public void FromItemList(string pDBPath, Sven_Bobrowski.DE.Integration.Items pItems)
            if (null == pItems)

                // connect and create tables
                using (SQLiteConnection tConnection = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", pDBPath)))

                    // loop items
                    foreach (int tId in pItems.DataItems.Keys)
                        Sven_Bobrowski.DE.Integration.DataItem tItem;
                        if (pItems.TryGetItem(tId, out tItem))
                            // check if dataset allready exists, so update it, else add it
                            if (DataItemExists(tConnection, tId))
                                UpdateDataItem(tConnection, tItem);
                                InsertDataItem(tConnection, tItem);
            catch (Exception e)
                string tMsg =
                    String.Format(Resources.DB_Update_Failed_1 + Environment.NewLine + Resources.DB_Update_Failed_2, pDBPath, e.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(tMsg, Resources.DB_Update_Failed_Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private int InsertDataItem(SQLiteConnection pConnection, Sven_Bobrowski.DE.Integration.DataItem pItem)
                using (var tCommand = new SQLiteCommand(pConnection))
                    // we need to insert the externals now
                    int tDeviceId = InsertExternalItem(pConnection, pItem.Device);
                    int tSegmentId = InsertExternalItem(pConnection, pItem.Segment);
                    int tLabelId = InsertExternalItem(pConnection, pItem.Label);
                    int tImgId = InsertExternalItem(pConnection, pItem.Image);

                    string tSQLCmdText = "INSERT INTO main (" +
                        "Decoder_ID, " +
                        "Point, " +
                        "DCC_Adress_1, " +
                        "DCC_Adress_2, " +
                        "DCC_Adress_3, " +
                        "DCC_Adress_4, " +
                        "State, " +
                        "External_ID_1, " +
                        "External_ID_2, " +
                        "External_ID_3, " +
                        "External_ID_4, " +
                        "Notes) VALUES (" +
                        Convert.ToString(pItem.DecoderId) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(pItem.Point) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(pItem.DCCAdress1) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(pItem.DCCAdress2) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(pItem.DCCAdress3) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(pItem.DCCAdress4) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString((int)pItem.State) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(tDeviceId) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(tSegmentId) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(tLabelId) + ", " +
                        Convert.ToString(tImgId) + ", " +
                        "'" + "" + "'" +
                    tCommand.CommandText = tSQLCmdText;

                    tCommand.CommandText = "SELECT last_insert_rowid();";
                    using (SQLiteDataReader tReader = tCommand.ExecuteReader())
                        int tId = Convert.ToInt32(tReader[0]);

                        pItem.ID = tId;

                    return pItem.ID;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Internal error (something goes wrong with an sql statement, source: InsertDataItem): \"" + e.Message + "\".");
                return -1;
        private void UpdateDataItem(SQLiteConnection pConnection, Sven_Bobrowski.DE.Integration.DataItem pItem)

        public void ToItemList(string pDBPath, ref Sven_Bobrowski.DE.Integration.Items pItems)
            if (pItems == null)
                pItems = new Items();

            // FF