예제 #1
        public async void Example7()
            Map         map         = MapView.Active.Map;
            StreamLayer streamLayer = null;
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                #region Check the Realtime Feature Class is Track Aware

                using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                    using (var rfc_def = rfc.GetDefinition())
                        if (rfc_def.HasTrackIDField())
                            //Track aware


                #region Get the Track Id Field from the Realtime Feature class
                //Must be on QueuedTask
                using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                    using (var rfc_def = rfc.GetDefinition())
                        if (rfc_def.HasTrackIDField())
                            var fld_name = rfc_def.GetTrackIDField();

예제 #2
        protected async override void OnClick()
            MapView mapView = MapView.Active;
            Map     map     = mapView.Map;

            #region initial setup
            if ((_rtCursor != null) && (_rtCursor.GetState() == RealtimeCursorState.Subscribed))
                foreach (var vs in mapView.GetExploratoryAnalysisCollection())
                    await mapView.RemoveExploratoryAnalysis(vs);

                _vwDict = null;

            _vwDict = new Dictionary <int, Viewshed>()
                { 1, null }, { 2, null }
            StreamLayer streamFLyr = map.Layers[0] as StreamLayer;
            //FeatureLayer vehicleFLyr = map.Layers[1] as FeatureLayer;//.Where(x => x.Name.Equals("Vehicles", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) as FeatureLayer;
            MapPoint searchPoint = null;

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                RealtimeFeatureClass reatltimeFeatureClass = streamFLyr.GetFeatureClass();

                _rtCursor = streamFLyr.Subscribe(null, true);

                //Waiting for new streamed features
                while (await _rtCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
                    while (_rtCursor.MoveNext())
                        using (var rtFeature = _rtCursor.Current)
                            switch (rtFeature.GetRowSource())
                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                var featureId = (int)rtFeature["TrackID"];
                                searchPoint   = await ShowViewshed(mapView, featureId);

                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventDelete:
예제 #3
        public async void SubscribeToStreamData()
            Map map = MapView.Active.Map;

            FeatureLayer countyFeatureLayer = null;
            StreamLayer  streamLayer        = null;
            QueryFilter  qfilter            = null;

            #region Subscribe to Streaming Data

            //Note: with feature class we can also use a System Task to subscribe and
            //process rows
            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                // or var rfc = realtimeDatastore.OpenTable(name) as RealtimeFeatureClass
                using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                    //non-recycling cursor - 2nd param "false"
                    //subscribe, pre-existing rows are not searched
                    using (var rc = rfc.Subscribe(qfilter, false))
                        SpatialQueryFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter();
                        //waiting for new features to be streamed
                        //default is no cancellation
                        while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
                            while (rc.MoveNext())
                                using (var row = rc.Current)
                                    switch (row.GetRowSource())
                                    case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                        //getting geometry from new events as they arrive
                                        Polygon poly = ((RealtimeFeature)row).GetShape() as Polygon;

                                        //using the geometry to select features from another feature layer
                                        spatialFilter.FilterGeometry = poly;//project poly if needed...

                    }//row cursor is disposed. row cursor is unsubscribed

        protected async override void OnClick()
            Map map = MapView.Active.Map;

            if ((_rtCursor != null) && (_rtCursor.GetState() == RealtimeCursorState.Subscribed))

            StreamLayer        streamFLyr = map.Layers[0] as StreamLayer;
            SpatialQueryFilter sf         = new SpatialQueryFilter();

            sf.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects;

            FeatureLayer countiesFLyr = map.Layers[1] as FeatureLayer;

            //var serviceConnectionProperties =
            //  new RealtimeServiceConnectionProperties(new Uri("https://zihans.esri.com:6443/arcgis/rest/services/Florence-Polygon-Out/StreamServer"), RealtimeDatastoreType.StreamService);
            //RealtimeDatastore realtimeDatastore = null;
            //string tableName = "";
            RealtimeFeatureClass realTimeFC = null;
            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                realTimeFC = streamFLyr.GetFeatureClass();
                _rtCursor  = realTimeFC.SearchAndSubscribe(null, true);

                while (await _rtCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
                    while (_rtCursor.MoveNext())
                        using (var rtFeature = _rtCursor.Current as RealtimeFeature)
                            switch (rtFeature.GetRowSource())
                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                Polygon searchGeom = rtFeature.GetShape() as Polygon;
                                sf.FilterGeometry  = searchGeom;

예제 #5
        private async void StreamLayerSubscribe()
            if (_rtCursor?.GetState() == RealtimeCursorState.Subscribed)

            Map map = MapView.Active.Map;

            if (map == null)

            StreamLayer streamLayer = map.Layers[0] as StreamLayer;

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() => {
                var rtFC  = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass();
                _rtCursor = rtFC.Subscribe(null, true);
                while (await _rtCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
                    while (_rtCursor.MoveNext())
                        using (var _rtFeature = _rtCursor.Current as RealtimeFeature)
                            switch (_rtFeature.GetRowSource())
                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                var point            = _rtFeature.GetShape() as MapPoint;
                                Module1.Current.Long = point.X;
                                Module1.Current.Lat  = point.Y;
                                var pane             = FrameworkApplication.DockPaneManager.Find(BingSearchResultViewModel._dockPaneID) as BingSearchResultViewModel;

예제 #6
        protected async override void OnClick()
            #region initial setup
            if ((_rtfc != null) && (_rtfc.GetState() == RealtimeCursorState.Subscribed))
                _featuresGeoFenced = null;

            Map     map      = MapView.Active.Map;
            Polygon geofence = null;
            _featuresGeoFenced = new Dictionary <int, bool> {
                { 1, false }, { 2, false }

            #region getting geofence geometry
            FeatureLayer flyr = map.Layers[1] as FeatureLayer;
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                RowCursor rc = flyr.Search(null);
                using (Feature f = rc.Current as Feature)
                    geofence = f.GetShape().Clone() as Polygon;


            #region Setting geo-fencing using a spatial filter
            StreamLayer        streamLayer = map.Layers[0] as StreamLayer;
            SpatialQueryFilter sf          = new SpatialQueryFilter
                SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects,
                FilterGeometry      = geofence

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                RealtimeFeatureClass rtfcls = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass();

                //Subscribing with a spatial filter
                _rtfc = rtfcls.Subscribe(sf, true);

                while (await _rtfc.WaitForRowsAsync())
                    while (_rtfc.MoveNext())
                        using (var rtFeature = _rtfc.Current)
                            switch (rtFeature.GetRowSource())
                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                RealtimeFeature rtfeat = rtFeature as RealtimeFeature;
                                int featureID          = (int)rtfeat["TrackID"];
                                if (!_featuresGeoFenced[featureID])
                                    _featuresGeoFenced[featureID] = true;


예제 #7
        public async void Example8()
            Map         map         = MapView.Active.Map;
            StreamLayer streamLayer = null;
            QueryFilter qfilter     = null;

            //Don't change this name! harcoded in the Realtime feature class "///"
            #region Search Existing Data and Subscribe for Streaming Data

            //Note we can use System Task with the Realtime feature class
            //for subscribe
            await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async() =>
                                                  // or use ... QueuedTask.Run()
                using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                    //non-recycling cursor - 2nd param "false"
                    using (var rc = rfc.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, false))
                        //waiting for new features to be streamed
                        //default is no cancellation
                        while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
                            //pre-existing rows will be retrieved that were searched
                            while (rc.MoveNext())
                                var row        = rc.Current;
                                var row_source = row.GetRowSource();
                                switch (row_source)
                                case RealtimeRowSource.EventDelete:
                                    //TODO - handle deletes

                                case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                    //TODO handle inserts

                                case RealtimeRowSource.PreExisting:
                                    //TODO handle pre-existing rows
                    }//row cursor is disposed. row cursor is unsubscribed


            #region Search And Subscribe With Cancellation

            await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async() =>
                                                  // or use ... QueuedTask.Run()
                using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                    //Recycling cursor - 2nd param "true"
                    using (var rc = rfc.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, true))
                        //auto-cancel after 20 seconds
                        var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));
                        //catch TaskCanceledException
                            while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
                                //check for row events
                                while (rc.MoveNext())
                        catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
                            //Handle cancellation as needed

예제 #8
        public async void SearchAndSubscribeToStreamData()
            Map         map         = MapView.Active.Map;
            StreamLayer streamLayer = null;
            QueryFilter qfilter     = null;

            #region Search And Subscribe for Streaming Data

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                //query filter can be null to search and retrieve all rows
                //true means recycling cursor
                using (var rc = streamLayer.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, true))
                    //waiting for new features to be streamed
                    //default is no cancellation
                    while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
                        while (rc.MoveNext())
                            //determine the origin of the row event
                            switch (rc.Current.GetRowSource())
                            case RealtimeRowSource.PreExisting:
                                //pre-existing row at the time of subscribe

                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                                //row was inserted after subscribe

                            case RealtimeRowSource.EventDelete:
                                //row was deleted after subscribe
                }//row cursor is disposed. row cursor is unsubscribed

                //Use the feature class instead of the layer
                using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                    //non-recycling cursor - 2nd param "false"
                    using (var rc = rfc.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, false))
                        //waiting for new features to be streamed
                        //default is no cancellation
                        while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())


            #region Search And Subscribe With Cancellation

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                //Recycling cursor - 2nd param "true"
                //or streamLayer.Subscribe(qfilter, true) to just subscribe
                using (var rc = streamLayer.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, true))
                    //auto-cancel after 20 seconds
                    var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));
                    //catch TaskCanceledException
                        while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
                            //check for row events
                            while (rc.MoveNext())
                    catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
                        //Handle cancellation as needed

예제 #9
        public async void Example6()
            Map map = MapView.Active.Map;
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                StreamLayer streamLayer = null;

                #region Defining a unique value renderer definition

                var uvrDef = new UniqueValueRendererDefinition()
                    ValueFields    = new string[] { "ACTYPE" },
                    SymbolTemplate = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
                        ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 10, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon)
                    ValuesLimit = 5
                //Note: CreateRenderer can only create value classes based on
                //the current events it has received


                #region Setting a unique value renderer for latest observations

                //Define the classes by hand to avoid using CreateRenderer(...)
                CIMUniqueValueClass uvcB727 = new CIMUniqueValueClass()
                    Values = new CIMUniqueValue[] { new CIMUniqueValue()
                                                        FieldValues = new string[] { "B727" }
                                                    } },
                    Visible = true,
                    Label   = "Boeing 727",
                    Symbol  = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(255, 0, 0), 8, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon).MakeSymbolReference()

                CIMUniqueValueClass uvcD9 = new CIMUniqueValueClass()
                    Values = new CIMUniqueValue[] { new CIMUniqueValue()
                                                        FieldValues = new string[] { "DC9" }
                                                    } },
                    Visible = true,
                    Label   = "DC 9",
                    Symbol  = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 0), 8, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon).MakeSymbolReference()
                //Assign the classes to a group
                CIMUniqueValueGroup uvGrp = new CIMUniqueValueGroup()
                    Classes = new CIMUniqueValueClass[] { uvcB727, uvcD9 }
                //assign the group to the renderer
                var UVrndr = new CIMUniqueValueRenderer()
                    Fields           = new string[] { "ACTYPE" },
                    Groups           = new CIMUniqueValueGroup[] { uvGrp },
                    UseDefaultSymbol = true,
                    DefaultLabel     = "Others",
                    DefaultSymbol    = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
                        CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(185, 185, 185), 8, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon).MakeSymbolReference()
                //set the renderer. Depending on the current events recieved, the
                //layer may or may not have events for each of the specified
                //unique value classes


                #region Setting a unique value renderer for previous observations
                //The layer must be track aware and spatial
                if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
                //Must be on QueuedTask!
                //Define unique value classes same as we do for current observations
                //or use "CreateRenderer(...)" to assign them automatically
                CIMUniqueValueClass uvcB727Prev = new CIMUniqueValueClass()
                    Values = new CIMUniqueValue[] { new CIMUniqueValue()
                                                        FieldValues = new string[] { "B727" }
                                                    } },
                    Visible = true,
                    Label   = "Boeing 727",
                    Symbol  = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
                        CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(255, 0, 0), 4, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon)

                CIMUniqueValueClass uvcD9Prev = new CIMUniqueValueClass()
                    Values = new CIMUniqueValue[] { new CIMUniqueValue()
                                                        FieldValues = new string[] { "DC9" }
                                                    } },
                    Visible = true,
                    Label   = "DC 9",
                    Symbol  = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
                        CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 0), 4, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon)

                CIMUniqueValueGroup uvGrpPrev = new CIMUniqueValueGroup()
                    Classes = new CIMUniqueValueClass[] { uvcB727Prev, uvcD9Prev }

                var UVrndrPrev = new CIMUniqueValueRenderer()
                    Fields           = new string[] { "ACTYPE" },
                    Groups           = new CIMUniqueValueGroup[] { uvGrpPrev },
                    UseDefaultSymbol = true,
                    DefaultLabel     = "Others",
                    DefaultSymbol    = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
                        CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(185, 185, 185), 4, SimpleMarkerStyle.Hexagon)


                #region Setting a simple renderer to draw track lines
                //The layer must be track aware and spatial
                if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
                //Must be on QueuedTask!
                //Note: only a simple renderer with solid line symbol is supported for track
                //line renderer
                var trackRenderer = new SimpleRendererDefinition()
                    SymbolTemplate = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(
                        ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 2, SimpleLineStyle.Solid)


                #region Check Previous Observation and Track Line Visibility

                //The layer must be track aware and spatial for these settings
                //to have an effect
                if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
                //Must be on QueuedTask
                if (!streamLayer.AreTrackLinesVisible)
                if (!streamLayer.ArePreviousObservationsVisible)


                #region Make Track Lines and Previous Observations Visible
                //The layer must be track aware and spatial for these settings
                //to have an effect
                if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
                //Must be on QueuedTask
                //Note: Setting PreviousObservationsCount larger than the
                //"SetExpirationMaxCount()" has no effect
                if (!streamLayer.AreTrackLinesVisible)
                if (!streamLayer.ArePreviousObservationsVisible)

                #region Retrieve the current observation renderer

                //Must be on QueuedTask!
                var renderer = streamLayer.GetRenderer();


                #region Retrieve the previous observation renderer
                //The layer must be track aware and spatial
                if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
                //Must be on QueuedTask!
                var prev_renderer = streamLayer.GetRenderer(


                #region Retrieve the track lines renderer
                //The layer must be track aware and spatial
                if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
                //Must be on QueuedTask!
                var track_renderer = streamLayer.GetRenderer(

예제 #10
        public async void Example5()
            Map         map         = MapView.Active.Map;
            StreamLayer streamLayer = null;

            #region Find all Stream Layers that are Track Aware

            var trackAwareLayers = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
                                   .OfType <StreamLayer>().Where(sl => sl.IsTrackAware)?.ToList();


            #region Determine the Stream Layer type

            //spatial or non-spatial?
            if (streamLayer.TrackType == TrackType.AttributeOnly)
                //this is a non-spatial stream layer
                //this must be a spatial stream layer

            #region Check the Stream Layer connection state

            if (!streamLayer.IsStreamingConnectionOpen)
                //Must be on QueuedTask!


            #region Start and stop streaming
            //Must be on QueuedTask!


            #region Delete all current and previous observations
            //Must be on QueuedTask!
            //Must be called on the feature class
            using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())


            #region Get the Track Id Field

            if (streamLayer.IsTrackAware)
                var trackField = streamLayer.TrackIdFieldName;
                //TODO use the field name


            #region Get The Track Type

            var trackType = streamLayer.TrackType;
            switch (trackType)
            //TODO deal with tracktype
            case TrackType.None:
            case TrackType.AttributeOnly:
            case TrackType.Spatial:

            #region Set the Maximum Count of Previous Observations to be Stored in Memory

            //Must be on QueuedTask
            //Set Expiration Method and Max Expiration Count
            if (streamLayer.GetExpirationMethod() != FeatureExpirationMethod.MaximumFeatureCount)
            if (streamLayer.IsTrackAware)
                //MaxCount is per track! otherwise for the entire layer


            #region Set the Maximum Age of Previous Observations to be Stored in Memory

            //Must be on QueuedTask
            //Set Expiration Method and Max Expiration Age
            if (streamLayer.GetExpirationMethod() != FeatureExpirationMethod.MaximumFeatureAge)
            //set to 12 hours (max is 24 hours)
            streamLayer.SetExpirationMaxAge(new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0));

            if (streamLayer.IsTrackAware)
                //MaxAge is per track! otherwise for the entire layer


            #region Set Various Stream Layer properties via the CIM
            //The layer must be track aware and spatial
            if (streamLayer.TrackType != TrackType.Spatial)
            //Must be on QueuedTask
            //get the CIM Definition
            var def = streamLayer.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer;
            //set the number of previous observations,
            def.PreviousObservationsCount = (int)streamLayer.GetExpirationMaxCount() - 1;
            //set show previous observations and track lines to true
            def.ShowPreviousObservations = true;
            def.ShowTracks = true;
            //commit the changes


            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>