예제 #1
        public async Task TestAccountGetRatedMovies()
            await TMDbClient.SetSessionInformationAsync(TestConfig.UserSessionId, SessionType.UserSession);

            await TestHelpers.SearchPagesAsync(i => TMDbClient.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync(i));

            SearchContainer <SearchMovie> movies = await TMDbClient.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync();

            SearchMovie movie = movies.Results.Single(s => s.Id == IdHelper.Avatar);

            await Verify(movie);
예제 #2
        public async Task TestAccountGetFavoriteMovies()
            await TMDbClient.SetSessionInformationAsync(TestConfig.UserSessionId, SessionType.UserSession);

            await TestHelpers.SearchPagesAsync(i => TMDbClient.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync(i));

            // Requires that you have marked at least one movie as favorite else this test will fail
            SearchContainer <SearchMovie> movies = await TMDbClient.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync();

            SearchMovie movie = movies.Results.Single(s => s.Id == IdHelper.Avatar);

            await Verify(movie, x => x.IgnoreProperty <SearchMovie>(n => n.VoteCount, n => n.Popularity));
예제 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("e1b3af48ad2d28cab2fb3ac299948c08");

            client.SetSessionInformation(Program.Session_Id, SessionType.UserSession);
            SearchContainer <SearchMovie> results = client.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync().Result;
            string str   = "";
            string image = "";

            if (results.Results.Count > 0)
                foreach (SearchMovie result in results.Results)
                    string date = "";
                    if (result.ReleaseDate != null)
                        date = result.ReleaseDate.Value.ToString("D", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"));
                    if (result.PosterPath == null)
                        image = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQP_gfN4auNNye--K2rquUrHBCrMl4QYedWLnLT14qSdT2AWPPo";
                        image = "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185_and_h278_bestv2" + result.PosterPath;
                    str += "<div class='movie movie-test movie-test-dark movie-test-left'>" +
                           "<div class='movie__images'>" +
                           "<a href='Single.aspx?movie_id=" + result.Id + "' class='movie-beta__link'>" +
                           "<img src='" + image + "' class='img-responsive' />" +
                           "</a>" +
                           "</div>" +
                           "<div class='movie__info'>" +
                           "<a href='Single.aspx?movie_id=" + result.Id + "' class='movie__title'>" + result.Title + "  </a><br/>" +
                           "<span>Realse date: " + date + "</span><br/>" +
                           "<span>Vote: " + result.VoteAverage + "</span><br/>" +
                           "</div>" +
                           "<div class='clearfix'> </div>" +
                str += "<div class='alert alert-danger'>There is no favorite movie</div>";

            result.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(str));
예제 #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.hide.Value = Request.QueryString["movie_id"];
            Movies_id       = Convert.ToInt32(this.hide.Value);

            TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("e1b3af48ad2d28cab2fb3ac299948c08");

            TMDbLib.Objects.Movies.Movie movie = client.GetMovieAsync(this.hide.Value).Result;

            string str1 = "";
            string str2 = "";
            string str3 = "";

            string image = "";

            if (movie.PosterPath == null)
                image = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQP_gfN4auNNye--K2rquUrHBCrMl4QYedWLnLT14qSdT2AWPPo";
                image = "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185_and_h278_bestv2" + movie.PosterPath;

            str1 +=
                "<img src='" + image + "' class='img-responsive' />";
            string country = "";

            if (movie.ProductionCountries.Count > 0)
                country = movie.ProductionCountries[0].Name;

            str2 += "<h3 style='font-family: 'Arial';'>" + movie.Title + "</h3><p class='movie_option'><strong>Country: </strong>" + country + "</p>" +
                    "<p class='movie_option'><strong>Language:</strong > " + movie.OriginalLanguage + "</P>" +
                    "<p class='movie_option'><strong>Spoken Language: </strong>";
            for (int i = 0; i < movie.SpokenLanguages.Count; i++)
                str2 += movie.SpokenLanguages[i].Name + ", ";
            str2 += "</P><p class='movie_option'><strong>Genres: </strong>";
            for (int i = 0; i < movie.Genres.Count; i++)
                str2 += movie.Genres[i].Name + ", ";
            try {
                str2 += "</P><p class='movie_option'><strong>Release date: </strong>" + movie.ReleaseDate.Value.ToString("D", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) + "</p>";
                str2 += "</P><p class='movie_option'><strong>Release date: </strong>" + "" + "</p>";
            str2 += "<p class='movie_option'><strong>Vote: </strong>" + movie.VoteAverage + "</p>";
            str2 += "<p class='movie_option'><strong>Vote Count: </strong>" + movie.VoteCount + "</p>" +
                    "<a href='" + "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + movie.ImdbId + "'>Go IMDB Link</a><br/>";

            str3 += movie.Overview;

            client.SetSessionInformation(Program.Session_Id, SessionType.UserSession);
            SearchContainer <SearchMovie> results = client.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync().Result;

            foreach (SearchMovie result in results.Results)
                if (result.Id == Movies_id)
                    Favorit_btn.Text = "Remove From Favorite";

            m_image.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(str1));
            info.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(str2));
            description.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(str3));
예제 #5
 private async Task <bool> DoesFavoriteListContainSpecificMovie(int movieId)
     return(await DoesListContainSpecificMovie(movieId, async page => (await TMDbClient.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync(page)).Results.Select(s => s.Id)));
예제 #6
        public ActionResult <SearchContainer <SearchMovie> > getFavourites(int page)
            TMDbClient client = GetTMDbClient();

            return(client.AccountGetFavoriteMoviesAsync(page, AccountSortBy.CreatedAt).Result);