protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!X.IsAjaxRequest) { //判断登录状态 cs.DBCommand dbc = new cs.DBCommand(); if (Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserID") == null) { X.AddScript(";Panel1.disable();"); return; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "", "$('div.gn_person ul.q-menubox li:eq(0) a').text('" + Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserName").Value + "');", true); X.AddScript("loginWindow.hide();Panel1.enable();"); } string sqltype = ""; string sqldraft = ""; string sqlProcess = ""; if (Request.Cookies["lang"] != null && Request.Cookies["lang"].Value.ToLower() == "zh-cn") { PagingToolbar1.DisplayMsg = "显示 {0} - {1} of {2}"; ResourceManager1.Locale = "zh-CN"; sqltype += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; sqldraft += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; sqlProcess += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Status'"; } else { PagingToolbar1.DisplayMsg = "Displaying items {0} - {1} of {2}"; ResourceManager1.Locale = "en-US"; sqltype += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; sqldraft += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; sqlProcess += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Status'"; } DataTable dttype = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqltype); StoreType.DataSource = dttype; StoreType.DataBind(); DataTable dtdraft = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqldraft); StoreDraft.DataSource = dtdraft; StoreDraft.DataBind(); DataTable dtProcess = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqlProcess); StoreProcess.DataSource = dtProcess; StoreProcess.DataBind(); //获取被授权站点 string getright = "select * from StationRole where UserID='" + Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserID").Value + "'"; DataTable dtright = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", getright); DataTable dtStation = new DataTable(); dtStation.Columns.Add("Text", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dtStation.Columns.Add("Value", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); for (int j = 0; j < dtright.Rows.Count; j++) { string[] dd = dtright.Rows[j]["Stations"].ToString().Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < dd.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dd[i].Trim())) { bool have = false; for (int g = 0; g < dtStation.Rows.Count; g++) { if (dtStation.Rows[g]["Text"].ToString() == dd[i].Trim()) { have = true; break; } } if (!have) { DataRow dr1 = dtStation.NewRow(); dr1["Text"] = dd[i]; dr1["Value"] = dd[i]; dtStation.Rows.Add(dr1); } } } } dtStation.DefaultView.Sort = "Text ASC"; StoreStation.DataSource = dtStation.DefaultView.ToTable(); StoreStation.DataBind(); //获取被授权站点下的所有申请人 string station = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dtStation.Rows.Count; i++) { station += "'" + dtStation.Rows[i]["Text"].ToString() + "',"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station)) { station = " and Station in (" + station.Substring(0, station.Length - 1) + ") "; } string sqlgetPerson = ""; if (station.Length > 0) { sqlgetPerson = "select distinct [Text]=Person,[Value]=PersonID from V_Eflow_ETravel where (Active=1 or Active=2) and Person!='' " + station; } else { sqlgetPerson = "select distinct [Text]=Person,[Value]=PersonID from V_Eflow_ETravel where (Active=1 or Active=2) and Person!='' and FlowID is null"; } DataTable dtperson = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqlgetPerson); dtperson.DefaultView.Sort = "Text ASC"; StorePerson.DataSource = dtperson.DefaultView.ToTable(); StorePerson.DataBind(); //获取被授权站点下的所有提单人 string sqlgetCreatedBy = ""; if (station.Length > 0) { sqlgetCreatedBy = "select distinct [Text]=CreadedBy,[Value]=CreadedByID from V_Eflow_ETravel where (Active=1 or Active=2) and CreadedBy!='' " + station; } else { sqlgetCreatedBy = "select distinct [Text]=CreadedBy,[Value]=CreadedByID from V_Eflow_ETravel where (Active=1 or Active=2) and CreadedBy!='' and FlowID is null"; } DataTable dtcreatedby = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqlgetCreatedBy); dtcreatedby.DefaultView.Sort = "Text ASC"; StoreCreatedBy.DataSource = dtcreatedby.DefaultView.ToTable(); StoreCreatedBy.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!X.IsAjaxRequest) { //DataSet dsuser = DIMERCO.SDK.Utilities.LSDK.getUserProfilebyUserList("A0703"); //if (dsuser.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) //{ // DataTable dt1 = dsuser.Tables[0]; // dt1 = null; //} //DataTable newr = Comm.RtnEB("A0703", "Administration", "DIMYVR", "DIMYVR", "62010910", "2014", "1"); //DataSet ds3 = DIMERCO.SDK.Utilities.LSDK.getStationHierarchy(); //for (int i = 0; i < ds3.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) //{ // if (ds3.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString()=="GCRSHA") // { // string sw = ds3.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString(); // } //} //DataTable dttt = ds3.Tables[0]; //判断登录状态 //Session["UserID"] = "A5236"; Session["UserName"] = "******"; //if (Request.Cookies["eReimUserID"] != null) //{ // Response.Cookies["eReimUserID"].Value = "A5236"; //将值写入到客户端硬盘Cookie // Response.Cookies["eReimUserID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);//设置Cookie过期时间 //} //else //{ // HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("eReimUserID", "A5236"); // cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12); // Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); //} //if (Request.Cookies["eReimUserName"] != null) //{ // Response.Cookies["eReimUserName"].Value = "Angel Chen"; //将值写入到客户端硬盘Cookie // Response.Cookies["eReimUserName"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);//设置Cookie过期时间 //} //else //{ // HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("eReimUserName", "Angel Chen"); // cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12); // Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); //} cs.DBCommand dbc = new cs.DBCommand(); if (Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserID") == null) { X.AddScript(";Panel1.disable();"); return; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "", "$('div.gn_person ul.q-menubox li:eq(0) a').text('" + Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserName").Value + "');", true); X.AddScript("loginWindow.hide();Panel1.enable();"); } //准备下拉菜单内容 Ext.Net.ListItem li = new Ext.Net.ListItem(Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserName").Value, Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserID").Value); cbxPerson.Items.Add(li); string sqlitem = "select * from Eagent where [St]=1 and [PAgentID]='" + Request.Cookies.Get("eReimUserID").Value + "'"; try { DataTable dtitem = new DataTable(); dtitem = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqlitem); int itemcount = 0; if (dtitem != null) { for (int j = 0; j < dtitem.Rows.Count; j++) { string sqlpara = sqlitem; bool d1 = true; bool d2 = false; if (dtitem.Rows[j][5].ToString() != "") { //sqlpara += " and getdate()>='" + dtitem.Rows[j]["Bdate"].ToString() + "' "; if (DateTime.Now >= Convert.ToDateTime(dtitem.Rows[j][5].ToString())) { d1 = true; } else { d1 = false; } } if (dtitem.Rows[j][6].ToString() != "") { //sqlpara += " and getdate()<='" + dtitem.Rows[j]["Edate"].ToString() + "' "; if (DateTime.Now <= Convert.ToDateTime(dtitem.Rows[j][6].ToString())) { d2 = true; } else { d2 = false; } } if (d1 && d2) { li = new Ext.Net.ListItem(dtitem.Rows[j][1].ToString(), dtitem.Rows[j][2].ToString()); cbxPerson.Items.Add(li); itemcount++; } } if (itemcount < 1) { cbxPerson.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { DIMERCO.SDK.MailMsg mail = new DIMERCO.SDK.MailMsg(); mail.FromDispName = "eReimbursement"; mail.From = "*****@*****.**"; mail.To = "*****@*****.**"; mail.Title = "eReimbursement Bug" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:dd"); mail.Body = "<div>Error<br/>" + sqlitem + "</div>"; mail.Send(); } } catch (Exception ex) { DIMERCO.SDK.MailMsg mail = new DIMERCO.SDK.MailMsg(); mail.FromDispName = "eReimbursement"; mail.From = "*****@*****.**"; mail.To = "*****@*****.**"; mail.Title = "eReimbursement Bug" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:dd"); mail.Body = ex.Message + "<br/>" + ex.InnerException.ToString() + sqlitem + "</div>"; mail.Send(); } string sqltype = ""; string sqldraft = ""; if (Request.Cookies["lang"] != null && Request.Cookies["lang"].Value.ToLower() == "zh-cn") { PagingToolbar1.DisplayMsg = "显示 {0} - {1} of {2}"; ResourceManager1.Locale = "zh-CN"; sqltype += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; sqldraft += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; } else { PagingToolbar1.DisplayMsg = "Displaying items {0} - {1} of {2}"; ResourceManager1.Locale = "en-US"; sqltype += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; sqldraft += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; } //if (Request.Cookies["lang"] != null) //{ // string lang = Request.Cookies["lang"].Value; // if (lang.ToLower() == "en-us") // { // PagingToolbar1.DisplayMsg = "Displaying items {0} - {1} of {2}"; // ResourceManager1.Locale = "en-US"; // sqltype += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; // sqldraft += "select [Text]=EText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; // } // else // { // PagingToolbar1.DisplayMsg = "显示 {0} - {1} of {2}"; // ResourceManager1.Locale = "zh-CN"; // sqltype += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; // sqldraft += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; // } //} //else //{ // sqltype += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='MainType'"; // sqldraft += "select [Text]=CText,[Value]=CValue from Edic where KeyValue='Type'"; //} DataTable dttype = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqltype); StoreType.DataSource = dttype; StoreType.DataBind(); DataTable dtdraft = dbc.GetData("eReimbursement", sqldraft); StoreDraft.DataSource = dtdraft; StoreDraft.DataBind(); //载入半年内申请 string sqldate = " and ApplyDate >='" + DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6).Date.ToString() + "' and ApplyDate <='" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date.ToString() + "'"; BindData(sqldate); } }