private void DeleteImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tillPopup != null) { return; } ImageViewWithPosition image = (ImageViewWithPosition)sender; layout.RemoveViewAt(image.Position); nameViews.RemoveAt(image.Position); priceViews.RemoveAt(image.Position); deleteButtons.RemoveAt(image.Position); editButtons.RemoveAt(image.Position); for (int i = image.Position; i < deleteButtons.Count; ++i) { ImageViewWithPosition deleteImage = deleteButtons[i]; --deleteImage.Position; ImageViewWithId editImage = editButtons[i]; --editImage.Position; } currentOrder.RemoveOrderItem(image.Position); SetTotalView(CurrentOrder); }
public List <FavoriteElementId> SetTableData(List <FavoriteData> favorites, Context context, Resources resources, TableLayout mTableLayout) { while (mTableLayout.ChildCount > 0) { mTableLayout.RemoveViewAt(0); } TableRow.LayoutParams tableRowLayoutparams = new TableRow.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent); List <FavoriteElementId> response = new List <FavoriteElementId>(); Boolean colored = true; foreach (FavoriteData Row in favorites) { TableRow tr = new TableRow(context); if (colored) { tr.SetBackgroundColor(resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.eventRowResult)); } colored = !colored; tr.LayoutParameters = tableRowLayoutparams; Boolean WITH_DIRECTION = Row.direction != null; TextView tv1 = new TextView(context); tv1.Text = + (WITH_DIRECTION ? " " + Row.direction : ""); tv1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.ViewEnd; tv1.SetPadding(0, 0, 13, 0); tv1.SetMinimumWidth(320); tv1.SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Dip, WITH_DIRECTION ? 14 : 22); tv1.SetMaxWidth(1000); ImageButton deleteBtn = new ImageButton(context); deleteBtn.SetImageResource(Android.Resource.Drawable.IcMenuDelete); deleteBtn.SetMaxWidth(30); deleteBtn.SetBackgroundColor(Android.Graphics.Color.Transparent); deleteBtn.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.ViewEnd; tr.AddView(tv1); tr.AddView(deleteBtn); mTableLayout.AddView(tr); if (Row.direction == null) { response.Add(new FavoriteElementId(deleteBtn, tv1,, Row.searchType)); } else { response.Add(new FavoriteLineElementId(deleteBtn, tv1,, Row.searchType, Row.direction)); } } return(response); }
public override void OnShow(Bundle args, ShowFlags showFlags) { base.OnShow(args, showFlags); int playerLevel = GoOnTapApplication.Config.PlayerLevel; name.Text = "?"; image.SetImageBitmap(null); levelValue.Text = "?"; cpValue.Text = "?"; hpValue.Text = "?"; averageValue.Text = "?"; playerLevelValue.Text = playerLevel.ToString(); arcFeedback.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; levelSeek.Enabled = false; cpSeek.Enabled = false; hpSeek.Enabled = false; playerLevelSeek.Enabled = false; levelSeek.Progress = 0; cpSeek.Progress = 0; hpSeek.Progress = 0; playerLevelSeek.Progress = playerLevel - 1; // Set checkboxes unckeck attack.Checked = false; defense.Checked = false; stamina.Checked = false; while (ivTable.ChildCount > 1) { ivTable.RemoveViewAt(1); } }
public void SetTableData(List <MonitoredStopVisit> data, TableLayout mTableLayout, Context context, Resources resources , string searchType) { while (mTableLayout.ChildCount > 2) { mTableLayout.RemoveViewAt(2); } TableRow.LayoutParams tableRowLayoutparams = new TableRow.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent); Boolean colored = false; if (searchType == "line") { List <string> idLoop = new List <string>(); foreach (MonitoredStopVisit Row in data.OrderBy(s => s.MonitoredVehicleJourney.FramedVehicleJourneyRef.DatedVehicleJourneyRef)) { string crntIdLoop = Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.FramedVehicleJourneyRef.DatedVehicleJourneyRef; if (crntIdLoop == "0" || idLoop.FindIndex(x => x == crntIdLoop) >= 0) { // go to next row // in search by line we display only one time per bus route } else { idLoop.Add(crntIdLoop); if (Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.OnwardCalls.OnwardCall.Count > 0) { if (idLoop.Count > 0) // after complete bus round adding space { Space space = new Space(context); space.SetMinimumHeight(40); mTableLayout.AddView(space); } foreach (OnwardCall call in Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.OnwardCalls.OnwardCall) { TableRow tr = new TableRow(context); if (colored) { tr.SetBackgroundColor(resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.eventRowResult)); } colored = !colored; tr.LayoutParameters = tableRowLayoutparams; TextView tv1 = new TextView(context); string firstStationName = dbHelper.ReadStationName(call.StopPointRef); firstStationName = GetShortDest(firstStationName); // design the destination tv1.Text = firstStationName; tv1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.ViewEnd; tv1.SetMaxWidth(400); tv1.SetPadding(0, 0, 13, 0); TextView tv2 = new TextView(context); tv2.Text = DateTime.Parse(call.ExpectedArrivalTime.ToShortTimeString()).ToString("HH:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tv2.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; TextView tv3 = new TextView(context); tv3.SetMaxWidth(400); string stationName = dbHelper.ReadStationName(Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.DestinationRef); stationName = GetShortDest(stationName); tv3.Text = stationName; tv3.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; TextView tv4 = new TextView(context); if (Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.OnwardCalls.OnwardCall.Count > 0) { OnwardCall endStationCall = Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.OnwardCalls.OnwardCall.Where(a => a.StopPointRef == Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.DestinationRef).FirstOrDefault(); tv4.Text = endStationCall is null ? "לא ידוע" : DateTime.Parse(endStationCall.ExpectedArrivalTime.ToShortTimeString()).ToString("HH:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } else { tv4.Text = tv2.Text; } tv4.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; tr.AddView(tv4); tr.AddView(tv3); tr.AddView(tv2); tr.AddView(tv1); mTableLayout.AddView(tr); } } } } } else // by station and train { foreach (MonitoredStopVisit Row in data) { TableRow tr = new TableRow(context); if (colored) { tr.SetBackgroundColor(resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.eventRowResult)); } colored = !colored; tr.LayoutParameters = tableRowLayoutparams; TextView tv1 = new TextView(context); tv1.SetPadding(0, 0, 13, 0); switch (searchType) { case "station": tv1.Text = Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.PublishedLineName; tv1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; break; default: break; } TextView tv2 = new TextView(context); tv2.Text = DateTime.Parse(Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.MonitoredCall.ExpectedArrivalTime.ToShortTimeString()).ToString("HH:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tv2.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; TextView tv3 = new TextView(context); string stationName = dbHelper.ReadStationName(Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.DestinationRef); tv3.Text = stationName; tv3.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; TextView tv4 = new TextView(context); if (Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.OnwardCalls.OnwardCall.Count > 0) { OnwardCall endStationCall = Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.OnwardCalls.OnwardCall.Where(a => a.StopPointRef == Row.MonitoredVehicleJourney.DestinationRef).FirstOrDefault(); tv4.Text = endStationCall is null ? "לא ידוע" : DateTime.Parse(endStationCall.ExpectedArrivalTime.ToShortTimeString()).ToString("HH:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } else { tv4.Text = tv2.Text; } tv4.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; tr.AddView(tv4); tr.AddView(tv3); tr.AddView(tv2); tr.AddView(tv1); mTableLayout.AddView(tr); } } }
/// <summary> /// Se cargan la lista de notificadores /// </summary> public void cargarNotificadores() { try { ManejoBaseDatos.Abrir(); //Se consulta en la base de datos la lista de los usuarios notificadores ICursor cursor = ManejoBaseDatos.Seleccionar("SELECT NombreCompleto, CodigoNotificador, RolNocturno FROM OficialesNotificadores"); //Instancia de la tabla de notificadores TableLayout tablaNotificadores = Activity.FindViewById <TableLayout>(Resource.Id.tbNotificadores); //Se crea el objeto para las fila que se van a ingresar en la tabla TableRow nuevaFila; TableLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.MatchParent, TableLayout.LayoutParams.MatchParent); List <int> listaIndices = new List <int>(); //Se guardan los indices que se van a eliminar de la tabla de notificadores for (int i = 1; i < tablaNotificadores.ChildCount; tablaNotificadores.RemoveViewAt(1)) { ; } if (cursor.MoveToFirst())//Se posiciona el cursor en la primera posición { do { nuevaFila = new TableRow(Activity); //Se instancia la nueva fila nuevaFila.LayoutParameters = layoutParams; //Se agregan los tamaños del layout nuevaFila.SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); //Se agregan los margenes de cada fila nuevaFila.SetBackgroundColor(Android.Graphics.Color.Argb(2, 1, 0, 5)); //Se cambia el color del fondo nuevaFila.Clickable = true; nuevaFila.Click += (s, args) => { }; //Se agrega el nombre del notificador TextView nombreNotificador = new TextView(Activity); nombreNotificador.Text = cursor.GetString(0); //Se agrega el rol CheckBox rolNocturno = new CheckBox(Activity); rolNocturno.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal; rolNocturno.Text = ""; //Se obtiene el valor del rol nocturno string check = cursor.GetString(2); //Si es verdadero el check se marca y si no, se deja sin marcar rolNocturno.Checked = check == "True" || check == "true" ? true : false; //Se guarda el codigo del notificador string codigoNotificador = cursor.GetString(1); rolNocturno.CheckedChange += (s, args) => { ManejoBaseDatos.Abrir(); //Se actualiza el rol nocturno string msj = ManejoBaseDatos.Actualizar("OficialesNotificadores", "RolNocturno", "'" + args.IsChecked + "'", "CodigoNotificador='" + codigoNotificador + "'"); ManejoBaseDatos.Cerrar(); try { if (args.IsChecked) { string consulta = @"" + codigoNotificador + ""; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(consulta); request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpWebResponse myResp = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); string responseText; using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { responseText = reader.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine("Respuesta de web service: " + responseText); if (responseText.Equals("true") || responseText.Equals("True")) { Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, "Cambio a Rol Nocturno Exitoso", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } } } } catch (WebException webEx) { Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, "Error al actualizar datos", ToastLength.Short).Show(); Console.WriteLine("Error al asignar rol nocturno: " + webEx.ToString()); } Toast.MakeText(Activity, msj, ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; //Se agregan las dos columnas a la fila nuevaFila.AddView(nombreNotificador); nuevaFila.AddView(rolNocturno); //Se agrega la nueva fila a la tabla tablaNotificadores.AddView(nuevaFila); } while (cursor.MoveToNext()); } cursor.Close(); ManejoBaseDatos.Cerrar(); }catch (Exception ex) { //Se guarda el detalle del error Logs.saveLogError("RolNocturno.cargarNotificadores " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } }