예제 #1
 public TableTypeParameter CreateParameter(string p_paramName, object p_paramValue)
     TableTypeParameter param = new TableTypeParameter();
         param.ParameterName = p_paramName;
         param.ParameterValue = p_paramValue;
     return param;
    private void BatchImportDatabase(DataSet ds)
            if (ds != null
                && ds.Tables != null
                && ds.Tables.Count > 0
                string Qes1PutTime = "1";
                string Qes2PutTime = "5";
                Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                string strGuid = guid.ToString();

                string strUserName = string.Empty;
                DLL.User loginUser = Session["dsUser"] as DLL.User;
                if (loginUser == null)
                    strUserName = loginUser.Name;

                string sql = "insert into hbh_t_importData (GUID,aboutAgeBegin,aboutAgeEnd,message_Title,message_content,messDate)values(?,?,?,?,?,now());";

                // 每个表导入一次
                foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                    if (table != null
                        // Sheet名不可为空
                        && !PubClass.IsNull(table.TableName)
                        // Sheet名不可包含忽略字符
                        && !table.TableName.Contains("#")
                        // 有行
                        && table.Rows != null
                        && table.Rows.Count > 0
                        && table.Columns != null
                        // 多余两列
                        && table.Columns.Count >= 2
                        int totalCount = table.Rows.Count;
                        string strTableName = table.TableName;

                        int BatchSize = 2000;

                        int loopNumber = PubClass.GetInt(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalCount / BatchSize)));
                        for (int j = 1; j <= loopNumber; j++)
                            int curCount = Math.Min(totalCount - BatchSize * (j - 1), BatchSize);
                            int preBatchIndex = BatchSize * (j - 1);

                            //TableTypeParameter[][] sqlParamArray = new TableTypeParameter[table.Rows.Count][];
                            TableTypeParameter[][] sqlParamArray = new TableTypeParameter[curCount][];
                            //foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                            //for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string month = "";//记录上条记录的月份

                            string LastMonth = ""; //记录上条记录的月份
                            int QestingSequence = 1;//记录当前记录是本月的第几周推送
                            int inQty = 2;//存储几周推送一镒
                            for (int i = 0; i < curCount; i++)
                                DataRow row = table.Rows[preBatchIndex + i];

                                TableTypeParameter[] curParamArr = new TableTypeParameter[5];

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[0].ToString().Trim()))
                                    month = row[0].ToString().Trim();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastMonth))
                                    if (LastMonth.Equals(month))

                                        QestingSequence += inQty;
                                        QestingSequence = 1;
                                        LastMonth = month;
                                    LastMonth = month;
                                //string sql = "insert into hbh_t_importMessageData (GUID,aboutAgeBegin,aboutAgeEnd,message_Title,message_content,messDate)values(?,?,?,?,?,now());";

                                int endDay = QestingSequence + 1;//时间段结束

                                curParamArr[0] = new TableTypeParameter("GUID", strGuid);
                                curParamArr[1] = new TableTypeParameter("aboutAgeBegin", strTableName + month + QestingSequence + "周");
                                curParamArr[2] = new TableTypeParameter("aboutAgeEnd", strTableName + month + endDay + "周");
                                string row_title = "";
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[1].ToString().Trim()))
                                    row_title = "";
                                    row_title = row[1].ToString().Trim();

                                string row_content = "";
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[2].ToString().Trim()))
                                    row_content = "";
                                    row_content = row[2].ToString().Trim();

                                curParamArr[3] = new TableTypeParameter("message_Title", row_title);
                                curParamArr[4] = new TableTypeParameter("message_content", row_content);

                                sqlParamArray[i] = curParamArr;

                            DatabaseAdapter sqlHelper = new DatabaseAdapter(this);
                            sqlHelper.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql, sqlParamArray);


                // ,concat(Content,'(',AgeGroupName,')')
                // ,(length(Sequence) - length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))) ,length(Sequence),length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))

                /*  // 效率有问题,所以换成增临时表来处理
                -- 目录-更新
                update T_Menu,T_ImportData imp2
                    T_Menu.Code = imp2.Content
                    ,T_Menu.Name = concat(imp2.Sequence,' ',imp2.Content)
                    ,T_Menu.AgeGroupName = imp2.AgeGroupName
                where 1=1
                    and T_Menu.Sequence = imp2.Sequence
                    and imp2.GUID = '{0}'
                    and (length(imp2.Sequence) - length(replace(imp2.Sequence,'.',''))) < 3
                string strProcName = "hbh_proc_ImportSubQuestionData";

                // 为了效率,改为存储过程
                //string updateText = string.Format(updateSql, strGuid);
                string updateText = string.Format("call {0}('{1}');", strProcName, strGuid);

                DatabaseAdapter sqlHelper2 = new DatabaseAdapter(this);
                sqlHelper2.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, updateText);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Response.Write(string.Format("<script>alert('{0}')</script> ",ex.Message));
예제 #3
    private void BatchImportDatabase(DataSet ds)
            if (ds != null
                && ds.Tables != null
                && ds.Tables.Count > 0
                string Qes1PutTime = "1";
                string Qes2PutTime = "5";
                Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                string strGuid = guid.ToString();

                string strUserName = string.Empty;
                DLL.User loginUser = Session["dsUser"] as DLL.User;
                if (loginUser == null)
                    strUserName = loginUser.Name;

                string sql = "insert into hbh_t_importData (GUID,aboutAgeBegin,aboutAgeEnd,message_Title,message_content,messDate)values(?,?,?,?,?,now());";

                // 每个表导入一次
                foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                    if (table != null
                        // Sheet名不可为空
                        && !PubClass.IsNull(table.TableName)
                        // Sheet名不可包含忽略字符
                        && !table.TableName.Contains("#")
                        // 有行
                        && table.Rows != null
                        && table.Rows.Count > 0
                        && table.Columns != null
                        // 多余两列
                        && table.Columns.Count >= 2
                        int totalCount = table.Rows.Count;
                        string strTableName = table.TableName;

                        int BatchSize = 2000;

                        int loopNumber = PubClass.GetInt(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalCount / BatchSize)));

                        for (int j = 1; j <= loopNumber; j++)
                            int curCount = Math.Min(totalCount - BatchSize * (j - 1), BatchSize);
                            int preBatchIndex = BatchSize * (j - 1);

                            //TableTypeParameter[][] sqlParamArray = new TableTypeParameter[table.Rows.Count][];
                            TableTypeParameter[][] sqlParamArray = new TableTypeParameter[curCount][];
                            //foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                            //for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string month = "";//记录上条记录的月份
                            string week = "";//记录上条记录的周
                            string MW = ""; //记录上条记录的月份+周
                            int QestingSequence = 1;//记录当前记录是本周的第几天推送消息
                            int inDay = 4;//存储天数
                            for (int i = 0; i < curCount; i++)
                                DataRow row = table.Rows[preBatchIndex + i];

                                TableTypeParameter[] curParamArr = new TableTypeParameter[5];

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[0].ToString()))
                                    month = row[0].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[1].ToString()))
                                    week = row[1].ToString();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(week))
                                        if (week.Equals("第一周") || week.Equals("第1周"))
                                            week = "1周";
                                        else if (week.Equals("第二周") || week.Equals("第2周"))
                                            week = "2周";
                                        else if (week.Equals("第三周") || week.Equals("第3周"))
                                            week = "3周";
                                        else if (week.Equals("第四周") || week.Equals("第4周"))
                                            week = "4周";

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MW))
                                    if (MW.Equals(month + week))

                                        QestingSequence += inDay;
                                        QestingSequence = 1;
                                        MW = month + week;
                                    MW = month + week;
                                //string sql = "insert into hbh_t_importMessageData (GUID,aboutAgeBegin,aboutAgeEnd,message_Title,message_content,messDate)values(?,?,?,?,?,now());";

                                int endDay = 0;//时间段结束

                                if (QestingSequence == 1)
                                    endDay = QestingSequence + 3;
                                    endDay = QestingSequence + 2;

                                curParamArr[0] = new TableTypeParameter("GUID", strGuid);
                                curParamArr[1] = new TableTypeParameter("aboutAgeBegin", strTableName + month + week + "第" + QestingSequence + "天");
                                curParamArr[2] = new TableTypeParameter("aboutAgeEnd", strTableName + month + week + "第" + endDay + "天");

                                string row_title = "";
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[2].ToString().Trim()))
                                    row_title = "";
                                    row_title = row[2].ToString().Trim();
                                string row_content = "";
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[3].ToString().Trim()))
                                    row_content = "";
                                    row_content = row[3].ToString().Trim();

                                curParamArr[3] = new TableTypeParameter("message_Title", row_title);
                                curParamArr[4] = new TableTypeParameter("message_content", row_content);

                                sqlParamArray[i] = curParamArr;

                            DatabaseAdapter sqlHelper = new DatabaseAdapter(this);
                            sqlHelper.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql, sqlParamArray);


                // ,concat(Content,'(',AgeGroupName,')')
                // ,(length(Sequence) - length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))) ,length(Sequence),length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))

                string strProcName = "hbh_proc_ImportMessageData";

                // 为了效率,改为存储过程
                //string updateText = string.Format(updateSql, strGuid);
                string updateText = string.Format("call {0}('{1}');", strProcName, strGuid);

                DatabaseAdapter sqlHelper2 = new DatabaseAdapter(this);
                sqlHelper2.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, updateText);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Response.Write(string.Format("<script>alert('{0}')</script> ", ex.Message));
예제 #4
    public void Fill(DataTable dt, CommandType p_CommandType, string p_CommandText, TableTypeParameter[] p_TableParams, SqlParameter[] p_SqlParams)
        SqlConnection connection = null;
        SqlCommand command = null;
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = null;
            connection = new SqlConnection
                ConnectionString = this._sqlConnStr

            command = new SqlCommand
                Connection = connection,
                CommandText = p_CommandText,
                CommandType = p_CommandType,
                CommandTimeout = this._commandTimeout,
                Transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
            if ((p_TableParams != null) && (p_TableParams.Length > 0))
                foreach (TableTypeParameter parameter in p_TableParams)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameter.ParameterName, parameter.ParameterValue);
            if ((p_SqlParams != null) && (p_SqlParams.Length > 0))
                foreach (SqlParameter parameter2 in p_SqlParams)
            adapter = new SqlDataAdapter
                SelectCommand = command
        catch (Exception exception)
            if (command != null
                && command.Transaction != null
            throw exception;
            if (command != null)
            if (adapter != null)
예제 #5
    public int ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType p_CommandType, string p_CommandText, TableTypeParameter[][] p_Parameters)
        int result = 0;
        SqlConnection connection = null;
        SqlCommand command = null;
        SqlTransaction transaction = null;
            connection = new SqlConnection
                ConnectionString = this._sqlConnStr

            transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
            for (int i = 0; i < p_Parameters.Length; i++)
                command = new SqlCommand(p_CommandText, connection, transaction)
                    CommandType = p_CommandType,
                    CommandTimeout = this._commandTimeout
                if (p_Parameters[i] != null)
                    if (p_Parameters[i].Length != 0)
                        //foreach (SqlParameter parameter in p_Parameters[i])
                        //    command.Parameters.Add(parameter);
                        foreach (TableTypeParameter parameter in p_Parameters[i])
                            command.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameter.ParameterName, parameter.ParameterValue);
                    result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
        catch (Exception exception)
            if (command != null
                && command.Transaction != null
            throw exception;
            if (command != null)
            if (transaction != null)
        return result;
예제 #6
    private void BatchImportDatabase(DataSet ds)
        if (ds != null
            && ds.Tables != null
            && ds.Tables.Count > 0
            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            string strGuid = guid.ToString();

            string strUserName = string.Empty;
            DLL.User loginUser = Session["dsUser"] as DLL.User;
            if (loginUser == null)
                strUserName = loginUser.Name;

            string sql = "insert into T_ImportData (Sequence,Content,GUID,AgeGroupName,CreatedBy,CreatedOn,KeyWords)values(?,?,?,?,?,now(),?);";

            // 每个表导入一次
            foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                if (table != null
                    // Sheet名不可为空
                    && !PubClass.IsNull(table.TableName)
                    // Sheet名不可包含忽略字符
                    && !table.TableName.Contains(Const_ExcelIgnoreFlag)
                    // 有行
                    && table.Rows != null
                    && table.Rows.Count > 0
                    && table.Columns != null
                    // 多余两列
                    && table.Columns.Count >= 2
                    int totalCount = table.Rows.Count;
                    string strTableName = table.TableName;

                    int BatchSize = 2000;

                    int loopNumber = PubClass.GetInt(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalCount / BatchSize)));

                    for (int j = 1; j <= loopNumber; j++)
                        int curCount = Math.Min(totalCount - BatchSize * (j - 1), BatchSize);
                        int preBatchIndex = BatchSize * (j - 1);

                        //TableTypeParameter[][] sqlParamArray = new TableTypeParameter[table.Rows.Count][];
                        TableTypeParameter[][] sqlParamArray = new TableTypeParameter[curCount][];
                        //foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        //for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < curCount; i++)
                            DataRow row = table.Rows[preBatchIndex + i];

                            TableTypeParameter[] curParamArr = new TableTypeParameter[6];

                            //string sql = "insert into T_ImportData (Sequence,Content,GUID,AgeGroupName,CreatedBy,CreatedOn)values(?,?,?,?,?,now());";
                            curParamArr[0] = new TableTypeParameter("Sequence", row[0]);
                            curParamArr[1] = new TableTypeParameter("Content", row[1]);
                            curParamArr[2] = new TableTypeParameter("GUID", strGuid);
                            curParamArr[3] = new TableTypeParameter("AgeGroupName", strTableName);
                            curParamArr[4] = new TableTypeParameter("CreatedBy", strUserName);
                            if (table.Columns.Count >= 3)
                                curParamArr[5] = new TableTypeParameter("KeyWords", row[2]);
                                curParamArr[5] = new TableTypeParameter("KeyWords", ""); ;

                            sqlParamArray[i] = curParamArr;

                        DatabaseAdapter sqlHelper = new DatabaseAdapter(this);
                        sqlHelper.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql, sqlParamArray);


            // ,concat(Content,'(',AgeGroupName,')')
	        // ,(length(Sequence) - length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))) ,length(Sequence),length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))

            string updateSql = @"
-- 年龄段-新增
insert into T_AgeGroup
	distinct AgeGroupName,AgeGroupName,null
from T_ImportData
where GUID = '{0}'
	and AgeGroupName not in (select tb.Code from T_AgeGroup tb)
order by AgeGroupName

-- 创建需更新Menu目录的临时表
drop table if exists tmp_NeedUpdateMenu  ;
create temporary table tmp_NeedUpdateMenu (
select T_Menu.ID,imp2.Content as Code,concat(imp2.Sequence,' ',imp2.Content) as Name,imp2.AgeGroupName as AgeGroupName
from T_Menu,T_ImportData imp2
where 1=1
	and T_Menu.Sequence = imp2.Sequence
	and imp2.GUID = '{0}'
	and (length(imp2.Sequence) - length(replace(imp2.Sequence,'.',''))) < 3
	and (T_Menu.Code != imp2.Content 
		or T_Menu.Name != concat(imp2.Sequence,' ',imp2.Content)
		or T_Menu.AgeGroupName != imp2.AgeGroupName
-- 目录-更新
update T_Menu,tmp_NeedUpdateMenu imp2
	T_Menu.Code = imp2.Code
	,T_Menu.Name = imp2.Name
	,T_Menu.AgeGroupName = imp2.AgeGroupName
where T_Menu.ID = imp2.ID
; xz

-- 目录-新增
insert into T_Menu
	Sequence,Content,concat(Sequence,' ',Content),null,AgeGroupName
from T_ImportData
where GUID = '{0}'
	and (length(Sequence) - length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))) < 3
	and Sequence not in (select tb.Sequence from T_Menu tb)
order by Sequence
-- 更新父目录ID
drop table if exists tmp_menu 
create table tmp_menu as select ID,Sequence from T_Menu
update T_Menu
set ParentMenu = (select min(parent.ID) from tmp_menu parent 
		where parent.Sequence = substring_index(T_Menu.Sequence,'.'
					,(length(T_Menu.Sequence) - length(replace(T_Menu.Sequence,'.','')))
where ParentMenu is null
drop table if exists tmp_menu 
-- 问题
insert into T_Question
	Sequence,Content,Content,KeyWords,AgeGroupName,(select min(parent.ID) from T_Menu parent 
			where parent.Sequence = substring_index(T_ImportData.Sequence,'.'
						,(length(T_ImportData.Sequence) - length(replace(T_ImportData.Sequence,'.','')))
from T_ImportData
where GUID = '{0}'
	and (length(Sequence) - length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))) = 3
	and Sequence not in (select tb.Sequence from T_Question tb)
order by Sequence
-- 答案
insert into T_Solution
	Sequence,Content,null,(select min(parent.ID) from T_Question parent 
			where parent.Sequence = substring_index(T_ImportData.Sequence,'.'
						,(length(T_ImportData.Sequence) - length(replace(T_ImportData.Sequence,'.','')))
from T_ImportData
where GUID = '{0}'
	and (length(Sequence) - length(replace(Sequence,'.',''))) > 3
	and Sequence not in (select tb.Sequence from T_Solution tb)
order by Sequence
-- 更新年龄段表Sequence
update T_AgeGroup,T_Menu menu
set T_AgeGroup.Sequence = menu.Sequence
	T_AgeGroup.Code = menu.AgeGroupName
	and (length(menu.Sequence) - length(replace(menu.Sequence,'.',''))) = 0

/*  // 效率有问题,所以换成增临时表来处理
-- 目录-更新
update T_Menu,T_ImportData imp2
    T_Menu.Code = imp2.Content
    ,T_Menu.Name = concat(imp2.Sequence,' ',imp2.Content)
    ,T_Menu.AgeGroupName = imp2.AgeGroupName
where 1=1
    and T_Menu.Sequence = imp2.Sequence
    and imp2.GUID = '{0}'
    and (length(imp2.Sequence) - length(replace(imp2.Sequence,'.',''))) < 3
            string strProcName = "hbh_proc_updateImportData";

            // 为了效率,改为存储过程
            //string updateText = string.Format(updateSql, strGuid);
            string updateText = string.Format("call {0}('{1}');", strProcName, strGuid);

            DatabaseAdapter sqlHelper2 = new DatabaseAdapter(this);
            sqlHelper2.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, updateText);