예제 #1
        public RenderedSvg RenderHeader()
            RenderedSvg result = new RenderedSvg();

            SvgPaintServer blackPaint = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            string[] spans    = vm.Heading.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
            SvgText  text     = new SvgText();
            float    fontSize = 10.0f;

            foreach (var span in spans)
                SvgTextSpan tspan = new SvgTextSpan();
                tspan.Text     = span;
                tspan.FontSize = new SvgUnit(fontSize);
                tspan.Dy.Add(Helpers.dtos(fontSize * 1.2));
                tspan.Fill = blackPaint;
            //text.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate(0, (float)(- (fontSize * 1.2) * spans.Length * 0.5)));

            result.RenderedSize = headerView.RenderSize;
            result.SVG          = text;
예제 #2
        public void DrawTextSpan(SvgTextSpan svgTextSpan, bool ignoreDisplay)
            if (!CanDraw(svgTextSpan, ignoreDisplay))


            var skMatrix = SkiaUtil.GetSKMatrix(svgTextSpan.Transforms);

            SetClipPath(svgTextSpan, _disposable);

            var skPaintOpacity = SetOpacity(svgTextSpan, _disposable);

            var skPaintFilter = SetFilter(svgTextSpan, _disposable);

            // TODO:

            if (skPaintFilter != null)

            if (skPaintOpacity != null)

예제 #3
        private void setDynValue(ResponseValue responseValue, DynValue dynValueConfig, ref SvgTextSpan svgElement)
            string newValue = string.Empty;
            int    iValue;
            double doubleValue;

            if (responseValue.value is double)
                doubleValue = (double)responseValue.value;
                double dValue = (doubleValue + dynValueConfig.offset) * dynValueConfig.ratio;
                newValue = dValue + dynValueConfig.unit;
                if (int.TryParse(responseValue.value.ToString(), out iValue) == true)
                    double dValue = (iValue + dynValueConfig.offset) * dynValueConfig.ratio;
                    newValue = dValue + dynValueConfig.unit;
                if (newValue == string.Empty)
                    newValue = responseValue.value.ToString();
            svgElement.Text = newValue;
예제 #4
        private void setTextlist(SvgDocument svg, ResponseValue responseVar, Textlist textlist, ref SvgRectangle rectangle, ref SvgTextSpan svgText)
            int             textId    = int.Parse(responseVar.value.ToString());
            SvgColourServer rectColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(textlist.items[textId].bgColor));

            rectangle.Fill = rectColor;

            svgText.Text = textlist.items[textId].value;
            SvgColourServer textColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(textlist.items[textId].textColor));

            svgText.Fill = textColor;
예제 #5
        public SvgElement Paint(LayerVM vm, double availableWidth, double availableHeight)
            if (vm is ClassificationLayerTextPresentingVM)
                ClassificationLayerTextPresentingVM cltpVM = (ClassificationLayerTextPresentingVM)vm;
                if (cltpVM.Text != null)
                    string[] spans = cltpVM.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
                    SvgText  text  = new SvgText();
                    text.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate((float)textXoffset, (float)(availableHeight * 0.5 + textYoffset)));
                    foreach (var span in spans)
                        SvgTextSpan tspan = new SvgTextSpan();
                        tspan.Text     = span;
                        tspan.FontSize = Helpers.dtos(fontSize);
                        tspan.Dy.Add(Helpers.dtos(fontSize * 1.2));
                        tspan.Fill = blackPaint;
                    return(new SvgGroup());
            else if (vm is LengthLayerVM)
                LengthLayerVM lrlcVM = (LengthLayerVM)vm;
                SvgText       text   = new SvgText(string.Format("{0:0.##} м", lrlcVM.RealLength));
                text.FontSize = Helpers.dtos(fontSize);
                text.Fill     = blackPaint;
                text.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate((float)textXoffset, (float)(availableHeight * 0.5 + textYoffset)));
            else if (vm is MultiClassificationLayerIconPresentingVM)
                MultiClassificationLayerIconPresentingVM mclipVM = (MultiClassificationLayerIconPresentingVM)vm;
                SvgGroup group     = new SvgGroup();
                float    iconWidth = 32.0f;

                if (mclipVM.IconsSVG != null)
                    SvgFragment[] fragments = mclipVM.IconsSVG.Where(f => f != null).ToArray();

                    if (fragments.Length == 0)

                    float maxHeight = fragments.Select(f => f.Bounds.Height).Max();

                    float offset = (float)((availableWidth - fragments.Length * iconWidth) * 0.5);

                    foreach (var item in fragments)
                        SvgFragment copy = (SvgFragment)item.DeepCopy();

                        float aspectRatio = copy.Bounds.Width / copy.Bounds.Height;

                        copy.ViewBox = copy.Bounds;
                        copy.X      += offset;
                        copy.Y       = (float)(availableHeight - maxHeight) * 0.5f;
                        //copy.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgScale(ratio));
                        copy.Width  = iconWidth;
                        copy.Height = iconWidth / aspectRatio;
                        offset += iconWidth;
                return(new SvgGroup());
예제 #6
        private float DrawNextStringToken(
            float yOffset,
            string cardToken,
            SvgElement container,
            Graphics graphics,
            FontFamily fontFamily,
            float textFontSize,
            Color textColor)
            if (cardToken.Contains(PromptBlankLine.PromptBlankPlaceholder))
                var textRectangle = new RectangleF(
                    CardWidthInPixels - (LeftBorderPadding + RightBorderPadding),
                    CardHeightInPixels - (yOffset + BottomBorderPadding));
                var sizeForText = new SizeF(textRectangle.Width, textRectangle.Height);

                var font       = new Font(fontFamily, textFontSize, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                var textToDraw = PadTextWithSpaces(graphics, cardToken, font, sizeForText);

                var height = graphics.MeasureString(textToDraw, font, sizeForText, StringFormat.GenericDefault).Height;
                yOffset += height;

                var textElement = new SvgText(textToDraw)
                    Fill       = new SvgColourServer(textColor),
                    FontFamily = fontFamily.Name,
                    FontSize   = new SvgUnit(textFontSize),
                    FontStyle  = SvgFontStyle.Normal,
                    X          = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(textRectangle.X + Origin.X)
                    Y = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(textRectangle.Y + Origin.Y + height)

                var textElement = new SvgText
                    Fill       = new SvgColourServer(textColor),
                    FontFamily = fontFamily.Name,
                    FontSize   = new SvgUnit(textFontSize),
                    FontStyle  = SvgFontStyle.Normal
                var textRectangle = new RectangleF(
                    CardWidthInPixels - (LeftBorderPadding + RightBorderPadding),
                    CardHeightInPixels - (yOffset + BottomBorderPadding));
                var sizeForText = new SizeF(textRectangle.Width, textRectangle.Height);
                var font        = new Font(fontFamily, textFontSize, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                foreach (var lineToken in GetLineTokens(cardToken, graphics, font, sizeForText))
                    textRectangle = new RectangleF(
                        CardWidthInPixels - (LeftBorderPadding + RightBorderPadding),
                        CardHeightInPixels - (yOffset + BottomBorderPadding));
                    sizeForText = new SizeF(textRectangle.Width, textRectangle.Height);

                    font = new Font(fontFamily, textFontSize, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                    var height = graphics.MeasureString(lineToken, font, sizeForText, StringFormat.GenericDefault).Height;
                    yOffset += height;

                    var textSpanElement = new SvgTextSpan
                        X = new SvgUnitCollection {
                            new SvgUnit(textRectangle.X + Origin.X)
                        Y = new SvgUnitCollection {
                            new SvgUnit(textRectangle.Y + Origin.Y + height)
                        Text = lineToken

예제 #7
 public TextSpan(SvgTextSpan svgTextSpan)
     matrix = SvgHelper.GetSKMatrix(svgTextSpan.Transforms);
예제 #8
        public static void MakeSVG(List <CapturePacket> packets, string fileName)
            const int baselinestep       = 250;  // distance between vertical lines
            const int horizontalBase     = 130;  // upper range for the vertical lines
            const int unitBoxWidth       = 120;  // width of device box
            const int unitBoxHeight      = 40;   // height of device box
            const int firstarrowdistance = 50;   // vertical distance before the first sequence arrow
            const int maxboxwidth        = 1000; // maximum width of description textboxes

            var font = new Font("Calibri",
                                9); // SVG and C# have different ideas of what a fontsize is apparently, so we set this lower and hope for the best

            int baselinegen =
                -100;                                           // iterator for making the vertical lines, the first line does one step from this value
            int arrowgen = horizontalBase + firstarrowdistance; // iterator for making sequence arrows

            // iterate through the data and gather what we need into a little struct for convenience
            List <Sequence> list = GetSequences(packets, baselinestep, out var devices, ref baselinegen);

            // after all vertical lines have been placed, make one for the description boxes
            int descriptionBaseline = baselinegen + 50;

            var svg          = new SvgDocument();
            var groupDevices = new SvgGroup
                FontFamily = "Calibri",
                FontSize   = 16
            var groupArrows = new SvgGroup
                ID          = "arrows",
                Stroke      = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black),
                StrokeWidth = 2
            var groupArrowTexts = new SvgGroup
                ID         = "arrowtexts",
                FontFamily = "Calibri",
                FontSize   = 11
            var groupBaselines = new SvgGroup
                ID              = "baselines",
                Stroke          = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black),
                StrokeWidth     = 2,
                StrokeDashArray = new SvgUnitCollection {
                    10, 10
            var groupDescriptionBoxes = new SvgGroup
                ID          = "descriptionboxes",
                Fill        = new SvgColourServer(Color.Transparent),
                Stroke      = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black),
                StrokeWidth = 2
            var groupDescriptionTexts = new SvgGroup
                ID         = "descriptiontexts",
                FontFamily = "Calibri",
                FontSize   = 12


            var svgDefinitionList = new SvgDefinitionList();
            var svgMarker         = new SvgMarker
                ID           = "arrow",
                MarkerWidth  = 10,
                MarkerHeight = 10,
                RefX         = 9,
                RefY         = 3,
                Orient       = new SvgOrient {
                    IsAuto = true
                MarkerUnits = SvgMarkerUnits.StrokeWidth
            var svgPath = new SvgPath
                PathData = new SvgPathSegmentList
                    new SvgMoveToSegment(new PointF(0, 0)),
                    new SvgLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, 6)),
                    new SvgLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(9, 3)),
                    new SvgClosePathSegment()
                Fill = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black)


            // make the device boxes
            foreach (KeyValuePair <IPAddress, int> device in devices)
                groupDevices.Children.Add(new SvgRectangle
                    Fill        = new SvgColourServer(Color.White),
                    Stroke      = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black),
                    StrokeWidth = 2,
                    X           = device.Value - unitBoxWidth / 2,
                    Y           = horizontalBase - unitBoxHeight,
                    Width       = unitBoxWidth,
                    Height      = unitBoxHeight
                groupDevices.Children.Add(new SvgText
                    Text   = device.Key.ToString(),
                    Stroke = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black),
                    X      = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(device.Value)
                    Y = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(horizontalBase - unitBoxHeight / 2)
                    TextAnchor = SvgTextAnchor.Middle

            foreach (Sequence sequence in list)
                // get the x axis of the two devices we are relating
                int one = devices[sequence.From];
                int two = devices[sequence.To];

                groupArrows.Children.Add(new SvgLine
                    StartX    = one,
                    StartY    = arrowgen,
                    EndX      = two,
                    EndY      = arrowgen,
                    MarkerEnd = new Uri("url(#arrow)", UriKind.Relative)

                // get middle of arrow
                int right  = Math.Max(one, two);
                int left   = Math.Min(one, two);
                int middle = (right - left) / 2;
                middle = left + middle;
                groupArrowTexts.Children.Add(new SvgText
                    Text = sequence.Name,
                    X    = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(middle)
                    Y = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(arrowgen - 2)
                    TextAnchor = SvgTextAnchor.Middle

                var svgBoxText = new SvgText
                    X = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(descriptionBaseline + 5)
                    Y = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(arrowgen - 12)
                svgBoxText.Children.Add(new SvgTextSpan
                    Text           = sequence.Time,
                    TextDecoration = SvgTextDecoration.Underline,
                    X = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(descriptionBaseline + 5)
                    Dy = new SvgUnitCollection {
                        new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Em, 1.2f)

                int maxstrlen = TextRenderer.MeasureText(sequence.Time, font).Width;
                var lines     = 1;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in sequence.Dic)
                    var both = new SvgTextSpan
                        X = new SvgUnitCollection {
                            new SvgUnit(descriptionBaseline + 5)
                        Dy = new SvgUnitCollection {
                            new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Em, 1.2f)

                    string textKey   = pair.Key + ": ";
                    string textValue = Functions.RemoveInvalidXMLChars(pair.Value);

                    int strlen = TextRenderer.MeasureText(textKey + textValue, font).Width;

                    if (strlen > maxboxwidth)
                        // ooof
                        string tv1 = textValue;
                        var    tv2 = "";
                        while (TextRenderer.MeasureText(textKey + tv1, font).Width > maxboxwidth)
                            tv2 = tv1[tv1.Length - 1] + tv2;
                            tv1 = tv1.Substring(0, tv1.Length - 1);

                        var keySpan = new SvgTextSpan {
                            Text = textKey, FontWeight = SvgFontWeight.Bold
                        var valueSpan1 = new SvgTextSpan {
                            Text = tv1
                        var valueSpan2 = new SvgTextSpan
                            Text = tv2,
                            X    = new SvgUnitCollection {
                                new SvgUnit(descriptionBaseline + 5)
                            Dy = new SvgUnitCollection {
                                new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Em, 1.2f)

                        lines += 2;
                        var keySpan = new SvgTextSpan {
                            Text = textKey, FontWeight = SvgFontWeight.Bold
                        var valueSpan = new SvgTextSpan {
                            Text = textValue

                    if (strlen > maxstrlen)
                        maxstrlen = strlen;

                // box height calc, 30 margin + 14 per line. Then have 20 between box bottom and next arrow (at least)

                var boxheight = (int)(lines * font.Height * 1.02);

                // draw the box
                groupDescriptionBoxes.Children.Add(new SvgRectangle
                    X      = descriptionBaseline,
                    Y      = arrowgen - 10,
                    Width  = maxstrlen,
                    Height = boxheight

                // add text after box

                // setup next arrow
                arrowgen += boxheight + 30;

            // finally, draw the baselines
            foreach (KeyValuePair <IPAddress, int> device in devices)
                groupBaselines.Children.Add(new SvgLine
                    StartX = device.Value,
                    StartY = horizontalBase,
                    EndX   = device.Value,
                    EndY   = arrowgen

            // now lets make SVG!!!
            svg.Width   = descriptionBaseline + maxboxwidth + 5;
            svg.Height  = arrowgen + 5;
            svg.ViewBox = new SvgViewBox(0, 0, descriptionBaseline + maxboxwidth + 5, arrowgen + 5);

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(fileName))