public void An_not_expired_non_OEM_license_is_valid() { var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); var licenseGenerator = new LicenseGenerator(rsa.ToXmlString(true)); var licenseValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var license = licenseGenerator.Generate("Foo", Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), licenseValues, LicenseType.Subscription); var licenseValidator = new StringLicenseValidator(rsa.ToXmlString(false), license) { DisableFloatingLicenses = true, SubscriptionEndpoint = "" }; licenseValidator.AssertValidLicense(); }
public void An_expired_non_OEM_license_is_invalid() { var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); var licenseGenerator = new LicenseGenerator(rsa.ToXmlString(true)); var licenseValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var license = licenseGenerator.Generate("Foo", Guid.NewGuid(), new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), licenseValues, LicenseType.Subscription); var licenseValidator = new StringLicenseValidator(rsa.ToXmlString(false), license) { DisableFloatingLicenses = true, SubscriptionEndpoint = "" }; Assert.Throws <LicenseExpiredException>(() => licenseValidator.AssertValidLicense()); }
public string LeaseLicense(string previousLicense) { var tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { var stringLicenseValidator = new StringLicenseValidator(BaseLicenseTest.public_only, previousLicense); if (stringLicenseValidator.TryLoadingLicenseValuesFromValidatedXml() == false) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid license provided"); return new LicenseGenerator(BaseLicenseTest.public_and_private).Generate(stringLicenseValidator.Name, stringLicenseValidator.UserId, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(15), stringLicenseValidator.LicenseAttributes, LicenseType.Subscription); } finally { File.Delete(tempFileName); } }
private void PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpiredInternal() { if (!(Debugger.IsAttached && SystemInformation.UserInteractive)) { //We only prompt user if user is in debugging mode and we are running in interactive mode return; } bool createdNew; using (new Mutex(true, string.Format("NServiceBus-{0}", SoftwareVersion.ToString(2)), out createdNew)) { if (!createdNew) { //Dialog already displaying for this software version by another process, so we just use the already assigned license. return; } //prompt user for license file if (trialPeriodHasExpired) { bool validLicense; using (var form = new TrialExpired()) { form.CurrentLicenseExpireDate = license.ExpirationDate; form.ValidateLicenseFile = (f, s) => { StringLicenseValidator licenseValidator = null; try { string selectedLicenseText = ReadAllTextWithoutLocking(s); licenseValidator = new StringLicenseValidator(LicenseDescriptor.PublicKey, selectedLicenseText); licenseValidator.AssertValidLicense(); using (var registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(String.Format(@"SOFTWARE\NServiceBus\{0}", SoftwareVersion.ToString(2)))) { if (registryKey == null) { return false; } registryKey.SetValue("License", selectedLicenseText, RegistryValueKind.String); } return true; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Logger.Debug("Could not write to the registry.", ex); f.DisplayError(); } catch (LicenseExpiredException) { if (licenseValidator != null) { f.DisplayExpiredLicenseError(licenseValidator.ExpirationDate); } else { f.DisplayError(); } } catch (Exception) { f.DisplayError(); } return false; }; validLicense = form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK; } if (validLicense) { //if user specifies a valid license file then run with that license validator = CreateValidator(); Validate(); } } } }
private bool PromptUserForLicenseInternal() { if (license.LicenseType == LicenseType.Standard) { return true; } else if (license.LicenseType == LicenseType.Trial && (license.ExpirationDate - DateTime.Now).TotalDays >= TRIAL_NOTIFICATION_DAYS) { return false; } //prompt user for license file using (var form = new TrialExpired()) { form.CurrentLicenseExpireDate = license.ExpirationDate; form.ValidateLicenseFile = (f, s) => { StringLicenseValidator licenseValidator = null; try { string selectedLicenseText = ReadAllTextWithoutLocking(s); licenseValidator = new StringLicenseValidator(LicenseDescriptor.PublicKey, selectedLicenseText); licenseValidator.AssertValidLicense(); using (var registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(String.Format(@"SOFTWARE\ParticularSoftware\Studio\{0}", SoftwareVersion.ToString(2)))) { if (registryKey == null) { return false; } registryKey.SetValue("License", selectedLicenseText, RegistryValueKind.String); } return true; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { tracer.Warn("Could not write to the registry.", ex); f.DisplayError(); } catch (LicenseExpiredException) { if (licenseValidator != null) { f.DisplayExpiredLicenseError(licenseValidator.ExpirationDate); } else { f.DisplayError(); } } catch (Exception) { f.DisplayError(); } return false; }; if (trialPeriodHasExpired) { form.ExpiredTrialVersion(); } else { form.TrialVersion((license.ExpirationDate - DateTime.Now).Days); } //if user specifies a valid license file then run with that license validator = CreateValidator(); Validate(); if (license.LicenseType == LicenseType.Standard) { return true; } else if (license.LicenseType == LicenseType.Trial && trialPeriodHasExpired) { throw new LicenseExpiredException(); } return false; } }