예제 #1
        public void Run()

            _talon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0);

            _talon.Config_kP(0, 0.80f);
            _talon.Config_kI(0, 0f);
            _talon.Config_kD(0, 0f);
            _talon.Config_kF(0, 0.09724488664269079041176191004297f);
            _talon.SelectProfileSlot(0, 0);
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0f, 50);
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0f, 50);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, 50);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, 50);
            _talon.ConfigMotionProfileTrajectoryPeriod(0, 50);

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)




         * Setup all of the configuration parameters.
        public void SetupConfig()
            /* Factory Default all hardware to prevent unexpected behaviour */
            /* specify sensor characteristics */
            _talon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0);
            _talon.SetSensorPhase(false); /* make sure positive motor output means sensor moves in position direction */

            /* brake or coast during neutral */

            /* closed-loop and motion-magic parameters */
            _talon.Config_kF(kSlotIdx, 0.1153f, kTimeoutMs); // 8874 native sensor units per 100ms at full motor output (+1023)
            _talon.Config_kP(kSlotIdx, 2.00f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kI(kSlotIdx, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kD(kSlotIdx, 20f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_IntegralZone(kSlotIdx, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.SelectProfileSlot(kSlotIdx, 0); /* select this slot */
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(1.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(8000, kTimeoutMs); // 8000 native units
            _talon.ConfigMotionAcceleration(16000, kTimeoutMs);  // 16000 native units per sec, (0.5s to reach cruise velocity).

            /* Home the relative sensor,
             *  alternatively you can throttle until limit switch,
             *  use an absolute signal like CtreMagEncoder_Absolute or analog sensor.
            _talon.SetSelectedSensorPosition(0, kTimeoutMs);
        uint [] _debLeftY = { 0, 0 };         // _debLeftY[0] is how many times leftY is zero, _debLeftY[1] is how many times leftY is not zeero.

        public void Run()
            /* Factory Default all hardware to prevent unexpected behaviour */

            /* first choose the sensor */
            _talon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0, kTimeoutMs);

            /* set closed loop gains in slot0 */
            _talon.Config_kP(0, 0.2f, kTimeoutMs); /* tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay */
            _talon.Config_kI(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kD(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kF(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs); /* For position servo kF is rarely used. Leave zero */

            /* use slot0 for closed-looping */
            _talon.SelectProfileSlot(0, 0);

            /* set the peak and nominal outputs, 1.0 means full */
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, kTimeoutMs);

            /* how much error is allowed?  This defaults to 0. */
            _talon.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(0, 0, kTimeoutMs);

            /* put in a ramp to prevent the user from flipping their mechanism in open loop mode */
            _talon.ConfigClosedloopRamp(0, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigOpenloopRamp(1, kTimeoutMs);

            /* zero the sensor and throttle */

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)

                //if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected) // check if gamepad is plugged in OR....
                if (_gamepad.GetButton(kEnableButton)) // check if bottom left shoulder buttom is held down.
                    /* then enable motor outputs*/

                /* print signals to Output window */

                /* 10ms loop */
        public void init()
            /* first choose the sensor */
            _talon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Absolute, 0);

            /* set closed loop gains in slot0 */
            _talon.Config_kP(0, 0.5f); /* tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay */
            _talon.Config_kI(0, 0f);
            _talon.Config_kD(0, 0f);
            _talon.Config_kF(0, 0f); /* For position servo kF is rarely used. Leave zero */

            /* use slot0 for closed-looping */
            _talon.SelectProfileSlot(0, 0);

            /*set target to the current position */
        private void SetupPositionServo()
            TalonSRX armTalon = (TalonSRX)_gearBox.MasterMotorController;



            armTalon.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(0, Constants.TOLERANCE);
            _controlMode = ControlMode.MotionMagic;

예제 #6
        public void Config(int talonId0, int talonId1)
            talon0 = new TalonSRX(talonId0);
            talon1 = new TalonSRX(talonId1);

            talon0.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0);
            talon0.Config_kF(kSlotId, 0.1153f, kTimeout);
            talon0.Config_kP(kSlotId, 2.00f, kTimeout);
            talon0.Config_kI(kSlotId, 0f, kTimeout);
            talon0.Config_kD(kSlotId, 20f, kTimeout);
            talon0.Config_IntegralZone(kSlotId, 0, kTimeout);
            talon0.SelectProfileSlot(kSlotId, 0);
            talon0.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0f, kTimeout);
            talon0.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0f, kTimeout);
            talon0.ConfigPeakOutputForward(1.0f, kTimeout);
            talon0.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, kTimeout);
            talon0.ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(8000, kTimeout);
            talon0.ConfigMotionAcceleration(16000, kTimeout);
예제 #7
        public void init()
            /* Factory Default all hardware to prevent unexpected behaviour */
            /* nonzero to block the config until success, zero to skip checking */
            const int kTimeoutMs = 30;

            /* first choose the sensor */
            _talon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Absolute, 0, kTimeoutMs);

            /* set closed loop gains in slot0 */
            _talon.Config_kP(0, 0.5f, kTimeoutMs); /* tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay */
            _talon.Config_kI(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kD(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kF(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs); /* For position servo kF is rarely used. Leave zero */

            /* use slot0 for closed-looping */
            _talon.SelectProfileSlot(0, 0);

            /*set target to the current position */
        public static void Main()
            /* Hardware */
            TalonSRX _talon = new TalonSRX(1);

            /** Use a USB gamepad plugged into the HERO */
            GameController _gamepad = new GameController(UsbHostDevice.GetInstance());

            /* String for output */
            StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();

            /** hold bottom left shoulder button to enable motors */
            const uint kEnableButton = 7;

            /* Loop tracker for prints */
            int _loops = 0;

            /* Initialization */
            /* Factory Default all hardware to prevent unexpected behaviour */

            /* Config sensor used for Primary PID [Velocity] */

             * Phase sensor accordingly.
             * Positive Sensor Reading should match Green (blinking) Leds on Talon

            /* Config the peak and nominal outputs */
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(1, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Config the Velocity closed loop gains in slot0 */
            _talon.Config_kF(Constants.kPIDLoopIdx, Constants.kF, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kP(Constants.kPIDLoopIdx, Constants.kP, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kI(Constants.kPIDLoopIdx, Constants.kI, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            _talon.Config_kD(Constants.kPIDLoopIdx, Constants.kD, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)
                /* Get gamepad axis */
                double leftYstick = -1 * _gamepad.GetAxis(1);

                /* Get Talon/Victor's current output percentage */
                double motorOutput = _talon.GetMotorOutputPercent();

                /* Prepare line to print */
                /* Cast to int to remove decimal places */
                _sb.Append((int)(motorOutput * 100));
                _sb.Append("%");                    // Percent

                _sb.Append("u");                    // Native units

                 * When button 1 is held, start and run Velocity Closed loop.
                 * Velocity Closed Loop is controlled by joystick position x2000 RPM, [-2000, 2000] RPM
                if (_gamepad.GetButton(1))
                    /* Velocity Closed Loop */

                     * Convert 2000 RPM to units / 100ms.
                     * 4096 Units/Rev * 2000 RPM / 600 100ms/min in either direction:
                     * velocity setpoint is in units/100ms
                    double targetVelocity_UnitsPer100ms = leftYstick * 2000.0 * 4096 / 600;
                    /* 2000 RPM in either direction */
                    _talon.Set(ControlMode.Velocity, targetVelocity_UnitsPer100ms);

                    /* Append more signals to print when in speed mode. */
                    /* Percent Output */

                    _talon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftYstick);

                /* Print built string every 10 loops */
                if (++_loops >= 10)
                    _loops = 0;
                /* Reset built string */

                //if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected) // check if gamepad is plugged in OR....
                if (_gamepad.GetButton(kEnableButton))                 // check if bottom left shoulder buttom is held down.
                    /* then enable motor outputs*/

                /* wait a bit */
예제 #9
        static void Initialize()
            // Serial port
            _uart = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 115200);

            // Victor SPX Slaves
            // Left Slave
            victor1.Set(ControlMode.Follower, 0);
            // Right Slave
            victor3.Set(ControlMode.Follower, 2);

            // Talon SRX Slaves
            // Feeder Slave
            feederL.Set(ControlMode.Follower, 0);
            // Intake Slave
            intakeLft.Set(ControlMode.Follower, 2);

            // Hood
            hood.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.Analog, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.Config_kP(0, 30f, kTimeoutMs); /* tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay */
            hood.Config_kI(0, 0.0005f, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.Config_kD(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.Config_kF(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            /* use slot0 for closed-looping */
            hood.SelectProfileSlot(0, 0);

            /* set the peak and nominal outputs, 1.0 means full */
            hood.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigForwardSoftLimitThreshold(HOOD_LOWER_BOUND_ANALOG, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigReverseSoftLimitThreshold(HOOD_UPPER_BOUND_ANALOG, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigForwardSoftLimitEnable(true, kTimeoutMs);
            hood.ConfigReverseSoftLimitEnable(true, kTimeoutMs);

            /* how much error is allowed?  This defaults to 0. */
            hood.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(0, 5, kTimeoutMs);

            // MAY NEED TUNING
            // Turret
            turret.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Absolute, 1, kTimeoutMs);
            int absPos = turret.GetSelectedSensorPosition(1);

            turret.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.SetSelectedSensorPosition(0, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.Config_kP(0, 2f, kTimeoutMs); // tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay
            turret.Config_kI(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.Config_kD(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.Config_kF(0, 0f, kTimeoutMs);
            // use slot0 for closed-looping
            turret.SelectProfileSlot(0, 0);

            // set the peak and nominal outputs, 1.0 means full
            turret.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+0.5f, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-0.5f, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigReverseSoftLimitThreshold(TURRET_UPPER_BOUND_ANALOG, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigForwardSoftLimitThreshold(TURRET_LOWER_BOUND_ANALOG, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigReverseSoftLimitEnable(true, kTimeoutMs);
            turret.ConfigForwardSoftLimitEnable(true, kTimeoutMs);

            // how much error is allowed?  This defaults to 0.
            turret.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(0, 5, kTimeoutMs);

            // Shooter
            shooterSensorTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            shooterSensorTalon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(0.0f, kTimeoutMs);
            shooterSensorTalon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(1.0f, kTimeoutMs);

            shooterVESC = new PWMSpeedController(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin7);

            pcm.SetSolenoidOutput(shooterFeedbackLEDPort, false);