예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取对象模型
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private UfidaPMS.Models.Contract GetModel()
     UfidaPMS.Models.Contract model = new Models.Contract();
     model.contractdate    = dtpCreateDate.Value;
     model.contractno      = tbContractNo.Text;
     model.custmanager     = cbCustManager.Text;
     model.custname        = cbCustName.Text;
     model.department      = cbDepartMent.Text;
     model.remarks         = tbRemarks.Text;
     model.trade           = cbTrade.Text;
     model.SubContractList = new List <Models.SubContract>();
     foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dgvSubContractList.Rows)
         SubContract s = new SubContract();
         s.contractamount = Convert.ToInt32(dgvr.Cells["contractamount"].Value);
         s.contractid     = "";
         s.makecondition  = dgvr.Cells["makecondition"].Value.ToString();
             s.productversion = dgvr.Cells["productversion"].Value.ToString();
             s.productversion = "";
         s.subcontractid   = "";
         s.subcontractno   = dgvr.Cells["SubContractNo"].Value.ToString();
         s.subcontracttype = dgvr.Cells["ContractType"].Value.ToString();
        public ActionResult Save(SubcontractViewModel model)
            var place = _context.SiteAdmin.SingleOrDefault(m => m.PlaceName == model.PlaceName);

            if (place == null)
                var viewmodel = new SubcontractViewModel()
                    SubContractId     = 0,
                    ErrorMessage      = "Please Select a place name from Drop down",
                    Isvalid           = false,
                    PlaceName         = "",
                    SubContractorName = "",
                return(View("AddSub", viewmodel));

            var add = new SubContract()
                PlaceId           = (int)place.Placeid,
                SubContractId     = model.SubContractId,
                SubContractorName = model.SubContractorName

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SubContractor"));
        public void Post(int contractId)
            var subContract = new SubContract(1, "1", DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), DateTime.Today.AddDays(1));

예제 #4
        public void Create(SubContract subContract)
            var maxRequestNumber = 0;
            var jobID            = subContract.JobID;
            var ets = _db.SubContracts.Where(x => x.JobID == jobID).ToList();

            if (ets.Count > 0)
                foreach (var et in ets)
                    if (et.RequestNumber > maxRequestNumber)
                        maxRequestNumber = et.RequestNumber;

            subContract.RequestNumber = maxRequestNumber + 1;
                //Check Validation Errors
                var error = _db.GetValidationErrors();

                NewlyInsertedID = subContract.SubcontractID;
            catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                var s = dbEx.Message;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存分包合同点击事件
        /// 2017/04/11(ZhuGuanJun)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnSaveContrat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region 检查
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectId))
                MessageHelper.ShowMsg(MessageID.W000000002, MessageType.Alert, "项目");
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtA_No.Text))
            //    MessageHelper.ShowMsg(MessageID.W000000001, MessageType.Alert, "主合同编号");
            //    return;
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtA_Name.Text))
            //    MessageHelper.ShowMsg(MessageID.W000000001, MessageType.Alert, "主合同名称");
            //    return;
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtB_No.Text))
            //    MessageHelper.ShowMsg(MessageID.W000000001, MessageType.Alert, "分包合同编号");
            //    return;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtB_Name.Text))
                MessageHelper.ShowMsg(MessageID.W000000001, MessageType.Alert, "分包合同名称");

            #region 分包合同信息
            SubContract entity = new SubContract();
            entity.Desc        = txtDesc.Text.ToString();
            entity.Amount      = txtAmount.Text.ToString();
            entity.A_Name      = txtA_Name.Text;
            entity.A_No        = txtA_No.Text;
            entity.B_Name      = txtB_Name.Text;
            entity.B_No        = txtB_No.Text;
            entity.CompanyName = (ComboItem)cmbCompanyName.SelectedItem != null ? ((ComboItem)cmbCompanyName.SelectedItem).Value.ToString() : "";
            entity.PID         = ProjectId;
            entity.SignDate    = dtiSignDate.Value;
            entity.ID          = _id;

            JsonResult json = bll.SaveSubContract(entity, dicFile, out _id);
            if (json.result)
                SubID = (string)json.data;//版本
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取分包合同信息、附件信息、里程碑信息、付款信息
        /// 2017/04/13
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SubID">分包合同主表ID(版本id)</param>
        /// <param name="subContract">返回合同信息</param>
        /// <param name="files">返回附件集合</param>
        /// <param name="LCB">返回里程碑集合</param>
        /// <param name="SKXX">返回付款信息集合</param>
        public void GetSubContractAll(string SubID, out SubContract subContract, out DataTable files, out DataTable LCB, out DataTable SKXX)
            StringBuilder     sqlSub  = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder     sqlFile = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder     sqlLCB  = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder     sqlSKXX = new StringBuilder();
            List <QueryField> qlist   = new List <QueryField>();

            qlist.Add(new QueryField()
                Name = "Status", Type = QueryFieldType.Numeric, Value = 1
            qlist.Add(new QueryField()
                Name = "SubID", Type = QueryFieldType.String, Value = SubID

            #region  分包合同
            sqlSub.Append(" select * from SubContract s");
            //sqlSub.Append(" where Status=@status and substr(s.Id,1,37)||'1'=@SubID");
            sqlSub.Append(" where Status=@status and substr(s.Id,1,36)=@SubID");
            sqlSub.Append(" order by s.CREATED");
            DataTable Sub = NHHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlSub.ToString(), qlist);
            subContract = Sub == null ? new SubContract() : JsonHelper.TableToEntity <SubContract>(Sub);

            #region 附件
            sqlFile.Append(" select * from SubContractFiles");
            sqlFile.Append(" where SubID=@SubID and Status=@Status");
            sqlFile.Append(" order by s.CREATED");
            files = NHHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlFile.ToString(), qlist);

            #region 里程碑
            sqlLCB.Append(" select s.*,d1.Name as FinishStatusName from SubContractLCB s");
            sqlLCB.Append(" left join DictItem d1 on s.FinishStatus = d1.No and d1.DictNo=" + (int)DictCategory.Milestones_FinshStatus);
            sqlLCB.Append(" where s.SubID=@SubID and s.Status=@Status");
            sqlLCB.Append(" order by s.CREATED");
            LCB = NHHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlLCB.ToString(), qlist);

            #region 收款信息
            //sqlSKXX.Append(" select s.*,d1.Name as FinishStatusName,d2.Name as BatchNoName from SubContractSKXX s");
            sqlSKXX.Append(" select s.*,d1.Name as FinishStatusName from SubContractSKXX s");
            sqlSKXX.Append(" left join DictItem d1 on s.FinishStatus = d1.No and d1.DictNo=" + (int)DictCategory.Receivables_FinshStatus);
            //sqlSKXX.Append(" left join DictItem d2 on s.BatchNo = d2.No and d2.DictNo=" + (int)DictCategory.Receivables_BatchNo);
            sqlSKXX.Append(" where SubID=@SubID and Status=@Status");
            sqlSKXX.Append(" order by s.CREATED");
            SKXX = NHHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlSKXX.ToString(), qlist);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 分包合同点击事件
        /// 2017/04/13(zhuguanjun)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void superGridControl3_RowClick(object sender, GridRowClickEventArgs e)
            var rows = superGridControl3.PrimaryGrid.GetSelectedRows();

            if (rows.Count != 1)

            btnClearSKXX_Click(null, null);
            btnClearLCB_Click(null, null);

            GridRow     row  = (GridRow)rows[0];
            SubContract Sub  = new SubContract();
            DataTable   file = new DataTable();
            DataTable   lcb  = new DataTable();
            DataTable   skxx = new DataTable();
            SubContract sub  = new SubContract();

            bll.GetSubContractAll(row.Cells["ID"].Value.ToString().Substring(0, 36), out sub, out file, out lcb, out skxx);

            #region 合同信息
            txtA_Name.Text = sub.A_Name;
            txtAmount.Text = sub.Amount;
            txtA_No.Text   = sub.A_No;
            txtB_Name.Text = sub.B_Name;
            txtB_No.Text   = sub.B_No;
            cmbCompanyName.SelectedIndex = -1;
            DataHelper.SetComboBoxSelectItemByValue(cmbCompanyName, sub.CompanyName);
            //DataHelper.SetComboBoxSelectItemByValue(cmbCompanyName, sub.CompanyName);
            txtDesc.Text      = sub.Desc;
            dtiSignDate.Value = sub.SignDate.Value;
            CREATED           = sub.CREATED;
            _id   = sub.ID;                  //实际id
            SubID = sub.ID.Substring(0, 36); //版本id


            #region 里程碑信息
            superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = lcb;

            #region 收款信息
            superGridControl2.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = skxx;
예제 #8
        protected void DataContent()
            string database = Session["DatabaseName"].ToString();
            string vsSql    = "";

            //Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            string ListStr1 = @"<tr>  <td class=""auto-style103"">
                                  <a href=""{4}"" target=_blank   ><img src="" ../img/Edit.png"" alt=""檢視單價分析""  style=""Width:27px"" ></a>
                                    </td><td class=""auto-style105"">
                                        <asp:Label ID=""Label738"" runat=""server"" Font-Names=""微軟正黑體"" Font-Size=""Medium"" >{2}</asp:Label>
                                    </td><td class=""auto-style105"">
                                        <asp:Label ID=""Label736"" runat=""server"" Font-Size=""Medium"" Height=""25px"">{0}</asp:Label>
                                    </td><td class=""auto-style103"">
                                        <asp:Label ID=""Label737"" runat=""server"" Font-Size=""Medium"" Height=""25px"" Width=""50px"">{1}</asp:Label>
                                    </td>  <td class=""auto-style106"">{3}</td>";

            string selectedValue = "";

            StringBuilder tmpStr1 = new StringBuilder();

            var totalcount1 = CheckBoxList1.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected).Count(); //CheckBoxList1被選擇之數量(欄位選擇)
            var totalcount2 = CheckBoxList2.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected).Count(); //CheckBoxList2被選擇之數量(變更次別)

            int max = 0;

            foreach (ListItem item1 in CheckBoxList1.Items)
                if (item1.Selected == true)
                    selectedValue += item1.Value + ",";

                    if (max < int.Parse(item1.Value))
                        max = int.Parse(item1.Value);
            DataTable vsDt = new DataTable();

            vsSql = @"Select * From SubContract_Item  Where SCID=" + SCID.Text + "";
            vsDt  = WebModel.LoadSetContentData(database, vsSql);
            vsDt.Columns.Add("ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text);
            DataRow DtRow;

            ViewState["DtVs"] = vsDt;
            if (ViewState["Dtvs_c"] != "" && ViewState["Dtvs_c"] != null)
                DataTable Vsdt1 = (DataTable)ViewState["Dtvs_c"];

                for (int i = 0; i < Vsdt1.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow row = Vsdt1.Rows[i];
                    if (Vsdt1.Rows[i]["SC_MID"].ToString() == "0")
                        DtRow = vsDt.NewRow();
                        //DtRow["BKID"] = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["BKID"].ToString();
                        DtRow["SC_MID"]     = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["SC_MID"].ToString();
                        DtRow["SCID"]       = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["SCID"].ToString();
                        DtRow["ItemName"]   = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["ItemName"].ToString();
                        DtRow["Unit"]       = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["Unit"].ToString();
                        DtRow["BelongEWID"] = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["BelongEWID"].ToString() != "" ? Vsdt1.Rows[i]["BelongEWID"].ToString() : "0";
                        DtRow["BelongItem"] = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["BelongItem"].ToString();
                        DtRow["SCNumber"]   = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["SCNumber"].ToString() != "" ? Vsdt1.Rows[i]["SCNumber"].ToString() : "0";
                        DtRow["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString();
                        DtRow["UnitPrice"]        = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["UnitPrice"].ToString();
                        DtRow["ComplexPrice"]     = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["ComplexPrice"].ToString() != "" ? decimal.Parse(Vsdt1.Rows[i]["ComplexPrice"].ToString()) : 0;
                        DtRow["LastComplexPrice"] = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["LastComplexPrice"].ToString() != "" ? decimal.Parse(Vsdt1.Rows[i]["LastComplexPrice"].ToString()) : 0;
                        DtRow["LastEdition"]      = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["LastEdition"].ToString() != "" ? decimal.Parse(Vsdt1.Rows[i]["LastEdition"].ToString()) : 0;
                        DtRow["Note"]             = Vsdt1.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString();
                        vsDt.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] = row["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString();
                        //DataTableBox.Rows[j]["Note" + DataName + ""] = Note;

                //vsDt =(DataTable) ViewState["Dtvs_c"];
                ViewState["DtVs"] = vsDt;
            DataTable Addvalue = SubContract.LoadContentData_CB(database, SCID.Text, selectedValue);
            //DataRow DataTableDr = Addvalue.Rows.;
            DataRow DataTableDr;

            if (Addvalue.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (Addvalue.Rows.Count < vsDt.Rows.Count)
                    int num = vsDt.Rows.Count - Addvalue.Rows.Count;
                    for (int j = Addvalue.Rows.Count; j < vsDt.Rows.Count; j++)
                        //DataTableDr = Addvalue.Rows[j];
                        DataTableDr = Addvalue.NewRow();
                        Addvalue.Columns["SCID"].AllowDBNull        = true;
                        Addvalue.Columns["LastEdition"].AllowDBNull = true;
                        DataTableDr["SCID"]      = SCID.Text;
                        DataTableDr["UnitPrice"] = vsDt.Rows[j]["UnitPrice"].ToString();
                        if (max == int.Parse(LbLastEdition.Text))
                            DataTableDr["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] = vsDt.Rows[j]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString();
                        //Addvalue.Columns.Add("ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text);vsDr["SCNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text];
            if (vsDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < vsDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow vsDr = vsDt.Rows[i];
                    //string BKID = vsDr["BKID"].ToString();
                    string SC_MID       = vsDr["SC_MID"].ToString();
                    string ItemName     = vsDr["ItemName"].ToString();
                    string Unit         = vsDr["Unit"].ToString();
                    string BelongItem   = vsDr["BelongItem"].ToString();
                    string BelongEWID   = vsDr["BelongEWID"].ToString();
                    string UnitPrice    = vsDr["UnitPrice"].ToString();
                    string SCNumber     = vsDr["SCNumber"].ToString() != "" ? vsDr["SCNumber"].ToString() : "0";
                    string ComplexPrice = "";
                    if (vsDr["ComplexPrice"].ToString() != "")
                        ComplexPrice = decimal.Parse(vsDr["ComplexPrice"].ToString()).ToString("N0");
                    else if (vsDr["ComplexPrice"].ToString() == "")
                        ComplexPrice = (decimal.Parse(UnitPrice) * decimal.Parse(SCNumber)).ToString("N0");

                    string Note = vsDr["Note"].ToString();
                    string Link = "SubChangeDetail.aspx?EWID=" + BelongEWID + "&SC_MID=" + SC_MID + "&edition=" + LbLastEdition.Text;

                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format(ListStr1, ItemName, Unit, BelongItem, UnitPrice, Link));

                    foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList1.Items)
                        if (item.Selected == true)
                            if (item.Value == "0")
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[0].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", SCNumber));
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[1].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", ComplexPrice));
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[2].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", Note));
                            else if (Addvalue.Rows.Count > 0)
                                DataTableDr = Addvalue.Rows[i];
                                string SCNumber1 = "ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text + "";
                                if (vsDt.Columns[SCNumber1] != null && Addvalue.Columns["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] != null)
                                    vsDt.Columns["LastEdition"].AllowDBNull = true;
                                    //Addvalue.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] = vsDt.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString();
                                    //Addvalue.Rows[i]["LastEdition"] = vsDt.Rows[i]["LastEdition"].ToString();
                                    if (vsDt.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString() != "")
                                        Addvalue.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] = vsDt.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString();
                                        Addvalue.Rows[i]["LastEdition"] = vsDt.Rows[i]["LastEdition"].ToString();
                                    if (Addvalue.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] != "")
                                        vsDt.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text] = Addvalue.Rows[i]["ChNumber" + LbLastEdition.Text].ToString();
                                        vsDt.Rows[i]["LastEdition"] = Addvalue.Rows[i]["LastEdition"];
                                //vsDr = Addvalue.Rows[i];
                                string LbUnitPrice = DataTableDr["UnitPrice"].ToString() != "" ? DataTableDr["UnitPrice"].ToString() : "0";
                                string LbChNumber  = DataTableDr["ChNumber" + item.Value + ""].ToString() != "" ? DataTableDr["ChNumber" + item.Value + ""].ToString() : "0";
                                string LbNote      = DataTableDr["Note" + item.Value + ""].ToString();
                                string LbEComplex  = (decimal.Parse(LbChNumber) * decimal.Parse(LbUnitPrice)).ToString("N0");

                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[0].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", LbChNumber));

                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[1].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", LbEComplex));
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[2].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", LbNote));

            ViewState["DtVs"] = vsDt;
            Literal2.Text     = tmpStr1.ToString();
            //Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存分包信息
        /// 2017/04/13(zhuguanjun)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">分包信息</param>
        /// <param name="dicFile">上传文件集合</param>
        /// <param name="_id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult SaveSubContract(SubContract entity, Dictionary <int, string> dicFile, out string _id)
            _id = string.Empty;            //实际id
            string   SubID = string.Empty; //版本id
            ISession s     = NHHelper.GetCurrentSession();


                #region 保存分包信息
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ID))
                    if (entity.Status == null)
                        entity.Status = 1;
                    entity.ID      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-1";
                    entity.CREATED = DateTime.Now;
                    SubID          = entity.ID; //原始版本id
                    _id            = entity.ID; //实际id
                    SubContract old = new Repository <SubContract>().Get(entity.ID);
                    old.UPDATED = DateTime.Now;
                    old.Status  = 0;
                    string hisNo = entity.ID.Substring(37);
                    entity.ID      = entity.ID.Substring(0, 36) + "-" + (int.Parse(hisNo) + 1).ToString();
                    _id            = entity.ID;                         //实际id
                    SubID          = entity.ID.Substring(0, 36) + "-1"; //原始版本id
                    entity.Status  = 1;
                    entity.CREATED = old.CREATED;

                #region 保存上传的附件信息
                foreach (var item in dicFile)
                    SubContractFiles file = new SubContractFiles();
                    switch (item.Key)
                    case 1:
                        file.Name = "合同扫描件";

                    case 2:
                        file.Name = "合同电子档";

                    case 3:
                        file.Name = "工作说明书扫描件";

                    case 4:
                        file.Name = "工作说明书电子档";

                    case 5:
                        file.Name = "其他";
                    file.Path  = item.Value;
                    file.SubID = SubID;
                    file.Type  = item.Key;
                    List <QueryField> qlist = new List <QueryField>();
                    qlist.Add(new QueryField()
                        Name = "SubID", Type = QueryFieldType.String, Value = SubID
                    });                                                                                         //版本id
                    qlist.Add(new QueryField()
                        Name = "Status", Type = QueryFieldType.Numeric, Value = 1
                    qlist.Add(new QueryField()
                        Name = "Type", Type = QueryFieldType.Numeric, Value = item.Key
                    });                                                                                            //附件类型
                    SubContractFiles old = new Repository <SubContractFiles>().FindSingle(qlist);
                    if (old != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(old.ID))
                        old.Path    = file.Path;
                        old.UPDATED = DateTime.Now;
                        file.CREATED = DateTime.Now;
                        file.ID      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        file.Status  = 1;

                return(new JsonResult {
                    result = true, msg = "保存成功", data = SubID
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("保存实体失败", ex);
예제 #10
        protected void DataContent()
            string database = Session["DatabaseName"].ToString();
            string vsSql    = "";

            //Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            string ListStr1 = @"<tr><td class=""auto-style105"">
                                        <asp:Label ID=""Label738"" runat=""server"" Font-Names=""微軟正黑體"" Font-Size=""Medium"" >{2}</asp:Label>
                                    </td><td class=""auto-style105"">
                                        <asp:Label ID=""Label736"" runat=""server"" Font-Size=""Medium"" Height=""25px"">{0}</asp:Label>
                                    </td><td class=""auto-style103"">
                                        <asp:Label ID=""Label737"" runat=""server"" Font-Size=""Medium"" Height=""25px"" Width=""50px"">{1}</asp:Label>
                                    </td>  <td class=""auto-style106"">{3}</td>";

            string selectedValue = "";

            StringBuilder tmpStr1 = new StringBuilder();

            var totalcount1 = CheckBoxList1.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected).Count();   //CheckBoxList1被選擇之數量(欄位選擇)
            var totalcount2 = CheckBoxList2.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected).Count();   //CheckBoxList2被選擇之數量(變更次別)

            foreach (ListItem item1 in CheckBoxList1.Items)
                if (item1.Selected == true)
                    selectedValue += item1.Value + ",";
            DataTable vsDt = new DataTable();

            vsSql = @"Select * From SubContract_Item  Where SCID=" + LbSCID.Text + "";
            vsDt  = WebModel.LoadSetContentData(database, vsSql);

            if (vsDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < vsDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow vsDr         = vsDt.Rows[i];
                    string  SC_MID       = vsDr["SC_MID"].ToString();
                    string  ItemName     = vsDr["ItemName"].ToString();
                    string  Unit         = vsDr["Unit"].ToString();
                    string  BelongItem   = vsDr["BelongItem"].ToString();
                    string  UnitPrice    = vsDr["UnitPrice"].ToString();
                    string  SCNumber     = vsDr["SCNumber"].ToString() != "" ? vsDr["SCNumber"].ToString() : "0";
                    string  ComplexPrice = vsDr["ComplexPrice"].ToString() != "" ? decimal.Parse(vsDr["ComplexPrice"].ToString()).ToString("N0") : "0";
                    string  Note         = vsDr["Note"].ToString();

                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format(ListStr1, ItemName, Unit, BelongItem, UnitPrice));

                    foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList1.Items)
                        if (item.Selected == true)
                            if (item.Value == "0")
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[0].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", SCNumber));
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[1].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", ComplexPrice));
                                if (CheckBoxList2.Items[2].Selected == true)
                                    tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", Note));
                                DataTable Addvalue = SubContract.LoadContentData_CB(database, LbSCID.Text, selectedValue);
                                if (Addvalue.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    DataRow vsDr1       = Addvalue.Rows[i];
                                    string  LbUnitPrice = vsDr1["UnitPrice"].ToString() != "" ? vsDr1["UnitPrice"].ToString() : "0";
                                    string  LbChNumber  = vsDr1["ChNumber" + item.Value + ""].ToString() != "" ? vsDr1["ChNumber" + item.Value + ""].ToString() : "0";
                                    string  LbNote      = vsDr1["Note" + item.Value + ""].ToString();
                                    string  LbEComplex  = (decimal.Parse(LbChNumber) * decimal.Parse(LbUnitPrice)).ToString("N0");

                                    if (CheckBoxList2.Items[0].Selected == true)
                                        tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", LbChNumber));

                                    if (CheckBoxList2.Items[1].Selected == true)
                                        tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", LbEComplex));
                                    if (CheckBoxList2.Items[2].Selected == true)
                                        tmpStr1.AppendLine(string.Format("<td class=\"auto-style106\">{0}</td>", LbNote));

                Literal2.Text = tmpStr1.ToString();
                //Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// 保存分包信息
 /// 2017/04/12(zhuguanjun)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contract"></param>
 /// <param name="dicFile"></param>
 /// <param name="_id"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public JsonResult SaveSubContract(SubContract contract, Dictionary <int, string> dicFile, out string _id)
     return(new ContractDao().SaveSubContract(contract, dicFile, out _id));
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取分包合同信息、附件信息、里程碑信息、付款信息
 /// 2017/04/13
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">分包合同主表ID</param>
 /// <param name="subContract">返回合同信息</param>
 /// <param name="files">返回附件集合</param>
 /// <param name="LCB">返回里程碑集合</param>
 /// <param name="SKXX">返回付款信息集合</param>
 public void GetSubContractAll(string id, out SubContract subContract, out DataTable files, out DataTable LCB, out DataTable SKXX)
     new ContractDao().GetSubContractAll(id, out subContract, out files, out LCB, out SKXX);
예제 #13
 public MySubContract(int subcontractID)
     _subcontractID = subcontractID;
     Value          = _db.SubContracts.Find(_subcontractID);