay.SelectionMoved += new InkOverlaySelectionMovedEventHandler(inkOverlay_SelectionMoved);
            //Triggered when a selection of strokes is resized
            inkOverlay.SelectionResized +=new InkOverlaySelectionResizedEventHandler(inkOverlay_SelectionResized);
            inkOverlay.Enabled = true;

            myRecognizer = new RecognizerContext();
            myRecognizer.Strokes = inkOverlay.Ink.CreateStrokes();

            edgeTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(TIME_INTERVAL);
            edgeTimer.AutoReset = true;
            edgeTimer.Elapsed +=new ElapsedEventHandler(edgeTimer_Elapsed);
            edgeTimer.Enabled = true;
예제 #6
        public MyBorder()
            gotFirstStroke = false;

            // Set the default state if no button is clicked
            state = sMode.add;

            myInkPresenter = new InkPresenter();

            Child = myInkPresenter;

            inkAttributes        = new DrawingAttributes();
            inkAttributes.Color  = Colors.Green;
            inkAttributes.Width  = 5;
            inkAttributes.Height = 5;

            renderer = new DynamicRenderer();
            renderer.DrawingAttributes = inkAttributes;

            myInkPresenter.AttachVisuals(renderer.RootVisual, renderer.DrawingAttributes);

        public ImageProcWindow(System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap)
            bmp = bitmap;
            img = new Image();
            da  = new DrawingAttributes();


            tempList = new Stack <StrokeCollection>();
            ink.Strokes.StrokesChanged += Strokes_StrokesChanged;

            img.Width  = bitmap.Width;
            img.Height = bitmap.Height;
            ink.Height      = bitmap.Height;
            ink.Width       = bitmap.Width;
            ink.EditingMode = InkCanvasEditingMode.None;

            da.Color     = Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255);
            da.Width     = 10;
            da.Height    = 10;
            da.StylusTip = StylusTip.Ellipse;
예제 #8
        protected override void DrawCore(DrawingContext DrawingContext, DrawingAttributes DrawingAttribs)
            var start = StylusPoints.First().ToPoint();
            var end   = StylusPoints.Last().ToPoint();

            if (end.X < start.X)
                var t = start.X;
                start.X = end.X;
                end.X   = t;

            if (end.Y < start.Y)
                var t = start.Y;
                start.Y = end.Y;
                end.Y   = t;

            var w = end.X - start.X;
            var h = end.Y - start.Y;

            if (w <= 0)
                w = 1;

            if (h <= 0)
                h = 1;

            var center = new Point(start.X + w / 2, start.Y + h / 2);

            DrawingContext.DrawEllipse(null, new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(DrawingAttribs.Color), DrawingAttribs.Width), center, w / 2, h / 2);
예제 #9
        protected override void DrawCore(DrawingContext drawingContext, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
            if (drawingContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("drawingContext");
            if (null == drawingAttributes)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("drawingAttributes");

            this.Center = this.GetCenter();
            this.Radius = this.GetRadius(Center);
            if (this.Radius > 0)
                double          thickness = Math.Min(drawingAttributes.Width, drawingAttributes.Height);
                SolidColorBrush brush2    = new SolidColorBrush(drawingAttributes.Color);
                Pen newPen = new Pen(brush2, thickness);

                this.FixStylusPoint(this.Center, this.Radius);
                drawingContext.DrawEllipse(null, newPen, this.Center, this.Radius, this.Radius);
예제 #10
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            testiadded            = new List <StrokeCollection>();
            testiremoved          = new List <StrokeCollection>();
            selectedcolor         = buttonBlack.Background;
            inkCanvas1.Background = Brushes.White;
            inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Black;

            inkDA            = new DrawingAttributes();
            inkDA.Height     = 5;
            inkDA.Width      = 5;
            inkDA.FitToCurve = false;

            /*highlighterDA = new DrawingAttributes();
             * highlighterDA.Color = Colors.Orchid;
             * highlighterDA.IsHighlighter = true;
             * highlighterDA.IgnorePressure = true;
             * highlighterDA.StylusTip = StylusTip.Rectangle;
             * highlighterDA.Height = 30;
             * highlighterDA.Width = 10;*/

            inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkDA;
예제 #11
        protected override void DrawCore(DrawingContext drawingContext,
                                         DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
            // Allocate memory to store the previous point to draw from.
            Point prevPoint = new Point(StylusPoints[0].X,
            Point pt0 = new Point(prevPoint.X, prevPoint.Y);

            // Draw linear gradient ellipses between
            // all the StylusPoints in the Stroke.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.StylusPoints.Count; i++)
                Point pt = (Point)this.StylusPoints[i];

                Vector v = Point.Subtract(prevPoint, pt);

                // Only draw if we are at least 4 units away
                // from the end of the last ellipse. Otherwise,
                // we're just redrawing and wasting cycles.
                if (v.Length > 4)
                    // Set the thickness of the stroke
                    // based on how hard the user pressed.
                    double radius = this.StylusPoints[i].PressureFactor * 20d;


                    drawBezier(drawingContext, prevPoint, pt0, pt);

                    prevPoint = pt0;
                    pt0       = pt;
예제 #12
        public LanCanvas(InkCanvas canvas, IdGenerator generator, string owner, PermissionsData permissions)
            eraserShape = new EllipseStylusShape(2, 2);

            PointerData                  = new SharedWindows.PointerData();
            PointerData.Attributes       = new DrawingAttributes();
            PointerData.Attributes.Color = Colors.Red;
            PointerData.StayTime         = 1500;
            PointerData.FadeTime         = 500;

            OwnerName        = owner;
            this.generator   = generator;
            this.canvas      = canvas;
            this.Permissions = permissions;

            DefaultDrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();

            cursorLibrary = new CursorLibrary();

            modeChanger = new ModeChanger();

            canvas.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(canvasInit));

            drawer = new SignedStrokeDrawer(canvas.Strokes, generator, OwnerName);

            eraser = new SignedStrokeEraser(canvas.Strokes, permissions, OwnerName);

            cutter = new SignedStrokeCutter(canvas.Strokes);

            pointerDrawer = new SignedPointerStrokeDrawer(canvas.Strokes, OwnerName, generator, canvas.Dispatcher);

            ManualHandler = new ManualHandle(canvas);

            CanvasHandle = new CanvasEventsHandle(this, drawer, eraser, pointerDrawer);
예제 #13
        public MainWindow()

            DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes
                Color          = Colors.Red,
                Width          = 2,
                Height         = 2,
                StylusTip      = StylusTip.Rectangle,
                FitToCurve     = true,
                IsHighlighter  = false,
                IgnorePressure = true,

            inkCanvasMeasure.DefaultDrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes;

            viewModel = new ViewModel
                MeaInfo = "测试······",

            DataContext = viewModel;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization.
        /// </summary>
        public Window1()

            inkcanvas.PreferredPasteFormats = new InkCanvasClipboardFormat[] { InkCanvasClipboardFormat.InkSerializedFormat };
            _markerDA           = new DrawingAttributes();
            _markerDA.Color     = Color.FromRgb(200, 0, 200);
            _markerDA.StylusTip = StylusTip.Ellipse;
            _markerDA.Width     = 3;
            _markerDA.Height    = 3;

            inkcanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes = _markerDA;

            _highlightDA = new DrawingAttributes();
            _highlightDA.IsHighlighter = true;
            _highlightDA.Color         = Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 0);
            _highlightDA.Width         = 10;
            _highlightDA.Height        = 25;
            _highlightDA.StylusTip     = StylusTip.Rectangle;

            _colorPicker = new ColorPicker();
            _colorPicker.SelectedDrawingAttributes = _markerDA;
예제 #15
        protected override void DrawCore(DrawingContext drawingContext, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)



            OnDrawCore(drawingContext, drawingAttributes);

            /*RotateTransform RT = new RotateTransform();
             * RT.Angle = this.CurrentRotation;
             * drawingContext.PushTransform(RT);*/
            if (this.Label != null)
        public void saveStrokeSetting(DrawingAttributes d, bool isLine)
            _strokeColor       = d.Color.ToString();
            _strokeradiusWidth = d.Width;
            if (d.IsHighlighter)
                _isStrokeTransparent = 0;
                _isStrokeTransparent = 1;
            if (isLine)
                _isStrokeLine = 0;
                _isStrokeLine = 1;
            string sqlCommand = "Update configuration Set strokeColor='" + _strokeColor + "' , strokeRadiusWidth=" + _strokeradiusWidth + ", strokeIsStraight=" + _isStrokeLine + ", strokeIsTransparent=" + _isStrokeTransparent;

예제 #17
        /// <Summary>
        /// Encodes a DrawingAttriubtesin the ISF stream.
        /// </Summary>
        /// <Summary>
        /// Encodes a DrawingAttriubtesin the ISF stream.
        /// </Summary>
        internal static uint EncodeAsISF(DrawingAttributes da, Stream stream, GuidList guidList, byte compressionAlgorithm, bool fTag)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(compressionAlgorithm == 0);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fTag == true);
            Debug.Assert(stream != null);
            uint         cbData = 0;
            BinaryWriter bw     = new BinaryWriter(stream);

            PersistDrawingFlags(da, stream, guidList, ref cbData, ref bw);

            PersistColorAndTransparency(da, stream, guidList, ref cbData, ref bw);

            PersistRasterOperation(da, stream, guidList, ref cbData, ref bw);

            PersistWidthHeight(da, stream, guidList, ref cbData, ref bw);

            PersistStylusTip(da, stream, guidList, ref cbData, ref bw);

            PersistExtendedProperties(da, stream, guidList, ref cbData, ref bw, compressionAlgorithm, fTag);

예제 #18
 public MyStroke(StylusPointCollection stylusPoints, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
     : base(stylusPoints, drawingAttributes)
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Custom Pen Drawing
        /// </summary>
        private static Drawing CreatePenDrawing(DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, bool isHollow, bool isRightToLeft, double dpiScaleX, double dpiScaleY)
            // Create a single point stroke.
            StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = new StylusPointCollection();

            stylusPoints.Add(new StylusPoint(0f, 0f));

            DrawingAttributes da = new DrawingAttributes();

            da.Color              = drawingAttributes.Color;
            da.Width              = drawingAttributes.Width;
            da.Height             = drawingAttributes.Height;
            da.StylusTipTransform = drawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform;
            da.IsHighlighter      = drawingAttributes.IsHighlighter;
            da.StylusTip          = drawingAttributes.StylusTip;

            Stroke singleStroke = new Stroke(stylusPoints, da);

            // We should draw our cursor in the device unit since it's device dependent object.
            singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width  = ConvertToPixel(singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width, dpiScaleX);
            singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = ConvertToPixel(singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height, dpiScaleY);

            double maxLength = Math.Min(SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth / 2, SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 2);

            // NOTE: there are two ways to set the width / height of a stroke
            // 1) using .Width and .Height
            // 2) using StylusTipTransform and specifying a scale
            // these two can multiply and we need to prevent the size from ever going
            // over maxLength or under 1.0.  The simplest way to check if we're too big
            // is by checking the bounds of the stroke, which takes both into account
            Rect strokeBounds = singleStroke.GetBounds();
            bool outOfBounds  = false;

            // Make sure that the cursor won't exceed the minimum or the maximum boundary.
            if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(strokeBounds.Width, 1.0))
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = 1.0;
                outOfBounds = true;
            else if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(strokeBounds.Width, maxLength))
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = maxLength;
                outOfBounds = true;

            if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(strokeBounds.Height, 1.0))
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = 1.0;
                outOfBounds = true;
            else if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(strokeBounds.Height, maxLength))
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = maxLength;
                outOfBounds = true;

            //drop the StylusTipTransform if we're out of bounds.  we might
            //consider trying to preserve any transform but this is such a rare
            //case (scaling over or under with a STT) that we don't care.
            if (outOfBounds)
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            if (isRightToLeft)
                //reverse left to right to right to left
                Matrix xf = singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform;
                xf.Scale(-1, 1);

                //only set the xf if it has an inverse or the STT will throw
                if (xf.HasInverse)
                    singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform = xf;

            DrawingGroup   penDrawing = new DrawingGroup();
            DrawingContext dc         = null;

                dc = penDrawing.Open();

                // Call the internal drawing method on Stroke to draw as hollow if isHollow == true
                if (isHollow)
                    singleStroke.DrawInternal(dc, singleStroke.DrawingAttributes, isHollow);
                    // Invoke the public Draw method which will handle the Highlighter correctly.
                    singleStroke.Draw(dc, singleStroke.DrawingAttributes);
                if (dc != null)

예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 ///     创建显示笔迹的类
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawingAttributes"></param>
 public StrokeVisual(DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
     _drawingAttributes = drawingAttributes;
예제 #21
 protected override void DrawCore(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext context, DrawingAttributes overrides)
     // create a drop shadow
     if (this.Shadowed)
         Geometry pathGeometry = this.GetGeometry(overrides).Clone();
         pathGeometry.Transform = new TranslateTransform(5, 0);
             context.DrawGeometry(Brushes.DarkGray, null, pathGeometry);
     base.DrawCore(context, overrides);
예제 #22
 internal StylusData(StylusModel stylus, DrawingAttributes atts)
     this.m_Stylus = stylus;
     this.m_DrawingAttributes = atts;
예제 #23
 public PenStylusModel(Guid id, DrawingAttributes atts)
     : base(id)
     this.m_DrawingAttributes = atts;
 public virtual DrawingAttributes CreateDrawingAttributes()
     DrawingAttributes atts = new DrawingAttributes();
     return atts;
 public virtual void UpdateDrawingAttributes(DrawingAttributes atts)
     atts.AntiAliased = this.AntiAliased;
     atts.Color = this.Color;
     foreach(ExtendedProperty prop in this.ExtendedProperties)
         atts.ExtendedProperties.Add(prop.Id, prop.Data);
     atts.FitToCurve = this.FitToCurve;
     atts.Height = this.Height;
     atts.IgnorePressure = this.IgnorePressure;
     atts.PenTip = this.PenTip;
     atts.RasterOperation = this.RasterOperation;
     atts.Transparency = this.Transparency;
     atts.Width = this.Width;
예제 #26
 protected StylusModel(Guid id)
     this.m_Id = id;
     this.m_DrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();
예제 #27
        protected override void DrawCore(DrawingContext drawingContext, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
            Geometry geometry = this.GetGeometry(drawingAttributes);

            drawingContext.DrawGeometry(imageBrush, null, geometry);
예제 #28
        internal static void CalcGeometryAndBounds(StrokeNodeIterator iterator, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, bool calculateBounds, out Geometry geometry, out Rect bounds)
            Matrix stylusTipTransform = drawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform;

            if (stylusTipTransform != Matrix.Identity)
                CalcGeometryAndBoundsWithTransform(iterator, drawingAttributes, MatrixTypes.TRANSFORM_IS_TRANSLATION, calculateBounds, out geometry, out bounds);
            StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry();

            streamGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
            StreamGeometryContext streamGeometryContext = streamGeometry.Open();

            geometry = streamGeometry;
            Rect rect = bounds = Rect.Empty;

                StrokeNode strokeNode         = default(StrokeNode);
                StrokeNode strokeNodePrevious = default(StrokeNode);
                StrokeNode strokeNode2        = default(StrokeNode);
                StrokeNode strokeNode3        = default(StrokeNode);
                Rect       rect2 = rect;
                Rect       rect3 = rect;
                Rect       rect4 = rect;
                double     num   = 95.0;
                double     num2  = Math.Max(drawingAttributes.Height, drawingAttributes.Width);
                num += Math.Min(4.99999, num2 / 20.0 * 5.0);
                double       lastAngle      = double.MinValue;
                bool         flag           = true;
                bool         isEllipse      = drawingAttributes.StylusTip == StylusTip.Ellipse;
                bool         ignorePressure = drawingAttributes.IgnorePressure;
                List <Point> list           = new List <Point>();
                List <Point> list2          = new List <Point>();
                List <Point> list3          = new List <Point>(4);
                int          count          = iterator.Count;
                int          num3           = 0;
                int          previousIndex  = -1;
                while (num3 < count)
                    if (!strokeNodePrevious.IsValid)
                        if (!strokeNode2.IsValid)
                            strokeNodePrevious = iterator[num3++, previousIndex++];
                            rect2 = strokeNodePrevious.GetBounds();
                        strokeNodePrevious = strokeNode2;
                        rect2       = rect3;
                        strokeNode2 = strokeNode;
                    if (!strokeNode2.IsValid)
                        if (!strokeNode3.IsValid)
                            strokeNode2 = iterator[num3++, previousIndex];
                            rect3       = strokeNode2.GetBounds();
                            switch (FuzzyContains(rect3, rect2, flag ? 99.99999 : num))
                            case RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2:
                                strokeNodePrevious = iterator[num3 - 1, strokeNodePrevious.Index - 1];
                                rect2         = Rect.Union(rect3, rect2);
                                strokeNode2   = strokeNode;
                                previousIndex = num3 - 1;

                            case RectCompareResult.Rect2ContainsRect1:
                                strokeNode2 = strokeNode;

                                previousIndex = num3 - 1;
                        strokeNode2 = strokeNode3;
                        rect3       = rect4;
                        strokeNode3 = strokeNode;
                    if (!strokeNode3.IsValid)
                        strokeNode3 = iterator[num3++, previousIndex];
                        rect4       = strokeNode3.GetBounds();
                        RectCompareResult rectCompareResult  = FuzzyContains(rect4, rect3, flag ? 99.99999 : num);
                        RectCompareResult rectCompareResult2 = FuzzyContains(rect4, rect2, flag ? 99.99999 : num);
                        if (flag && rectCompareResult == RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2 && rectCompareResult2 == RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2)
                            if (list.Count > 0)
                                strokeNode2.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(list, list2);
                                ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(streamGeometryContext, list, list2, list3, isEllipse, clear: true);
                            strokeNodePrevious = iterator[num3 - 1, strokeNodePrevious.Index - 1];
                            rect2         = strokeNodePrevious.GetBounds();
                            strokeNode2   = strokeNode;
                            strokeNode3   = strokeNode;
                            previousIndex = num3 - 1;
                        switch (rectCompareResult)
                        case RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2:
                            strokeNode3 = iterator[num3 - 1, strokeNode2.Index - 1];
                            if (!strokeNode3.GetConnectingQuad().IsEmpty)
                                strokeNode2   = strokeNode3;
                                rect3         = Rect.Union(rect4, rect3);
                                previousIndex = num3 - 1;
                            strokeNode3 = strokeNode;
                            lastAngle   = double.MinValue;

                        case RectCompareResult.Rect2ContainsRect1:
                            strokeNode3 = strokeNode;
                        previousIndex = num3 - 1;
                    bool flag2 = rect2.IntersectsWith(rect4);
                    if (calculateBounds)
                    if (list.Count == 0)
                        if (calculateBounds)
                        if (flag && flag2)
                            AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list3, strokeNodePrevious.IsEllipse);
                        strokeNode2.GetPointsAtStartOfSegment(list, list2);
                        flag = false;
                    if (lastAngle == double.MinValue)
                        lastAngle = GetAngleBetween(strokeNodePrevious.Position, strokeNode2.Position);
                    double angleDeltaFromLast = GetAngleDeltaFromLast(strokeNode2.Position, strokeNode3.Position, ref lastAngle);
                    bool   flag3 = Math.Abs(angleDeltaFromLast) > 90.0 && Math.Abs(angleDeltaFromLast) < 270.0;
                    bool   flag4 = flag2 && !ignorePressure && strokeNode3.PressureFactor != 1f && Math.Abs(angleDeltaFromLast) > 30.0 && Math.Abs(angleDeltaFromLast) < 330.0;
                    double num4  = rect3.Height * rect3.Width;
                    double num5  = rect4.Height * rect4.Width;
                    bool   flag5 = num4 != num5 || num4 != rect2.Height * rect2.Width;
                    bool   flag6 = false;
                    if (flag2 && flag5 && Math.Min(num4, num5) / Math.Max(num4, num5) <= 0.9)
                        flag6 = true;
                    if (flag5 || angleDeltaFromLast != 0.0 || num3 >= count)
                        if ((flag2 && (flag4 | flag6)) | flag3)
                            strokeNode2.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(list, list2);
                            ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(streamGeometryContext, list, list2, list3, isEllipse, clear: true);
                            if (flag6)
                                AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list3, strokeNode2.IsEllipse);
                            strokeNode3.GetPointsAtMiddleSegment(strokeNode2, angleDeltaFromLast, list, list2, out bool missingIntersection);
                            if (missingIntersection)
                                strokeNode2.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(list, list2);
                                ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(streamGeometryContext, list, list2, list3, isEllipse, clear: true);
                    strokeNodePrevious = strokeNode;
                    rect2 = rect;
                if (strokeNodePrevious.IsValid)
                    if (strokeNode2.IsValid)
                        if (calculateBounds)
                        if (list.Count > 0)
                            strokeNode2.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(list, list2);
                            ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(streamGeometryContext, list, list2, list3, isEllipse, clear: false);
                            RenderTwoStrokeNodes(streamGeometryContext, strokeNodePrevious, rect2, strokeNode2, rect3, list, list2, list3);
                        if (calculateBounds)
                        AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list, strokeNodePrevious.IsEllipse);
                else if (strokeNode2.IsValid && strokeNode3.IsValid)
                    if (calculateBounds)
                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        strokeNode3.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(list, list2);
                        ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(streamGeometryContext, list, list2, list3, isEllipse, clear: false);
                        if (FuzzyContains(rect4, rect3, 70.0) != RectCompareResult.NoItersection)
                            AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list3, strokeNode3.IsEllipse);
                        RenderTwoStrokeNodes(streamGeometryContext, strokeNode2, rect3, strokeNode3, rect4, list, list2, list3);
예제 #29
        // Constructor
        public MainWindow()
            // Set the current directory as TabletDriverGUI.exe's directory.
            try { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); } catch (Exception) { }

            // Prevent triggering input field events
            isLoadingSettings = true;

            // Initialize WPF

            // Version text
            textVersion.Text = this.Version;

            // Set culture to en-US to force decimal format and etc.
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

            // Create notify icon
            notifyIcon = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
                // Icon
                Icon = Properties.Resources.AppIcon,

                // Menu items
                ContextMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[]
                    new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("TabletDriverGUI " + Version),
                    new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Restart Driver", NotifyRestartDriver),
                    new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Show", NotifyShowWindow),
                    new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Exit", NotifyExit)
            notifyIcon.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = false;

            notifyIcon.Text        = "";
            notifyIcon.MouseClick += NotifyIcon_Click;
            notifyIcon.Visible     = true;
            IsRealExit             = false;

            // Create command history list
            commandHistory = new List <string> {
            commandHistoryIndex = 0;

            // Init setting commands list
            settingCommands = new List <string>();

            // Init tablet driver
            driver                  = new TabletDriver("TabletDriverService.exe");
            driverCommands          = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            driver.MessageReceived += OnDriverMessageReceived;
            driver.ErrorReceived   += OnDriverErrorReceived;
            driver.StatusReceived  += OnDriverStatusReceived;
            driver.Started         += OnDriverStarted;
            driver.Stopped         += OnDriverStopped;
            running                 = false;

            // Restart timer
            timerRestart = new DispatcherTimer
                Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)
            timerRestart.Tick += TimerRestart_Tick;

            // Statusbar timer
            timerStatusbar = new DispatcherTimer
                Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)
            timerStatusbar.Tick += TimerStatusbar_Tick;

            // Timer console update
            timerConsoleUpdate = new DispatcherTimer
                Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200)
            timerConsoleUpdate.Tick += TimerConsoleUpdate_Tick;

            // Tooltip timeout
                typeof(DependencyObject), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(60000));

            // Hide tablet button mapping
            groupBoxTabletButtons.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Ink canvas undo history
            inkCanvasUndoHistory = new StrokeCollection();

            // Ink canvas drawing attributes
            inkCanvasDrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes
                Width      = 10,
                Height     = 10,
                Color      = Color.FromRgb(0x55, 0x55, 0x55),
                StylusTip  = StylusTip.Ellipse,
                FitToCurve = false
            inkCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkCanvasDrawingAttributes;

            // Process command line arguments

            // Events
            Closing     += MainWindow_Closing;
            Loaded      += MainWindow_Loaded;
            SizeChanged += MainWindow_SizeChanged;
예제 #30
        public DrawingWindow()

            drawingAttributes           = surfaceDessin.DefaultDrawingAttributes;
            drawingAttributes.Color     = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#000000");
            drawingAttributes.Height    = 10;
            drawingAttributes.Width     = 10;
            drawingAttributes.StylusTip = StylusTip.Ellipse;

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_DRAWING, (points) => {
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    Stroke newStroke                      = new Stroke(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StylusPointCollection>(points.ToString()));
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes           = drawingAttributes;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color     = drawingAttributes.Color;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width     = drawingAttributes.Width;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height    = drawingAttributes.Height;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTip = drawingAttributes.StylusTip;

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_COLLECTED, (points) => {
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    Stroke newStroke = new Stroke(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StylusPointCollection>(points.ToString()));
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color     = drawingAttributes.Color;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width     = drawingAttributes.Width;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height    = drawingAttributes.Height;
                    newStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTip = drawingAttributes.StylusTip;

                    foreach (Stroke strokeToDelete in ongoingStrokeIndex)


            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_ERASING, (points) => {
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    List <StylusPoint> pointsToCheck = (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StylusPoint> >(points.ToString()));
                    pointsToCheck.ForEach((point) => {
                        StrokeCollection strokesToBeErased = surfaceDessin.Strokes.HitTest(new Point(point.X, point.Y));

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_SEGMENT_ERASING, (points) => {
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    List <StylusPoint> pointsToCheck = (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StylusPoint> >(points.ToString()));

                    Console.WriteLine(pointsToCheck.Count + " POINTS");
                    IncrementalStrokeHitTester eraserTester = surfaceDessin.Strokes.GetIncrementalStrokeHitTester(generateStylusShape());
                    eraserTester.StrokeHit += EraserTester_StrokeHit;
                    pointsToCheck.ForEach((point) => eraserTester.AddPoint(new Point(point.X, point.Y)));
                    eraserTester.StrokeHit -= EraserTester_StrokeHit;

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_COLOR, (color) =>
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    string hex = "#" + ((Int64)color).ToString("X8");
                    drawingAttributes.Color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(hex);

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_SIZE, (size) =>
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    drawingAttributes.Height = Convert.ToInt32(size.ToString());
                    drawingAttributes.Width  = Convert.ToInt32(size.ToString());

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_TIP, (tip) =>
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    drawingAttributes.StylusTip = ((string)tip == Tool.PEN_ROUND_TIP) ? StylusTip.Ellipse : StylusTip.Rectangle;

            socket.On(SocketEvents.STROKE_TOOL, (tool) =>
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    OutilSelectionne = tool.ToString();
예제 #31
 protected override void DrawCore(DrawingContext drawingContext, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
     drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Pen.Brush, Pen, new Rect((Point)StylusPoints[0], (Point)StylusPoints[StylusPoints.Count - 1]));
예제 #32
        private void HandleDrawingAttributesChanged(object sender, PropertyEventArgs args)
            using(Synchronizer.Lock(this)) { // Ensure that this.Stylus can't change.
                DrawingAttributes atts;

                if(this.Stylus != null) {
                    using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Stylus.SyncRoot)) {
                        atts = (this.Stylus is PenStylusModel)
                            ? ((PenStylusModel) this.Stylus).DrawingAttributes : null;
                } else {
                    atts = null;

                this.m_DrawingAttributes = atts;

                // Enqueue a StylusData packet whether or not there are any DrawingAttributes.
예제 #33
        internal static void CalcGeometryAndBoundsWithTransform(StrokeNodeIterator iterator, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, MatrixTypes stylusTipMatrixType, bool calculateBounds, out Geometry geometry, out Rect bounds)
            StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry();

            streamGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
            StreamGeometryContext streamGeometryContext = streamGeometry.Open();

            geometry = streamGeometry;
            bounds   = Rect.Empty;
                List <Point> list = new List <Point>(iterator.Count * 4);
                int          num  = iterator.Count * 2;
                int          num2 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    list.Add(new Point(0.0, 0.0));
                List <Point> list2     = new List <Point>();
                double       lastAngle = 0.0;
                bool         flag      = false;
                Rect         rect      = new Rect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                for (int j = 0; j < iterator.Count; j++)
                    StrokeNode strokeNode = iterator[j];
                    Rect       bounds2    = strokeNode.GetBounds();
                    if (calculateBounds)
                    double num3 = Math.Abs(GetAngleDeltaFromLast(strokeNode.PreviousPosition, strokeNode.Position, ref lastAngle));
                    double num4 = 45.0;
                    if (stylusTipMatrixType == MatrixTypes.TRANSFORM_IS_UNKNOWN)
                        num4 = 10.0;
                    else if (bounds2.Height > 40.0 || bounds2.Width > 40.0)
                        num4 = 20.0;
                    bool   flag2 = num3 > num4 && num3 < 360.0 - num4;
                    double val   = rect.Height * rect.Width;
                    double val2  = bounds2.Height * bounds2.Width;
                    bool   flag3 = false;
                    if (Math.Min(val, val2) / Math.Max(val, val2) <= 0.7)
                        flag3 = true;
                    rect = bounds2;
                    if ((j <= 1 || j >= iterator.Count - 2) | flag2 | flag3)
                        if (flag2 && !flag && j > 1 && j < iterator.Count - 1)
                            AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list2, strokeNode.IsEllipse);
                            flag = true;
                        AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list2, strokeNode.IsEllipse);
                    if (!flag2)
                        flag = false;
                    Quad connectingQuad = strokeNode.GetConnectingQuad();
                    if (!connectingQuad.IsEmpty)
                        list[num2++] = connectingQuad.A;
                        list[num2++] = connectingQuad.B;
                    if (strokeNode.IsLastNode && num2 > 0)
                        int num5 = iterator.Count * 2;
                        int num6 = list.Count - 1;
                        int num7 = num2;
                        for (int k = num5; k <= num6; k++)
                            list[num7] = list[k];
                        int num8 = num5 - num2;
                        list.RemoveRange(num6 - num8 + 1, num8);
                        int num9  = num2;
                        int num10 = list.Count - 1;
                        while (num9 < num10)
                            Point value = list[num9];
                            list[num9]  = list[num10];
                            list[num10] = value;
                        AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(streamGeometryContext, list, isBezierFigure: false);
        void IStylusAsyncPlugin.CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data)
            if(data.CustomDataId == StylusInputSelector.StylusData.Id) {
                using(Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                    // The new DrawingAttributes will take effect after the next StylusDown event.
                    this.m_DrawingAttributes =
                        ((StylusInputSelector.StylusData) data.Data).DrawingAttributes;

                    if(this.RealTimeInkSheetModel != null) {
                        using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.RealTimeInkSheetModel.SyncRoot)) {
                            this.RealTimeInkSheetModel.CurrentDrawingAttributes = this.m_DrawingAttributes;
예제 #35
 // Be sure to pass in the DrawingAttributes when you create the stroke to
 // subscribe to the PropertyDataChaned event.
 public ShadowedStroke(StylusPointCollection stylusPoints, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
     : base(stylusPoints, drawingAttributes)
     this.DrawingAttributes.PropertyDataChanged += new PropertyDataChangedEventHandler(DrawingAttributes_PropertyDataChanged);
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructs a new <see cref="Core"/> instance, which will
            /// render ink to the graphics device returned by the <see cref="SlideDisplayModel"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Furthermore, the ink will be transformed using the
            /// <see cref="SlideDisplayModel.InkTransform"/>
            /// and clipped by <see cref="SlideDisplayModel.Bounds"/>.
            /// </remarks>
            public Core(SlideDisplayModel display)
                this.m_SlideDisplay = display;
                this.m_Renderer = new Renderer();
                this.m_Ink = new Ink();
                this.m_DrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();

                this.m_PacketsTable = new Dictionary<int,int[]>();
                this.m_DrawingAttributesTable = new Dictionary<int,DrawingAttributes>();
                this.m_TabletPropertiesTable = new Dictionary<int,TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection>();
                this.m_CollectedPacketsTable = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
                this.m_CurrentStrokeIdTable = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                this.m_SlideDisplay.Changed["InkTransform"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleInkTransformChanged));

                this.HandleInkTransformChanged(display, null);
예제 #37
파일: Root.cs 프로젝트: geovens/gInk
		public void SetDefaultPens()
			Pen1 = new DrawingAttributes();
			Pen1.Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 60, 60);
			Pen1.Width = 80;
			Pen1.Transparency = 30;

			Pen2 = new DrawingAttributes();
			Pen2.Color = Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 240);
			Pen2.Width = 80;
			Pen2.Transparency = 30;

			Pen3 = new DrawingAttributes();
			Pen3.Color = Color.FromArgb(250, 210, 0);
			Pen3.Width = 80;
			Pen3.Transparency = 30;

			Pen4 = new DrawingAttributes();
			Pen4.Color = Color.FromArgb(150, 200, 100);
			Pen4.Width = 800;
			Pen4.Transparency = 160;

			Pen5 = new DrawingAttributes();
			Pen5.Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 150, 250);
			Pen5.Width = 800;
			Pen5.Transparency = 160;
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the <see cref="Core"/> that the <see cref="DrawingAttributes"/> which are to be
 /// used to render subsequent strokes have changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This property takes effect only at the next <see cref="StylusDown"/> event.
 /// If the <see cref="Core"/> is enabled while a stroke is in progress,
 /// then the stroke will continue to be rendered using the previous <see cref="DrawingAttributes"/>.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="atts">The new <see cref="DrawingAttributes"/> to use to render ink.</param>
 public void DrawingAttributesChanged(DrawingAttributes atts)
     // The new drawing attributes will take effect on the next StylusDown.
     this.DrawingAttributes = atts;
예제 #39
        public ComicTransMainWindow()

            TransResListView.ItemsSource = lstData;

            ComicImgList = new List <string>();
            CurrentPos   = 0;

            transRes1    = "";
            transRes2    = "";
            _translator1 = TranslateWindow.TranslatorAuto(Common.appSettings.FirstTranslator);
            _translator2 = TranslateWindow.TranslatorAuto(Common.appSettings.SecondTranslator);

            ocr = OCRCommon.OCRAuto(Common.appSettings.OCRsource);
            if (Common.appSettings.OCRsource == "BaiduOCR")
                if (ocr.OCR_Init(Common.appSettings.BDOCR_APIKEY, Common.appSettings.BDOCR_SecretKey) == false)
                    HandyControl.Controls.Growl.ErrorGlobal($"百度OCR {Application.Current.Resources["APITest_Error_Hint"]}\n{ocr.GetLastError()}");
            else if (Common.appSettings.OCRsource == "Tesseract5_vert")
                if (ocr.OCR_Init("", "") == false)
                    HandyControl.Controls.Growl.ErrorGlobal($"Tesseract5_vert {Application.Current.Resources["APITest_Error_Hint"]}\n{ocr.GetLastError()}");
            else if (Common.appSettings.OCRsource == "TesseractOCR")
                if (ocr.OCR_Init("", "") == false)
                    HandyControl.Controls.Growl.ErrorGlobal($"TesseractOCR {Application.Current.Resources["APITest_Error_Hint"]}\n{ocr.GetLastError()}");

            scale = Common.GetScale();
            DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes
                Color     = Colors.Red,
                Width     = 2,
                Height    = 2,
                StylusTip = StylusTip.Rectangle,
                //FitToCurve = true,
                IsHighlighter  = false,
                IgnorePressure = true,

            inkCanvasMeasure.DefaultDrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes;

            viewModel = new ViewModel
                MeaInfo    = "",
                InkStrokes = new StrokeCollection(),

            DataContext = viewModel;
예제 #40
        private void MainInkCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_drawerIsMove == false)

            DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = MainInkCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Clone();
            Stroke            stroke            = null;

            drawingAttributes.StylusTip      = StylusTip.Ellipse;
            drawingAttributes.IgnorePressure = true;

            Point endP = e.GetPosition(MainInkCanvas);

            if (_mode == DrawMode.Text)
                List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, endP.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, endP.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),

                drawingAttributes.Width      = 2;
                drawingAttributes.Height     = 2;
                drawingAttributes.FitToCurve = false;//must be false,other wise rectangle can not be drawed correct

                StylusPointCollection point = new StylusPointCollection(pointList);
                stroke = new Stroke(point)
                    DrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes,
            else if (_mode == DrawMode.Ray)
                //high lighter is ray line
                drawingAttributes.IsHighlighter = true;

                List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, endP.Y),

                StylusPointCollection point = new StylusPointCollection(pointList);
                stroke = new Stroke(point)
                    DrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes,
            else if (_mode == DrawMode.Line)
                List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, endP.Y),

                StylusPointCollection point = new StylusPointCollection(pointList);
                stroke = new Stroke(point)
                    DrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes,
            else if (_mode == DrawMode.Arrow)
                double w = 15, h = 15;
                double theta = Math.Atan2(_drawerIntPos.Y - endP.Y, _drawerIntPos.X - endP.X);
                double sint  = Math.Sin(theta);
                double cost  = Math.Cos(theta);

                List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, endP.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X + (w * cost - h * sint), endP.Y + (w * sint + h * cost)),
                    new Point(endP.X, endP.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X + (w * cost + h * sint), endP.Y - (h * cost - w * sint)),

                StylusPointCollection point = new StylusPointCollection(pointList);

                drawingAttributes.FitToCurve = false;//must be false,other wise rectangle can not be drawed correct

                stroke = new Stroke(point)
                    DrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes,
            else if (_mode == DrawMode.Rectangle)
                List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, endP.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, endP.Y),
                    new Point(endP.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),
                    new Point(_drawerIntPos.X, _drawerIntPos.Y),

                drawingAttributes.FitToCurve = false;//must be false,other wise rectangle can not be drawed correct

                StylusPointCollection point = new StylusPointCollection(pointList);
                stroke = new Stroke(point)
                    DrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes,
            else if (_mode == DrawMode.Circle)
                List <Point>          pointList = GenerateEclipseGeometry(_drawerIntPos, endP);
                StylusPointCollection point     = new StylusPointCollection(pointList);
                stroke = new Stroke(point)
                    DrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes

            if (_drawerLastStroke != null)

            if (stroke != null)

            _drawerLastStroke = stroke;
예제 #41

        private void DrawSelectedStrokeAndPoints(DrawingContext context, DrawingAttributes overrides)
 public DrawingAttributesSerializer(DrawingAttributes atts)
     this.AntiAliased = atts.AntiAliased;
     this.Color = atts.Color;
     this.ExtendedProperties = new ArrayList(atts.ExtendedProperties);
     this.FitToCurve = atts.FitToCurve;
     this.Height = atts.Height;
     this.IgnorePressure = atts.IgnorePressure;
     this.PenTip = atts.PenTip;
     this.RasterOperation = atts.RasterOperation;
     this.Transparency = atts.Transparency;
     this.Width = atts.Width;
예제 #43
        public FormInput(string caption, string label, string txt, bool ML, gInk.Root rt = null, Microsoft.Ink.Stroke stk = null)

            // local
            this.btOK.Text     = rt.Local.ButtonOkText;
            this.btCancel.Text = rt.Local.ButtonCancelText;
            this.FontBtn.Text  = rt.Local.ButtonFontText;
            this.ColorBtn.Text = rt.Local.OptionsPensColor;

            Text            = caption;
            captionLbl.Text = label;
            if (ML)
                InputML.Visible = true;
                txt             = txt.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n"); //in order to get multiline text to be correctly editable after restore
                InputML.Text    = txt;
                ActiveControl   = InputML;
                InputSL.Visible = true;
                InputSL.Text    = txt;
                ActiveControl   = InputSL;
            Root   = rt;
            stroke = stk;
            if (stroke == null)
                FontBtn.Visible  = false;
                boxingCb.Visible = false;
                FontBtn.Visible  = true;
                ColorBtn.Visible = true;
                boxingCb.Visible = true;// !stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISTAG_GUID);

                FontDlg.Font = new Font((string)stk.ExtendedProperties[Root.TEXTFONT_GUID].Data, (float)(double)stk.ExtendedProperties[Root.TEXTFONTSIZE_GUID].Data,
                InputML.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.InputML_TextChanged);
                int i = (stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISSTROKE_GUID) ? 1 : 0) +
                        (stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISFILLEDWHITE_GUID) ? 2 : 0) +
                        (stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISFILLEDBLACK_GUID) ? 4 : 0);
                boxingCb.Text = boxingCb.Items[i].ToString();

                Saved_Txt   = InputML.Text;
                Saved_Da    = stk.DrawingAttributes.Clone();
                Saved_Font  = (Font)FontDlg.Font.Clone();
                Saved_Frame = stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISSTROKE_GUID);
                Saved_White = stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISFILLEDWHITE_GUID);
                Saved_Black = stk.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Root.ISFILLEDBLACK_GUID);
                if (ML)
예제 #44
    public MainForm()
        // Required for Windows Form Designer support.

        // Load our icon.
        this.Icon = new Icon(typeof(MainForm),"PhysicsIllustrator.ico");

        // Initialize the per-item smart tag.
        bodytag = new PhysicsIllustrator.SmartTag.SmartTag();
        bodytag.Image = Global.LoadImage("Resources.PenMenu.ico");
        bodytag.Visible = false;

        bodytag.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
        bodytag.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Clone", new EventHandler(hover_EditCloneClicked));
        bodytag.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Delete", new EventHandler(hover_EditDeleteClicked));
        bodytag.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Straighten", new EventHandler(hover_EditStraightenClicked));
        bodytag.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Properties...", new EventHandler(hover_EditPropertiesClicked));


        // Go fullscreen.  Note: this works even with the taskbar set
        // to "keep on top of other windows".
        this.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal;
        // this.Bounds = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;

        // Declare repaint optimizations.

        // Init inkoverlay.
        inkoverlay = new InkOverlay(this.Handle,true);
        inkoverlay.CollectionMode = CollectionMode.InkOnly; // no gestures

        inkoverlay.AutoRedraw = false; // Dynamic rendering only; we do all the painting.

        DrawingAttributes da = new DrawingAttributes();
        da.AntiAliased = false;
        inkoverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes = da;

        inkoverlay.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler(inkoverlay_Stroke);

        inkoverlay.CursorInRange += new InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventHandler(inkoverlay_CursorInRange);
        inkoverlay.StrokesDeleting += new InkOverlayStrokesDeletingEventHandler(inkoverlay_StrokesDeleting);

        inkoverlay.SelectionChanging += new InkOverlaySelectionChangingEventHandler(inkoverlay_SelectionChanging);
        inkoverlay.SelectionChanged += new InkOverlaySelectionChangedEventHandler(inkoverlay_SelectionChanged);
        inkoverlay.SelectionMoved += new InkOverlaySelectionMovedEventHandler(inkoverlay_SelectionMoved);
        inkoverlay.SelectionResized += new InkOverlaySelectionResizedEventHandler(inkoverlay_SelectionResized);

        // inkoverlay.
        declaredmode = inkoverlay.EditingMode;

        // Spin up SDI model (ink+doc).
        doc = new MagicDocument();
        inkoverlay.Ink = doc.Ink;

        inkoverlay.Enabled = !DesignMode;

        inkoverlay.Ink.InkAdded += new StrokesEventHandler(inkoverlay_Ink_InkAdded);
예제 #45
파일: Stroke.cs 프로젝트: aragoubi/Project
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Stroke" /> class.
 ///     Require a List of Points and the DrawingAttributes. No other method are available.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pts">The PTS.</param>
 /// <param name="drw">The DRW.</param>
 public Stroke(List <StrokePoint> pts, DrawingAttributes drw)
     Points            = pts;
     DrawingAttributes = drw;
예제 #46
 protected StylusModel(Guid id)
     this.m_Id = id;
     this.m_DrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();
예제 #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The presenter model</param>
        public StylusToolBarButtons(PresenterModel model)
            this.m_Model = model;

            // Initialize the stylus models.
            this.m_PenModel = new PenStylusModel(Guid.NewGuid());
            this.m_HighlighterModel = new PenStylusModel(Guid.NewGuid());
            this.m_EraserModel = new EraserStylusModel(Guid.NewGuid());
            // Comment out as it is not being used currently
            //this.m_LassoModel = new LassoStylusModel(Guid.NewGuid());
            this.m_ImageModel = new ImageStylusModel(Guid.NewGuid());
            this.m_TextModel = TextStylusModel.GetInstance();

            this.m_PenAtts = new DrawingAttributes(Color.Black);
            this.m_HighLighterAtts = new HighlighterDrawingAttributes(Color.Orange);
            this.m_StylusEntrys = new StylusEntry[][] {
                new StylusEntry[] {
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Orange), this.m_PenModel, Strings.SelectCustomColorPen, PenType.Pen),
                    new StylusEntry(new HighlighterDrawingAttributes(Color.Pink), this.m_HighlighterModel, Strings.SelectCustomColorHighlighter, PenType.Hightlighter),
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Orange), this.m_TextModel, Strings.CustomColorText, PenType.Text),
                new StylusEntry[] {
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Blue), this.m_PenModel, Strings.SelectBluePen, PenType.Pen),
                    new StylusEntry(new HighlighterDrawingAttributes(Color.Cyan), this.m_HighlighterModel, Strings.SelectCyanHighlighter, PenType.Hightlighter),
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Blue), this.m_TextModel, Strings.BlueText, PenType.Text),
                new StylusEntry[] {
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Green), this.m_PenModel, Strings.SelectGreenPen, PenType.Pen),
                    new StylusEntry(new HighlighterDrawingAttributes(Color.LawnGreen), this.m_HighlighterModel, Strings.SelectGreenHighlighter, PenType.Hightlighter),
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Green), this.m_TextModel, Strings.GreenText, PenType.Text),
                new StylusEntry[] {
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Red), this.m_PenModel, Strings.SelectRedPen, PenType.Pen),
                    new StylusEntry(new HighlighterDrawingAttributes(Color.Magenta), this.m_HighlighterModel, Strings.SelectMagentaHighlighter, PenType.Hightlighter),
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Red), this.m_TextModel, Strings.RedText, PenType.Text),
                new StylusEntry[] {
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Yellow), this.m_PenModel, Strings.SelectYellowPen, PenType.Pen),
                    new StylusEntry(new HighlighterDrawingAttributes(Color.Yellow), this.m_HighlighterModel, Strings.SelectYellowHighlighter, PenType.Hightlighter),
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Yellow), this.m_TextModel, Strings.YellowText, PenType.Text),
                new StylusEntry[] {
                    new StylusEntry(this.m_PenAtts, this.m_PenModel, Strings.SelectBlackPen, PenType.Pen),
                    new StylusEntry(this.m_HighLighterAtts, this.m_HighlighterModel, Strings.SelectOrangeHighlighter, PenType.Hightlighter),
                    new StylusEntry(new DrawingAttributes(Color.Black), this.m_TextModel, Strings.BlackText, PenType.Text),
 internal bool NeedsUpdate(DrawingAttributes d)
     if(d.AntiAliased != this.AntiAliased) return true;
     if(!d.Color.Equals(this.Color)) return true;
     foreach(ExtendedProperty prop in this.ExtendedProperties)
         if(!d.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(prop.Id) || d.ExtendedProperties[prop.Id].Data.Equals(prop.Data)) return true;
     // FIXME: Verify that there are no extended properties in d that don't exist in this.ExtendedProperties (tough to do efficiently).
     if(d.FitToCurve != this.FitToCurve) return true;
     if(d.Height != this.Height) return true;
     if(d.IgnorePressure != this.IgnorePressure) return true;
     if(d.PenTip != this.PenTip) return true;
     if(d.RasterOperation != this.RasterOperation) return true;
     if(d.Transparency != this.Transparency) return true;
     if(d.Width != this.Width) return true;
     return false;
예제 #49
 public StrokeBase(StylusPointCollection pts, DrawingAttributes da)
     : base(pts, da)
     this.StylusPoints      = pts;
     this.DrawingAttributes = da;
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares two sets of drawing attributes to determine if they're equal
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="left">The first set</param>
 /// <param name="right">The second set</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool DrawingAttributesEquals(DrawingAttributes left, DrawingAttributes right)
     if(left.AntiAliased != right.AntiAliased) return false;
     if(!left.Color.Equals(right.Color)) return false;
     if(left.ExtendedProperties.Count != right.ExtendedProperties.Count) return false;
     foreach(ExtendedProperty prop in left.ExtendedProperties) {
         if(!right.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(prop.Id)) return false;
         object data = right.ExtendedProperties[prop.Id].Data;
         if(data == null && prop.Data != null || !data.Equals(prop.Data))
             return false;
     if(left.FitToCurve != right.FitToCurve) return false;
     if(left.Height != right.Height) return false;
     if(left.IgnorePressure != right.IgnorePressure) return false;
     if(left.PenTip != right.PenTip) return false;
     if(left.RasterOperation != right.RasterOperation) return false;
     if(left.Transparency != right.Transparency) return false;
     if(left.Width != right.Width) return false;
     return true;