public void TimeEvents_DayOfMonthChanged(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.EventArgsNewDay e) { if (game_loaded == false) { return; } if (first_check == false) { first_check = true; Log.Info("first"); return; } else { first_check = false; Log.Info("Second"); } if (Game1.farmerShouldPassOut == true) { Game1.farmerShouldPassOut = false; //make the farmer collapse. } reset_check = false; //Game1.farmerShouldPassOut = false; //make the farmer collapse. DataLoader(); MyWritter(); //List<string> newmail = new List<string>(); Queue <string> newmail = new Queue <string>(); up_late = false; if (time_reset == true) { was_raining = false; if (persistant_stamina == true) { Game1.player.stamina = pre_stam; //reset health and stam upon collapsing } if (persistant_health == true) { = pre_health; } //post_money =; if (protect_money == true) { += post_money; once = true; } //add the money back from colapsing. time_reset = false; //reset my bool. if (warp == true) { Game1.warpFarmer(prior_map, player_x, player_y, false); } // very_old_money = (safety_cash -; // += very_old_money; } if (wipe_mail == true) { foreach (var i in Game1.mailbox) //delete those annoying charge messages. If only I could do this with mail IRL. { Log.Info(i); if (i.Contains("passedOut")) { Log.Info("Found bad mail"); } else { newmail.Enqueue(i); } } Game1.mailbox.Clear(); foreach (string mail in newmail) { Game1.mailbox.Enqueue(mail); } } warped_check = false; //prior_map==null; //prevents multiple warping when sleeping }
public void TimeEvents_DayOfMonthChanged(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.EventArgsNewDay e) { /* * IMPLEMENT TRY CATCH SYSTEM HERE * */ try { if (game_loaded == false) { return; } if (first_check == false) { first_check = true; Log.Info("first"); return; } else { first_check = false; Log.Info("Second"); } if (Game1.farmerShouldPassOut == true) { Game1.farmerShouldPassOut = false; //make the farmer collapse. } reset_check = false; //Game1.farmerShouldPassOut = false; //make the farmer collapse. DataLoader(); MyWritter(); //List<string> newmail = new List<string>(); Queue <string> newmail = new Queue <string>(); up_late = false; if (time_reset == true) { was_raining = false; if (persistant_stamina == true) { Game1.player.stamina = pre_stam; //reset health and stam upon collapsing } if (persistant_health == true) { = pre_health; } //post_money =; if (protect_money == true) { += post_money; once = true; } //add the money back from colapsing. time_reset = false; //reset my bool. if (warp == true) { Game1.warpFarmer(prior_map, player_x, player_y, false); } // very_old_money = (safety_cash -; // += very_old_money; } if (wipe_mail == true) { foreach (var i in Game1.mailbox) //delete those annoying charge messages. If only I could do this with mail IRL. { Log.Info(i); if (i.Contains("passedOut")) { Log.Info("Found bad mail"); } else { newmail.Enqueue(i); } } Game1.mailbox.Clear(); foreach (string mail in newmail) { Game1.mailbox.Enqueue(mail); } } warped_check = false; //prior_map==null; //prevents multiple warping when sleeping } catch (Exception ex) { try { Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer(); serializer.NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore; serializer.TypeNameHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.All; serializer.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented; serializer.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Error_Path, "Mod_State.json"))) { using (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter writer2 = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter(sw)) { serializer.Serialize(writer2, this, typeof(Stardew_NightOwl.Class1)); } } } catch (Exception exc) { Log.Info(exc); } Stardew_Omegasis_Utilities.Mod.Error_Handling.Log_Error(new List <string>(), ex); } }