protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // changing CultureInfo to en-GB to show decimal point as "." instead of ","
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");

            // creating an array of 36 TextViews used for storing every cell from TableLayout
            int textViewCount = 36;

            textViewArray = new TextView[textViewCount];

            // assigning resources to local variables
            Spinner     spinner       = FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.spinnerPrimaryType);
            Spinner     spinner2      = FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.spinnerSecondaryType);
            Button      showDmgButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.showDmgButton);
            TableLayout tableLayout1  = FindViewById <TableLayout>(Resource.Id.tableLayout1);

            Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            // filling textViewArray with TextViews from TableLayout
            int y = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < tableLayout1.ChildCount; i++)
                View child = tableLayout1.GetChildAt(i);

                if (child is TableRow row)
                    for (int x = 0; x < row.ChildCount; x++)
                        View view = row.GetChildAt(x);
                        textViewArray[y] = (TextView)view;
            // restoring saved data when screen orientation is changed
            if (savedInstanceState != null)
                string[] temp       = savedInstanceState.GetStringArray("savedArray");
                int[]    tempColors = savedInstanceState.GetIntArray("savedColors");
                selectedSorting = savedInstanceState.GetInt("savedSorting");

                for (int d = 0; d < 36; d++)
                    textViewArray[d].Text = temp[d];
                    Android.Graphics.Color backgroundColor = new Android.Graphics.Color(tempColors[d]);
                if (temp[0] != "")
                    tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(0, false);
                    tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(1, false);
            // creating 2 custom spinner adapters and assigning them to the primary and secondary pokemon type spinners
            ColorfulSpinnerAdapter adapter  = new ColorfulSpinnerAdapter(this, Resource.Array.pokemonType, Resource.Layout.spinner_item);
            ColorfulSpinnerAdapter adapter2 = new ColorfulSpinnerAdapter(this, Resource.Array.pokemonType, Resource.Layout.spinner_item);

            spinner.Adapter  = adapter;
            spinner2.Adapter = adapter2;

            // creating local variables used for filling TextViews
            string         type1   = string.Empty;
            string         type2   = string.Empty;
            TypeCalculator dmgCalc = new TypeCalculator();

            PkmnType[] typez;
            PkmnType[] typez2;

            showDmgButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                // checks spinner content
                type1 = spinner.SelectedItem.ToString();
                type2 = spinner2.SelectedItem.ToString();
                // check if one of chosen types is (none)
                if (string.Equals(type1, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.notype)))
                    if (string.Equals(type2, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.notype)))
                        // fill TextViews of TableLayout with empty strings if both chosen types are (none)
                        for (int d = 0; d < textViewCount; d++)
                            textViewArray[d].Text = "";
                        // hide table
                        tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(0, true);
                        tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(1, true);
                        // if the secondary type is not (none) check type and start filling table with sorted values
                        typez = dmgCalc.CheckType(type2);
                        // check selected sorting option
                        if (selectedSorting == menu.GetItem(2).ItemId)
                            typez = dmgCalc.SortPkmnTypes(typez);
                        else if (selectedSorting == menu.GetItem(1).ItemId)
                            typez = dmgCalc.SortPkmnTypesByName(typez);
                        for (int d = 0, t = 0; d < textViewCount - 1; d += 2, t++)
                            textViewArray[d].Text = typez[t].TypeName;
                            textViewArray[d + 1].SetBackgroundColor(typez[t].TypeColor);
                            textViewArray[d + 1].Text = typez[t].DmgTaken.ToString() + "x";
                        // show table
                        tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(0, false);
                        tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(1, false);
                    // if secondary type equals (none) or both types are the same check only primary type dmg multipliers
                    if (string.Equals(type2, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.notype)) || string.Equals(type2, type1))
                        typez = dmgCalc.CheckType(type1);
                        // check selected sorting option
                        if (selectedSorting == menu.GetItem(2).ItemId)
                            typez = dmgCalc.SortPkmnTypes(typez);
                        else if (selectedSorting == menu.GetItem(1).ItemId)
                            typez = dmgCalc.SortPkmnTypesByName(typez);
                        for (int d = 0, t = 0; d < textViewCount - 1; d += 2, t++)
                            textViewArray[d].Text = typez[t].TypeName;
                            textViewArray[d + 1].SetBackgroundColor(typez[t].TypeColor);
                            textViewArray[d + 1].Text = typez[t].DmgTaken.ToString() + "x";
                        // if both types are different and none of them equals (none) check both types and
                        // multiply primary type multipliers by secondary type multipliers
                        typez  = dmgCalc.CheckType(type1);
                        typez2 = dmgCalc.CheckType(type2);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i)
                            typez[i].DmgTaken *= typez2[i].DmgTaken;
                        // check selected sorting option
                        if (selectedSorting == menu.GetItem(2).ItemId)
                            typez = dmgCalc.SortPkmnTypes(typez);
                        else if (selectedSorting == menu.GetItem(1).ItemId)
                            typez = dmgCalc.SortPkmnTypesByName(typez);
                        for (int d = 0, t = 0; d < textViewCount - 1; d += 2, t++)
                            textViewArray[d].Text = typez[t].TypeName;
                            textViewArray[d + 1].SetBackgroundColor(typez[t].TypeColor);
                            textViewArray[d + 1].Text = typez[t].DmgTaken.ToString() + "x";
                    tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(0, false);
                    tableLayout1.SetColumnCollapsed(1, false);