public ActionResult List()
            T_ActivityAreaBll bll = new T_ActivityAreaBll();
            var model             = bll.GetList();

        public ActionResult AreaList()
            T_ActivityAreaBll bll = new T_ActivityAreaBll();

            var list = bll.GetList();

        public ActionResult AreaAdd()
            T_ActivityAreaBll bll = new T_ActivityAreaBll();
            var model             = new T_ActivityArea();

            if (Request.QueryString["areaid"] != null)
                model = bll.GetModel(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["areaid"].ToString()));
                model.IsShow = 1;

        public Dictionary <string, object> GetAgencyStatisticsList()
            T_SaleActivityTypeBll typebll     = new T_SaleActivityTypeBll();
            T_AgencyBll           t_agencybll = new T_AgencyBll();
            T_ActivityAreaBll     areabll     = new T_ActivityAreaBll();
            var    arealist   = areabll.GetList();
            var    typelist   = typebll.GetList();
            var    agencylist = t_agencybll.GetList();
            string begintime  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["begintime"].ToString();
            string endtime    = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["endtime"].ToString();
            string areaid     = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["areaid"].ToString();
            string strwhere   = "IsDelete=0";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begintime))
                strwhere += " and ActivityDate>='" + begintime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endtime))
                strwhere += " and ActivityDate<='" + endtime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaid))
                strwhere += " and saleactivitytypeid=" + areaid;
                strwhere += " and saleactivitytypeid=" + arealist[0];
            string date       = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "-01-01";
            int    indexmonth = DateTime.Now.Month;
            var    listmonth  = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 1; i < indexmonth + 1; i++)
            var database = DataFactory.Database();

            var dsaverage = database.FindDataSetBySql("select DATEPART(month, ActivityDate) as nmonth,agencyid,saleactivitytypeid from T_SaleActivity   where datediff(year, ActivityDate, '" + date + "') = 0 group by AgencyId, DATEPART(month, ActivityDate),SaleActivityTypeId order by DATEPART(month, ActivityDate)");
            List <AgencyStatisticsViewModel> listview = new List <AgencyStatisticsViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in agencylist)
                var model = new AgencyStatisticsViewModel();
                model.AgencyName = item.AgencyName;
                model.AgencyId   = item.AgencyId;
                List <Months> listmonthview = new List <Months>();
                foreach (var item1 in listmonth)
                    var monthview = new Months();
                    monthview.Month = item1.ToString();
                    List <int> listid   = new List <int>();
                    var        dsselect = dsaverage.Tables[0].Select("nmonth=" + item1.ToString() + " and agencyid=" + item.AgencyId + "");
                    foreach (var item2 in dsselect)
                        if (!listid.Contains(int.Parse(item2["saleactivitytypeid"].ToString())))
                    monthview.SaleActivityTypeIdList = listid;
                model.listmonth = listmonthview;

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "code", 1 },
                { "typelist", typelist.Select(a => new { saleactivitytypeid = a.SaleActivityTypeId, saleactivitytypename = a.SaleActivityTypeName }) },
                { "agencylist", agencylist.Select(a => new { agencyid = a.AgencyId, agencyname = a.AgencyName }) },
                { "list", listview },
                { "monthlist", listmonth },
                { "arealist", arealist }