/// <summary>
        /// Updates the Cyclops power index. This manages engine efficiency as well as the power cost of using Silent Running, Sonar, and Defense Shield.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cyclops">The cyclops.</param>
        /// <param name="auxUpgradeConsoles">The aux upgrade consoles.</param>
        internal static void UpdatePowerSpeedRating(ref SubRoot cyclops, IList <AuxUpgradeConsole> auxUpgradeConsoles)
            Equipment modules = cyclops.upgradeConsole.modules;

            int powerIndex = GetPowerIndex(modules, auxUpgradeConsoles);
            int speedIndex = GetSpeedIndex(modules, auxUpgradeConsoles);

            // Speed modules can affect power rating too
            float nextPowerRating = Mathf.Max(0.01f, EnginePowerRatings[powerIndex] - speedIndex * EnginePowerPenalty);

            if (LastKnownPowerRating != nextPowerRating)
                cyclops.silentRunningPowerCost = SilentRunningPowerCosts[powerIndex];
                cyclops.sonarPowerCost         = SonarPowerCosts[powerIndex];
                cyclops.shieldPowerCost        = ShieldPowerCosts[powerIndex];

                LastKnownPowerRating = nextPowerRating;

                cyclops.SetPrivateField("currPowerRating", nextPowerRating);

                // Inform the new power rating just like the original method would.
                ErrorMessage.AddMessage(Language.main.GetFormat("PowerRatingNowFormat", nextPowerRating));

            if (LastKnownSpeedIndex == -1)
                // Store the original values before we start to change them
                // This will only run once
                var motorMode = cyclops.GetComponentInChildren <CyclopsMotorMode>();
                OriginalSpeeds[0] = motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[0];
                OriginalSpeeds[1] = motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[1];
                OriginalSpeeds[2] = motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[2];

            if (speedIndex > SpeedIndexCount)
                speedIndex = SpeedIndexCount; // Limit to Max
                ErrorMessage.AddMessage($"Speed rating already at maximum");

            if (LastKnownSpeedIndex != speedIndex)
                float SlowMultiplier     = 1f;
                float StandardMultiplier = 1f;
                float FlankMultiplier    = 1f;

                // Calculate the speed multiplier with diminishing returns
                for (int s = 0; s < speedIndex; s++)
                    SlowMultiplier     += SlowSpeedBonuses[s];
                    StandardMultiplier += StandardSpeedBonuses[s];
                    FlankMultiplier    += FlankSpeedBonuses[s];

                // These will apply when changing speed modes
                var motorMode = cyclops.GetComponentInChildren <CyclopsMotorMode>();
                motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[0] = OriginalSpeeds[0] * SlowMultiplier;
                motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[1] = OriginalSpeeds[1] * StandardMultiplier;
                motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[2] = OriginalSpeeds[2] * FlankMultiplier;

                // These will apply immediately
                var subControl = cyclops.GetComponentInChildren <SubControl>();
                CyclopsMotorMode.CyclopsMotorModes currentMode = subControl.cyclopsMotorMode.cyclopsMotorMode;
                subControl.BaseForwardAccel = motorMode.motorModeSpeeds[(int)currentMode];

                LastKnownSpeedIndex = speedIndex;

                ErrorMessage.AddMessage($"Speed rating is now at {(StandardMultiplier * 100):00}%");

                if (speedIndex == SpeedIndexCount)
                    ErrorMessage.AddMessage($"Maximum speed rating reached");